ITT we post best quint aka Nino while making fun of Mikufags and snakegays

ITT we post best quint aka Nino while making fun of Mikufags and snakegays

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Go-toubun no Hanayome - 08 [720p].mkv_snapshot_20.13_[2019.02.28_16.23.47].png (507x719, 407K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Yeah no.
Miku = Ichika > Yotsuba > Raiha > Itsuki >>>> Nino

Attached: 1551198276179.jpg (1100x905, 741K)

Am I the only one who likes Itsuki?

I'm here, fattybro

Hi Lelouch.

Attached: 1551472541796.png (631x627, 436K)

Why start wars when each quint is wonderful and special in her own way?

Attached: 1551748607197.png (687x679, 358K)


Can I ask why?

How could you not think Miku is the best?

Attached: 1525970076457.png (1070x1535, 1.45M)

tfw no autistic audiophile big tiddie gf

Itsukibros dont need to argue with waifufags in every thread since we already know she's the endgame. We are simply here for entertainment.

boring moeblobs are garbage on all shows

boring tsunderes are garbage on all shows

Miku, Yotsuba and Ichika are the holy trinity of best quints.

Attached: 1551244300148.jpg (1318x2048, 3.57M)

>Liking the snake
You're gonna get bit user

Attached: 1551723105764.jpg (273x314, 49K)

I used to, but her cowardice really turns me off later on.

I hate genki characters that help people for no reason. They are nice girls, nice girls are lies.

Attached: 203555.jpg (225x350, 32K)

Cry harder, Nino drugged her classmate twice.

Why even live?

Attached: 1547855852569.jpg (1297x1426, 377K)

Miku is alright. Fuck Snake, though.

Attached: 73401648_p0.jpg (865x1175, 878K)

>Daring to question Ichika's morals while supporting Nino of all people

Ichika is not a snake, she's a good girl who did nothing wrong

Attached: 1550163737913.jpg (706x1000, 132K)


Ninofags won't listen to reason, user. Just post more best girl and ignore them.

Attached: 1549582366067.jpg (1920x3565, 2.08M)

>Implied to Fuuts that Miku had no feelings for him to give herself an edge
Ichika did some things wrong, user

Sounds like Miku should have spoken up then

My favorite right now is Yotsuba

Fatty is besto!

Attached: images.jpg (225x350, 16K)

I love her so much. I want to kill all the bitches bothering her

Attached: 24BA296E-35E8-45DA-B2DE-C129690581B4-1256-000000BCE1AC8A12.png (1280x720, 726K)

Yep. The shitstorm that'll happen when she eventually wins is gonna be glorious. That's what I'm looking forward to most out of this series.

pretty much this, we just post cute eatsuki arts

I wish that 1 fag could agree with your sentiment.

They're all a shitty archetype.

Yotsuba is different.

Bald men raping nino doujin when

I want to hold hands with this degenerate historian.

Attached: dude japanese history lmao.png (323x321, 190K)

They're all a best, no need to shit on our brother in laws

Attached: D0zrIIjV4AEBdH9.jpg (1534x2048, 266K)

Actually, the husband of your wife's sister is called a co-brother-in-law

Attached: thé.png (475x681, 129K)

>animefags is a Mikufags or Itsukifags until he reads the manga.Then animeflags quickly becomes a Ninofags/bro.

who are you quoting

Kill yourself subhuman.

>responding to the braindead chink

I'm always here fattybro, are you blind?

Attached: Won.jpg (1130x470, 360K)

This is a based post

Attached: 627BF569-1BA6-408B-89E2-2C587BACD03A.png (680x378, 389K)

Attached: 1541193746522.jpg (2374x3841, 3.05M)

Attached: thé12.png (346x332, 94K)

Is it possible to root for both itsuki and miku?

Attached: 0D501596-6858-458F-B7F0-D8EAE2B1EA42.jpg (498x1012, 398K)

Attached: thé16.png (180x577, 103K)

There can only be one.

Attached: Masked Rider SNEK.jpg (530x831, 153K)

Attached: thé11.png (246x444, 107K)

But I love them both! That being said I would say miku is 1a and itsuki is 1b

Attached: 00BA7EE8-BE03-4C5F-99BC-E317381619BD.jpg (850x694, 98K)

Attached: thé9.png (182x314, 55K)

Attached: HISS.png (752x1080, 913K)

Attached: thé8.png (205x271, 44K)


Attached: double slap.gif (500x500, 396K)

>most popular quint to not get shit on by the fags
>main girl to claim you won at the end
Peak insecurity


Attached: Slap back.png (764x364, 344K)

Attached: 1529981453019.png (319x381, 98K)

Attached: fuutarou.png (900x176, 139K)

In your dreams

Attached: 1538408101225.png (1373x488, 223K)

Attached: Modern Warfare.png (672x372, 316K)

Attached: thé10.png (183x475, 86K)

Attached: ninosip.png (401x607, 228K)

ffs, Nino is just as annoying as her -fags! ...but this is not the only reason we love her, we have plenty of other similarities, like triggering people for just existing or outshining the competition without even trying.

