Which Isekai would you live in and what role would you play, Yea Forums?

Which Isekai would you live in and what role would you play, Yea Forums?

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I would live in SAO, just so I can take down Kirito.

He'd be too strong for you

Mar. that way no matter how shitty my stats are, I'd still be over power'd. Fuck going home though.

none, isekai is harem shit made for neets

I've no idea, a lot of isekai are either boring or secretly terrible worlds.

slime anime as slime


Just some worker doing whatever job's available to earn some coins to spend on succubi service

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Smartphone since Jesus is on my side. I can't lose.

High fantasy as I kill all the males except traps and become the king who is immortal.

Shield Hero doesn't sound that bad if you don't get accused of rape. Just kill some balloons and you can already buy a cute raccoon slave.

the one who gives me the best cheats

not only would kirito own you, but he'd also cuck you after you try to rape his new waifu

No Game No Life is coming right you.

konosuba, and the tsukkomi to a damegami

Just give me a bakery

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I wanna be like the OPM of Isekai like Altair to fill my power-trip fantasy.I wanna go into the One Piece world and release all the Sea Kings from the Calm Belt to destroy Marineford.Jump into the HxH world and kill everyone and there's nothing they can do about it.

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Digimon, the kid who HACKS THE PLANET FOR JUSTICE FOR HIS FALLEN FRIENDS, but eventually starts to get a bit nefarious in his plans to use the new kids to bring back his friends through world threatening time travel and dimention hopping.


Raccoon slaves are weak. Why not settle for something a little more powerful?

I'm looking for cuteness not power

slime isekai, rape every girl on that planet as a slime

this pic's isekai and the cute girl

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Elder Tale enchanter

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you would become his new waifu and would take him down sucking his dick too hard

kirito is a gary stu. there's no way to be better than him.

If I get cheat powers then it doesn't matter. Re:Zero for the chance to wreak havoc in an already unstable kingdom and torture Subaru a bit more I guess. If not then Konosuba. Knowing I can always go to heaven is re-assuring.

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I wanna be reincarnated as a mother fucking dragon. Fuck a slime, fuck a spider, let me be a god tier mythical monster.

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I can't think of a bigger cuckold in isekai history. The absolute state of fantasy "christians".

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Well I'd rather be reincarnated into slime's world rather than spider or that dragon's.

yeah, AS a dragon though. Slime boy hit the lottery, but being a normal slime would suck.

Monster Girl Encyclopedia. Humans are a failed species and deserve to be replaced by monsters.

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>Be Altair
>Can visit every Isekai on a whim
>You practically become the the final boss the minute you show up.

Altair is always the answer.

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in MT's world I would live in the magic city at Ranoa Kingdom where the MC and his family live, literally the safest place in the world no matter the profession and especially after Rudy and Greyrats take over.

heh but the real god is Hitogami and he is literally the reason why humanity is still not extinct and in a somewhat domineering position.

no one wants to be a cute slave?

So uh, what will happen with humanity once hitogami falls down as it has been written?

Cute slaves are for this. Many isekai would be improved with a MC like this.

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This but I’d dick down the titty monster

It's a tossup between Shield Hero and How not to summon a demon lord.

Shield hero probably because it would be easier to find another Raph than it would be to find another Rem.

You can even clone/create your own with the wonders of magic-powered gene manipulation.

My isekai would be exactly like reality except I would be able to get a job and stop being a NEET leech to society and my parents.

She's the ultimate isekai MC self-insert.

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Where are the new raws at for this?

I haven't seen raws yet, just that translation.

A world where futa monster girls rule. And mankind has all been turned completely female.
A pet/slave.

Some isekai that lets me change jobs like i would my socks and try different shit. I wanna get smashed and smash faces as a Brewmaster, or become a bonemancer and bone people over.

Adventure and sell patents until I have the money to develop and build my own aircraft, and become the first pilot of that world. I just want to fly with no laws or regulations to hold me down.

