These niggas died like a bitch.

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Just like the integrity of this shit manga

Those niggas were also the bitches of the Phantom Troupe.

When is this masterpiece coming back?

Should have listened to the fortune

Did he deserved it, bros?

You don't know how to use slang faggot

I'm just waiting for the rest of the trope to die without doing anything of importance on the series and people will still try to act like they were these super amazing characters.

Hisoka cheated

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He was my favorite Phantom Troupe member.
Now I don't care if Hisoka/Kurapika kill the rest. They are all bland and stupid.

That's the point. They do not deserve a glorious death.

At the pace of togashits hiatuses? If you are lucky he is gonna die of too much back pain before he can act like it affect his art """""""'"""skills""""""""""""""""""

Should have asked Kubo to draw for him.

It's always been experimental and is continuing to be so, hush DBSpic.

Kubo barely does backgrounds while Togashi loves to add a lot of detail to the backgrounds.

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Niggers (s)

Machi was supposed to die too but Togashi chickened out



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I actually liked Shalnark.

That is just sad dude

Can someone explain this image that keeps getting spammed

Hisoka asspull reviving himself with only explanation being "o my rubber nen" aka "hisoka is a fucking cheater"

>Your IQ

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Hisoka saw his imminent death and placed Bungee Gum, an aura substance that he can make expand and contract at will, around his heart. In HxH, if someone dies with strong emotions their aura can remain active after their death and even become stronger.
After Hisoka was presumed dead by suffocation under a pile of bodies, the gamble worked. Bungee Gum activated and forced his heart to start beating again, which revived him.

It gets memed to high heaven as an "ass pull" because it was presented poorly, seen as a cop out ending to a death match, and possibly because people who don't actually read HxH don't know about previously established things in the series. Some also argue that he should be brain damaged after being deprived of oxygen. (Although I disagree on that, as it was shown before that nen user flesh has much higher vitality than a normal person's even as a corpse)


Thank you user


trollsoka in the house again

You mean that Togookshi "pays" interns to trace famous paintings, and moviesets into his series. Meanwhile Kubo maintained sole creative agency over his series. He had the courage and good sense to sometimes not bother with irrelevant background details so that readers are more drawn to his intricately designed characters and their personaility driven, sometimes outright philosophical, conflicts.

It's gonna be a long boat ride.

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Watch in 10 years as Hisoka only kills 2 spiders on the boat. 10 FUCKING YEARS GUYS!

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I hope fucking Nobunaga is next desu.

Nobu might be a joke but he's at least amusing. Better some boring fucks die first like Bolenov, Franklin or Phinks.

Phinks is the most based spider, you fucking pleb.

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Pitou is the best girl and is my wife

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DBchads... p-please... bump our thread...

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Depends what your tasteless ass considers based. Phinks is powerful but that's it. He's a boring piece of shit and if he died in the next chapter it would have zero influence on the plot and feel of the manga. If Nobu died a certain amount of humor and unconventional behavior would be lost. This isn't much of course but he offers some fun, Phinks doesn't offer shit to the reader except another beefy spider to grease up Hisoka's dinner.

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Machi was supposed to die but Togashi said that it might have been too premature since he still has some ideas for her character. Not really surprising since she was Hisoka immediate connection to the Troupe and how he constantly flirted with her.

Defending white paper with anime dudes fighting this hard LOL.

Yoo, just wanted you guys to know that I took a fat SHIT and used HxH to wipe my STINKY ASSHOLE.

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>buys expensive toilet paper
What a fag.

Hisoka should've died but he asspulled himself back to life.

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>hype up Hisoka v Chrollo for years upon years
>both become a staple to the series
>hiatus has caused the series to lose steam especially after last arc
>"Lets get people interested again by making them fight!'
>Can't kill one or the other due to how popular they are
>Come up with a bullshit way to save face and one of them

His brain cells would start dying almost the moment his heart stopped, if you want to bring medicine into this he should've came back a retarded clown

>He had the courage and good sense to sometimes not bother with irrelevant background details

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Maybe he did receive brain damage, but not extensive enough for him to stop what he is doing.

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This is honest to god a top 5 moment in HxH.

>not a single hunterchad mentioned in this thread
That singing really killed you guys, huh

Leorio’s new nen power.

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>he should've came back a retarded clown
Implying he didn't

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If I remember right Hisoka took out blonde dude by surprise, right?
Would Hisoka stand a chance if blonde dude went full Super Saiyan mode?

I really feel like the "nen becomes stronger after the users death" was just a big free setup for eventual asspulls.
Its like making a shounen series and saying "sometimes characters can come back to life at random".


Anyone else lost interest in Hisoka after he started using rubber nen shit?
Before when he just fought with cards he was a pretty cool character. Then the bubblegum shit started and its like he went from "actual skilled" fighter to "OP shenanigans"' fighter.

>if you want to bring medicine into this he should've came back a retarded clown
Like all those hundreds of lazarus syndrome patients who came back after hours of heart failure and continued to function just fine?
I buy he received slight brain damage but nothing he can't turn around to his advantage.

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Last couple of years he came back around april/may I think.

Only because you said please. Know your place and maybe CHADs of Yea Forums would tolerate your presence.

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>seen as a cop out ending to a death match
It was a cop out though. So was the
>I'll just give myself rubber prosthetics and cover them up!

Both the revival and the healing can be explained fine but for fuck sake if we're having a death match it'd be a lot more satisfying if one of them stayed dead, or atleast had a real consequence. It doesn't count if the wounds are overcome in the next bloody chapter, they're superficial at that point (Not even as much as that since they're bloody covered up!)

I think it would've been much better if Hisoka managed to kill Shal and Koro during the match and escape the arena and let the enraged Troupe chase him to the boat, or him just kill Chrollo for the same effect.

No one is forcing you to care.