Hajime no ippo

Can't believe mashiba graced us with a knockout before jobbing.

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What a dumb fight. I fully expect Iga to somehow push Mashiba. Perhaps the Ippo vs Woli "Tap" strategy.

morikawa can do good fights when Ippo isn't in them, this might get better

I'm absolutely certain Iga getting uppercut was part of some grand scheme to set up a counter in the next round. I just wish Mashiba losing wasn't so fuckin telegraphed.


What did he actually mean by that

Man you think we'd get one fight where ippo is completely forgotten and the two boxers do their own thing. It's like the whole universe revolves around him.

Can Kamogawa ever be stopped? Even with Ippo gone, his teachings endure.

>boxers are now pretending to be Ippo and taking uppercuts at full strength
>the school of boxing spreads like the plague and the life expectancy of boxers in japan drops 10 years

When was the last time we actually had that? Volg vs the American dude?


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Takamura fights are usually like that, but the last two have been immediately after Ippo fights so there is always that "THE COACH DOESN'T NEED IPPO, YOU STILL HAVE ME" angst

Man, that image was from when the coach had volg counter Ippo's dempsey roll to demonstrate how fucked he was if someone with half a brain faced him.

A chapter later he told him that if Volg wasn't such a nice guy and held back he probably would've died from the counter on the spot.

It even spreads internationally.
There is no escape.

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More importantly, whats that faggot bitch Miyata up to? I hate that fucking bitch so much. Oh my counters. Oh my tragic weight control sob story every fight. Oh my father's sword. Oh the tragic prince. Oh the brooding loner. I'm so aloof my gym members just feel honored when I look at them.

Fuck off.

Just being all moody and looking for purpose because the guy that beat him once like 20 years ago retired.
I despise that the manga is making out Kumi to be the villain and not literally everyone who is trying to pull Ippo back into the ring despite his firm stance on not coming back.

Okay Kumi.

God I hate that bitch.

>you are clearly physically deteriorating due to boxing
>your brain is potentially mush except lmao unconfirmed until George wants to play that card again in 600 chapters
>you promised your worried mother that you will stop killing yourself in the ring and assist with the business
>you promised your cutiepie not gf that you will quit after the next loss
>you've had a good run and are proud of how far you've come, but decide to make the hard decision
>Miyata the rival shows up out of nowhere and starts getting salty over the fact he didn't get a rematch despite only fighting you once before you were even boxers and then cancelling the last opportunity himself
Nah fuck em

>>you are clearly physically deteriorating due to boxing
There is nothing official, there's a very high chance he's just been psyching himself out this whole time.
Only Miyata tried to guilt him into coming back because he realizes this.

So he should keeps going until he is brain dead for real?

If he does come back, he definitely needs a new coach.

It's only a matter of time, with how Ippo trains and fights there is just no chance that he doesn't eventually die from a counter or rip his legs apart from dempsey rolling too hard. His coach has him take full strength counters as training, you think that's a sustainable lifestyle? I don't think anyone could blame Ippo for putting the breaks on it before he dies before his mother.

He needs to have a true comeback arc after all these years and finally stop being an obsessed manchild.
I don't doubt that there's a heavy danger with his training, but he shouldn't have quit so half assedly at the first signs and then there's that line with Takamura on top of that.

That's what we thought with Miyata. and he still Yamato Damashi'd his way to a win.

Tripping, poor ability to guage distance, inability to even remember previous rounds, inability to draw straight lines without putting 100% yamato damashi into it, falling unconcious after matches.
These could all be coincidences or attributed to unrelated things, but it's a bit more than just 'first signs' and it's entirely logical to play it safe as Ippo.
As the audience, I'm also furious that we could get blueballed for 1200 chapters just for Ippo to decide boxing is no longer his thing and call it quits, but from his characters perspective it makes perfect sense.

Yeah but Miyata has rival plot armor, all Mashiba has is a bunch of red flags and setups.

Mashiba still needs to be the "uwaah Mashiba-san is scary!" guy so George can avoid Kumi getting the Ippo cannon. He's not going to lose.

Him losing a match to some autistic prodigy won't change that, especially against Ippo who literally thinks girls still have cooties.

>it's a bit more than just 'first signs'
What actually happened before that then?
>entirely logical to play it safe as Ippo.
This decision was practically forced on him by Kamogawa.
His character is a bitch who never learned to truly believe himself when that's rule 1 of any shonen.

He should just give Nanako a good dicking and get it over with.

>Yes boy, take his hits at full impact, that way you will tire his arms sooner. I bet he only has stamina to uppercut you 5 more times, hang in there.

No, Ippo made the decision to quit after the next loss far beforehand. He is a bitch in the ring, but given George's inability to rectify that character flaw it's only smarter for Ippo to quit, at best he will get himself killed trying to prove the coaches boxing.

You laugh now kiddo, watch it happen.

Well he is pretending to be ippo

He still wanted to keep going the whole time, but couldn't ignore Kumi's worries and his mother on top of Kamogawa giving him pain. He still uses training gear even now. There's no denying that Ippo was pressured into quitting.
Sure it may be smarter for him to quit, but that goes against the entire idea of self improvement shonen like this are based around. Not realizing where he went wrong in life makes no sense for him at this point with little else to worry about and all the time in the world to contemplate.