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I mean sure, the only thing that would be a problem would be flying monsters like dragons n shit.

Boring.You can do that already on video games.

Perhaps. But that's my choice.

How resistant are dragons to 30mm cannon fire?

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Depends on the toughness of their scales and maybe what the bullets are made of

You're not gonna be able to develop 30mm cannons, because you also need the knowledge how to create the things that are needed to create 30mm cannons, and the techniques to teach people how to create the things that are needed to create the things for creating 30mm cannons that can be stuck on a plane.

Konosuba, at least there I wouldn't get roflstomped by everything.
I'd love to go to re:zero's world, but that would likely get me murdered before I even realise what is going on.

Not that user, but by that point you'd be very old anyway, if you were born towards the end of the series. Pretty sure humanity is better off with him gone, unless there's some extra information about him doing good for humanity in the side stories. Also please don't forget spoiler tags, dumb tripfag.

Just travel to any poor country with high crime rate.

even ww2 figthers could outrun them, the do335 was the fasted piston engine plane to fly ever and can reach pass 700km/h
you could just outrun or fly higher where air is so thin fucker won't breath

The more money I have, the more I can hire other engineers to help me bring Earth technology to reality. I can't exactly build an internal combustion engine or an autocannon out of a bucket of scraps, but the knowledge I have no gives me a tremendous headstart. Assuming I fail to develop guns, I'll just hang some cutes mages from the wings to fire magic missiles.

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well first you would need to hunt a dragon to test his scales, trying what kind of gun is good enough, and probably 30mm is going to make a lot of holes on it, maybe you could just make a fast scouting plane made of aluminum like the zero to search for dragons and let a self propeled anti air gun take it down like the soviet zsu-57-2

Id go around raping and pillaging untill my 40s-50s where i was inevitably killed by the MC

you could instead have a minimal unit to help with health problems, you know feudal ages are plaged with diseases and by making cheap soap and selling it making a mountain of money and produce enough to pay the engineers, alchemist, mages and schoolars to produce guns and other goods

any isekai and become a convination of Rockefeller and General MacArthur

Grimgar so i have the highest shot at dying immediately

because that's how mafia works.

Sorry user.

Lalatina's husband

You cant build a plane. Do you even fluid dynamics?

Any of them, the truck driver

>you can't build a plane
Tell me exactly why I can't.

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you will need to be able to construct an engine for it. You will also need to be able to construct an aerodynamic body for it, and to do this in a light enough fashion to make sure that its not too heavy to take off. Depending on how fast you want the plane to be you will need to have a decent knowledge of fluid dynamics to be able to account for the air resistance, resistance which increase greatly the faster you go, meaning you will need a much more powerful engine to go only a little bit faster. You will not only need to remember all of the parts of a plane but you will have to be able to machine all of the parts for it. You will also need to have a decent enough knowledge of structural engineering to be able to make sure you plane doesnt simply fall apart around you, which could be deadly when you are in the air.

fun fact aluminium is incredibly hard to get out of the ground.

I will Isekai back to earth as a Truck Driver.

And I shall deliver these teenagers to their designated worlds.

Do you have a way of building the 30mm cannons and mass producing the ammunition?

I would be Aqua's husband and father to our children.

And on top of that, the prerequisite knowledge to build the machines that can build the machines to build the parts for the airplanes. Said machines needed to build the machines which can build the machines needed to build the parts might require other complicated machines first.
In short, our hopeful plane builders that are put in a medieval fantasy world either need to be cyborgs that have access to a database that has all that knowledge and prerequisite knowledge and everything prior to that for building said plane stored, or needs to be like that protagonist in Doctor Stone.
And that's just one person knowing about said things, but not necessarily being able to do it at all. You need skilled workers who can build said machines too, who need to be taught how to do it and how make said parts. And while said fantasy engineers need to learn and build the machines, they'll need food, and they'll need the resources, which themselves might need to be found and harvested or mined somewhere, which means training other people whose duty is to simply find that resource, and so on.

