HorribleSubs was a mistake

HorribleSubs was a mistake

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Toaru Majutsu no Index III - 20 [720p]-00h21m49s893t.png (1280x720, 1.18M)

Why is a twink so powerful here?

because God n shieet

Christ 2.0

Why the fuck does HorribleSubs overlay text when 2 characters are speaking at the same time?
This shit is illegible

The worst part is how they started changing translations 3 seasons in
>Kamijo Toma instead of Kamijou Touma
>"Just my luck!" instead of "Such misfortune!"
>Sissy instead of onee-sama
>zapper/shocker instead of just doing a TL note for Biribiri, since it's a nickname
and this is the studio's fault, but
>changing the sound of Imagine Breaker 4 seasons and a movie into its run

Attached: A Certain Magical Index - S03E07 - The Third Level-00h14m30s495t.png (1280x720, 1.18M)

You must be new here.

I bought the official English LN and was surprised to see they left "biri biri" in place, not even a TL note. So much for Commie's "muh professionals don't leave anything untranslated" horseshit.

>Sissy instead of onee-sama
those people at HS must have had a troubled childhood or something. In what universe do people call their sibling sissy?

>Sissy instead of onee-sama
Holy shit what


Attached: A Certain Magical Index - S03E14 - Heroes-00h01m18s620t.png (1280x720, 1.14M)

>absolute fucking state of Yea Forums

How would you translate ore-sama?

If you think sissy is bad as a sub you should hear it as a dub

Nobody asked for that.

I know for sure that it's funimation that's at fault for this bullshit. They're the ones who changed Onee-sama to the absurd sounding "sissy" back in some dub I saw a clip from. It's cringe inducing.

I'll never not be mad at this

In centaur no nayami they constantly throw around the word "sissy" and I have to manually do the mental process of "it means sister, not sissy".

Attached: survivors.png (943x462, 332K)

If you don't like it do it yourself

Sissy ruined anime

ohnonono. Actual nightmare fuel.

That's obviously how Americans address their female siblings.

Didn't expect to find professional work ethics among cartoon amateur groups. Are there others like Commie?

American here, nobody does that. Maybe Californians who hate their family think people who don't say it though.


>no tl note
what a bunch of fucking amateurs

Attached: 316.jpg (1280x720, 173K)

I'm new to torrenting i guess
Only started around 2 years ago

Your newfag is showing. Never, ever let your newfag show.

Because it attracts the raging retard?

Do translators not know sissy is a real world with a meaning? It's baffling.

I've only ever watched the raildex animes, how's S3 going? I'll probably binge it once it's done.

That picture aside, I kinda miss fansubbers being retards because of muh Japanese

American is not a very rich or complex language. The American people, descendants of deported criminals and enslaved primitives, could only develop a very rudimentary system of honorifics. They simply call everyone who is not a dog, a small child, a woman or a negro "Sir". Calling their women "sir" is not recommended though, they can get really superstitious and aggressive about that. "Sissy" actually is the closest translation available in their monkey language.

Is this pasta?

It was implied that Sylvia was the reason Ollerus lost his chance to become a majin and Othinus supposedly stole that chance from him long ago. Is Sylvia a young-looking hag like Ladylee? Can Ollerus do some time travel shit? Did I just read the LNs wrong?

Even for a punk-ass villain like him this language was a little extreme.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Toaru Majutsu no Index III - 21 [720p].mkv_snapshot_07.34_[2019.03.05_02.00.05].jpg (1280x720, 74K)

>All these fucking newfags blaming HorribleSubs for "translating" stuff wrong
Am I falling for another one?

Attached: 2ebd1bdb.jpg (640x460, 49K)

You're thinking of English.
>Deported criminals
You're thinking of Australia.
Still, I'm gonna save this for pasta reasons.

Nowadays this board is full of retards who think HS is a sub group.