Attached: e708a37c80cdb65c87fae5c1d68ccfd7.jpg (1200x1600, 1.64M)


>triggering people for just existing or outshining the competition without even trying.
You give yourselves waay too much credit.

I don't like doing that at all. I like posting her just cause she's cute

Attached: 1516002460857.png (393x679, 168K)

Is she cold blooded or hot blooded?

Attached: f8ccf42.jpg (1444x2048, 273K)

Attached: yandere2.png (256x286, 86K)

Too hot to handle

Attached: Ichika Good Ending.png (1448x2048, 2.1M)

Fellow Itsukibro reporting in! Everything seems to be clear as day.

Making child is L-LEWD

Attached: yotsuba_nolewd.jpg (384x202, 28K)

Why do you fags do this borderline spammy shit in every single 5ToubunNoHanayome thread?

Don't reply to me

Attached: 1529981453018.png (338x625, 173K)

Attached: miku_autist.png (441x274, 98K)

Nino is LOSER.

At least it's better than shitposting.

Attached: 1DDADF60-9938-45DC-A8B5-17FB9E16EA28.jpg (367x461, 75K)

Attached: Nino11.png (1446x1335, 396K)

Yes. She will lose virginity to Fuu-kun on their wedding night hard.

me on the right

Attached: 73526603_p0.png (1000x1411, 1.16M)

I am not a parseltongue

I'm jealous of you, Fuutarou.

You know Nino is wild in bed.

Attached: thé15.png (453x488, 246K)

I know right? It was fun at first, but got old after a while.

Attached: thé7.png (244x363, 98K)

Just posting a pic of my room. Don't mind me.

Attached: D05VnAeVAAA4isu.jpg orig.jpg (2048x1536, 584K)

How the fuck did you take a picture of my room?

Attached: yotsuba_nolewd.png (384x202, 128K)

How lovely

Attached: 1551671491215.png (118x177, 28K)

for a moment I thought this was a shop ...


It's gone user, it's gone


Is this a sign?

Attached: nino schemes.png (662x985, 674K)

Nice bro, but check my car out.

Attached: my car.jpg (1024x682, 120K)


>muh Ninofags
Like clockwork. And obsessed.

says the one replying to a 7 hour old shitpost

To the Ninomobile!

Friendly reminder that this is endgame.

Attached: 1551669319293.jpg (580x825, 63K)

implying she wont just rape him

It's called funposting.

This week’s chapter has a nice happy ending for Fuutarou, so I got a bit bored.

Kill yourself subhuman

in before he gets almost drowned or poisoned again.

There is always a calm before a storm

ching chong nip nong nino saikou

But Takeda is for Miku, not Fuutarou

she is just there for the milf-fetish. everyone knows that she has no chance of winning

Nino is a pure maiden in love. She would never do things like that.

Attached: x12a.png (1029x835, 699K)

The one and only scene I wanted to see in the anime, and they skipped it.

They will surely adapt it in a future episode like they did with the other skipped scenes.
For sure.

because she's so stable.. user... also how many pure people have you known that roofie people?

There's no viable way for this particular scene to ever be adapted later on.

Quintfags are cancer. Fuck girls.

>anime design

The maid poster and the one between the two big posters are cute. The rest I'm not a fan of.

>Fuck girls.
yes that is the plan user

The Kirino voice is a turn off. So no.

It gets me turned on thinking how much people get triggered by it.

VA should've done her Hotaru voice

I love that voice desu. suits Nino well.

She sounds half her age

Attached: miku_truth.jpg (1426x2048, 1.76M)


Attached: 1550190560499.jpg (1900x2138, 399K)

>I thought Itsuki was best girl
Literally no one feels that way


>this typesetting
Oh, dear...

she will still win in the anime
you can go and celebrate on reddit

Cool stuff Ninobros, but I bet you will never beat this.

Attached: Nino mansion.webm (960x1696, 2.31M)

Except for the people who do feel that way

Attached: 1551787211161.png (304x335, 160K)

This face scares the Ninofag.

Why couldn't she come up with an original voice for Nino?
Using some other character's voice just seem low effort and disrespectful to me.