Everything's interconnected, after all.

The problem is not the engineers you will need, as you can always teach them if you know what you are doing. The problem is the knowledge of how a plane flies and the industrialisation required to be able to produce the parts for a plane. You will require precision machining of all of the individual parts. You wouldnt need to remember all of the parts off by heart, if you had a decent knowledge of physics and engineering you could remember the basics and just fill in the gaps. But you would still need a lot of specialist knowledge which ever way you slice it. Unless you are an aeronautics engineer or whatever the phrase is you would have an extreme difficulty in building a plane. This is of course ignoring the electrical components and all of the engineering and physics that go into the knowledge of the circuitry, and of course this is assuming that you are easily able to acquire the raw materials for the plane, however if you want to build anything out of aluminium you will have a bad time unless have the knowledge of how to get aluminium out from its ores. A very energy consuming process.

You can 3d print most of that

Im hoping that this is a joke comment.

Never mind that your inventions/macines will be stolen by other people who might be more skilled or powerful socially.
Patents or capitalism won't exist to protect you.
Honestly the best chance you have is just writing books and collecting books in hopes of starting a renaissance.

Or picking a benefactor to make more powerful and get a share of the spoils

Can I be your cute ninja waifu?

In short, to build an airplane, you first need to build a society that can create said airplane.

basically yes

Imperial Breast Inspector. All breasts must be tested by me for an indeterminate amount of time before women are legally allowed near small children.

Eh, fuck this shit, it's probably easier to simply become a wizard that can fly and do other godlike wizard things.

A world where there's a cure for autism.

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There already is though

Whoops, wrong isekai thread.

In best isekai

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And what is it?
A gun?

A bullet

Id probabbly be some shit like wandering backsmith, shit i love making weapons.

Depends, do I get cheat skills, or do I get isekai'd as I am?

Probably. Though saying "I'm just going to become a wizard" is like saying "I'm just going to become a mathematician". Its really easy to say but pretty hard to do.

That's because math is boring except to a few space cases.
If I could make things explode with my brain you better believe I would enjoy developing that skill.

Overlord, Archerdine

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If its easy enough so that any layman can fairly easily become great if they had a little bit of interest in it then you bet everyone else would be a wizard, and there would be wizarding prodigy's as well.

RTW, kill demons and eat their stones as a male.
Miraculously survive, gain magic power and join Roland in his crusade.
Knock up witches in my free time.

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Sword Isekai setting.
Become sentient potion bottle.
Find myself a poor sick loli owner and nurse her back to health.
Obtain wealth through alchemy and buy orphanage.
Clean up the slums in surrounding cities from kids and train them into invincible child soldiers.
Overtake the nation and use it's resources to transport myself to the nearest star and make myself one with it.
Become God looking after kids for eternity.

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Goblin Slayer setting as a goblin.
Research magic the best I can, probably meddle with the likes of human necromancers out of the borders of civilized nations.
Gain trust of goblin nest and then turn them all into undead minions, proceed to move to the next one.
Find a gateway to the moon and turn it into my undead domain.
Harness the energy to become powerful goblin lich.
Work my way up to obtain divine spark.

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I woul like to live in the Warcraft universe. My role would be cock sleeve for several Draenei mistresses

Moonlight Sculptor/ELLC setting.
Isekai as an ancient grimoire containing powerful curse.
Whoever reads the book gets infected by the curse and is now under its full control.
Start a cult of followers.
Somewhere down the line use amassed cerebral processing power of mind-controlled zealots to calculate myself into a material form.
Defeat and replace all gods.
Purge The Beyond from demons and put power collectors instead, fueling myself.

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Isekai as 100lvl priest shota in Overlord.
Spend my days in the slums exchanging healing miracles for sexual services.

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Heteromorphic race Basilisk in Overlord setting.
Collect bad girls, store them in petrified state in my private gallery.
Unpetrify them only for dickings.

