5Toubun no Hanayome

So this is the power of Nino

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People still deny her obvious inevitable victory as the bride with all her subtle hints and pandering?

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Hope you die



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correlation != causation

A little worse than Nisekoi but it still okay.

Reminder that the full ED releases in a few hours

In the Manga you ninotards will win but not in the anime so nobody gives a shit thus people wil only remember itsuki as winner

Uh o-okay...

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more like power of the anime boost

Doujins when?

I wouldn't want this volume thing to mean anything if I were you, esp. considering Itsuki doesn't appear in a bride's outfit.

Never. Quints aren't for lewds you heathen!

Anime doubters apologize

People still deny her obvious inevitable victory as the bride with all her subtle hints and pandering?


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except Yotsuba

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____ _____

Next week

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So, which one you prefer fag ? got bad anime adaptation but Source material extremely boost like toubun anime or got superior adaptation like Kaguya but sales are decent ?

For how long is this manga gonna last?

>Ichika using money to buy Fuuts body.
>Nino raping Fuuts with the help of drugs.
>Miku raping Fuuts using her grandpa's sword.
>Yotsbua raping Fuuts with her superior strength.
>Itsuki raping Fuuts by pinning him down with her weight.
Can't wait.

Probably 11-12 volumes

I prefer superior adaptation with an extreme source material sales and popularity boost.


Reminder that the only reason you might hate Nino and Ichika is because you're afraid of strong women.

Nino can be forgiven since its her personally being shitty and she isnt a bad person. Ichika however is a backstabbing whore and worth all the hate anons can muster

>Reminder that the only reason you might hate Nino and Ichika is because you're afraid of strong women.
wow what a crushing argument... well just beside the fact that ninofags and snakefags hate each other the most.
also the snake makes no sense at all her character is so inconsistent I start thinking I have to be a parseltongue to follower her.
On the other hand of course I know that she has no meaning whatsoever since she is just in the show to catch these pathetic milf-fags at the cashier

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Pick one

whichever attracts less retards

So neither?

>this entire post
Y i k e s

That's TPN.

do you at least like the picture

>Superior adaptation

>waaah I want my girls devoid of sexual agency
Get laid, creeps.

Why is Nino so perfect lads? Literally the best waifu you could get out of the quints.

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that is the problem with you snake worshiper. no arguments just an insults. Nobody likes your shitty waifu

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I do

Did the anime really help the manga that much?
If I didn't know anything about the manga, I'd be immediately turned off from the anime due to shit animation. It really didn't do Negi's artwork justice at all.
And did Kaguya really not get a significant manga sale boost from the anime? The adaptation is really good, and I'm pretty sure the Fujiwara dance ED being so popular worked as promotion for both the anime and manga.

the only thing that bugs me about her is the fact that her victory is so obvious. at this point it makes objectively no sense if anyone else would win.

It got boosted from 1 million total copies to 3 million copies and it’s still rising fast

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what kind of pleb question is this. anime exists primarily to advertise the Manga ....

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The anime is shit compared to the manga though, how does it work as a good advertisement if it ends up turning people away?

Kaguya boosted from 4M to 5M by anime itself.

Pro Pic

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Prior to anime, Kaguya was undisputed king of the romcom genre. After anime, 5toubun is starting to outsell Kaguya.

Kaguya 13 in 4 weeks did ~190k
5toubun 8 in 2 weeks did ~200k

Not only that, earlier volumes of 5toubun are still in the top 50 sales charts while Kaguya is nowhere in sight.

>The anime is shit compared to the manga though
I don't know what to tell you my friend...
there are not a lot of adaptations were this is not the case. Even if the adaptation is really good the Manga is probably still far more superior. That is kind of basic knowledge. At least for mangafags.

it's still need time to outsell kaguya in general.

Kaguya is 5M now, and curret toubun state is 3M

It's not a good advertisement, but the original manga is good enough to overcome such disadvantage.

That started happening after chapter 59. 2 months before the first episode.
It's the power of Nino and anime combined.

Judging by that Facebook poll people keep posting here, it seems the anime itself is popular among normalfaggots. Maybe they just have lower standard than people here.

With how many more volumes tho?

what are you talking about. are you retarded or am I
please tell me what is the reason this anime and the its manga is such a hot topic this season ... is it maybe possible that the anime caused it

>in general
Total copies printed shows how long the manga published with popularity. Nobody denies Kaguya is older than Toubun.

