Stop discussing MRA hero

Stop discussing MRA hero.

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Daily reminder this is top tier sarcasm to Yea Forumsermin brainlets.

Why is this prevalent on Yea Forums? Is Yea Forums a /pol/ board?

>this is your average fedora hero fan
you reek of bitter inceldom

falsely accusing him of rape isn't just ethically dubious and needlessly off-putting, also lazy storytelling. From the beginning, we see that Naofumi has a reductive view of women overall, judging literally every woman he sees down to a bare-bones sketch of a princess in a book based on his perceptions of their sexuality and attainability. When Myne erroneously describes this new world as “a matriarchy” (despite the ruler being, you know, a king), its proximity to the reveal of Myne's betrayal creates a link between these two elements that's impossible to ignore. The implication, intended or not, is that in a world that venerates women, deceptive snakes like Myne will say whatever they want, and poor Nice Guys like Naofumi will suffer.

Every trick in the book is employed to frame Myne as an exaggeration of the duplicitous, promiscuous harpy that uses her beauty to lure men to their doom, and Naofumi is the innocent everyman who's punished for being too trusting, thus justifying the hatred and misanthropy that follows him. It's not just a cliché, it's a fantasy of persecution that's frequently propagated by men in order to justify mistreatment and mistrust of women. People rarely falsely accuse others of assault, but the fact is that society more often does not take allegations of rape seriously and often punishes victims for speaking up about it. The situation is so bad that the majority of victims choose not to report rape, because they will be ignored and harassed further.

This show is just garbage for fedora-tier faggots

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Your target audience are mostly on /r9k/ or /pol/, though, I don't think there's that much on Yea Forums

Go back to resetera tranny

Fuck the bullshit feminist bait but this brings up a couple of good points. Shows like this (most isekai, really) are pure wish-fulfilment, and Shield Hero is wish fulfiment aimed at people who WANT to be miserable outcasts from an unjust society which cruelly rejected them, and get satisfaction by proxy from the lying cunt princesses comeuppance and suffering.

It's very telling that the sort of people who enjoy this content despise anything or anyone who doesn't coddle the viewer and bluntly tells them and the characters in them that they need to grow up and be decent human beings, like Mob Psycho 100, Miyazaki etc.

I don't post here usually, because I'm a normalfag, and I know that my kind isn't welcome here, but I have to share my opinion this once.
I never hated women, and in fact have some female friends, some of which watches anime, and they all said that Myne was a bitch and Naofumi was rightfully upset at her.
Anyone trying to start gender wars in these threads are just trollers, pay them no attention.

...Framing a show around a false rape accusation doesn't automatically make for a terrible story, but it does potentially provide an indicator of where the author is coming from. Though some authors are more transparent in their attempted social commentary than others, each choice a writer makes will carry with it some unavoidable real-world baggage. A false rape accusation isn't always the wrong choice, but it is always a weighty choice that relies heavily on context. We exist in a world where rapes are staggeringly under-reported, women are constantly shamed and attacked for acknowledging abuses against them, and false rape reports are a tiny statistical aberration, vastly overshadowed by the number of assaults that are not reported at all. Given all this, Shield Hero's premise feels like a tone deaf story choice at best, and an indicator of the author's own feelings about women at worst.
In context, Shield Hero's premiere did every conceivable thing in its power to communicate that this was the latter case. But this author isn't just angry at women—his bitter paranoia extends to basically everyone around him....
Through the course of a “trial” that feels eerily similar to several paranoid conspiratorial memes about feminists I've seen online, Naofumi finds himself villainized by everyone, crucified by all of the author's social anxieties and hangups about women at once. 'Her kindness was all fake,' Naofumi thinks to himself, articulating the resentment of a million boys angry that simple kindness did not equal sexual interest from a woman. 'We should never have summoned the shield hero,' cry the people, succinctly summing up this show's contradictory sense of martyrdom. Frankly, I agree with them. Unconvincingly developed and emotionally sterile as this world may be, it deserves a better class of hero than this.

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No-one seriously believes that Myne did nothing wrong. The arguments are entirely around the storyline in the first place, not about Myne's innocence.

Can't wait till the cucks and animeonlys find out what happens later on to the bitch princess

where are people reposting these from

the fuck is MRA?

Some kind of military ration


>paranoia about someone being paranoid
the irony

>level 18

Man, this show really brings out the trannies trying to shit on it. Like if you're a tranny why even bother complaining about the false rape accusation in the show? Nobody is going to rape you anyway.