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Isekai into Goblin Slayer setting as a sentient slime.
Save adventuring witch from gobs.
She takes me in as familiar.
Dispatching gobs as overgrown slime is EZ.
Store metal chains, swords, spears, shields etc. inside my body and pull them out as needed.

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You seem to have your life planned out pretty well.

>looking after kids for eternity.
>after fusing with a star
Good luck for you when you finally run out of Hydrogen and drag all of you children into your death.

>implying I won't steal mass through [Gate] from other stars
If push comes to a shove I'll just hijack supermassive black hole in galactic core and use it's power to isekai all kids into a younger universe.

Or I can just make them into K'tans and go on star-eating voyage fighting off tier 3 civs for food.

Well, considering the fact that there's enough magical things in the magical isekai worlds like magic items, magic servants, magic creatures, that oughta imply that it's easy enough to learn and be adequately good at stuff.

However, if the magical fantasy isekai world is like some vidya geimu where you can only learn things by spending experience points, which themselves can only be gained by killing monsters, then it's gonna be a lot harder. And really dumber.
On the other hand, at least you'd be able to objectively quantify your progress.

>objectively quantify your progress.
>not quantifying progress by size and quality of harem

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I need to spend more points in my charisma and sex appeal stats, though. Perhaps also a little bit of wisdom and intelligence, so that I'm smart and wise enough to know how much to invest in charisma and sex appeal to know when I'll get the optimal amount of sexy girls for my harem.

Just invest all those in STR user.

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This sounds like an optimisation problem

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Konosuba might be fun as an adventurer.

But probably some medieval fantasy setting as a blacksmith. I think it'd be cool making and selling armour and weapons. Plus you get to hear a bunch of stories from adventurers that buy your stuff. And the cute female adventurers of course.

>And the cute female adventurers of course.
Who are often fans of big biceps.

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You need to enhance your vitality or else your aren't going to survive even the smallest injury or illness.

I need to get on those emergency isekai tech studies. You know, to bring heathens glory of gunpowder, gasoline and antibiotics in case I ever isekai or tensei.

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Isekai as picrelated in Risou no Himo no Seikatsu.
Before going back for 30 days prep time I can also ask for claws and teeth of local dragons to sell to the collections on Earth for extra money, they're unknown species over here so should fetch a nice price.
Don't be a twat and bring over local wikipedia dump, condomes, contraceptives, several portable radio stations and more of them clear glass beads.
Also bring artificial insemination kit = bigass syringe because I don't want to NTR brown queen with concubines.
Also spend some time collecting books about critical tech since wiki might lack details e.g. medical atlases, metal smelting, semi-conductors and electricity etc.
Also not bringing any solar batteries was dumb: Capra kingdom has a ton of sun all year round.
Take some transparent plexiglass panels with me too to go with AC because faggot never even uses it for himself because windows have no glass.

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Shield Hero world as Raphtalia's husband

>both slaves

As long as I get to hold Raph in my arms I'm okay with that.

checked. either going for this or for but give me a bloody axe or mace instead.
if it was shield hero, i wouldn't lewd but protecc her of course

As her master plows her, sure

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But that's illegal because she's my wife??
Stop it

>Death March
>Isekai Slave Harem
>Tate no Yuusha
Any one of those because there are slaves.
Hell in DM starved villagers even tried to sell their kids to MC.

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I wonder how much of it you could take? Maybe a week? A month?
I bet she'd give in to pleasure and stop screaming "Don't look!" halfway through and start to get off.

But user, you know the demihumans are for abuse, right? Nobody wants to dick them because they're all religious fanatics.

>he really thinks no humans dick demi-humans
Rape is about power and control user.
I'm sure there are plenty of people like those, especially considering only slaves you an own in Melromarc are demi-humans.

I'll just change my choice then.
Shield hero world as Raphtalia's master.

Too late!

