Character says bitch

>character says bitch
>subs translate it to slut

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Other urls found in this thread:ビッチ

>character says 'ohio goes imax'
>translated to 'good morning'

Attached: wutbird.gif (500x281, 196K)

>character says hang in there
>subs say let's try our best

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>character says itadakimasu
>subs say I'm off

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>some anons are here for more than a decade
>still didn't learn japanese

>character says riajuu
>subs translate it normalfag

>character says kuso in children's show
>subs translate it to darn
>character says kuso in an adult show
>subs translate it to shit

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You now imagine how all of Ohio meets at a very large imax and watches a movie together

>character says Hai
>subs say No

stop spreading misinformation. pretending to be retarded is still retarded

Yeah I never got this one.
Does it actually depend on the context and kuso can mean both things or ist ist just made up by the translator?

>charachter says do bananas count as snacks
>subs say who's bringing the kitchen sink

'Bitch' means 'slut' in Japanese, dipshit. It's a loanword.

This is a perfectly acceptable translation. Both are slang, anyway.

It means shit, if you absolutely didn't want to offend the crunchyroll audience you could probably get away with crap.


What are some other english loanwords?

'Ice' means 'icecream'; specifically, popsicles and the like, but still applies to normal icecream. This and 'bitch' are the two most common English -> Japanese loanwords in anime with different meanings.

it does more equivalent to slut in japanese you dumbass. look at Bitch na ken.

>all the newfags missing the point of the thread

That bitch and slut mean the same thing in Japanese?ビッチ

>character says go men
>subs say sorry
Fucking SJWs

Another newfag appeared.

JapaneseEnglish is not same as English.

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Full moon = I love you.

The worst is inconsistent translations within the same work. I've seen "chikushou" be translated as "damn," "shit," and "fuck" all within a few minutes.

It's almost like a word can mean different things in different contexts.

>character says lolicon
>subs translate it to pedophile

Does the intensity vary so widely with chikushou, though?

charachter says oyaji (my father)
subs say old man
obasan ojisan≠aunt ancle

Also consider that in German, a "Handy" is a cellphone. And then there's the fact that the words legerdemain and nom de plume don't exist in French, but do in English. Pseudo-anglicisms and Pseudo-gallicisms.

>character says Arbeit
>subs say Teilzeitarbeit

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It's one of those words that the Japanese borrowed without knowing what they mean. To them, "mansion" means apartment. Look up "wasei eigo".

Kuso can be interpreted in many ways, and depending on the context it can be more or less rude. It can also be used to mean "very"; for example, "kusowarota" means "I lol'd my ass off".

>through the dark lord I pray amen

I think Manga GTO started to spread the misunderstanding of the meaning of "bitch" 20 years ago.
Bald teacher often said Bitch(meaning slut)

>character says nigger! run ayo
>they run
That's racist.

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Yeah, why the fuck do Japs use "arbeit"?

>order a hamburger
>receive a salisbury steak

Juusu though.

Apparently during the Meji era it was used by university students trying to sound cool. Brainlets then thought that it only meant part-time work because that's what university students generally do and it stuck. I think


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>character says character b last name
>subs says her first name
>or vice versa

English has more variation in swear words, so basically it's either a one-to-many relationship, or you pick one translation and forget the others exist.

>learning barbaric languages

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>learning useless languages
Yea Forums was a better place when people who actually learned Japanese were bullied off the board.

You clearly already know one, what harm can a second one do?

>still actually consumes barbaric culture
>doesn't just lurk Yea Forums for his dose

I actually read, on a Japanese site, that using someone's last name without the -san should be considered rude, because it's like you're being informal with their entire family.

>On-screen text has a made-up name with a V in it, written in western letters.
>Character pronounces it with V
>Subtitles spell it with a V
>Even the katakana on the episode title uses ヴァ
>Retards still say it with a B because that's how it was mistranslated in the dubs when they were kids.

That has less to do with Japanese and more to do with the internet being full of petulant children, who get mad when they're told they made a mistake and insist on perpetuating it even more.

>the internet being full of petulant children, who get mad when they're told they made a mistake and insist on perpetuating it even more
Are they the reason we continue to spell "Tokyo" with short "o"s?


That one's the fault of the Japanese as well, and their terrible Kunrei-shiki. Plus it's been around too long to correct at this point, which happens with many languages, not just Japanese.
(For example, the goddess Hera is actually called "ira", but good luck telling people that.)

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>character says "yea"
>translates into "no"

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>character is singing the OP

>learning barbaric languages

Mate, you're using one at the moment.

Χαχαχαχαχαχαχαχα... βάρβαροι.

pay debnt

>character says his name
>translates into "me"
fuels my autism every single time

>subs say high five
>characters say high touch
>subs say ice cream
>characters say ice
>character says guts pose
>subs say fist pump

>(For example, the goddess Hera is actually called "ira", but good luck telling people that.)

It's actually funny.
Stuff like the ultra-Russian gopnik names have a similar origin.