Shield Hero is mediocre, its fans and its anti-fans are abyssal, and it thoroughly deserves its trolling, falseflagging, cesspit threads that never talk about anything except retarded drama.

Roasties are mad that's why

>i act more contrarian than everyone and feel special for that.

Pretty much this, I actually can't wait for the english dub of this show so Vic can voice act Shield Hero, resetera trannies will go mad.

men's rights activist, fedora equivalent of women's rights activist

My Rapist Academia

Meal Ready to be Ate

There's already an english dub.

>isekai has mediocre writing
No shit. This is common knowledge, but people STILL going out of their way to whine over this anime shows how its, admittedly, heavy-handed narrative hits a sour spot with them, so no need to hide behind the "Oh I'm just criticizing the writing" facade, it didn't bother you with the other million shows enough to write up a copypasta for it either

Really? Is Vic the Shield Hero? If not huge missed opportunity. How is there already an english dub when the anime isn't even done airing? I don't pay attention to dubs or the english anime industry so I wouldn't know.

At the end of the day, reset era trannies and roasties completely btfo.


I can tell you are a faggot from a mile a away

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Rise of the Gamer Hero

Funimation has been doing "simuldubs" or whatever for a while now where the get the dubbed episodes out same day if not a few days after the episodes air in Japan. I want to say is started with Space Dandy but I could be wrong.

Honestly speaking, it wouldn't surprise me if the writer had some hangups with women. Even if I enjoy the show, the revenge fantasy with a false rape accusation in the center of it does seem rather on the nose.

Still doesn't justify the whiny feminists though.

The writer is a woman

at least post the spin off, you faggots.
>those who were supposed to be your friends attack you and destroy your career
>get an army of a legal team to sue asses
>"hey vic, it was just a prank, bro... c'mon lets drink something and talk"
I hate when people only want to talk after calling a fucking lawyer but before that they were just attacking him non-stop on twitter/facebook 24/7

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>The situation is so bad that the majority of victims choose not to report rape
I know I'm replying to pasta, but how could someone possibly know this?

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>does seem rather on the nose
In that it was used in general or because it's a hot topic issue? The first chapters of the story were written 7 years ago.

>The writer is a woman

Hasn't been confirmed, and it's entirely based on the author's name, which can very easily just be a penname.

Japs don't generally use pennames of the opposite sex

Some bogus feminist "studies" they love to spout

we don't know yet but it's weird the source material has some shojo elements I rarely find in isekai WN

yeah, now they want peace after shitting on him and his career. I don't defend Vic, but those maggots only have the balls posting on social media but once you come with a legal team, they want to make peace with you

Shield Hero has a lotta literal whos for the dub IIRC. No Ed Elric MC

rape scene when?

Goddamnit user.

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All of these slaves cages... he pick a loli slave


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I don't know which of the two implicit assumptions in this sentence combobulates my cashews more.
>Believing "innocent until proven guilty" makes you an MRA
>Believing the factually correct statement that the law contains double standards to the detriment of men makes you a fedora tipper
This shit is why this show unleashed a shitstorm in the West while Japan didn't care. There was no Shield Hero scandal in Japan, a country that strangely enough believes not every man accused of rape is a rapist.

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Literally this
>MC gets fucked over and accused of being a pervert
>to incel closet perverts (aka every anime fan ever) this is a crime worse than Griffith and the eclipse
>their hatred of women and desire to see this loser retard win forces them to watch it even though it’s a really sub par anime.

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>>"hey vic, it was just a prank, bro... c'mon lets drink something and talk"
I hope he rapes them in court, didn't he lose tons of roles over this bullshit? Pretty sure this is actually pretty easy to prove in court

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she was the cheapest because she was already sick

>In that it was used in general or because it's a hot topic issue? The first chapters of the story were written 7 years ago.

Neither of those. It's more the fact that Myne is so cartoonishly over-the-top evil that I can't take her seriously, yet her rape accusation is the literal centerpiece of the entire story. Myne can be completely summed up as "Every Negative Stereotype about Women: The Character", and it's so obvious that the main thing the anime will build up to will be her comeuppance (I haven't read the LN, so I'm just guessing here). To use an analogy, it'd be like if there were a LN where the MC was a woman who wanted to write about sexual harassment in games, then got harassed and threatened over it, and the main harasser was a male character who's personality is basically every single thing SJWs think about how men are. Even if the story turned out good, you could guess pretty easily what the message behind it is.

Since I don't know the author's gender or how the story goes, I can admit I might be wrong about this, but it's just the impression I get from the writing in Shield Hero so far.