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Trick question nerd, she marries her master at the end.

>Isekai Slave Harem
Not a bad choice but the class system is super fucked up unless you have MC cheats
I'd prefer to have access to the world creator/selector the MC used in the intro. Custom isekai world.

That's a given.

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That's not a cure. I'll just end up in another isekai.

Just keep doing it until you achieve enlightenment and escape the endless cycle of death and rebirth

Everyone will, eventually. Even bricks.

fantasy Australia
Oppai-chuuni’s fren
Kasuma’s tax collector

But user she'd be clingy

>Michio could have had a harem of hot pirate or even better yet hot space pirate beast girls instead

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Log Horizon
I'd journey from my server to Kurwa just to unlock winged hussar.

>NPC, monsters and Players are now real
>no rape
Unrealistic series.

Maou setting looks fun. You can even cute slaves there.

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The amount of tutorials/guides/manuals he got in that timeframe was ridiculous, try that yourself... you can get plenty but there's some behind paywalls and permissions that he couldn't be able to. Other than that he is a beta, slowpoke and loves the Queen too much.

>The amount of tutorials/guides/manuals he got in that timeframe was ridiculous
What the fuck? He didn't bring anything but shitty TV shows that wouldn't even tell how to make firebricks properly.
Are you drugs?

>Other than that he is a beta, slowpoke and loves the Queen too much.
Beta isn't a bad thing for his position, he's not a complete slowpoke either and nothing wrong with loving the queen.

crossover isekai where oneself could be a Hotsy-Totsy Loli Nazi and get shoulder rides from big Bone Daddy.

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>What the fuck? He didn't bring anything but shitty TV shows that wouldn't even tell how to make firebricks properly.
>Are you drugs?
You are, he has a laptop full of knowledge...you should read it again.

>You are, he has a laptop full of knowledge...you should read it again.
Maybe YOU should: he only has excel and TV shows on that laptop.

The same reason you can't right now only moreso.

Would Ainz be able to beat Sonzai X? I mean: he has time-stop counter-measures.

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I go to hell after I die and suffer eternally for a life lived selfishly

user sometimes it's about dicking hot tanuki girls and the power is just a means to that end.

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"RPG setting but it's not a game", as the groups healer and designated cock sleeve

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I would love to be in any Isekai, as long as I have the powers of a Saiyan

I understand where you're coming from, but my argument was that no amount of religious dogma and political grudges would stop your average civilian degenerates from indulging in demi-human pussy. That user says humans don't fuck demi-humans period, I beg to differ.

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Do you fuck goats? Do you enjoy that sweet sweet goat pussy every time no one's looking? Why not? Oh, because the culture you were raised in taught you to see it as disgusting.


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SOME do user, if your immediate circle doesn't - it's not definitive proof. I think bestiality is still legal in Washington, Kentucky and few other states too.
>Oh, because the culture you were raised in taught you to see it as disgusting
Are you ten?
That never stops fetishists. People get off eating literal shit. Stop being retarded.

Eh nothing I can't handle.

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Yeah, but most people don't get off eating literal shit. It's entirely possible that religious dogma and political grudges stop the average civilian, as you said it, from indulging in demi-human pussy.

there is only one thing that can resolve such a situation. it's lots and lots of head pats

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>if you don't get accused of rape

But what if she infected you with her diseases when you sleep with her?

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>It's entirely possible that religious dogma and political grudges stop the average civilian
It'll stop some, but not all so that post is false
>Nobody wants to dick them
which I was arguing.

Might as well rape Myne first thing.

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An isekei with cute girls
A healslut


I would love to suck and eat that meat.

>culture you were raised in taught you to see it as disgusting
No because it's illegal. I'm a law-abiding citizen.

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>isekai STD
I'll just call JSDF

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> i wouldn't lewd but protecc her of course
Why not do both?

Death March needed a MC and manga more like Slave Harem. Getting to see slaves like Liza and Arisa in chapters like that could have been great.

