Has ONE officially cemented himself as one of the greatest mangakas of all time?

Has ONE officially cemented himself as one of the greatest mangakas of all time?

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Did he do both?

Mob was great. OPM has declined.


could mob beat the telekinesis bitch from OPM?

???% Mob > Tornado > 100% Mob >> Regular Mob

iirc according to One

Mob doesn't seem to have an upper limit so things are very much in his favor.

Not even close. Stop trying to elevate a hack who can't even draw a properly to the greatest mangaka of all time.

>who can't even draw a properly
only the webcomic is bad

I think his 3rd work is gonna be a masterpiece that will define modern anime.

Are you retarded? One punch man is one of the most well drawn series of all time, ONE is a genius

Are you trolling? Everyone knows who draws OPM and it isn't ONE.


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>???% Mob >= Tornado > 100% Mob >> Regular Mob

Agreed, he attracts great talent that make works of love for him because he is a hack.

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I wish ONE would officially cement his dick in my ass you feel me

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He ruined OPM with fillershit, so nah.

>ONE writers Mob/reigen fulltime and leaves OPM to murata and assistant writers
>Mob is high quality and OPM isnt
Makes sense dunnit

He's coming back to the webcomic, there is hope still.

>???mob>>>tatsu=100%mob>>>regular MPB

In his interview he clearly states that IF mob get SERIOUS theres no way to tell who's stronger

>his 3rd work
Makai no Ossan?

He's second best mangaka in my book and objectively

>one of the greatest mangakas of all time
Not if Murata has anything to say about it

>theres no way to tell who's stronger

>Powerlevelfags keep nitpicking at ONE's words with this argument to find exact meanings and concrete tier lists between the lines
All of you miss the point that he clearly meant it as a noncommittal "I dunno, and neither will you". Therefore the answer to the debate is a plain and simple "don't overthink it".

>tfw no OPM anime bones style
There is just so fucking much of ONE's style lost through the manga/anime adaptations it makes me feel a little bad.

Araki is the best

That's Togashi

OPM was never really his main story and just something he does for fun, MP100 is/was his passion project which is a shame considering OPMs near-worldwide popularity back then

> which is a shame considering OPMs near-worldwide popularity back then
>implying it doesn't make it even more poetic

>Has ONE officially cemented himself as one of the greatest mangakas of all time?
You need to be +18 to post on this site.

ONE really proved people who can write an interesting story but can't draw can make a popular manga.

>can't draw
figure drawing and proper paneling isn't as easy as you think user. I'm convinced he was just lazy and releasing sketches at first (with OPM), and now it's just an art style considering how clean the art for Mob Psycho is.

He's really nowhere near the quality or consistency of Urasawa or Mizukami

Did he? Has he done anything relevant since Mob ended?

Is mob REALLY that good?
I never really read or watched it, I thought it was discount opm. Should I read or watch it first? Is the anime adaptation worth watching?

no it's shit

It's decent, but it's nowhere near as good as ONE's cocksuckers want you to believe.

It's great. I'd go straight for the manga and read it all over.

Its good but ppl are praising it as if it was god tier

He'll update it once and put it back on hiatus for another two and a half years

> The tryhard project jobs while the ridiculous project no one ever expected walks up and wins
How many levels of pottery is ONE operating on?

wish more people would read this. its pretty good

Attached: ossan.jpg (534x812, 300K)


Sakuga community is sucking off this series big time. Expect Amazing animation and good Art Direction.

Togashi is GOAT.

No. Call back when he has multiple works that have changed the landscape of manga. There are countless mangaka with one or two popular works. Honestly, I hate you newfags. You never go away and you keep parading your bad taste and ignorance as a badge of honor. You're a dumb motherfucker who doesn't know the first thing about the medium, yet here you are trying to make fundamental claims about it. Just end yourself, faggot.


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He is a great and thoughtful storyteller.

If you're serious, then you're an idiot.

Only Makai no Ossan is good, rest of his works are absolute dog shit.

I'm afraid you're the idiot. You don't know the first thing about basic design or sketching nor the demands of comedic expressions. Anatomic precision and quality of the drawing is a whole different area of art and we're not even entering that here. Most excellent artists do not however have good skill in delivery of demanding expressions however, and this amateur excels in what most educated artists sometimes struggle with. I know because I'm a good artist unlike ONE, but you'e just a worthless random shitposter and wouldn't recognize quality content if your life depended on it.
As for the humor, I'm gonna assume you didn't even read the damn thing.
You could make an essay on how well and thorough ONE absurdifies archetypal manga writing tropes, but you couldn't even recognize such let alone enter a discussion about it.
Then there's the issue of timing, delivery and pacing and he truly knows how to execute it in his webcomics. A healthy laugh is not something you get from most mangas, not even ones with the sub genre of comedy.

