Post Characters

That are literally you.

I'll start:

Attached: C3F10251-F8F2-41E0-A771-7A90CD49B057.png (1360x768, 523K)

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Hi guys this is literally me please don’t be too hard on me

Attached: 89DD35D4-A49A-4AB1-AB64-683DFCA80C68.jpg (614x390, 356K)

Try your absolute hardest to defer to the character you wish you were, and who you ACTUALLY are.

Like this guy.

Attached: 0565E1A4-91C7-4229-AD2C-F2C4A8C5FB67.png (360x594, 250K)

Intelligent, Nihilistic and with a Wicked Sense of Humor

Attached: D03E00AC-6660-437A-93E4-A11A927D05EE.jpg (1280x720, 78K)

Attached: 1548422209011.jpg (2010x1509, 347K)

subs when?

Attached: itoshiki_nozomu.jpg (894x894, 53K)

Attached: hoshi.png (740x840, 241K)

Attached: qsjidtf8ldxz.png (960x951, 1.13M)

Attached: 1549779401344.jpg (400x381, 20K)

Date me

How can she be always so smug? How is this allowed.

Sorry, but I'm taken.

Attached: me and my bf.png (744x583, 539K)

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Attached: Screenshot_610.png (1116x811, 311K)

This little bitch

Attached: 1537770205370.jpg (500x560, 46K)

Attached: 8.png (225x350, 108K)

Literally who are you?

Date me

Post pics, little boy.


>Yea Forums
pick one

>no cute girls that constantly try to start shit with anger issues


who is this

I'm broke, alcoholic, love gohan and no matter how much of a dick I am to my friends, they keep sticking around for me.

Attached: 1525986602963.jpg (459x360, 35K)

> another one of these threads
> I know exactly which pic to use

Literally me.

Attached: praise_the_lord.jpg (720x405, 34K)

I read that as
>no cute girls constantly trying to shit
What is wrong with me.

Attached: 1523739247473.jpg (1280x720, 103K)

too much Yea Forums or Yea Forums probably

Attached: cd7d37fa6a0711d2247a0a210e219942.jpg (900x1200, 495K)

but seriously,
when are you back?

Me on the bottom.

Attached: GOD_I_WISH_IT_WERE_ME.jpg (1920x1080, 840K)

You are back?

Attached: 1394065707995.jpg (225x350, 45K)

He's still here watching over us all.

Attached: image-20150902-6700-t2axrz.jpg (1183x1183, 160K)

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Attached: 1520658435475.png (1280x720, 530K)

Attached: 1539329870184.jpg (1280x1440, 254K)

Gintama is a stealth seinen. Failed adults are suppose to relate to him. Ie. no job, drinks, is rude, uses manga as escapism, waste of potential. He is a lot of us

Attached: Tanaka-kun.jpg (236x351, 26K)

I have no presence.

Attached: 1458526846167.png (714x574, 299K)

But i like to think im as handsome and adorable as sasuke

Attached: images (11).jpg (587x523, 38K)

I know a certain demographic that loves men like this.

movie cockblocked her smug so hard, i loved it

Attached: children.gif (600x400, 3.76M)

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Attached: 247942_200497.png (218x201, 133K)

Attached: literally me.png (470x469, 489K)

Attached: MP52.png (754x623, 164K)

If there were this many cute girls that browse Yea Forums I'd have to ask where the fuck are they hiding

Attached: fist.jpg (250x403, 53K)

Me on the left

Attached: 7CA9A670-F34E-4AE3-B2F7-00FA6805ABD7.jpg (1280x720, 93K)

Attached: D2B7A1B9-2D7A-4090-9075-5244E1AFEFFE.jpg (731x1080, 264K)

Literally me

Attached: 1622F84B-D431-4394-9F64-7D4BFFBDBB76.png (1434x2048, 3.32M)