Attached: pathétique.jpg (2048x2048, 141K)

>chinese garbage
You seem obsessed.

You mean Eatsuki

I'm disappointed.

she uses the same voice in DAL basically it's not as if its not used on other characters.

Stop watching the anime then. It's shit anyway.


Attached: 1520630685090.png (326x232, 76K)

Attached: IMG_20190305_215258.jpg (870x1024, 138K)

Attached: thé13.png (289x194, 49K)

>right eye visible

Cute Itsuki

Nino = Yotsuba = Itsuki > Miku > Ichika

This is a completely impartial analysis of the quints. Check my digits.

Yotsuba will win!

Attached: 1551728265420.png (708x676, 504K)

Agree. I hate quints. The story should focus on Fuutarou, Takeda, Maruo from now on


How about now?

Attached: IMG_20190303_091716.jpg (1240x1754, 204K)

Nice try

So close.

Attached: D0fdFslV4AAo8PH.jpg (1000x1333, 188K)

Attached: 1522825248811.png (152x182, 8K)



>audiophile ever using wireless headphones

Hands off my wife!

Attached: 1524394940335.jpg (356x415, 91K)

I only cares about quints a-anyway!


Attached: Oh no!.jpg (3471x1163, 782K)

best MILF

Attached: miku_milf2.jpg (4096x3645, 884K)

Why does Miku always look so smelly? Peeyuuu


Ninofags are a mistake

Those aren't even quints.

You are a mistake.

Attached: 1527285520817.png (277x122, 30K)

5>=2>1>4>Takeda>Maeda>>shit>>>Miku just wants to be a weiner warmer.


no u

For a guy like him, who wouldn't?

Attached: DxwbQdtUwAAUMEF.jpg orig.jpg (2048x894, 202K)

Attached: thé20.png (257x335, 89K)

Fuutarou love that smell though

Attached: 1579515.jpg (1334x750, 61K)

>ywn be breastfed by Milfku
End it all

Attached: toubun_fate.png (580x413, 351K)

2 should be Ruler
4 should be Berserker
3 should be Archer
5 should be Lancer

Holy fucking shit I want to impregnate nino

Attached: 1550961595591.png (279x236, 69K)

>that Mikufag falseflagging as a Ninofag in the comments

Get in line

What does he say?

translator san, need your help!

Attached: anon.png (1351x814, 1.23M)

Literally "It's really easy to spot filthy secondaries"

>Negi making fun of Nino """character developement"""

>Of the people drawing images of Nino, it's so obvious which are basing it on the anime and which on the manga that it's funny.

Oh because of her long hair in the anime when she has short hair in the manga.

Astounding observation.

Attached: 1523438434148.png (195x199, 36K)


Shouldn't have ruined her design then.


No. Fuck off with your shit taste.


4 > 1 > 2 > 3 > 5

Imagine the type of sportmom Yotsuba would be.

Attached: 003C615C-8041-4C71-A191-76C80A348DF7.jpg (600x685, 125K)


short hair > long hair

Attached: 1551716208538.jpg (2048x1802, 352K)

>5 that low
>1 that high



She's perfect with any hairstyle long or short. Only plebs choose/ hate one over the other.

You mean perfected her design, and I got a bunch of images to prove it.

Attached: 1549375079589.jpg (1200x1600, 221K)


Attached: 73260972_p0.png (1734x2170, 1.3M)


How pure and adorable

Attached: 73499203_p0.jpg (1559x1120, 753K)


>that thread

Attached: 1526139271831.png (639x348, 261K)

Attached: 73499203_p2.jpg (1559x1120, 460K)

Ruined forever.

I love campfire dance

Attached: heh.jpg (1273x1425, 214K)

He isn't wrong. Out of the quints Nino is the most ideal waifu.

Attached: Perfection.png (683x170, 75K)

What did Yotsuba mean by this?

Attached: D05wHmAWwAEKQV2.jpg orig.jpg (514x737, 45K)

Nino wins huh? could be worse.

Why did you reply to me

There's 22 more reasons why. He knows shit.

I am both a Ninochad and an Itsukibro

He's also a retard so maybe there is a connection.


What connection?

Attached: 1533728934076.png (427x235, 77K)

Attached: 73491724_p1.jpg (2480x3508, 2.53M)

i am also confused by this post

I find the lack of lewd disturbing. Are you guys gay?

Sorry, what was that?

Attached: 73514199_p0.jpg (2105x1637, 2.66M)

Quints are not for lewd you sick fuck. I wish there were Fuutarou lewd

Post Fuuts

Attached: Good job Fuutarou.png (1426x1617, 786K)

Wait... What?

