You should be able to solve this. I want the answer and full working out by the end of this thread-and no copying the mango or another user's work.
Boku no Hero Academia
Other urls found in this thread:
Hori is a fucking hack and has no inspiration anymore. He has no idea what to do with the series anymore because it literally has no world building, so he has to asspull some literally who villains to be filler, but in the end, no one gives a shit about them. Ever.
Biggest proof is how much people beg for the Prison Break arc, that means, they want the old villains, of when the villains were actually good.
Hopefully the final height chart for now, fair compromise and necessary asterisks have been added.
As for why people weren't added it's approaching the max resolution size, if someone wanted to they could make somethin from scratch for just humans, and just mutants, then both.
How does this make you feel?
why would they need to learn integral equations?
How does this make you feel?
Not only has Destro been foreshadowed multiple arcs in advance, the very image you posted has them vowing to take on the LoV meaning that they will show up again very soon
1/10 shitpost, try harder next time
Congratulations on making a jumbled mess
>Mirio, you are becoming a great hero...
>But Mirio, I have one final request. You know that Laptop that I constantly use? The one that I always keep near? After I'm gone, I want to you to delete a folder for me. It's on my desktop. It's called "All Might Pics". Please Mirio, you have to get rid of it for me. Please don't look inside.
You should have just called him a speedreader and told him to reread chapters 159, 171, and 216 where Destros book, his face, and his underlings jacket were seen.
Plus that Bonzai guy from the Pro Hero Arc who also references the book
Congratulations on making a neat chart
Enraged. I fucking despise it when women (yes, it's always women) feminize huge men I want to fuck.
Imagine a dragonfly mutant.
Not only would they have those incredible wings, but their nervous system would be insanely fine-tuned/sensitive.
I want to fuck an alien
you can't just btfo people like that also
check'd for the both of you
Yeah, BNHA should do as all big shounen have for decades, and bring back the old villains as defeat inspired good guys that job to people mentioned nowhere before in the series, to pave the way for the MC. Just look at how successful Dragon Ball is.
That's what true inspiration looks like!
>bring back the old villains as defeat inspired good guys
I don't know what you're talking about
three eyes, four arms, human; remember him or did you forget that easily?
>A literal fucking power extension cable jammed in there, among all the other shit
This panel is gonna come back as "see he foreshadowed it" later, when five arcs from now it turns out Nighteye died to medical misconduct and not his wounds, isn't it?
Why, Endy is an alpha not some sort of little bitch
I'd laugh
I want to fertilize the frog's eggs
do you think he ever gets any visitors in prison
>14 yearold
Are you high?
Just an official who shows up every month to let him know that Midnight still isn't paying child support
>send him to juvie
>he fucking gasses everyone there
this lil nigga going to mega prison
I wonder if he was sent to juvie or actual prison, he's only a middleschooler. If he was sent to either his family would probably visit
Is mustard's gas toxic? I know it only knocked people out in the forest training camp, but if left exposed for a longer period of time people would just die wouldn't they?
just one
Well Snipe and Midnight both have work and clearly don't care for him; maybe Toga goes every now and again but overall I'd imagine she'll have forgotten about him by now.
I'd like it if when it goes to the Prison Break, Muscular and Mustard have buddied up and talk shit to each other like nothing since neither can use their quirks on each other and both could kill about the same amount of people before they got caught/kill each other. Pic slightly related.
Youth offenders might be a thing, but we don't know the wider prison system dynamic as of yet and it has gone down in history that serious crimes (ie Mustards breach of the Geneva convention/chemical warfare) get dealt adult offenses
Obviously this is going to lead into a "Destro was right" kind of narrative
How will Hori botch it?
Reminder that Destro's name translates to "fourth power"
Deku will speak to Destro himself through OfA during the showdown with the Son of Destro
shut up Hori, get back to drawing
I had nothing wrong with this guy turning up out of nowhere, my problem is that they took what could've actually been a sympathetic villain with solid reasoning and motivations into an senseless killer that *obviously* needs to be opposed without any chance for deeper thought.
>maybe now that society has adjusted to quirks people deserve the liberty to use their own natural abilities responsibly without being branded a criminal, and refusing to give them that liberty is oppression
That's a fucking solid idea. If this guy had started a vigilante organisation that didn't commit crimes and only went after villains he'd be a direct contradiction to the need for professional Government-licensed heroes. If his intentions were genuinely noble and he literally did nothing else wrong then it might've actually posed a moral question for Deku as to whether taking them down as a hero is really the right thing to do.