It's kinda get obnoxious later.

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>Why not do both?
because she isn't for lewd. the furthest i'd go is sharing a bed to cuddle and occasionally hold hands

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A slime.

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What does? The fact that he keeps denying them, or their behavior at not getting to use his spear? Both of those have the same solution.

They should've let him fuck the golem.

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That would have been a good start. He still would need to fuck them too.

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Mother of drills

is that ms punchy?

>Kiricuck is like 27-0
Good fucking luck with that.

How many times was Asuna kidnapped? How come she wasn't raped even once? You'd think that the big bads would learn.

Somebody was raped in the webnovel.

I don't care which one, I just want be in the one where I can 100% live a peaceful as a villager and some jesus kun has to fight the bad guys for me.
Quiet life is best life.

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If I had to choose a fantasy world to live in it would be the world of Etrian Odyssey as a buffslut, no generic isekai anime world can compare.

Fuck you user
You're getting artifact-grade magical Hoe
and lvl100 farmer stats
and a harem
and a pet dragon
and you still get to fight demon lord
t. God

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Really underrated.

Gotta agree with you.

Does Utawarerumono count? I want to settle down as one of their gods and have lots of sex with cute proxies that can't refuse me because of genetical engineering.

I've started reading Parallel Paradise, it looks fun.

Neck yourself, you fucking degenerate.


i just want to join a mercenary band and do mercenary things with my mercenary bros.

>Reading degenerate casual sex fantasy material
>Needing it to be explained

You really are a complete degenerate. Just gas yourself.

Unlike wholesome isekai like Overlord, Goblin Slayer and Isekai Slave Harem?

If only he realized that if he just gave in and took what they were offering they might have even helped him take her too, that would have been even better.

Risou no himo seikatsu, so I can replace the protagonist and be tenderly dominated by my deliciously brown wife.

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Also bringing more useful information, and accepting the harem that is offered.

That's a long girl

Godspeed user.

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A very good choice. I remember fantasising for days about what I would bring when I first read it. I sure as fuck would do better than the MC.

The one were I can acquire Raph as my daughterwife.

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I like these. These are cute.

Man shield bro has gotten really popular ever since the anime started, hasn't it?

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Konosuba so I could be with my waifu

Like all other anime adaptations. At least it's not to the same magnitude as, say, DarliFra or whatever else was popular last season. I think it's in an uncomfortably advantageous position where it's popular enough that people are "discussing it" and not popular enough for people to make endless threads to shitpost about it like LAST SEASON.

Being the shitposting show of the season will do that.

to be fair, we have at least one thread a day.
if we count this one, too, we have three threads up right now. it's still incredibly popular on Yea Forums and most of them actually reach bump limit like the last two.

two are about to die though.

Any isekai world. Born as an aristocrat then when I become famous, I'd publish communism manifesto just to fuck with the future and publish "god is dead" to piss off the gods and the goddesses.

Cannot be overstated. Extremely affordable succubi service? Knocking back drinks with the boys after work? Sign me the fuck up.

>Also bringing more useful information

>and accepting the harem that is offered

My brother of another mother!

Emperor Domination world where I marry a fucking rock.

was there a bigger chad than the MC of that doujin?


You forgot the adventure guild

World of futanari were I'm turned into one and end up a prostitute

They've been said a bunch before, but either Konosuba or Shield Hero are comfy so long as you don't trade your cheat skill in for a blue-haired burden or be your country's antichrist.

As for other choices... maybe be a Tome Hero and gain UNLIMITED POWER by running my hand over a royal/hidden library's shelves, or some bs cheat like "has benefits of double the level" so I could fight level 10 enemies at level "5". Aqua's dumb enough to give that, right?

>or some bs cheat like "has benefits of double the level"
you are fucked in a variety of scenarios, like worlds where equipment stats are a much bigger influence than base stats

You can just harvest hydrogen from other steller bodies and dump it in while cycling the iron out.