Also lewd milf quints

Who the fuck cares about the quints? Takeda the astronaut should win the bowl.

That "Good" triggers me. Move it a bit to the left. Yeah, I know that's how it is in the scans

Hol the fuck up, is this real?

No, that's an edited panel from Angel Densetsu.

Is Ichika stabbing Nino in the back there?

My God Ichika.. Can you get more perfect

trinity ending when?

>all those tripfags
>that quality of discourse
Fucking hell someone give me brain bleach please.

Attached: 72716195_p0.jpg (1998x2018, 1024K)


Attached: Good job Fuutarou.png (1426x1617, 808K)

>5 should be Lancer
Nah, Itsuki is definetly a Saber. She constantly wants to eat and has an ahoge

this is bliss

Attached: fuutarou_loli.jpg (640x640, 78K)

In your dreams

It's a refugee camp for tripfags who can't grow up.

Yeah, looks good now.

Attached: 1520340295063.jpg (541x648, 172K)

me on the left owo

any imgur with the chapter my dudes?


It's in the archive

>Red color
>has boobs
More like Extra Saber.

any place to talk about this manga without obnoxious ninofags?

cheers lad, forgot about it for a minute

I'm not, though.

Attached: 1525532699070.jpg (390x437, 83K)

if you need a safespace, go to leddit.

What did Japan mean by this

Attached: 73531288_p0.jpg (1200x650, 222K)

Check reddit my dude

You didnt need to respond to me. You just did to post more Nino.

Of course.

Attached: 1526249266853.png (196x230, 48K)

Both short hair and long hair Nino are a shit

Why are you all so obnoxious? You use any chance you can to post her and even then there are still empty posts with a nino picture in them.

Bill Cosby

I'm not obnoxious and if I want to post Nino, I will. You can't stop me~

Attached: 1533343535940.png (334x521, 160K)

no u

Things happens.

Attached: 1524772815793.png (774x1324, 453K)

Attached: nino_lol.png (590x746, 519K)

Attached: 1550322779653.png (510x453, 14K)

go make a tumblr

Attached: 1525533381549.jpg (2048x1728, 779K)


Attached: 1529098342217.png (127x308, 40K)

All Nino's are perfect.

Attached: 73531556_p0.jpg (826x1181, 941K)

all you really want to do is just post nino. Why bother the rest of Yea Forums with that. Go there and circlejerk all ninofags do is spam threads.

Ponytail Nino is muhdick/10
Twin Pigtail Nino is 12/10
Long hair Nino is 10/10
Short hair Nino is 9/10

Attached: 73523437_p0.jpg (1080x1920, 1.17M)

>picture of Itsuki

Fucking nigger is gonna make her the bride isn't he? Time to stop supporting this gay manga.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hajimete no Gal - 09 [720p].mkv_snapshot_15.22_[2018.06.05_17.38.08].png (539x715, 420K)

You're starting to sound mad. Why don't you attach an image of your favourite quint to your posts?

Fuck off

Attached: 1531337244661.png (514x152, 72K)

Also this is a yotsuba board but you don't see us complaining.

Attached: itsuki_main.jpg (166x354, 30K)

Negi tweet about Nino

Nino main girl confirmed

fuck anime/Staff

Attached: Negitweet.jpg (608x283, 38K)

Those are some based tastes, bro.

Attached: 1542223372052.png (195x278, 55K)

Don’t ever stop posting Nino bro, these guys crave it.


Please do so

Shut the fucc up Lelouch

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Go-toubun no Hanayome - 08 [720p].mkv_snapshot_20.20_[2019.03.04_16.26.30].png (1280x720, 752K)

It has come to my immediate attention that if people had more Nino in their life they'd be less angry.

Attached: Nino13.png (707x1599, 807K)

Attached: BD20A20C-3EC4-4A37-BA64-8D5A9E0C09C8.png (581x756, 528K)

Fuck off retard.

Attached: 1518848877197.png (504x703, 207K)

"you mad bro" and "ignoring my post because im a _____fag" doesn't make anything i''m saying wrong.

>yotsuba board
really? I couldn't tell with all the nino being posted for little to no reason

Attached: 532.jpg (580x284, 41K)

Quints for ants.

I love Nino with my innermost soul.

Attached: Nino284.png (707x986, 217K)

Very true

Attached: 1526214631655.png (248x310, 105K)

KRaw when?


You fuck off and put on your trip, batty boy.

Attached: 1548281101789.png (940x776, 1.26M)

You fuck off. You sound obsessed.

