What would Evangelion directed by Miyazaki be like? Oshii?
Miyazaki would definitely make the animation a lot more Ghibli-like, ala. episode 11.
What would Evangelion directed by Miyazaki be like? Oshii?
Miyazaki would definitely make the animation a lot more Ghibli-like, ala. episode 11.
>eva by miyazaki
Lots of amazing animation, backgrounds, and squishy character design but hardly any characterization let alone development.
Shinji would have no personality. Rei would be a mysterious fairy thing that's actually an obscure Shinto reference. Asuka would exist only for fight scenes and tsundere but with no higher purpose as a foil to Shinji. Gendo would end up caring for Shinji in the end. NERV as a whole would be the undisputed good guys from beginning to end. No one would have daddy/mommy issues except Shinji, and that would be the extent of the psychological elements. Shinji would kiss Asuka's cheek in the hospital. SEELE would somehow be morally justified. Shinji would learn to stop hating the Angels after learning the truth about Kaworu and discovering the magic of friendship. The end would consist of NERV as led by Shinji brokering an intergalactic truce between SEELE and the Angels.
Eva would've been much better if Ikuhara directed it like Anno wanted.
Oshii would definitely be better.
Miyazaki would put it boring stuff about war being bad and Shinji into a hero role and ruin it.
>Shinji would kiss Asuka's cheek in the hospital.
i lol'd
Asuka's whole backstory is stolen from Nausicaa
Asuka is a lot more broken, though.
Lots of exploding crosses, fucker loves exploding crosses.
In what sense?
lol, Miyazaki?
>What would Evangelion directed by Miyazaki be like?
It will suck because he hated the series so he'll probably change everything to the point where it's unrecognizable, meanwhile attracting all the normalfag zombie Ghibli fangirls and fake movie critics who love pretending shit they watch is deep as they roll around in eye-candy melodramatic drivel targeted at 40+ year old moms.
Is there anything worse than normalfag girls who fawn over Ghibli?
Asuka wearing cute bloomers
Kushana's mother was poisoned by her 3 half brothers and lost her mind as a result. Leaving her to play with a Doll thinking that its her daughter just like asuka's biological mother. I think her mom also dies though I am not sure.
Kushana deals with it a lot better than asuka though.
Episode 11 was 1 of the worst looking episodes.
Mostly because of the faces, though.
Asuka's face is pure Ghibli in that gif, though.
i think they were pretty good
I am not sure what that means, but all the faces were awfully elongated.
Provided the story stays exactly the same, Miyazaki would probably never touch that.
NGE by Oshii might actually be interesting, maybe even better, I'd definitely watch that.
True. I think it gives character in a quirky way, though.
>not sure what that means
Look at her reaction to the angel in the OP gif and the scramble to close the door afterwards, is classic Ghibli.
The best part of Eva was Anno’s directing.
Take that away and you lose a huge part of the appeal.
The only way to get a better director is to have the Anno that directed KareKano time travel.
Oshii would probably surpass Anno's NGE, though.
He would make an entirely different show with an entirely different appeal.
I vastly prefer the works of Anno over Oshii.
>I vastly prefer the works of Anno over Oshii.
Care to expound, user?
Not sure what there is to expound on. My favorite Oshii work is the first Patlabor movie, and I think that Nadia, Eva and KareKano are a lot better than it, I would put it on par with Gunbuster.
I simply prefer the style of Anno's directing and my preferences favors what Anno has done over the work of Oshii.
It wouldn't be Evangelion so we likely wouldn't be talking about it. It would be dimly remembered by a handful of old-times connoisseurs like Nausicaa, instead of the most massively medium-changing project ever to have existed.
>dimly remembered
>the most massively medium-changing project ever to have existed
Because the animation director for the episode was Toshio Kawaguchi. It's not coincidence it looks Ghibli.
My point is that it also looks bad.
>by Miyazaki
Terrible visual directing, no metaphorical language whatsoever, shit tier characters, story probably stays similarly disjointed and without direction. Animation quality would go up, but who really gives a shit if it looks bland and unimaginitive anyway.
>by Oshii
He wouldn't direct it because the budget was too low, and he doesn't direct anything without a fat budget to back.
Kaji would still be here with us.
We can't even judge what Oshii's would be like. Has he done a full-fledged series? Can't even begin to imagine how he would handle it. Probably techno-babble to the max, even more biblical references and (oddly) slightly less developed characters.
Oshii>Miyazaki, prove me wrong
>Has he done a full-fledged series?
He was series director for a hundred episodes of Urusei Yatsura, but I think only episode director for like three of those. With the thinnest budget, almost constantly making the movies with the same staff, and I think the show only went on break once for two weeks.
It doesn't, really.
Oshii is better at framing and actually having some plot, but his characters are as lively as a brick. Neither of them is a great director.
Oshii's characters might not have an enthusiast lively attitude (what did you expect from my boy Oshii's pic related, he surely doesn't look like an enthusiast person) but they absolutely don't lack in depth, they're well built and characterized with clever thinking (think of the antagonist/protagonist in Patlabor 2, Motoko or Batou in GITS and GITS Innocence). Who do you consider a great director?