Phantom Blood is unironically the Peak of shonen and the best part

Phantom Blood is unironically the Peak of shonen and the best part.

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>part 4 exists

steel ball run > battle tendency > phantom blood > the rest

Based and Hamonpilled, fuck Stands.

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It's good but the weakest part along with part 3.


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Phantom Blood is amazing.
The story and characters are great and it's not spread across 20 volumes.

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It has arguably the best hero/villain dynamic in shonen, but otherwise it's outclassed by plenty.

predictable overrated garbage

>MFW there's people who think Phantom Blood is bad

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You mean Part 6

Part 4 is 50% slice of life filler that has nothing to do with shonen.



who cares?

jojo is shit!

Nice capitalization and punctuation.

>people actually think the most boring JoJo part is good
What a bunch of dumbass contrarians.

but that's not the patricians part, part six

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>most boring
>not Part 3

No part 1 still has that title.

After phantom blood ended I stopped liking JoJo. A shame

please give me attention i go on threads for anime i dont like

It might be the worst part, however its still better than anything else out there.

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Based. I liked the world and character designs best. Part 2 was neat too.

Unironically true.

That's not Jojolion.

Both are objectively bad, but part 3 was more entertaining than part 1.

More like 85% slice of life, pretty boring until Kira appears

nostalgiafags are cancer