Attached: 1532510271190.png (1009x979, 1.03M)

How is that feasibly possible?

Attached: 1537126476639.png (209x327, 92K)

Fuck off.

check the archive.


Attached: 1541040736153.png (520x578, 279K)

Kill yourself, subhuman.

Attached: 2!!.jpg (580x821, 68K)


>they'd be less angry.
Do not know about that, but they definitely would have had lots of good, healthy sleep. That's for sure

Attached: 1530716736444.png (819x623, 159K)

Stop posting downsized images you braindead chink

Attached: D05B6teU0AABMQH.jpg (1417x2006, 320K)

Attached: 73529002_p0r.jpg (2561x1254, 2.55M)

Kill yourself, subhuman.

Attached: yandere_all.jpg (1691x2048, 1.74M)

Attached: NinoArt95.png (701x1158, 893K)

god I wish that was me

Attached: 1551370333834.jpg (724x1023, 115K)

Whoops wrong image

Attached: 1548626901606.png (819x623, 167K)

>Stop posting you braindead chink

Attached: 447A639C-4843-4FED-A211-8D24933D074D.jpg (640x903, 207K)

still the wrong image

I see nothing, dumbass fags.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Domestic na Kanojo - 01 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_05.38_[2019.01.15_00.15.04].png (1072x1074, 718K)

No, it's correct this time

Attached: 1525520796297.png (1927x2271, 609K)

Reminder that full ED is out

Attached: IMG_20190305_235534.jpg (555x603, 39K)

>But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, Nino’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of her who called you out of darkness into her wonderful light.
>Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of Nino; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.
>Dear friends, I urge you, as foreigners and exiles, to abstain from sinful desires, which wage war against your soul.

Attached: 1534707370940.png (964x940, 1.09M)

Attached: 54321.jpg (580x289, 61K)


Ichika kills the competition
Nino drugs you to make sure you can't get away
Miku ________?
Yotsuba _______?
Itsuki eats you more literally than sexually

my gf fuutarou is so smart

so do feet

Reminder that the candles Nino gave Fuutarou are Nino scented.

Attached: o.png (297x524, 116K)

She smells good

Attached: 1517957993591.png (240x319, 82K)

Like me.

Rui and Nino a shit

That sounds hot and sexually arousing. Fuut is lucky.

Nah, Nino a best.

Attached: 1533433675666.png (181x309, 59K)

>Yotsuba _______?
yotsuba guilt trips you into staying with by constantly reminding about how much you are worth to her and if you leave she'll kill herself.

Miku sits quietly
Yotsuba actually cares for you and your happiness

Attached: 1548635285499.jpg (1674x2048, 1.89M)

Attached: ninobaby.jpg (338x434, 61K)

>jerome not even in the picture

yeah but both the OP and ED are kinda underwhelming. ED > OP but I'd still rather listen to something else.

Will she be alright?

Kill yourself, subhuman


Colder than the ice in her drink.


Attached: 73532043_p0.jpg (750x1061, 91K)

I'm happy Hina is winning.

Attached: 1535157836788.gif (299x350, 273K)

thanks user

Attached: yotsuba_cute.jpg (800x1100, 503K)

Attached: Ninolove.jpg (2696x1888, 805K)

Those poor Ichika animeonlies that make fanart of her not knowing what happens in the future.


Attached: 1521735215887.jpg (619x686, 159K)

Kill yourself, subhuman.

Attached: yandere_miku.jpg (580x538, 55K)

Nice. Thanks

Attached: Dz7WgYlVAAA0zU6.jpg orig.jpg (1890x2060, 348K)


Attached: 17C84CEC-CE21-488C-8A86-6942CE9EB1CD.jpg (1417x2006, 403K)

Choke on gutter oil, subhuman.

Attached: 1548760131669.jpg (600x455, 101K)


Attached: a6546b4.jpg (495x578, 73K)

With lots of love, silly.

Attached: 1530518861562.png (151x179, 35K)

Her one shot appearance unironically looks a times better. and not just because of the fat edit.

You're my hero if you find the Miku version.

She looks fatter.

Attached: fucking yes.jpg (2750x4000, 3.32M)

I'll upload all of them now


Attached: together.png (744x381, 264K)

Attached: miku_happy.png (1350x992, 1.99M)

Miku a cute
Much better than Nino

>Miku ________?

you should do a new thread for that user

At long last. Thanks user.

Attached: 1538724365505.jpg (10000x10000, 3.8M)

Are you retarded?

Character songs


Calm down, Takeda.

Guys, I think I like Nino best. Am I wrong?

Yes. Ichika is best girl.