Right here

Attached: 90990B34-8C0B-4C42-99C6-C5764CBFBC6A.jpg (1000x1040, 788K)

I'm an edgelord with a stupid glare but I actually wish everyone for a happy peaceful life

Attached: Naruto - Naruto Chapter 476 - 13.jpg (2133x1600, 627K)

Let's be friends

Attached: 252875.jpg (360x360, 35K)

Attached: kaos.gif (500x281, 987K)

Attached: D0JnALCVAAIXYYP.jpg (1200x1200, 124K)

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Attached: Kotomine_finding_joy_in_life.png (1920x1080, 2.21M)

Why you do this Femanon?

You wanna get raped too?!

Attached: c7470ef464c5fb2dc2f5946126d574aa_400x400.jpg (400x400, 32K)


How could anyone rape this?

Attached: CBB752CE-FDA7-4AFC-88E0-323092E34DA6.jpg (1280x1437, 710K)

Where did you get this clip of me? Please take it down

Me on the left.
Or maybe the right.
Who cares, Baby?

Attached: 1551272320823.jpg (1007x641, 113K)

Attached: auntshinozaki.jpg (236x466, 14K)

Attached: tiresome.jpg (807x659, 42K)

Attached: DXYIUIiU0AA1YCP.jpg (1200x675, 95K)

>streams video games
>has a patreon with a bunch of supporters

Literally me.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hajimete no Gal - 04 [720p].mkv_snapshot_07.51_[2018.03.06_01.37.13].png (548x710, 396K)

either pic related
or this nigga

Attached: mpv-shot0001.jpg (1280x720, 140K)

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Attached: 1425852086600.png (500x500, 91K)

This thread is shit and all of you who posted in it should be ashamed of themselves, also him

Attached: IMG-20160524-WA0283.jpg (480x360, 17K)

I literally just masturbated to you.

ur mom gay

Attached: dio.jpg (512x288, 95K)

Attached: literally.jpg (480x480, 23K)

This is me. Literally me. No other character can come close to relating to me like this. There is no way you can convince me this is not me. This character could not possibly be anymore me. It's me, and nobody can convince me otherwise. If anyone approached me on the topic of this not possibly being me, then I immediately shut them down with overwhelming evidence that this character is me. This character is me, it is indisputable. Why anyone would try to argue that this character is not me is beyond me. If you held two pictures of me and this character side by side, you'd see no difference. I can safely look at this character every day and say "Yup, that's me". I can practically see this character every time I look at myself in the mirror. I go outside and people stop me to comment how similar I look and act to this character. I chuckle softly as I'm assured everyday this character is me in every way. I can smile each time I get out of bed every morning knowing that I've found my identity with this character and I know my place in this world. It's really quite funny how similar this character is to me, it's almost like we're identical twins. When I first saw this character, I had an existential crisis. What if this character was the real me and I was the fictional being. What if this character actual became aware of my existence? Did this character have the ability to become self aware itself?

Attached: literally me.jpg (650x349, 35K)

So, dead?

This is the brother of this girl

Attached: Literally Anon.webm (1920x1080, 599K)


Attached: IMG_8987.jpg (1669x1426, 1.13M)

Why does he run like a faggot?

Because he is

Attached: sakuta virgin.jpg (1280x720, 171K)


Attached: 1545945578092.jpg (1280x720, 57K)

Yes, inside.

Me because im useless

Attached: 1523180036630.jpg (1240x1754, 1.13M)

I find it hard to believe all of you are so likeable with a high moral compass

Attached: machiko_sexy.jpg (1280x1600, 938K)

Attached: 1533852620047.png (737x598, 729K)

Literally what you deserve

Attached: 3A04AB5E-6263-4987-B0E6-AEA41A6560EE.jpg (1000x1050, 519K)

Yeah, bully that user like chad did him in jr-high! Also fuck his anus.

