Egao no Daika

Is there a bigger fan disservice anime out there?

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This show enrages me, but that's better than the apathy I get from most others.

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I-Is hime Hitler yet? ;_;

So now that Izana and Harold are out of Hime's way, what is she going to do?

>what is she going to do?
she is going to kill herself

I came here for one warcrime, ONE and I can't even get that.

A medic transport ship was blown up.

>two kingdom episodes in a row
It's so fucking unfair.

Kingdom savages.

Charlotte was a pretty massive disappointment, I couldn't believe it was from the same guys as Clannad and Little Busters

Turns out that Harold is utterly incompetent at everything. He was extremely bad at coordinating the defenses of Soleil, he didn't prepare for shit, he lied to his sovereign, he constantly underestimated his enemies, instead of finding a way how to seriously win the war, he instead just focused on killing random Grandigan grunts (as if that is gonna matter), and in the end, he wasn't even that good of a pilot at all.
Oh well, it's good that he died.

Most likely try to find a way how to stop Grandiga AND Soleil from continuing to use chrars. The war by itself is practically lost for Soleil anyway. They cannot and will not regain their lost territory in the north. Soleil lacks soldiers to recapture Hariant.

Empirefags love kingdom episodes. Kingdomfags also hate empire episodes.
In conclusion, empirefags always win.

Grandiga's army is an equal opportunity employer. No matter how tiny your titties are, everyone is welcome.

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there is no use for big titties in the army.

You don't need many soldiers if the enemy mechs are disabled.

Apparently flat asses are welcome too.

Always need a new disposable meat, after all.

Soleil's own mechs will also be disabled, so in the end, it'll just be infantry combat, which Grandiga will win as well.

Beat your meat to it.


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The greatest enemy to Yuuki isn't Grandiga though. It was the ruling elite of Soleil all along.

I have missed the last two episodes because I lost interest, has anything good happened?
I guess not because the Empire is shit.

t. somebody who saw all nine episodes and is being tsundere about the entire show

But those were both bad except for the last quarter of Clannaids

The only way I would ever become dere for this show is if Hime somehow recovers from all this without a huge asspull happening.

I just want to save some time

Nothing ever says that Soleil has to win in a war drama story. Japan and Germany didn't either, after all.

Not if you turn on the emp in the midst of the enemy.

There was a huge reveal as well as a bunch of people dying, but now Soleil can actually win the war.

Oh well, then Grandiga will simply send the next wave of nondisabled mechs.

Good luck to them with their ships disabled.

They're not gonna send the ships close enough to be hit by the chrar-disabling EMP, nor will they cluster them tight enough to let them be taken out that easily.

If you had watched the show instead of shitposting you'd know that they have a super long range artillery now. Grandiga is pretty much finished.

They have one cannon only for intimidation purpose. Even Harold, incompetent though he may have been, said it that they're long past the point where artillery is gonna win the war.
In the end, you'll just get an episode where the cannon at most destroys one or two ships, and then it'll get swarmed and destroyed by the rest of the Grandigan army, be it through mechs, or through their infantry.

Harold said the artillery was useless. Layla said the EMP was useless. It's pretty hard to be optimistic. The only thing we have is loli-hime apparently finding the resolve to fight.

He didn't say artillery is useless, just that it alone won't win them the war if used normally. And Layla said it's useless because it'd disable everything in its range. Nobody thought about combining the two yet.

you can't disservice something that doesn't exist

Harold said that about normal artillery, which obviously wouldn't matter too much. He didn't know about EMP at that time, which is a completely different story.

It's not a case of duck taping the two together and calling it a day. The experiment was done in a big lab and the question of whether it can be miniaturized is yet to be answered.

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You just need to overload it and that's it. They can do it with normal chrar reactors set to the maximum. Hell, Grandigan faulty reactors would probably do half of the work for them anyway.

They'd need to develop artillery shells with chrars inside right now, but seeing as how the Empire's breaching through all the fronts and soon at the door of the state capital, time is not what Soleil has.

They just captured the chrar plant, they are going to drink and loot it for copper like the niggers they are for the next couple months like they did after capturing the capital.
If they could just breach through all fronts, it wouldn't have become a many months stalemate.
Chrar reactors are conveniently shaped like shells already anyway.

Just because the chrars for the theurgears are cone-shaped doesn't mean that they're useful as artillery shells now, especially for their supercannon.

Just need to strap a proximity fuse on them and they are good to go.

What if the chrars break apart when being shot out of the barrel at high speed? There's lot of complicated bits and physical limitations that need to be considered, after all. Engineering isn't an easy thing.

Just use a thicker case. It's a trivial engineering problem that can be solved in a couple days tops.

With what facility to develop and test chrar emp shells? They just lost their main weapons facility in the south.

Surely they must have others as they were producing chrars before the new ones existed.

Dropped at ep3, what did I miss? Has Hime commited any war crimes yet?

Why pretend that you dropped it at episode 3, when you watched it till episode 9 like the rest of us?

Nah, I was honestly too lazy to download new episodes and kinda dropped it

Seeing as how they developed the supercannon at the new chrars facility, it's kinda doubtful that they have any other that can be repurposed.