Do you guys think akame ga kill needs a remake that actually follows the manga?

Do you guys think akame ga kill needs a remake that actually follows the manga?

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Adding tomatoes and lettuce to a shit sandwich wont make it taste better

No, akame ga kill was pretty enjoyable and good desu. Strong 8 from me.

Reminder that Mine won is in the manga.

If anything AgK! needs to be a hentai VN.

They're assassins...

No. Garbage series in imo, but at this point its past its time.
I think that if it does get a "soft reset" it would be like 2017's Ao No Exorcist.

I love Mine so much that I like to think that after the manga’s ending Tatsumi and Mine never stop having kids or sex. That the new size difference between their reproductive organs caused them to be so addicted to rough sex that Mine stayed pregnant for the rest of her. That Mine stays flat chested despite pregnancy. That even when mine is already pregnant Tatsumi still had sex with her with his dragon cock throughout every pregnancy and that he can and does knocking her up even more during pregnancy because his sperm also acts as a form of gonadotropin medication, and child birth was difficult or even impossible for mine because tatsumi almost never pulls out of her pussy even after cumming because, as a dragon, he has no refractory period and the orgasms just make them both more horny. That being pregnant with dragon children stop Mine from ageing so she and Tatsumi can keep having sex forever. That Mine is reluctant to have sex while pregnant but gets onto Tatsumi’s dragon dick anyways out of her addiction to it. That the minimum about of babies that Mine will be pregnant at a time with were decuplets and that her pregnant belly will be so large and heavy that she will be unable to move from the bed they have sex on and she will have no choice but to were clothing that shows her belly. that Tatsumi fucks Mine so hard during pregnancy that his dick penetrates her womb/cervix completely and ends up hitting the very top of her womb. That they have sex even when they do not want to because Tatsumi’s dragon urges forces him to rape Mine 24/7 and that he can only pull out long enough to let Mine give birth to one of their babies before being overwhelmed by his urge to put his dick back into her pussy. That Tatsumi and Mine are trap in a never end pregnancy sex hell born from their own love for each other. P.S. I self insert as dragon Tatsumi in this.

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It doesn't deserve one.

If that happens this meme would reach farther across the internet.

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No, there's no significant difference between the two endings other than Tatsumi living as a dragon.

Best girl got a happy ending in both

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>No, there's no significant difference between the two endings other than Tatsumi living as a dragon.
and Mine being alive and pregnant with Tatsumi's kid.

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I said significant differences, Mine taking dragon cock isn't that important

Watched it to the end and I must say:
this anime had even THIS balls

why would you make a sandwich from shit?

Them having a kid is pretty significant, plus mine is basically the reason why he turned into a dragon.

They fucked before that.

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>citation needed

Akame saw the act.

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I'm so annoyed at how nerfed Akame is in the "sequel"

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...there is a sequel?

Hinowa ga Crush!, Ironically the title character died in the first chapter so her daughter is the main character.

Leone best girl

anime ending is better


>Not liking the dragon dick ending.

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>title character died in the first chapter

Makes you wonder why the series is named after her, in that case. Though at least she can't be blamed of having plot armor, I suppose

the manga story was better, yet still doodoo

Her daughter took up her name thus she is calling herself Hinowa, though I don't know if she counts as a title character though seeing how it's not her real name, are there any other series that kill of the title character.

Ah, ok, I guess that works. Can't say I remember any that do, most title characters have at least that much plot armor to their name

Is Suzuka in it?

What was the Emperor thinking when he decided that one of the Teigu will be a microphone?

The only returning character is Akame as she went to the eastern nation which is basically not-japan, which I guess means that the empire was not-china.

You could say that about most of the Teigus.

Honestly, can't remember any other "wacky" Teigus right now, got any examples that you think would apply here?
(I guess the microphone was just so out of place that it stuck to my mind)

I am pretty sure the elemental teigu the pedo clown were using were suppose to be baseballs thus the name Big Leaguer. Also the teigu that lets Chelsea turn into anything is a fucking makeup kit/cosmetic case.

I just remembered that I had the full version.

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>the Mars of Destruction of manga
It's one of the worst manga ever written why the fuck would you want that garbage

The romance of TatusmixMine and WavexKurome were good though.

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AgK needs to be forgotten.

It's should of been a hentai VN like most of the series the author makes.

Oh yeah, the pedo clown was a thing... Gaia Foundation is really weird, I mean, how does it exactly work? I also wonder if only Chelsea can use it, or if she could've used it to turn the whole Night Raid into birds

bigger question is why is it a make up kit, I mean if anything it should of been like the disguise kit that the TF2 spy uses.

>I also wonder if only Chelsea can use it
Hell why didn't she use it to get into the palace.

It's a feminine version of that, clearly. Hardcore makeup, at any rate. You'd think the Emperor would just try to mass produce Gaia Foundation, since it is straight up magic.

The author probably used his ace in the hole, "I forgot". The greatest weapon known to authors

I mean I am really start to get convinced that AgK! is really a post Apocalypse setting.

What's even funnier is that when he was captured by Esdeath the first time Tatsumi could of just get himself into a postilion where he could assassinate both the PM and the emperor.

Don't know ask Tashiro, He's the one thats gone and done it

pretty much this desu

Alternatively, the emperor who made the Teigu was an isekai protagonist.

I actually would like a prequel manga about the first emperor, be funny and ironic if he actually married someone very similar to Mine.

It could work as a prequel, yeah

>You'd think the Emperor would just try to mass produce Gaia Foundation, since it is straight up magic.
I believe that was stated to be impossible with any teigu.

>how does it exactly work?
All I know that it did not save her from being a Christmas tree star.

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That so? I guess I ought to go read Teigu details to refresh my memory on the subject...


The reason why they can't make anymore teigu is because the danger beasts they were made from are all extincted and I am pretty sure are was only one of each of those super class danger beasts.

Ah, that would make sense.

>tfw no AkG MonHun style game

Where are licensed games when you need them?

Hell I want Want a AgK! VN with sex scenes, also I kind of which for one of the Mine route endings to end up like this

No the manga has good ideas very badly executed

What it needs is more doujins.

She doesn't have her cheat sword anymore what do you expect.

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how the lion chick died was total bullshit
"oh no i don't need healing from this gunshot wound and falling of a 3 story building. let me just drink and party for a few hours then drop dead in a alley"

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It was rather badly written, and I still can't make sense of it to this day.

What were the differences again

It's implied he was already dead and the effects of her teigu were wearing off. It was still bullshit though.
Mine, Tatsumi and kurome survived Mine got pregnant after having sex with Tatsumi, Tatsumi became a dragon, Bols family got literal raped to death by wild hunt and ran died.

she was already dead

But manga ending is the best ending of any series ever made, ever, of course taking in cosideration the japanese don't know how to make endings but still, the best.

What's the manga ending like? I never bothered to read it since the anime was kinda mediocre.

Mine and kurome ended up surviving at the end, Tatsumi survives turns into a dragon and Mine went on to have his kids.


The anime ending was kino so no.

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Nah. The ending itself wasn't much better in spite of a couple of better moments and the series kind of fell in a trap by introducing a new batch of antagonists bellow Esdeath just to delay the ending.