I dropped the show but I saw this guy on the left and its the closest I've ever seen in anime

Attached: 1551438845899.jpg (1200x675, 60K)

Whats your patreon

Attached: 1D4FDE28-9C89-46B2-836A-2F956B1FBBAD.jpg (486x330, 95K)

So what! Everyone should go through same as I did! Also ass fucking.

I'm beginning to think you like ass fucking user

Attached: 1550801453206.png (537x557, 489K)


What can I say. I submitted to de dick and became stronger for it.

Attached: 1483711927348.png (321x321, 114K)

Attached: 1524051359095.jpg (1280x720, 171K)

it’s as they say, nothing can defeat the cock

Attached: FFA8D0EC-8BBD-4440-8D15-A10715F29340.jpg (1280x720, 122K)

Where did you get this picture of me?

Literally me.

Attached: D2854031-4158-4CDB-9938-C90CC27BEA40.jpg (1253x1770, 204K)

Attached: 1360183434702.jpg (1440x1949, 614K)

does it get better after the first few episodes?
I feel like I could relate but it's so disjointed and if that's the style throughout I'll give it a miss

Intelligent, Nihilistic and with a Wicked Sense of Humor

Attached: 1320810445688s.jpg (126x126, 3K)

Let me have sex with you

Attached: Dio_neck_stardust_crusaders_color_v16_025.png (677x396, 511K)

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Attached: 76434BA2-9227-47B0-B734-B136F469F71E.jpg (425x600, 47K)

Who’s dumber. Her or aqua?

Attached: 7E555720-3566-45BD-8DB0-0180D05FA12D.png (800x1000, 143K)

I can't find a picture of Akarin but that's OK because...

I said spread em'

Attached: tumblr_oobc8lrADB1vy2tgqo4_250.jpg (250x250, 30K)

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Attached: 1546186966064.jpg (696x898, 373K)

But literally me doesn’t wanna

Attached: 8620D098-D588-4C30-B6E7-45D041001879.jpg (1200x675, 81K)

Would you also respond seriously to a walk her home gently post?

Attached: DvPdqzjWoAIYQ1Y.jpg (746x1200, 111K)

Attached: I want to get high.png (776x811, 775K)

Depends if she had to eat all the eggs

You are an avatar of one of the shittiest Outer Gods?

Is it an edit?

kaede is so last season.

this season its cartado girl time (perferably in young wife mode)


Attached: 7F97C7E0-716C-4EAB-90F0-CE1B8309C34A.gif (500x281, 673K)

Anime was bad too, but I meant that Outer Gods that can't be understood by puny humans are cool, while a sadistic Outer God is pretty pathetic.

Attached: benny.jpg (1920x999, 790K)


Attached: B063F400-875E-4FA8-81C9-787286E0862E.jpg (640x361, 68K)

Dio pls

Attached: 1522586776817.png (1030x741, 1.64M)

She rightly earned it. You know she lives in Tokyo right?
She's basically put on a whole nother level compared to the rest of the NonNon's.

Attached: 79BCA669-C3C6-416F-B368-7AEA82F5A0C8.jpg (1167x740, 75K)

Were all cute girls on Yea Forums user

Attached: 64BD17CF-BCB1-4AA9-88F9-F2B371049CFE.jpg (500x573, 61K)

Attached: DepressedAnon.png (241x234, 121K)

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This is me minus the blood drinking, its caffeine instead

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Vampire Gabu > Angel Gabu

Attached: __sophie_twilight_tonari_no_kyuuketsuki_san_drawn_by_kure_pu__83645c0dd773af93025735afd13ceab1.png (729x1000, 570K)

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user, you're gonna be fine, right?

-Comes off dumb sometimes but
-Actually knows my subject matter
-Shitty car

>tfw no nyamo

Attached: yukari.jpg (316x240, 10K)

>Kumiko on a non-gay relationship

Holy shit that's me

Literally me.

Attached: Shinka29261.png (1366x768, 1.28M)


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