ITT: Good MCs

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*Dumb MCs

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why is her skirt so short? is it because she's a whore?

based and checked

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dumb akko poster

>Pic unrelated

Why is her IQ so low?

She dumped all her points into cute.

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Little Witch Academia is the only anime that my gf watches. She wish Akko would be less of a crybaby though.

Lad's I miss Akko, I miss her cheerfulness, I miss Yea Forums on days the show aired and how they would wonder about Akko noises andd stupid shit like the yay meter. I want to go back it was only 2 years ago

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Are we going to get a good example to start the thread? anyone?

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>ITT: MCs you want to bury your dick in.

>She wish Akko would be less of a crybaby though.
That would be Diana. But she probably doesn't like her, because she cant even compete. Akko, on the other hand, is easy.

Unironically my favourite femC

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user it's illegal to fuck kthe retarded.

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Is it?

It is not.
No. Don't trust random anons on the internet, certainly not on 4channel, out of all places. Ever.


Okay fine it's not but you shouldn't sully her innocence like that. Akko probably never got The Talk and thinks babies come from magic storks

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They come from sweaty tribadism with your class president

Luna Nova is a brit school, they don't have class reps/presidents

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He's honestly not that bad of an MC, but the show overall is so much worse.

I could've sworn Diana was some sort of class pres

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Nah just the school idol

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I don't see who you're saying is a good character, are you sure you didn't goof something up?

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Ah, i see you're a man of culture as well

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The best.

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Maka a cute

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My fucking nigger.

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Spe: How do you say "let's do our best!" in French?

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Why does oreki have boobs and a skirt?

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based and authoritarian-pilled

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Our lord and saviour Jesus Christ, of course

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Best one so far

What the fuck is wrong with her face?

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You know you deserve death after that one

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it's because she likes to show the gams

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good choices

Akko is cute!

I agree, I do think I make a pretty good MC

the best.

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Honestly Akko is very charming, I wish this show had better writting
Sucy is best girl though

Why do you run like that literally me

Shes the opposite of Good, retard tumblrtards.
Shes one of the worst MCs in 2017
And no, your shitty "AkkoStupid" Yea Forums meme isnt make the show any better.
Your shitty show is a massive failure and unironically loses to poor 3dcg anime about animals.

And shes not even hot or cute.

>you will never breed back humanity into existance with Me

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Nice opinion. Now stick it in your faggot ass.

Look what you did user.

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>Kemono s2 failed so hard he stopped avatarfagging as Serval and even pretends he never was a Kemonofag in the first place


At least KF got S2.
Wheres yours, huh ?
My opinion is a fact, and theres nothing you can do about it.
Get back to tumblr, tranny.

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>At least KF got S2. Wheres yours, huh?
The state of the Kemonoshitposter.

Not an answer. Enjoy your dead series thanks to studio trigger incompetence.

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Based and hunterpilled

He was best as a kid.

Fellow mad scientistu of culture.

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have you seen the most recent episode, user? no season two is better than the heartbreak of this mess.

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That doesnt make LWA is any better than Kemono Friends, especially S1 KF.
LWA is garbage hot mess.

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What the fuck is wrong with YOUR face cunt. Don't insult my cute little Kaiserin

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I don't have a face cunt, nor do I know anybody who has one, unless that's just your way of saying mouth, in which case the answer is more internal than external, so you wouldn't notice just by looking at me.

>blonde loli pees herself
>gets a boner
>rabbit loli appears
>molests her relentlessly with a boner
>moth loli stabs him gruesomely through his stomach
>pushes her away and storms out with a boner
At this rate he'll be able to challenge the boner king himself, Ryo Saeba.

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