Yes he is good. It's a fact, and you'll be seeing more of his stuff in the years to come. Start coping.

I'm seriously starting to think this nu-Yea Forums is literally just Yea Forums but with anime. Stop your bullshit without any evidence or opinion

Those facial expressions are stock comedy manga fair, newfaggot. Read more manga.

As in you just took a glance at one page in order to be able to post a reply, how about you read the actual thing before you shitpost? And no one said he invented a new form of facial expression depiction you faggot, but that he uses them quite effectively and has a very wide pallet he works with.
user, take that fedora off and stop projecting. We've all read a shit ton of manga (or at least so I assume) and a single mangaka usually uses a limited number of comedic expressions when working on a manga. It's a fact that ONE uses a huge variety and also executes them with efficiency and leaves that leaves an actual emotional impression on the reader. Something that a lot of artists far better than him struggle with.
You're not even worthy of a (you) but whatever.

I've been reading manga since 1995, you are no where near my level, you pleb piece of shit. ONE is entry level crap that is literally popular with idiots on MAL, Reddit and Tumblr. You're a fucking disgrace.

>I've been reading manga since 1995
Sorry gramps, I wasn't aware your age makes you less retarded. Since we're doing a dick measuring contest all of a sudden, I've been reading manga since 2002 and watched anime since 1997. But I'll try to compensate against your superior track record with more brain cells.
So, why don't you enlighten us nu-Yea Forums kids on why exactly ONE isn't a good storyteller/mangaka? Don't forget to include comparisons with all those quality works you've thoroughly read and analysed. As a matter of fact go ahead and include some comparisons with books and general rules of storytelling.

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>posts HxH

Read the manga and endure the artstyle. It's good.

>I'm really strong but I don't get enough respect
What did he mean by this?

He's a white man

The anime is pretty faithful and it's a visual spectable though.

Watch the anime, read the manga after season 2.

OPM and Mob already did that. If anything, it will be kinda hard to top these two.

>he thinks mob is capeshit


He finished Makai no Ossan and there's a Reigen spinoff that is ongoing.

As far as I know, he works on the OPM manga, The mob-related comics, and i guess he's involved in some way in the anime adaptations.

OPM and Mob are garbage tho.

Because it is

You are garbage (and you don't have any fucking arguments to boot).

>Average story
>Shitty art style in the manga
If it weren't for One punch man popularity and the studio to make good animation NO ONE would gave a shit about it.

He's not the best, in my opinion that goes Satoshi Mizukami. He does, however, know how to write an overpowered MC. Both OPM and Mob have MC's that never lose in terms of power, but each story has a different way of combating the blandness that is usually associated with it. So while he ain't the best, he's pretty damn good at what he does

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>after season 2

Nah. Mob was garbage from the start and OPM was ruined by ONE himself. So he has only one good manga now.

>faggot doesn't even know OPM reached high popularity in Japan before Murata even started to remake it

Mob isn't actually the strongest in his universe.

I never said OPM wasn't popular you nigger.
I said that mob is popular because it leached from OPM popularity.

>Monster: I've been reading manga since 1995, you are no where near my level, you pleb piece of shit. ONE is entry level crap that is literally popular with idiots on MAL, Reddit and Tumblr. You're a fucking disgrace.
Saitama: Souka.

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Both are badly written entry level shounenshit that fans excuse all criticism as it's meant to be shit or it's a parody. As soon as both try to be more than joke of the week, they completely fall apart (one joke man got old real fast, it should have been a short manga like Sakamoto) Given that their only real redeemable value is the spectacle, they are basically marvelshit of anime.

>one joke battleshounenshit
>greatest anything

The large public doesn't know shit about that.

Ppl only love Pne Punch Man for the Sakuga. If S2 is lacking in terms of Amazing animation, the series is going fall flat in its face. The same could be said could almost be said for Mob Psycho.

Why do you guys hate popular things? Just because it's popular doesn't mean you have to interact with the annoying fans of the popular thing.

shit series

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What about Maou oji-san?

>high quality

>makes two of the best series out there
>done so by webcomics with shitty artwork

what's your excuse Yea Forums?

My art skills are terrib

>no one ever mentions makai no ossan which he drew 1 or 2 pages a day
ONE is great but I’m afraid murata is infecting him with his shit tastes.

Because it's relatively obscure and will probably stay that way. A good thing in the end.

1 or 2 pages a day is because of the format and not murata's autism.

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Murata has been serialised and had a long running anime, can you say the same faggot?

>What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you pleb piece of shit? I'll have you know I've been reading manga since 1995, and I have literally thousands of entries on myanimelist. Absolutely nobody knows manga better than me. You are nothing to me but just another redditor.

Good post, but posting only the pic would have been an improvement.

So you read one manga series each year until modern times when anime and manga got popular and translated? :^)