Dimitri is just properly pronunced (with a male suffix, ofc.) Demeter, for instance.

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>get offered loans with high risk of default at way below the market interest rate
>complain that you have to pay them back at all

You missed the point of that link, congrats.

Mansion = apartment building.


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>character says mochi mochi
>no mochi in sight

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It's funnier when it's actually a case of false-friend words. Only then do you realise that Japanese use English loanwords as literal toilet paper for words their own language is too good to name.

Stuff like 'pépá' meaning toilet paper, 'hippu' meaning ass, 'hea' meaning pubic hair, 'ecchi' as an H, 'bakku' meaning anal, 'adaruto' meaning pornographic without exception, 'pantsu' meaning underwear, et cetera.
If the word or concept happens to be in any way uncouth but in common use, chances are they will adopt a random inoccently sounding word from English to represent it.

>Apparently during the Meji era it was used by university students trying to sound cool.
Fucking chuunis

>character days nigger oh
>subs translate it to runt

>health means prostitution
Sasuga Japan.

>Character order "hamburger"
>Gets served salisbury steak

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why are EOPs so retarded when it comes to loanwords in other languages? pretty much all of those have native japanese words as well

Sorta. It's more like fashion health parlors are for everything short of sexual intercourse so they can skirt the prostitution laws.

Sasuga da na!

>subs translate as "I knew you could do it!"

I didn't say they don't have Japanese equivalents. I said they specifically pushed out the Japanese equivalents because most of it are lewd/vulgar things, so they go with related English loanwords and masking it behind a layer of idiomacy/jargon.
And yes, it's a documented phenomenon, N5-kun.

>character says style
>subs say figure

Someone explain this one to me. I don't get it.

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Fun fact, they're referring to hamburg steak, which is absolutely a thing and totally predates "hamburgers".

Bongophones BTFO yet again.

Cross-check English words of French origin with the actual French words themselves.

Girls are the ones to care about their style. She can't even begin to pretend she looks stylish in those clothes without fitting in them. Hence they care primarily about their figure (not being fat) and voilá.

And if you knew any other language you would know that this is not anything special about japanese.

Nobody is interested in your posturing.

I just realized this. No wonder something always feels of when I watched those anime girls eating at restaurant.

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Japanese people say "Mansion" to an apartment.

does DONMAI count?

Chlapečku, já mluvím plynule několika jazyky.
A vôbec nepripadá v úvahu aby som v akomkoľvek z nich rozprával vulgárne po Anglicky.
And I'm no know-it-all but I'm almost absolutely certain you'd be hard-pressed to find more instances of direct transcriptions attaching to such explicit meanings.
Почему у тебя есть идеи штобы это нормально, Я непонимаю.

I will not pretend I'm fluent in Japanese, or perfect in Russian. But unless you're from Switzerland or someplace like that, I can safely say I know a little more about what different languages are like than you do, N5-kun.

Why do they say, "Ach so"? At least that's what it sounds like.

Ah, but do you know any Sugondese, Pepik-chan?

>Почему у тебя есть идеи штобы это нормально, Я непонимаю.
>Почему ты думаешь что это нормально я не понимаю
Not him, but at least Russian has tons of loanwords with completely different meaning than in the original language. Like машина can also mean car, салют can also mean fireworks, кредит means loan exclusively and not any other meanings, дата means date, not data, etc, etc.

Всем похуй

Clearly not.

Huearly huenot.

I was trying to go with a more high-spoken/snobbish kind of sentence there. Thanks, anyway.

Like I said earlier, it's not that special and it's easy to find tons of such French words in English.
However, the Japanese specifically use camouflaged English for vulgar words and topics. Another among plethora examples is NTR. Originally Netorare, they switched from a native word to a shortening specifically in English (En-Tee-Aaru).

Whereas these are the kind of topics that languages keep in their own vocabulary, reserving foreign loanwords for new concepts.
Oh, and I'm pretty sure data comes from Latin, it's most definitely not an English loanword, rather than a word with the same origin (think of Voldemort and Vladimir as an amusing example of such).

Everybody knows this already, newfag-kun.

Japan officially uses those short o's, and they have authority over names. The common weeb romanization isn't a real romanization system, but instead an autistic training system designed for students. Hepburn romanization uses ō and nobody wants to deal with the hassle of writing that, so people came up with ou as a workaround.

Japanese romanization is aimed at native speakers who will automatically pronounce it with Japanese phonemes and already know which o is which.

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Kunrei-shiki is solely used by Japanese people to write English for other Japanese people. Which makes perfect sense.

"arubaito" (part-time job) comes from the German word "arbeit" (job)

Japan uses like three different systems, "ou" is from traditional Hepburn, which predates the "ō" from modified, and Japanese romanization is almost by definition aimed at foreigners, because the Japanese understand Japanese.

Because that is how the Japanese use the word.

>bitch fits the context more
>still translated as slut

American dog means corn dog.