ITT: amazing character designs

ITT: amazing character designs

Attached: gon.png (229x560, 44K)

Attached: mooty-kun.jpg (1594x2057, 583K)

There is not a single good character design in Hunter x Hunter.

rent free

>literally a ripoff of kid goku

Attached: 250px-349Feebas.png (250x250, 51K)

how so?

Attached: Pat.png (158x136, 54K)

Attached: 96f7cf61b24d0472701ee2c4ae58bb1f.jpg (700x988, 51K)

Attached: Joker.png (386x906, 220K)



It's a deconstruction of kid Goku.

Attached: titty sniper mommy.jpg (800x1152, 198K)

Based and, dare I say, nenpilled.

Attached: Hisoka Pillow.jpg (333x500, 36K)

Attached: Bucellati.png (496x832, 961K)


Attached: 1l2kw8.jpg (739x742, 33K)


>spiky black hair
>dumb but incredibly perceptive when it comes to fighting
>grew up in the wilderness, fighting animals to get stronger
>carries around a long pole like tool
I could probably list more but it seems pretty obvious.

Best design coming through.

Attached: Tenshit.jpg (640x491, 47K)

More like a reconstruction.

Attached: 1454131912595.png (500x375, 250K)

>Inb4 GT

Attached: Trunks_gt_normal.png (788x2395, 1.01M)

GT had the best designs in the entire franchise this a joke?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Re-Creators - 17 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_04.02.903.jpg (1920x1080, 665K)

Attached: gilfcycle.png (1163x636, 861K)

Chrollo killua and kurapika are ok

Attached: [Raws-4U] Basquash! - 07 HD (D-MBS 1280x720 H264 AAC).mp4_snapshot_22.24_[2019.03.04_21.08.21].jpg (1280x720, 99K)

It's a deconstruction.

Attached: chinchan.jpg (1600x1200, 159K)

Attached: Blackmore.png (361x479, 410K)

Attached: rttry.jpg (616x1005, 78K)

Attached: 5LYzTBVoS196gvYvw3zjwPYTx_MD0WCP_od9fBGSeEg.jpg (960x640, 428K)

Attached: kmO_Tvz8EYpjQT-Z7ZyMfejc2j5vUWlmYN1HeBBiR8nadDVNt__dmjApfcxYnEg_ZeqQTWKhFKej6xFcrgFGNqNqfos7ED5M6IpP (486x691, 59K)

Attached: kmO_Tvz8EYpjQT-Z7ZyMfeyqqmTSDNKRHr5NfY6v5CHnoClaTGwNlxM9SXfsdm5TJf9MJ76WgOB47wLUBg4AQLHHewj9XDA4RGt9 (1024x576, 47K)

Attached: 5LYzTBVoS196gvYvw3zjwAkoF_eb-URVZcI7zttMaqc.jpg (500x313, 48K)

prove otherwise.

Attached: 48384.jpg (320x456, 50K)

Attached: DuSwzDDU0AwhY_J.jpg (1354x2048, 663K)

Attached: Kiramanga.jpg (500x742, 136K)

Attached: 50BD949F-1D54-4E63-BD46-A273F5335261.jpg (750x1159, 148K)

now we're talking

about time someone started the thread

Attached: 1551476395413.jpg (1920x1080, 154K)

Attached: 3088bb2a28e4f0f014dd526caec0c0c6.jpg (1193x2849, 179K)

Attached: PurpleHaze.png (747x1115, 1.51M)

This. Togashi cant even write a compelling story. Much less character designs

>inb I-its a deconstruction. Y-you dont have high IQ