But no he snaps the neck of his secretary just for having a different opinion. Fucking goddamnit.
>that's a bad thing
>calls his dad a retard right to his face and spits on his words
that's well beyond a "different opinion" user
it's made clear he didn't want to, but if he couldn't be trusted then he would have been a liability to the Monarch
>Horikoshi-san, dont you think it's about time we give some good development to the league of villains that we're setting up?
>N-no... I'm not ready for that yet... maybe five more arcs. At least four to be sure...
>But it's already been 200 chapters and all they did is show up to do bad things, we haven't even given them a concrete goal after All Might has been figuratively killed
>No... they'll show up at the end of the arc and take out the villains that I set up for this arc only. T-the fans like that you see?
>But Si--
>Shush now, I have to go take a week's break for some more spiderman. Guess I'm only able to do 15, 14 pages at best for this one.
Whilst I also agree that him disposing of his secretary so early felt a little unnecessary, I do like the fact that he did it without his quirk.
I mean the guy just straight up snapped his neck with his bare hands in a world where everyone has super powers. That's pretty brutal
>no normal person can fuck Mina's acidic snatch
Kills by oxygen deprivation if nothing else.
You know, I never really expected Ectoplasm to be a math geek...
He's a fucking maths teacher, read slower
>making the readers want the good old days of good heroes, good villains, and simple, fun clashes instead of overcomplicated shark-jumping bullshit
Holy shit, he's making us sympathize with the villain alliance
There are those who teach math, and those who also love math.
Anyone who talks about the elegance of equations loves math.
I want to have a date with Shinsou!
>This level of animation with Rappa vs Fatgum
that fight will definitely get a Sakuga scene, maybe two
The thing is, the LoV continues developing even when they're not on camera. Shiggy is actually becoming a good leader, and refining his attitudes from "I hate and want to destroy everything, especially All Might" to "the current society and its rules are bad. Let's destroy it, and kill All Might too while we're at it". The core group seems to be developing bonds of trust and even affection. I wouldn't be surprised if they train together, like the U.A. students. Unlike US comic super villain teams, who usually stay pretty much the same from appearance to appearance, when the LoV pop up after time off, you're never sure what you're going to get...
stop sexualizing Endeavor
>we live in the universe where Rappa vs Fatgum gets all the budget for S4
I wonder how they'll animate Fatgum's hail marry punch with it being broken up by Kirishima's flashback in the manga, some people think they'll switch the placement and pacing but I just don't know
Destro =/= some literallywhos
But of course Hori cocksuckers will defend this the same way they defend Deku having seven quirks.
I imagine they'll move it similar to the Twice backstory chapter. It stays true to the manga whilst making the narrative flow a little better
Why do people study algebra?
Why do you ask stupid questions?
Just imitating you.
>Well gee Hori, why don't you try showing some of that if the LoV are going to be significant antagonists to our beloved main characters down the road?
>"Uhhhh, here's some more SoL instead"
you are never going to use integral equations to go unga bunga but wathever
>no one gives a shit about them
But we still like Rappa, Gentle, and La Brava.
I want to V I S U A L I Z E La Brava
Why do people think this fight would be great animation wise? Nothing actually happens besides Kirishima getting punched
>Gentle, and La Brava
Get out.
I like them too
>Nothing actually happens besides Kirishima getting punched
>>Kirishima going RED RIOT UNBREAKABLE
>>Rappa ignoring that completely
>>Fatgums Spear into the barrier
that person you respond to wasn't me, don't assume everyone in a reply chain is the same person
Silly child. You have not unga bungaed until you've done it the Fredholm way.
weak bait
You can prove this mathematically, of course.
Shit taste
shit wrong person, meant for
>Name you move UNBREAKABLE
>Meet an 8 foot guy a few days later who breaks you in one attack
yes, of course
Twice and Toga's actions in, and the conclusion of, the Yakuzi arc only make sense from the LoV's view in the context of "You killed Magne oneesan and crippled Compress. We in the LoV hang together. Let's have some time appropriate betrayal and retaliation and disarm you. Literally." If you need to see everything detailed to be able to believe it, that's fine. Limited, but fine.
Is liking Rappa a meme now? Why is everyone here loving him
He’s always been fairly well received user, ever since his debut
You'd have to be living under a rock to think people only liked him recently
>don't look at me like that Snipe
do they have university degrees or something
i thought hero schools were trade schools or at least the hero classes were
Punished All Might. A man denied his Mommy
>Mufled screaming of a WW2 school shooter in the distance
Child Support. Someones gonna pay it.
