Kanojo Okarishimasu

Cover of the volume 9

(When the spoilers of the chapter 81 will be released?)

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Yesterday someone posted a spoiler image, but that's all

Oh, you have it? I did not see it yesterday

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>harem shit
Who cares.

I'm one of them

I care.

I care too


I forgot to say it, it's the link for chapter 81 raw

Thanks user

300dB that's volcano eruption levels.

Kazuya lungs are strong, he is always yelling

We had a similar situation already, granted he didn't touch her then, but the outcome will be the same.

Yeah, you are right, but at some point something needs to happen, it can't be teasing all the time

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If someone is interested here's the chapter's summary:

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Is Kanokari still dabbing on 5shit?

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It used to be somewhat close but ever since the anime 5toubun sells twice as much.

What?! Are you serious, this was close to 5gotobun?!?!?!?!?!?

>5toubun sells twice as much.
3 times as much

Kanokari outsold 5toubun for the first volumes, the first volume of kanokari doubled 5toubun's at the time.

Didn't know. Thank you

We will probably close the gap by a bit once Kanokari gets a good adaptation.

I really hope so. There are any plans for an adaptation though?

>reports him
>he gets banned from the service
Do it.

Other girls where a mistake.
like really who gives a fuck about the filler girls.
We all know they are just stepping stones for some dumb point about whores also being people.

Again with the whore talk? She isn't a prostitute

I like Mami and Ruka.

Call me when mami doing something.

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We need to finish this date first, which I'll admit starts to drag a bit. Literary nothing is at stake, but Chorizo acts weird, maybe her "You're not the first that requested a high school uniform" was just her talking big. It seems that something with Sumi was foreshadowed last chapter, so my guess is we'll get some interlude then a Sumi story and then finally Mami will do something. So at least 4-5 weeks of nothing.

Mami in the only thing that makes this shitshow barable.
Ruka could have been designated ------2nd---- best girl in another manga.


It was an accident, she'll act professionally, ask him to take his hand and everything will go as usual and we'll get another scene of her blushing when she get's home or some shit like that.

>muh photos

Both are fun.

This can't even be the first time he groped her.

He may be the first one who didn't pay.

It is :)

Hell no please! NOT AGAIN!!!

Didn't he grab her ass at some point.

It probably is, he groped Ruka before, but not Chorizo.

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Oh yeah true, I was wrong. Sorry

Not that I am aware of. It might since it doesn't sell bad and Domekano got one despite being a bad manga.

Kaguya got a good adaptation and 5toubun still managed to close the gap and then some.

Why is Ruka such a slut?

he assaulted her in another way way earlier though

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Not now but it gets good promotion like two lotteries offering ten thousand dollars.

>call girls who wont take the D
Whats the fucking point?

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Kill yourself, subhuman toubuntard

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>climax of the uniform date
Thank God this arc ends soon, it was too cringeworthy.

It was really bad and bullshit since Ruka is a highschooler.

But she isn't Chizuru.

And? It was a terrible excuse to make Chorizo wear a uniform.

When's Mami crashing this manga with no survivors?

She got BTFO by Ruka.

After the Sumi buys Kazuya a birthday present arc.

Ruka > Sumi >>>>>>>>>>>> Mamislut = Whorezuru

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Based Chikaposter.

This whole manga is cringeworthy

Mami is the Chika of Kanokari.

The closest Kazuya has ever gotten.

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She must have felt his rod run against her legs.

Ruka is shit.

Ruka a cute.

A shit.
Hope she dies.

>still dabbing
It never dabbed lmao

Ruka is cute, you have shit taste.

It did in the beginning.
Also Kanokari destroys 5luts in the ToC ranking consistently.

Sumi > Ruka > Chorizo >>> Mami

No, but its author is dabbing on everyone who reads it.

art is much better


Do you think this manga will pull the childhood friend/brocon sister card?

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everything else is much worse

He has no girl childhood friends or sisters.

You never know with this kinds of manga. They can always pull the "forgotten" card

Wouldn't that come out of nowhere? He is a fucking loser.

Ruka would have been perfect as childhood friend.
It would have given her better motivation then O My Heartbeats.

I'm pretty sure ruka's supposed to fill that spot. If I recall, her agency specialized in imouto-kei rental kanojos, so she's basically a rental imouto

Will you fuck off already?
Your turd sandwich of a "manga" is nowhere even close to Kanokari.

>kusotaritard brings up 5Toubun out of nowhere
>waaah stop talking about it because it hurts my fee fees
I like how you don't even dare show your face in 5Toubun threads anymore.

It just wouldn't make any sense. His grandma would've been all over her.

>leaving the photos behind
Terrible mistake. Bets on who'll find them?

5toubun threads have long since self-destructed, there's no need to visit those cesspools anymore.

I assume it's Sumi

5toubun is great and popular unlike this dying manga though.

but that makes them even more fun
same with Kaguya threads

Yeah dying manga have magazines promote them with then thousand dollar lotteries.

I don't see the problem with the heartbeats, Ruka just wants someone who make her feel strong emotions.

5toubun threads hasn't changed despite the anime, it's still the same shitpost over over and over again just like the "old days", in contrast, Kaguya threads have changed 180 degrees due to massive, massive influx of "foreigners" coming there. Kaguya threads are no longer visitable. it feels like I'm in a completely different website.

Just learn to love and accept your resident Chikafriends user! They are present in almost every thread!

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>Bets on who'll find them?
Who ever it will be they'll just put them in the trash can .

Sumi 100%

What if it's Mami?


New waifu!!!

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Great, another whore

the only good thing about that whore is her new aoi yuuki seiyuu.

DELETE!!!Are you an /fg/kek like me?

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If some sort of real progress happens in the next chapter I'm going to be the next Pope

Next chapter titles is "Mizuhara Declares..." so there's a good chance, especially since it's the climax of an arc.

>so buttblasted that user actually think WSM toc is the same as jump.

Hell no.

Yeah, the realistic answer would be a stranger who ends up tossing them, but that's not usually how this works.

I used to be a huge KOfag but I'm honestly getting tired of this story going around in circles. I thought something would actually happen in the Mami arc but it turn out Miyajima doesn't have the guts to actually move the story forward. This is just going to be Nisekoi 2.0. Still better than 5shit though.

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A romcom lover here who is just recently catching up with the new popular ones (Kaguya, Kanojo, Hatsukoi Zombie, etc.) Haven't started 5toubun yet. Why is it bad?

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It's all going to blow up soon, just a few more chapters. Miyajima seems to have the girls on rotation.

That's what everyone said X chapters ago. I'm not falling for this meme again.

he's just stalling time for anime slot. There's way too many WSM anime in a row coming soon Kanokari has to wait longer.

It'd be nice if they just adapt the whole thing all at once.

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