
Rokudou no onna tachi thread

has it been fun?

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Wait it ended?

Truly they were the Rokudou no Onna-tachi...

Yes, this arc, that is.

axed ?

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No pretty sure there chap 130 raw out there

you should be wise to this by now
Chapter 14
Chapter 73
Chapter 112
Chapter 129
sneaky cyan not translating the corner text

Oh wow, poor fatso got cucked out of flashback.

I should keep reading this. I lost interest after the 5 delinquent school battle arc. Just seemed like a natural stopping point.

Would Rokudou make a great anime?

it's been axed?

Oh no.

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It's gotten a lot better since the start. This last arc was pretty funny. I expected kung-fu girl to get written out like the vampire jew was.

One of the best arcs of the series and shows that he is actually a good MC.

>vampire jew
i miss her already, such a fucking cutie pie

Rokudou being able to beat Tateshima was fucking bullshit.

Hd fought Ling Lan already AND got a kick from Ranna, he was ready 3/4 dead.

>the vampire jew
she was a fatass though

I think she'll be back in the inevitable arc where Rokudou meets the Yakuza Lady and save her friends.

Was there any additional chapter in tankobon?

So did he fuck the sukeban or what?

it hurts that Kung-fu girl exists to fail

Not until he can confirm her love is pure



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It sucks that all the other heroines have either got over Rokudou or found someone else to place actual love, Ling Lan could potentially be the first girl to legitimately fall for Rokkudou without the mark.
Besides the nice girl that was introduced at the start of the series that the author completely forgets even exists

She shows up every once in a while in gags about how weird Rokudou's life is.

Please look forward to author's new chapters!

This manga is retarded. Where are all the adults?

Not since the fucking school play. Went back and confirmed.

Why did you have to remind me user

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I still remember when that fucker ground his elbow into the asphalt.

>Ling Lan sticking around
The perfect ending to this arc.

literally Bat 2.0
sticking around just to suffer

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Are those the fake beads?

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best girl

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>panel 3

new reaction image
>it was like sh was looking at human garbage

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This author does a good job having fun with his characters.

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>Besides the nice girl that was introduced at the start of the series that the author completely forgets even exists
Oh god it took me a second to remember who are you talking about
the gag was fucking shit tho

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who the hell are you guys are talking about?

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the class rep

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will good Iinuma return?

Gotcha covered.

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We all miss her user

Ehh, I didn't like Rokudou's power up. I feel it conflicts with his character.

He is still the weakest person, but now he isn't absolutely worthless. Before the only thing he could do was cry and wait for someone to save him. He won't be winning any arcs now, but at least he can defend himself.

His fight against the guy was AFTER that guy had fought the chinese girl (which he shouldn't have won) AND Ranna (who is a fucking monster). Rokudo getting a double KO there is fine.

gave this manga an honest read. turned out to be very messy, the art included. the main character is the most pitiful cuck i have ever read in a non-doujin shounen. his male "friends" literally almost killed the dude in the first arc and embarrassed him to hell and back.

would not touch again.

It's generic shounen shit.