I still don't think that after all the memeing that Midnight and Mustart are related, but that's just me
what a terrible ship, true patrician ship coming through
Is this the Spinner arc?
>having any ass or boobs
I've always liked him
Shit tasters gotta meme their shit taste into relevance.
>Ideal quirk
>Best girl
What was the chapter/new character Yea Forums?
Hawks’ feathers
this was basicallt berserk for 7 years until the chapter where they finally arrived to the land of the elfs and got off the fucking boat
>"that was quick"
never forget
muscular + shouji for full parasyte mode
>LaBrava's tatas get jiggle physics in the anime
ahh yes, another low quality (You) farm
I'll play along
>your post
>is shit
show a video if you got it, even a yt link works cuz then I can make it into a webm
I would die a happy man
>Inb4 Deku vs Overhaul sucks the entirety of the budget
>being a cock gobbling turbo-faggot
>Muscular and Mustard ending up as bros competing to see who can cause more mayhem
that'd be pretty fucking great
Eri would be proud.
>my identity is [insert fiction]
Pure cringe.
>doing dumb shit
Goes hand in hand, really does
Hyperconsumeristic corporatism in action dearest user. That's how we separate the wheat from the chaff in society nowadays.
>Twice and Toga's actions in, and the conclusion of, the Yakuzi arc only make sense from the LoV's view in the context of "You killed Magne oneesan and crippled Compress.
In addition to the part where Toga (forcibly) explains her powers and they work similar to how we THOUGHT OfA works(shapeshifting and power boost based on a limited quantity), we also have Toga help out Deku and not kill the black guy or Aizawa despite her reputation as a crazed serial killer
The former might come up later. The latter means that Toga has her own agenda. Which shouldn't be too surprising since she's fucking Toga
>That's how we separate the wheat from the chaff in society nowadays.
if you're using this website more than 3 hours a day you need to rethink your own life
that's a fact, this fucking place ruins people, every person claiming to be an oldfag from 20 years ago always says the same thing
>Compress or Meatballs
>Warp Gate
Based pseudo-Aussie
>miriopedo is a spicc
>ruski has shit taste
Only good post itt
Shit is unreadable.
x is the upper bound
1/4 *( ( e^(2x) + e^(-2x) ) /2 -1)
Nigger where the fuck is your reading comprehension. I was talking about fucking Darwin Awards and the goldfish of soicety and yet you somehow link that to being an oldfag. Shut the fuck up and read slower.
And nice one exposing youself as both a newfag and a normalfag at that; fuck back off to whichever shithole you came from.
Maybe you just can't appreciate a proper taste beause of how bad yours are
i only come to these threads for the lewd underage bitches
My taste isnt bland with a side of boring. Yours is.
мой дорогой камрад, она правда говно
Futa Rei fucking Enji
Of course it isn't, user. Of course it isn't. You've got such a refined and unique taste. Here, have this golden star.
Попизди мне еще тут, камрад/spoiler]
Which shithole do you live in that 16 is underage. Going off of birthdays, they're all canonically legal given that the plot is now in February/March
I dont he is actually Russian. It's likely his VPN is just in Russia
>it's happening
He needs to burn the futa.
Yes. Futa is gay. It's even gayer than 2 gay men fucking each other in the ass.
Futa Endeavor fucking Rei.
Agree, futa is gayer than actual gayness which is almost straight in 2019
fuck off fujo
If you're really talking something awful forums the internet was so different back then. It was a far more close pocket community compared to the current stse of all internet culture now a days. Any ancientfag still here I would hope has moved on to something better in their lives
Dubs aren't lying, this place is a shithole cesspool.
>t. actual fujo
Fuck off. Futa is an abomination and you need to re-evaluate your life. Or better yet end it.
>having this much shit taste
Something awful forums were great because the internet was still in it's infancy, I don't think it had anything to do with the site itself although moderation was nonexistent, the idea of shitposting wasn't even a thing yet either. People still treated talking on forums like talking to real people for the most part, that's not seen at all on any board or forum now
That user's right. You got no right to use the fujo card if you like dickgirls. Fujos are more natural than you are, ya goddamn heathen.
futa is gay
traps are gay
homosex is gay
It has a dick.
You're aroused by the fact that dick fucks male asshole.
You're a faggot.
>fujos are natural than anything
Go away, fujo.
*loses confidence*
I'm not, I just go clear values
Rapid hair growth + turning any hair on my body into plasma/lasers
>Fujo tolerable
Go away, fujo.