If we want to know about the current popularity, latest volume sale would be more reasonable standard.

I am going to laugh my ass of the winner at the end is going to be virginity and no second season ever

I'm not denying the anime boosted this sale. I'm just saying that manga would get more boost if people didn't stop watching at episode 1 because of QUALITY. More people would know about the series if it wasn't air past midnight, or millions people watched ED on Youtube.

The anime isn't the only advertisement that's currently running.
Book stores are displaying huge banners to also promote the manga while the anime is airing, so that probably helps the manga sales too, especially to normalfags since they don't watch midnight anime.

worse than normalfaggots, actually it's popular around SEA nigger and beta faggot under 18. and also popular in china too, but weirdly, after anime Kaguya got better in china than toubun ( Bilibili ranking, And source material sales.)

Popularity outside Japan doesn't really matter though because most of them won't be buying the volumes/DVDs/BRs.

Toubon is the first shounen romance crossing 200k in 2 weeks since Nisekoi. It's now more popular than Kaguya.

the main selling point is shifted a bit right now, some anime production committee even not selling BD anymore ( like Domekano ) since selling license is more profitable for them rather than BD disc.

Kaguya is not shounen though.

Toubun is a shoujo, though.

Only in weekly romcom. Monthly romcoms like Nozaki or Otakoi are more popular, even more than Nisekoi.

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Streaming outside Japan still doesn't make money for studio, cause Crunchroll or bilibili takes most of the profit from their country.

What did Negi mean by this? Also just noticed that Twitter's now using Google instead of Bing for """"translations""""

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Shoujo romance has historically been selling more than shounen romance. Nana sold more than fucking Naruto per volume.


harem anime that ignite best girl wildfire like this one are definitely good advertisement. The adaptation is at least good enough to deliver that and I think that they want the anime to make the consumer hungry for more so he picks up the Manga to satisfy his agony.

>Nino can be forgiven since its her personally being shitty and she isnt a bad person.
>drugs you
>S-she's just misunderstood!
>drugs you

Glad you understand

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>that one ginhaha doujin is apparently translated in my literal backwater mother language
Based island dwellers

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Nino knew not to allow Fuutarou to answer because his answer would be a rejection.

>ignite best girl wildfire
There was none of that until Nino's confession when triggered people realized there's more than just Miku and Ichika in this manga.

Yeah and now she has the opportunity to make their relationship closer to potentially not be rejected when she confesses again.

But that's like the heaven level of loser flag, author just didn't want to make it too obvious too soon.

Threadly reminder 5toubun is inherently a Family Shoujo manga
Fuutarou is the sole heroine being conquered while being bullied to death a la Diabolik Lovers, prove me wrong
you can't

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Any quint would've been rejected if they confessed, not just Nino.

True, there's the silent killer Yotsuba!

Did anyone do a WEG for this series?

sorry but there are literally three threads right now on Yea Forums about this anime/manga.
this happens only to a manga who's anime adaptation gets aired in that season

For what purpose?

Reminder that the ED and character songs are out.

not seeing it on youtube yet


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I'll upload it in a second

ED: files.catbox.moe/c50p7h.mp3

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Sweet. Thanks, user.

>that spanish guitar riff

It was an nice tune

I liked the omoi desu tone change.

Character songs

Everyones good besides the Nino one, fuck Kirishitno


How do you know? Because of the covers?

Not him, but I think that's what he's getting at.
Making another round of all quint covers means adding 45 chapters on top of 19 we still have to finish the current round.

I've seen this reasoning before, but I don't totally buy it. I believe we will get covers with grown-up quints, they've been featured enough for me to think so. If it feels everything is being wrapped up in 10-15 chapters then I guess I was wrong.

Where did you get these?

So the story ends when they are in college/working? Fuuts already knows that at least two of the Quints see him as a potential partner, I don't see what else Negi can expand on.

I'm not OP but i saw this somewhere on reddit and the poster said he made it himself.

More of a Ichikafag myself, but Nino chapters played a huge factor too, not just the anime. No one can deny that.

Probably the confession, people learnt that this manga wasn't your average romcom harem that would drag on forever and decided to give it a go.