if Sailor Moon was a series created by females for females, then why does this frame exist?
If Sailor Moon was a series created by females for females, then why does this frame exist?
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All females are bisexual.
girls are horny, too.
Because female sexuality is idealized and beautiful.
Animated by male yurifag natch.
All females are lesbian.
My dick says you are wrong
Women define themselves over their fuckhole and the desire of men to enter it.
Sailor moon is lame.
Everything follows from a false premise.
Girls love sex dude. They're just extremely fucking picky about it.
This but unironically, remember listening to a lecture where the smart bald dude said more than 80% of women feel or felt sexual desire to other women.
And you aren't?
That explains Utena
>why does this frame exist?
Blame Ikuni
Ikuhara got creative control after he put his good pal Enokido in charge of the series composition and Takeuchi was still figuring out what was the Dream arc about
So its: Humans love sex dude. They´re just extremely fucking picky about it.
The anime has a lot of filler and also was made by men. Ikuhara is also a yurifag.
Can anybody summerize the acutal plot of sailor moon? I watched it as a kid but can't remember ANYTHING
Ikuhara is one of the few artists alive right now who encourages me to live
thank you based Ikuhara
All girls want to fuck other girls.
Wasn't the manga for Sailor Moon just the same arc like 5 times?
200 episode slice of life series disguised as a mahou shojo/sentai hybrid. Largely follows monster of the week format. Inevitably a big bad shows up to prey on Sailor Moon's naivety and idealism (and, frankly, stupidity) but tragedy is subverted at the last hour and evil stopped by the power of love and justice.
I honestly can't think of a man more based
>men doing feminism better than women
Oof, I'm no incel but...
Pretty common.
>>men doing fanservice better than women
You're an underage redditor?
Yeah user, it's pretty self evident.
mad hamplanet detected
>Ikuni thread
For somebody who says you're not an incel you sure do act like one.
I can dislike female anime fans who shit on based Ikuni without being an incel [women hater]
But being so obsessed as to think that not only anybody here is shitting on Ikuni, but that they must also be females to do so, does give people that impression.
>this is serious feminism, not echi111111
Sailor Moon is hardly ecchi
Based Ikuhara
to be honest though, Utena TV series is GOOD because Chiho Saito was there to restrain Ikuni from going batshit.
then look at the film, it's honest to god garbage compared to the series, because it was Ikuhara unhinged.
Stop, I refuse to believe loli Senshi exist
>Sailor Moon is hardly ecchi
You probably weren't even conceived when SM was broadcasted on TV and was amply censored because good lord knows how many boners and fetishes poor little me got from it, including tentacle sex.
Pretty much most of my fetishes are Ikuni's fault, outside of brown skin, which I have to blame Anno for, and SM porn being so plentiful to this day THANKS to the TV series is undoubtedly because it was plenty erotic, which is again, Ikuni's fault (or merit depending on how you look at it).
Sailor Moon may be a shoujo but the animators know what people like
>You probably weren't even conceived when SM was broadcasted on TV
(You) would be wrong, and more over I've actually gone back and watched the DVDs of s1
Here not loli youtube.com
Is there anyone more based than Minako
Because Minako a slut. SLUT!
You'd think the presence of yurifags would have made for certain scenes of the manga getting animated (ie Uranus/Haruka and Seiya kissing Usagi) unless there were some censorship rules against that.
I know Crystal adapted the first kiss
If Sailormoon aired today Minako would be the epitome of used goods
It's a good thing Sailormoon aired in the 90s
Reminder that Minako hates nerds.
How can tentacles as "fetish" be anyone's fault? Aren't they the logical conclusion of the curious mind, always striving for perfection in putting on display the divine beauty of the female body? In particular due to their near-infinite degrees of freedom, ultimately limited only by the flexibility of its "victim?" And then surely the kind of warm, tight embrace of a loving body must also be emotionally appealing to a 2d yome. If unorthodox. Although it's the one thing I always ask myself in regards to how 2d girls perceive it... that is the the absence of a true torso? Unless you still display the presence of a torso regardless, in addition its tentacle-based abstraction. Yet either way, how would tentacles not be perfect in virtually every other regard? Especially when considering the modularity of its tips (multiple kissing mouths cherishing her lovely body, multiple penises penetrating her wonderful self passionately, generic tips gripping and fondling her tightly, etc)... I do hold the belief that anyone would ultimately arrive at tentacles not as a sexual "fetish," but simply for artistic and also empathetic reasons.
*I do understand if a 2d yome would frown upon being entirely "powerless." But even then why would you start rejecting tentacles, rather than give her some kind of "power" in the act?
Minako is best girl but Hina Rei just does something awful to my cock.
Are there any risque scenes even in sailor moon?
I almost picked it up but noticed there was a tonne of episodes so I delayed it a bit.
Funnily enough I watched venus5 instead and it scratched my senshi-getting-dick itch.
I love Makoto in the rest of the girls' uniform
That's pretty gay, in a hot way.
Absolutely this.
Ikuhara gender issue exploration was always fascinating and based, trannies can never compare.
>I almost picked it up
>this is modern day Yea Forums
>Absolutely this.
Shut the fuck up.
>Takeuchi is married to Togashi.
>Ikuhara worked on the Sailor Moon series
Do you think that the three of them ever hung out together?
Ikuhara seems to autistic to hang out with normal people. Togashi is basically a NEET.
The absolute state of this samefag
The absolute state of me when I'm not even sure which website I should tell you to fuck off to
>if Sailor Moon was a series created by females for females, then why does this frame exist?
It wasn't created entirely by females, but even if it were, believe it or not women do enjoy sex and being being pleasured. Who wudda thunk it eh?
Be honest if you married a hot chick and had YYH,Sailor moon and HXH money you would do shit either
Only two posts in there are mine though.
So yeah, the absolute state of (You)
My waifu is pure and completely oblivious to sex and pleasure. Only when we have our first time she'll become aware of that. And that's when I'll dispose of her and go look for another cute and pure girl.
>My waifu
Do not exist,
>I think I’m just gonna kill them all
I love her so much.
Rei is the sluttiest because she the was first one to show her pantsu on screen.
I feel bad for their kids tho
Have to deal with a deadbeat dad
I heard he leaves the house for two years at a time only to sporadically return for a few months before leaving again
>Have to deal with a deadbeat dad
Dude have you never seen Togashi's room?
The man barely takes care of himself, let alone kids.
>Smart bald dude
That was years ago before they were right as fuck. I would be surprised if they didn't have a maid service to some degree.
Meant for
>before they were right as fuck
Before he was rich as fuck.
Holy fuck
I got to go back and watch sailor moon.
I remember seeing this as a little kid and getting the biggest boner from it.
What of it? I don't get it.
The male directors are what made it good
How did she get access to THAT?!
Her omakes are hilarious.
Ikuhara love erotic expression.
utena was peak of erotisism.
If I really liked Sailor Moon and Cutie Honey Flash would I like Utena?
sailor moon is gay? i thought the main character has a male mc love interest