>turning any hair on my body into plasma/lasers
Americans are the very weird
I see there's many coping dickgirlfags here
okay now make her head even bigger
how does hating fujos who spam these threads make you a fan of futa? not everyone whoe replies to comment chain bullshit are the same people in the comment chain
It's your fault for associating with a dickgirlfag
>call out a fujo trying to make themselves look not as bad
>lol coping dickgirlfags
The fact that the fujo tried to make itself not seem as bad as something that doesn't even exist in the threads is one of the most sorry ass attempts at deflection.
>if you hate fujos you like chixwdix
Ahh fujos, such expert mental gymnasts. Yuo wouldn't be what you are without it.
That's two logicla falacies in the same reply.
You're assuming I'm the same user from before but I'm not and I don't like futa;
and just because I have the same opinion as someone else in a thread doesn't mean I associate with them either
U fucking wat m8?
Are you honestly trying to claim I'm worse than fujo even though I don't even talk about it nor spam the threads while fujos consistently ruin threads by doing exactly that.
>fags so triggered by fujos they'd rather be with dickgirlfags
I'm assuming that you replying to my post means you support the user who likes his big fat cock futas. You should make your position clear in the cases like this if you want people not to get the wrong idea about you.
real fags, futa, and fujos are all shit
happy now?
Toss up between Snipe/Gunhead/Creation(for more guns and bullets)
Yup. You're just not as annoying.
Kill yourself faggot. You are a fujo apologist.
Thighs, Houghs(Kneepits), Armpits, Nape, Navel, Unusual Pupils, Abs
On a fag scale you're way beyond me. To be an apologist I gotta apologize someone in some way. And I'm just pointing out the value scale where liking dickgirls is more gay than liking gay shit. No matter how discreet you are about it.
>Houghs(Kneepits), Armpits, Nape, Navel
doing deadlifts together
So you admit that you are a fujo apologist AND would rather fuck a guy.
Getting pegged by your wife is straight.
>likes futa
>dares to call anyone faggot
I bet (safely) that even if Mustard isn't related to Midnight, he has a lot of hate for her (and therefore, U.A.) because everyone kept telling him "You're not immune to your own power? You're basically a useless version of Midnight then!"
I'd say you're apologizing them more by the mere fact of making 'em not the worst thing ever.
>Spic drawing
>Decuck self-inserters
Wait what? I thought we all came to the agreement of gayness from from most gay top to bottom:
Actually Gay Gay stuff
Why are Fags arguing over who is slighty faggyier?
Imagine unironically holding the hand of the most beautiful you'd ever met and fallen in love with while walking home with her after work, then turning the TV to watch The BNHA Season 5 Blue Ray Endeavor vs High End fight together
I feel the need to breed.
They want their degeneracy to be expected even at the cost of other fags.
an admitted forced meme by user to get people to hate the series MC
You are the one making that claim, thus you are trying to downplay how terrible fujos are.
If Momo had a 1v1 against Monoma, would she still figure out how to job?
When I think about it, I imagine it like being both a living sword and shield. A lot of chest largely clumped together would mean bullets and punches are no problem and bear hugging is now a fatality. It's like turning any part of your body into a disintegration beam
Now he will respond about how he is a sheep and act smug about it.
I'm only joking about Tomboy being on that list but R63 Traps Dickgirl then Futa are all varying degrees of Fagshit that are gateways to the PinkPill. Whatever happened to the classic degeneracy? Like eye contact?
Weird scale, user. It's actually goes like this
-vvv gay zone begins vvv-
Trap (because it still nano-feminine)
Gay Gay Stuff
Futa (for being a godless abomination and gay at the same stuff)
Nah, youre trying to do it by loving dickgirls and making me place you below fujos. Fix yourself.
>acid pussy
It's gay shit. Fuck off.
Monoma would lose. He got pwn'd by Ubesity.
>basic penis
Girls can't be gay even if they're lesbians, user
Nah rule 63 is still gay.
That's the correct order
You're making 'em look good. You got only yourself to blame. I'm just an observer.
Actually, Futanari is the straightest possible porn you can find. Let me break it down for you
Now let's assume that we're in the position of a straight male, since that it what makes up majority of this discussion space. In straight porn there's a guy and a girl, right? Well, then that's 50% gay because you're half looking at a guy. So if you take away the guy and replace it with a Futa then it's two girls, but one of them has a dick making it 25% gay. Now I know what you're thinking, "but if you like Futa, then you're attracted to dicks!". This is a common misconception: it's not about the dick, but the psychological connection between you and the Futanari. You are able to project the feeling of ecstasy you have when ejaculating onto a woman, a feeling they would otherwise never be able to experience. And what is more admirable than sharing?