Attached: 1551347418168.png (900x517, 421K)

Tried fixing the stamp.

Attached: Smile Protected.png (1426x1617, 797K)

I like Nino the best but want her to lose because I wanna marry her.

No, Fuutarou. You're not wrong.

Stop trying to steal my job, only I'm certified to love her.

What's Ichika saying at the beginning of hers? Every day is special?

sex with fuutarou

*is a party!

1=3 > 4 > 5 > 2

Why does Nino have so many husbands? She's such a slut


it's just one tsunderefag samefagging though

>see couples poll
>Ichika is the only one not there
Snakefags BTFO.

All me. She's my little slut.

Attached: 1548243313032.jpg (2480x3508, 493K)

It's not like Ichikafags expect her to win either

How can Yotsuba be saved?

Attached: my smile.jpg (1352x676, 340K)

Animeonlies have shit taste
What else is new

Attached: 1550747521493.jpg (2852x2048, 3.47M)

Takeda is here for you (and Miku)

smile, yotsuba!

Attached: raepgent.jpg (640x480, 25K)

You can praise her efforts and tell her how cute she is.

Attached: yotsuKawaii.png (1357x1290, 1.25M)

Miku's sweaty thighs

Attached: 2e615cdb81f3a9532e2df12282ee0839.jpg (1000x1412, 249K)

Only one shall remain.

Attached: Masked Rider DESPAIR.jpg (1054x1628, 831K)

Attached: miku_destiny.jpg (1188x2816, 689K)

Never, despairbros will win.

What poll?

>that typesetting

Attached: 1527724239333.png (405x641, 239K)

The facebook poll that someone's been spamming

Woah, guess Miku doesnt love him anymore.

Attached: 18.png (2230x1600, 1.63M)

Some crunchyroll shit or something

PR is such a lazy shit jesus christ

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Facebook poll called anime trending

What a good imouto, supporting her onee-san all the way.

Attached: 19.png (1115x1600, 750K)

I can't believe it. How could you make this user.
Why is it left justified?

Attached: yotsuPeek.png (269x324, 53K)

All this translating 'suki' as 'love' has lessened the impact when Nino finally said 'daisuki'

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>yotsuba's card is the MC's
confirmed win

so frankly irrelevant...

We can always batch release later.

Attached: Yotsuponytail.png (211x205, 19K)

Fix the font and typesetting and you’re good.

I want Nino to lose the Fbowl soon so we can finally go back to having comfy Ninofag-free threads again

I'll always be in these threads

True, but he makes me angry. It's been 4 days and he hasn't checked any more chapters yet.


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Itsuki song sounds like a main girl soung, strange...

I agree. Every instance of translating daisuki/suki needs a TL note showing which Japanese word the character uses.

Nino best girl

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You wish, on both of your clauses.

He'll be back I'm sure.
Is he also helping with other series?

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because ones basically an extension of the other but has far more significance.

As I learned Suki can mean I like you / love you whereas Daisuki means I'm in love with you.

I'm a novice and only do one series but there we go.

Very strange. Nino is the main girl after all.

Well of course. It's all according to Ichika's plan.
>Realizes that Fuutarou will turn into a good-for-nothing if he ends up with her
>Goes on to impersonate Miku and pretend to sabotage her
>Knows full well that Fuutarou, with the power of love, will realize it was Ichika and not Miku
>Plans for Fuutarou to think she's a dirty sneak, assuring that he won’t end up with her and become a gigolo
>Also giving sympathy points to Miku, who’s the supposed victim of her trickery
Ichika's playing the Itachi game; making sure everyone thinks she's the villain and uniting them against herself to put them all on the right path.

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I'm surprised nobody has posted interracial sex comments about Nino yet.

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It's only me though.

Pfft, poor soul.

What are you anons talking about?

It's been on nyaa for 10 hours already.

>Is he also helping with other series?
Yeah. Not sure if a lot, saw his name on the group's 3 series so far. He's also busy playing games.

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I, a white male, would love to sex her


It came out two hours ago though

I don't remember posting this...

This isn't Yea Forums, yet.

The moment the quintuplets finally cause Fuutarou true despair is the moment her smile will be gone for good.
Then we'll have a second coming of Rena on our hands

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Takebayashi returning would be more likely to happen next volume.

Attached: Best Girl.png (360x911, 344K)

6:36 and 7:40 AM UTC+1

Please, she didn't do anything that others probably won't do in the future or have done.

Roofie queen made his life miserable in the beginning. Others have nearly drowned him or poisoned him. Pretending to be her sister hardly warrants all this crazy snake stuff.