>Can't wait till the cucks and animeonlys find out what happens later on to the bitch princess
imagine the butthurt this will cause. only shitposting will prevail and it's gonna be glorious.
posting the template for later. it'll definelty find usage

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I can't keep up with the new words these zoomers keep on inventing.

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Most names in Japan are unisex.

not this one

>t. Cucklord

I take a break from /pol/ and thes cancerous idiots they constantly talk about try to put their politics in anime.
I just want a break from these retarded feminists.

yeah, as soon as he got a legal team, everyfucking one of them wanted to forget about the twitter attacks.



An MRA is a guy who tries to fight the system because the courts took his kids away or forced him into paying alimony in a no fault divorce. Literally has nothing to do with anything being discussed in this fucking thread.

>stop talking about things I don't like
Grow up faggot. Just don't go into the threads lmao. Like nigga close your eyes.

bump :^)

>making bait threads on a ANONYMOUS IMAGEBOARD

is like farming for EXP in a non rpg game

you people are stupid

griffith did nothing wrong

still better than what Myne did.

I always thought that the paranoia exhibited by Naofumi was more meant to showcase how traumatic experiences can drive one to being suspicious of everyone, even people trying to help him, just like how rape victims can be scared that every person on the street is going to rape them on the spot. It's a assumption that isn't based on reality, however their worldview is distorted by one extreme experience.

Likewise the reactions of the average citizen in the capital are also distorted, not just by the story as some would suggest but by celebrity and authority. They see Naofumi, and the title of Shield hero itself as being disgraceful and vile, not because of their own experiences with them, but because the ones that are in charge told them so. If the title of Shield Hero was more respected in the first place, he never would have been persecuted so.

I guess in some way, people's view of reality being distorted is a big theme in this series.
No (you)s for you


>page 8
nada :^)

I honestly don't see enough similarities to all MRA, incels, MTGOWS, or red pills. There was a false rape accusation on episode 1 but Shield Hero isn't actively seething with rage for all women. Hell, his entire party is compromised of women, granted one's an oversized magical chicken and the other is half racoon.

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>the other is half racoon.
You say that like it's a bad thing

>and it's so obvious that the main thing the anime will build up to will be her comeuppance
It's pretty inconsequential to the scope of the full story. She ends up being a mid-boss more than anything. I don't understand why people want so hard to convince themselves that this show is Revenge Following a False Rape Accusation: The Anime. That's not what the story is about, that is just a small part of it. Myne is just some bitch who shows up and beats on Naofumi for calculated reasons that have actual context in the story that might be explained in the anime, not just because she is the author's whipping boy for all their supposed misgivings about women. Your perceptions about this show are incorrect, I could understand how you could have those misconceptions at this point in the show, but to understand what the show is actually about you will have to watch more of it.

Aren't raccoons supposed to be black and white? Yet everybody insists she's half raccoon. She looks more like a red panda to me.

Because to some extremely deluded and obsessed people, any media that even touches on controversial subjects has to be either in support of those subjects, against them or must have them as their core themes to make a statement about them. What is something a woman can do to destroy the public image of a man or another woman for that matter? Have them labeled as a rapist. Does this imply that all women will use this tactic if men wrong them? No. Does it imply all women fantasize about doing this to men for pleasure? No. Does this make a statement that all rape accusations should be assumed to be false more often than true? No. It's just something this woman does because she has the authority of royalty on her side, and in their society, it is THE MOST effective means of tarnishing someone's name. That's it. Thats all it was. Just an underhanded deed by a villian.

People have a hard time understanding that simply acknowledging the existence of something controversial by including it in your story doesn't mean you are taking a stance on it.

I hope this is bait and not someone still being butthurt about this anime a month after it aired

>It's very telling that the sort of people who enjoy this content despise anything or anyone who doesn't coddle the viewer and bluntly tells them and the characters in them that they need to grow up and be decent human beings, like Mob Psycho 100, Miyazaki etc.
Nice generalization fag. I'm watching both this and Mob, hell Mob is even my personal AOTS

>page 10
AOTD deserves a bump from me :^)

>despite the ruler being, you know, a king
the ruler is the queen, the king is in charge right now because the queen is busy settling shit with the other countries

Its pasta from an ANN article, don't respond to it.

Me too. Why does this thread keep sinking? OP is always a faggot and we should never do what he wants, why has this been forgotten?

>Falling for this bait multiple times a day 7 days a week

shut the fuck up you retarded OP, youre just the useful idiot of the hour