What about two girls you ask? Sorry, but that wraps around to 100% gay again. Therefor it's mathematically correct to say that Futa is the ultimate straight-mans choice.
>just an observer.
not anymore
>>acid pussy
>>Implying that now half the fun.
Next thing you're gotta use p hacking to prove you're not a fag.
She is best girl
How is Futa, which involves something resembling a female and sometimes and ACUTAL female, gayer than two guys fucking?
How new are you? Have you not seen THAT screencap?
>You're making 'em look good.
This is your delusion. Because you are a fujo trying to downplay fujos. You would have a point if the thread was half filled with futa every second thread, but its not. Thus you are disingenuous fujo trying to deflect on to somebody else.
It loses point for being a godless abomination.
Brown is gay
I'm an independent observer. Fujos are gay, but then there people like you who love their mutant girlcock.
Its fujos trying to create a boogeyman so they can claim they "aren't that bad"
That doesn't mean jack shit, so are gays because they can't procreate
Gays are not mutants. They're just weirdos. You literally adore mutie scum.
Then why are you acting as if fujos are a mild annoyance whiles they fill the thread with their faggotry while i've probably mentioned futa like twice over the course of years? Clearly you have an agenda.
>this fucking thread
Can we talk about the fucking manga please?
Like what the fuck a seltzer quirk even is and how Shouto and Bakugo will fight against it.
I've never called you annoying, Fujos are more annoying than you. You're just more gay.
Gays are literally mutants by definition though
He should've die
Futas are more mutant than gays
>fujos trying to claim that futa on female is worse than 2 men
Nice thread you got here.
Literally 0 logic in that.
ANY combination of futa is less gay than male on male.
This is actually a fascinating prompt.
You'd think there would be absolutely no way for Monoma to beat Momo, since her quirk is extremely hard to get the hang of. Plus, Monoma also has a jobbing aura of his own, so there should be no way for him to ever beat Momo.
Therefore, coming up with a plausible scenario in which Monoma beats Momo becomes a challenging exercise in Jobbing Theory...
Does Jobbing Theory fall under your criteria?
No, lets talk more about how Rei is fucking Endeavor in the ass
The absolute state of this thread. You're all an embarrassment
If Monoma bumrushed Momo and just made very simple weapons out of one material he might have a chance
>f-fujos! it's gotta be fujos!
Your gay shit is not welcomed. Begone.
>ANY combination of futa is less gay than male on male.
No, it isn't, and you're a degenerate.
>i-its not fujos! I swear!
Sure thing buddy, I'm totally going to believe that to men ramming their asses is less gay than something that actually looks like a woman.
>it's less gay, I swear!
So you do admit of being a fag. Neat. Now fuck off.
God the frog is absolutely disgusting
Neck yourself you stupid fujo. You will never not be the absolute worst thing to have ever happened to these threads.
I'm not a fujo you sad faggot. Your fetishes are sickening and you are an affront to God.
Maybe. But he'll still be less gay than liking girlcock.
look at this chump and laugh
Do you even know what that word means?
DEKU will fuck these.
Because I'm totally supposed to believe you despite your transparent display.
I even know the characters (unlike you) for it. That guy is clearly a guy telling off for liking cocks on girls and you're simply in denial.
It's really sad seeing the mental gymnastics you guys will go through to delude yourself and persuade others into thinking that something is not gay or that this gay thing is slightly less gay.
Jokes on you, age of concent is 21 over here
Switch Momo for Mina
fuck off faggot
They're both equally fucking gay. People only want to argue which is MORE gay when gay is still gay so its irrelevant
What's your drinking age? 35?
I think the joke is definitely on you if that's the case
and more
Recommend me some good BNHA fanfics.
>if I keep calling him fujo my sickening fetishes will be less disgusting!
It has a fucking dick. It entices you to see/think that said dick is penetrating an ass of a man/being sucked by a man. You know who else gets enticed by a dick in a male asshole? Faggots.
Repent you revolting sinning son of a whore.
Fat pig
>he prays to the Jewish cuckold-god
Well if we're talking any fanfiction the Chapter 800 invasion of UA where All Might dies and Shiggy gets AfO is pretty good. It's all in the archives
Futa-on-male is gross, Futa-on-female is based
Jean Grey pls.
Are the same 3-4 people going to argue all thread?
Never did I claimed I want to get fucked by one and its clear you don't even know what futa means.
The one where Deku becomes Stain's apprentice and becomes a quirkless vigilante is pretty good.