But Fuutarou's birthday and mock exams had good outcomes. How can Negi even create despair?

Don't worry. Nino will restore her hubby's smile like always.

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Return of the crush.. How can the Quints compare to his first love?

>Hmph, you call that a dick? Pathetic.

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Lost in translation is always a bummer. Luckily I'm learning Japanese and hopefully after two years I will be able to enjoy all the missed nuances.

Hey, me. Did I remember to take the meds this morning?

Attached: Nino114.png (226x334, 80K)

Fucking hell this image has been posted 4 times already
Here's a fifth, stick to this one.

Attached: 73533565_p0.jpg (1417x2006, 486K)

Please insult me more.. It only makes me love you.
Wait no, must stay loyal to Ichika.

Ahaha. KH3 was it? Must be nice to be able to play games. ..I should buy a switch.
Oh, I ninja fixed page 4 ch83. Forgot we already had some PR for that.

Attached: yotsUu.png (502x415, 325K)

Oh, dear...

Imagine being a massive bigot to the point you're bothered by the presence of people who like things you don't like in a notorious imageboard. Rent free.

She knows my weakness ;_;

>mock exams
Noone care about that.
expect japan

I feel bad for the dude

It's even ironic considering the fact faggots like him who whine and bash at things he doesn't like add to shitposting, ergo defeats the goal of comfy.

It's hard to enjoy anything when Ninofags are around though

Dunno they were fairly big here. Though teachers went on strike half way through my final year. That was fun.

Ara ara cute shota dick, user-kun~

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Nah, skyrim actually.
>Oh, I ninja fixed page 4 ch83. Forgot we already had some PR for that.
Did we? I forgot too. Good job anyway. I'll take a look at it someday.

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Ichika a best. A BEST.

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How are they hurting you? Regardless of how you feel nino is probably End game with Itsuki / Miku ( unless she marries the other guy)

>nino is probably End game
>Ninotards are this delusional
Thanks for proving my point

Yes mistress.

Jesus how accurate can you be...

Field trip arc
>"The reason I have this happiness is because they were there"
A few chapters later
>Seven goodbyes
The bigger the hope, the greater the despair. The next drama will completely destroy Fuutarou because quints are really important to him now

Great design wasted on worst girl.

Confirmed Rena is Yotsuba yes?

No I don't. When did I start having medications?

I'm an Ichika fan?

B-B-B-B-B-B-But she hurt muh MIKU'S chances! And anything Nino does wrong is excusable because she's a tsundere!



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Miku is gonna go yandere mode. or it will really smoothly get solved like with any other conflict.

Miku's soft virgin tummy

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this image is seriously making me consider making a Nino folder

Not having one... you degenerate

>"You are my Valentine"
>not "Will you be my Valentine?"

I'm a Mikufag but i'm tempted

is there one version for each quint ?

Miku won't be a yandere. Ichika's more likely to fill that role. The autist will stay as a doormat that can't confess.

>didn't get the reply he wanted

Attached: miku_yandere.jpg (271x407, 19K)

Japan is such a meme country.

Attached: [HorribleSubs]_Go-toubun_no_Hanayome_-_08_[720p].m_2019-03-06_02-43-22.jpg (1920x1080, 123K)

I want to have a family with them.

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after listening all the characters songs:
3 > 5 > 1 > 4 > 2 for me

3: Cute song

5 : Shonen song

1: Kana Hanazawa song

4 : Motivating song

2: Tsundere song

What could even happen? We know about the 1-3 war and maybe we'll get a quint birthday chapter.


Attached: 1533635361632.jpg (1280x720, 197K)

The drama will be with the field trip arc.

Blame the US for that. Japan used to be a normal country before the bombs.

>1-3 war


Attached: miku wet dream.jpg (320x808, 113K)

>1 2 3

>1 2 3

I wonder how that can even start. If they're going to Kyoto, Rena could come back even though she's dead.

always the quiet one's user.
it's okay she probably thinks you suck too
dunno both could easily fly off under the right pressures.

Fuutarou finds out who it is (by finding the costume in one of the quints room for example)

I like her. She's the cutest

>still wearing her headphones even during sex

Miku is a gift from God.

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The definition of war is loose, user. It could mean the conflict between sisters doing there best to one-up each other for the affection of different weeb cultures.

>2 >3 > 5 > 1 > 4 > 2
>2: Tsundere song

Why would Rena bring her box in to the new apartment? She would be dumber than the quints.

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shes, not dead shes one of the quints you retard.
damn it stop tempting me away from the holy Nee san

Rena is dead.