These are the most Insecure and most easy (You) farming threads on Yea Forums.
That's just a guy with bolt on tits fucking a girl, why not just look at straight porn
>losing arguement
>"merely pretending"
Fuck off spic
Poochy is Class 1B and the new filler antagonists.
2D =/= 3D tranny shit.
Not if I can help it.
The only way a "girl" has a real dick is if they're a dude with fake tits though...
>2 girls so not put off by disgusto hair boy
>penis-in-vagoo action that I do like
also 2D =/= 3D
2D =/= 3D
You fucking blind or something?
Based and counterpostpilled
Why do they have superheroes teaching normal classes instead of hiring full-time professional teachers who actually went to college to study the stuff they're teaching and have proper teaching licenses? All-Might was reading a "how to teach for dummies" book for fucks sake, and Aizawa has never taught any of his regular students a damn thing. Present Mic is cool and all, but a native English teacher would probably do a much better job than him.
>a person can have only one qualification
I hope the new arc will give us more Ocucko
How do 2D "women" acquire penors? The penors always look real too, signifying something else
>he wants to get BLACKED in the ass but is rightfully ashamed of it so he practises mental gymnastics so he can easily delude himself into thinking he isn't an abominable mistake
>Futa-on-female is based
No. Consult your local priest.
>i-it's not what I ment! i don't want to get fucked by a penis too, even though i attached one on a "girl", i swear!
Again. It has a penis. Worshiping penis is gay. If there is a penis on a "girl" - that's gay.
Neck yourself.
Somebody who has spent years as a hero couldn't possibly have had time to get the same qualifications that most teachers in elite high schools have.
porn magic
Now that Kyoka is confirmed main character thanks to her figure, she is going to be Bakugo's love interest, right?
this I like
I wonder if the General Studies kids get real teachers.
Got 2/3, my nigga.
a best
>the jobber, the butch and the pig
even Deku deserves better
>going this far to try and deflect from fujos
Says who? They were clearly shown to have a lot of downtime.
A mix of Muscular and Bane guy from the Yakuza
Nana Shimura
Destro has been foreshadowed for ages along with the Joker catburgular.
I really like this panel because you can see he's trying and failing to not go crazy and kill his co-worker because he's a hero worshipper who loves his daddy.
>He uses the scene where GrapeSquad is hyping Deku's chad essence
>Burger Burger(cow) Girl
>Deku's chad essence
>post character that drools over Deku
This, post bunnies.
>new literalwho baddie taking on LoV
This is the shit Overhaul arc all over again. Can Hori stop recycling the same arcs over and over?
stop user that's overkill
>Character that tried to kill Deku
i can't wait for this retarded shitter to die or get Nomu'd so you retards stop posting her.
Shes too pretty to die.
Can he become a Bionicle?
Absolutely wrong.
What if there was a girl with a retractable penis, like a clitoris that became incredibly enlarged a la Black Bible style? Would that be gay?
Everyone laugh at this homo!
that would be a hermaphrodite
It wouldn't be gay but it wouldn't be straight either.
maybe bi or pan
It's gay.
funnily enough, this is what Hyenas do
real life
so does this mean that all hyenas are gay?
the answer is 107/28.
Yes, quite cute and canon if I say so myself
>mfw there's a possibility that she's related to Pony
If you haven't noticed already he takes inspiration from western comics.
They have always been rather chaotic by nature.
And with that I just realized things will eventually reach cosmic levels of shonen powerlevels as per usual.
>eventually, there will be an Into the Deku-Verse where Deku meets all the alternate versions of himself and all the alternate One-For-All holders
Acid immunity
Hello plebbit
wonder where minafag is
He disappeared a year ago
no thanks, i don't want to watch a forced black deku as a mc
>Toga's quirk
how big is ur peepee?
11 inches
>Dupli-arms for utility, maybe Overhole
hold out your pinkie then half that
9 inches unironically
I miss them
don't have one
How big are your tits
What is jobbing?
>he mutilated his body
back to /r9k/
Ask Momo
i'm really flat
I dunno, when I wiggle it out fast from the base while erect, it gets bigger
flat is cute
A cup huh? Feels bad man
baby don't hurt me
Chill, you won't get laid.
t. speedreader
>newfags acting like newfags
Everytime. Eternal reminder.
we're all little girls here user
>Commies are batshit insane fucks who will plot your demise for slight disagreeing with their quasi-cloistered "utopian" philosophy
No Hori got this one right on the money.
30 and 31 contradict eachother
So you're saying fujos don't exist in these threads?
this shit is so lame and corny in [CURRENT YEAR]
Everyone in this thread is a homo!
>men don't have tits
Young newfag - remind yourself that there are no chicks with dicks, only guys with tits
That doesn't take from their prophetic nature
Try "Cupcakes"
>that pic related
my fucking sides, I'm leaking real tears
It makes me want to drink her pee
here's your daily dose if cancer for the day
Can't wait to hear Eri's voice
This thread is enough, I'm not clicking that
Imagine her being voiced by Asta's VA
Then Overhaul would be right about Eri being a cursed child
I'm not a faggot
>fear not midoriya Shonen, I'm lubed up so this won't hurt at all
>nonsense! Here I go
>(future deku narrating the story) on that day I lost two virginities.
>ARR MIGHTO violently pounded poor midoriya
>his stomach morphing to accommodate ARR MIGHTO'S mass
>see? It's not so bad thanks to the lube.
>(under his breath) though it is a bit loose for my taste
>deku hearing ARR MIGHTO say that snaps out of his dazed state caused by the pleasure and pain of ARR MIGHTO'S cock
>all might really thinks I'm loose? Gah! I have to try harder to please him! I'm the new owner of OfA so I have to try better!
>deku proceeds to use 20% of OfA to tighten his asshole
>oh, I guess I must've hit his prostate. says ARR MIGHTO
She killed her own dad, she's indeed cursed.
Seriously, what is jobbing?
it's just losing nowadays
>normalfag 'humour'
Anybody got the OP cap from a few hreads ago with the movie. Reminds me of a part of that
Than why do you keep that cock in your mouth?
outside of these threads
>When someone is booked to lose a fight
in these threads
>a synonym of losing, also sometimes just being weak even when winning
losing to make someone else look good
It's a wrestling term for when one wrestler loses to the other to hype him up.
Can't you just say the definition?
What do all these characters have in common here that reflects jobs
Your mother lied to me.
He does that a lot.
I'm so glad overhaul killed that thing
Also Deku in DekuvsKacchan 2
High End
Shiso (sports festival and match 5)
Literally the first fucking result for 'jobbing definition' gives you an adequate answer on Google, but since all these faggots in this thread decided it's OK to spoonfeed newfags who refuse to lurk I may as well give you a proper fucking definition so you don't shit up the thread any more than you aleady have.
There is a cure for lying
Hey, doctor, your license been revoked
I still have to go back and edit in all the replies but here
god I can't wait until this scene gets animated
fuck Chisaki and fuck the Yakuza
Nah, they were great. That's what makes this scene so fun.
Such a disarming smile
I legitimately shrieked at this
Mirio x Eri is the only canon ship approved by Hori himself
based clownposter
I fucking hate you
I'm thinking about joining your fetish redraws ya fucking weirdo. Seems like fun.
Ah yes, the old villains. Like Gentle. La Brava. Overhaul. Rappa. Muscular. Stain. The old villains that he asspulled. Back when the villains were actually good. Good old classic villains. Nobody was complaining about Gentle, Overhaul or Stain, obviously. The proof of that is that people want them to come back in the Prison Break arc. Since they're the villains that were actually good. Obviously.
hey clownposter, what was your reaction when you first saw Ms. Joke?
>she never fails to get her daily dose of creampies
Based and, dare I say, redpilled?
chocolate clowns
>only villain smart enough to use a gun
>coincidentally the hero that encounters him just so happens to have a hardening quirk while the other student that was following him had the literal perfect quirk to counter his gas
Hori is a pussy and a hack
>be stupid enough to use a gun
>fail miserable because there is a reason nobody uses guns
>two out of 40 students capable of ignoring bullets
>just so happens to run into one of them
What if there was a villain that didn't immediately reveal that he was a villain in the first chapter of his appearance?
I hope Tetsu or Kirishima run into a villain with a gun and they get all cocky thinking they can deflect it but it turns out the villain was using armor piercing rounds and fills them up with holes.
Kurogiri's quirk
the traitor, whoever that turns out to be
the traitor?
The traitor
Also wider society at large doesn't know the detnerat jew is a villain
Who is the traitor? A student or a teacher?
*Blocks your path*
This is going to take a lot of posts to get to
>In the shape of an "L" on her forehead
So if they got licenses its fine to just run out?
It'll be a cop-out, like someone who doesn't know he's been bugged or something.
student, definitely
I sure love collateral damage
reminder that Deku could one shot miruko
Probably the frenchy.
It's Hagakure
Well, you've fucking corrupted me. I hope you're fucking happy.