Attached: Ch42.16.png (1426x2048, 1.12M)

If itsuki was rena, were would she store the clothes?

she already ate the clothes.

She ate it

Birthday present reaction may or may not happen.

Miku might find out about Ichika backstabbing and revert back to ice queen stage rather than going yandere, which would lead to a long term arc.

Also we haven't seen biological father of the quints yet. But that would mean Itsuki would be in the focus, so hopefully not.

Fuutarou's mother could also be an arc.

And Yotsuba can finally become relevant.

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> Yotsuba being relevant


who the fuck takes bath with their towel on? that's just retarded.


>thinking she has hope


1 > 5 > 3 > 4 > 2
Don't like Ayana's and Ayaneru's singing voices.

In about two weeks. Remember to remind myself to go to the doctor

i want to go to akihabara at least once in my life but jap bullshittery really tick me off.

Hey, it's still possible. At least in theory.

Attached: despair_for_the_win.jpg (1350x809, 357K)

Attached: 73477116_p0.png (2900x1000, 1.09M)


>2: Tsundere song
Yes it is
First part is directed to Fuutarou;aka trashing him
Second part is directed to Kintarou;aka admiring him
Ayana said in the interview herself that the song is about the duality of Nino.

What's is Negi problem with the younger sisters?
Why do he hates them?

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that bullshit is nothing compared to uk bullshit, trust me.

Yotsuba is a well-developed character in theory.

Fuutarou is a siscon so Itsuki pretty much won being the token imouto

>damn it stop tempting me away from the holy Nee san

Chika-nee doesn't mind sharing.

Attached: 51015571da7fa2285662ed45291a0c9b.jpg (850x1160, 206K)

There is something about shy girls blushing that melts my heart more than anything else. No other quint can achieve this level of cuteness.

Attached: Screenshot (5).png (1920x1080, 1.13M)

>Chika-nee doesn't mind sharing
And other bullshit chika-nee say.

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you realise shes probably gonna win?
see the nee-san must be committed to alone for Ichika is the true path

Wrong quote. Meant for this

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Who is the trap quint? I might pick this up if its the headphone cute that is a trap

Nah. It's been foreshadowed for a long time.

Attached: whatdidnegimeanbythis.png (1070x4116, 2.91M)

Take this as you will

Attached: 1532794417657.png (433x781, 463K)

i had to resort to extreme bait to get that pic of Miku. Sorry i tricked you user and thanks

Everyone gonna wins F-bowl, but it's nino that going to take main wife position.

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I can't believe Nino will be Fuutarou sister-in-law bros

All you need is ask. I'll be happy to help anytime

>the wedding chapter had so many dresses for the bride is because he's gonna marry all 5 in a row on the same day
god bless

Haremfags should take the lethal injection.

You first.

>12 dresses
>That means he's going to marry 5!
Do yourself a favour and go buy a rope

Look at this fag.

Attached: 1524450086906.png (240x400, 159K)

2 dresses for each plus 2 backup ones :^)

if Oreimo taught us anything Siscon romances can exist?

or something about Rejecting the best girl for trash.


What the heck.

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12 different size for Itsuki.

Attached: 73530849_p0.jpg (2388x3045, 1.02M)

I'd rather be a fag than a pathetic self-inserter

Yes. Nino has the best one by far.

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Why do our threads have such a high concentration of ESL's? Is there a correlation between them and a certain quint?

I really like Yotsuba a lot but no matter how hard I try I can't see her as waifu material. I like her in a best friend role

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Someone the in the other thread said that this series is popular with SEAmonkeys. And LHT.

Attached: 72559383_p4.jpg (2126x3661, 491K)

The scanlator group? I dunno about them, I only read the releases from here.

They were Vietnamese IIRC. Funny enough, all the shitters that post leaks/gook scans/WTN on twitter are SEAmonkeys, and the admin of reddit discord is one as well.

Why else other than fullfilling your self-inserting fantasy would you want to make quints lives miserable?

I accidentally stumbled on some Vietnamese nigger on twitter trying his best at doing some English edits of panels on the #五等分の花嫁 tag, simply awful.

can we not insult people who provide us with the raws?

>who provide us with the raws
They don't.

>can we not insult people who provide us with the raws?
The team buys the raws. Fuck SEAmonkeys they're cancer.

they leaks scans though isn't that something?

They don't.

Attached: 73535008_p0.jpg (1060x1078, 887K)

nope that's koreans. The only thing SEAniggers do is post those leaks on twitter with the 五等分の花嫁 tag because they're attentionwhoring faggots.

my bad then

Last for Nino a shit


Nino a best.

MY cute shit