I know its not going to happen since Hori loves Bakugou in particular and would never let him lose but with a different author just imagine how great the setup of these villains are if they actually manage to beat Bakugo and Todoroki
I know they will wipe the floor with the villains and probably not even struggle but still the potential is there.
now this is high level shitposting
Blood Knights are automatically in A-tier
This, Hori is a big pussy to do an actual traitor. It'll be a character that never existed now or some villain we've never seen before with a stealth based quirk that isn't invisitits.
>the clownposter finally found his Harley Quinn
This is nice.
>Harley Quinn
user, did you even have your circus studies?
issa pun, hon
U-um senpai?
also I want you to know that I'm absolutely terrified of clowns, but for some reason your edits never fail to make me both smile and inwardly cringe, I think you're shitposting may actually be helping me with my phobia
Coulrophobia is such a cliché I thought nobody actually had it nowadays.
Cute and canon
I was lightly traumatized by Circus Pizza (basically a chuck e cheese) when I was 4
What would Momo write on her tinder profile
She wouldn't make one
It would be one created for her by Mina
What would Mina write in Momo's profile?
what pics would mina use then
That she is into short purple themed guys
Mina hates mineta more than she hates momo though
the real question is, how would Momo job at fucking?
pumped and dumped obviously.
>paying absolutely no attention to her whatsoever
what a garbage, low energy ship
Tetsu once again proves he is superior to Kirishima in every way
where does she find momo's pics
Momo was in a public ad. And she could trick Momo into pictures.
Non-stop supply of condoms, making it impossible to get her pregnant and ruin her hero career before it takes off.
she'd be one of those supremely hot chicks that is shit in bed because she just lays there and does nothing
You have to be a falseflagging fujoshit. Maybe the same one who wrote she wanted to see a tetsukendo and kiribaku double date.
Keep deluding yourself Beta Metal.
Eri is such a lucky girl getting plowed by Mirio's thick 9 incher every night.
into taking selfies? idk user
>t. actual fujo trying to deflect attention
What kind of retard are you?
Just jump at Momo and make one of these group selfies.
What's her endgame?
How does it feel being inferior to everyone else?
He deserve better. Tomboys is gay.
What do you think Eri's phobias will be?
not him but keep go ahead and keep pretending that your ship is interesting or well-written
she'd need a few pictures of momo alone or she's gonna get accused of catfishing
We already explained that tomboys are 200% straight.
You're clearly a fujoshit that gets triggered by kirimina.
Aim at Momo
Cut out everything else
Seriously this is so easy. Stop asking me for the step by step Mina. Just do it.
shut up fujo
Playing leapfrog in her underwear with Kirishima.
I ship Kirimina, how am I a fujo you stupid fucking nigger?
You're just too emasculated to deal with them.
no, you just happen to have shit taste
Meet your new antagonist
>ochako will never shove her stuffy pantyhose feet in your face and give you a loving handjob
imagine being deku and NOT sucking those toes every single day, what a fucking idiot
t. Stupid fucking fujoshit
and then what?
you're a bakudeku fujo, only bakudeku fujos ship mina with that jobber faggot
you can lie all you want dumb fujo
Is there a possibility that someone here isn't a fujo
Or are you always some kind of fujo here?
t. triggered kiribakushits
That's the dumbest thing I've read today. Good job, user.
Ok so the Tetsufag is the new Todomomo fag. Got it.
He's also a fujoshit
Tetsu and Kendo really do make fujos seethe don't they, nice
Say all fujo ships are shit and not canon and you have to be deluded to like any of them
when will Deku have this moment
>Fujos seethe
No, the retarded fujo that uses kendotetsu to shit on kirimina does.
t.falseflagging fujoshits
>fujo projecting
Nice job
Deku isn't about being All Lite, he's about finding his own path and doing things his own way.
But also yes.
>You shit on fujos you must be a fujoshit yourself
you're not fooling anyone you deluded fujoshit.
Those are our ships.
How thick are we talking about?
I am a straight guy and I don't "ship" things
When did it become socially acceptable for men to be into shipping?
I don't really give a shit about your middleschooler flamewar, just adding more fuel to the suspicion pyre.
no ships are /our/ ships except for endeavor x rei you retarded newfag fujo, fuck off back to tumblr
/our/ only quintessentially Yea Forums ship is mirioxeri
Show us on the doll where the clown man touched you user
when will Shoto have this moment
t. fujo
>we're reaching new fujo levels that have never been seen before
Was it here user?
i want to lick her toned tummy
he-he tickled my armpits, yes