Absolutely this.
As long as you end up in one of the cities far away from the Demon Lord you're living free and easy.

>this many people saying Shield Hero
is everyone forgetting about the waves? One bad day and the place you're in gets overrun with monsters and good luck with the heroes being competent enough to wipe them all

Thanks, picked up!

A worm would do better than MC.

Any isekai as long as my level is higher.
Should be easy as there are plenty of levels between 1 and infinity.

Food fights back user.

Young Rance.
Eh its not needed.

Hero of the shield world as a wildcard hero,
hero of the cannon.

Well in close range I'm fucked up so I would need to befriend some melee hero. Or just buy some slaves.

I was thinking of something like hero of the rifle or gun hero but it seems too mundane if you can be equipped with mobile self driving magical artillery station. Or summonable cannon.

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>implying I wouldn't ask questions about the world
she doesn't care so long as you agree in the end.

Guns are at least implied to be under bows for whatever reason, and I'm not sure you can be a hero of a non-personal weapon.

>hero of the bomb

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Fuck off, Jew.

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I despise Isekai Anime but for some reason i like this one. Something about the MC adopting a poor girl is just so nice. Also the show is pretty comfy and MC isn't an annoying twink

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This but laying on my stomach so my morning wood doesn't press into her.

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Those might exist in someplace else but the Bow can transform in pretty much anything that shoots a projectile, guns, cannons, you name it.

Giant dick?

I want to indulge in Raph's hidden daddy issues by becoming her new father(husband).

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a dick-shaped gun yes. Or that cannon that shoots dubstep in Saints row IV

>a dick-shaped gun

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As long as it's a gun, it'll work. Just how the spear can turn into a javelin, pike or even halberd, and the sword can become a knife or a dagger or pretty much anything with a bladed edge,

so, Hajin?

guns aren't that useful in shield hero however. bullet damage is pretty dependent on stats. Unless you are a hero or have upwards of lvl 200+ it wont do much damage.

>not taking the best of both worlds and make it a crossbow
baka desu oni-senpai

i guess it would be a bit better, if only because they'r shooting an arrow with it.

Technically not an isekai but Danmachi would be pretty neat. Has all the adventures and stuff without being too dark.

Whichever Isekai has the minotaur cow bitches with the leaky titty, that'd be my sole quest to find a village/farm like that and claim the title of 'milkman'.

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Dungeon Meshi have cattle minotaurs, but it's not isekai. I guess you can choose it but it gets pretty fucking grimdark at times.

Konosuba because of pic related

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God fucking damnit

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Succubi are a thing in many settings though, you even can have your personal one
>Maou Hajimekata
>anything with demons really

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So yeah, asanagi doujin when?

Who would be in it? It cannot be gentle loving, gotta be some fucked up shit.

Konosuba so I can be Yunyun's friend

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Pretty sure she's sharp enough to figure out what you're actually after

Malty abuse most likely. Or raphtalia, or firo. To me it doesn't matter unless asanagi goes meme and does something like he did in "Ït's training cats and dogs"

pretty sure she's not

1.2.Yes and?

>Or raphtalia, or firo.
Those are not for abuse.

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>Or raphtalia
Sheildbro, what the fuck?

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None. I would be dead or enslaved within hours in most settings.

>raphtalia or firo abuse

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Pick one where you wouldn't die even without cheats. Like Konosuba low-tier town.

You can be hero of the boat, why not hero of the cannon?

Yeah, but we have hero of the katana and hero of the sword. So having specialized version is possible.

May be as well.

So physics is totally fucked up by system, what a bummer. You can as well be hero of the toothpick then.
I like stories with a system but where it's more of an addition. Stats are based on physical properties and everything is spiced up with magical system.10 str Elf have less melee damage than 10 str Minotaur. Gold shield is weaker than Tungsten shield etc.

It may be better then to get isekaied into The Arcane Emperor world then.
Still being hero of the cannon would be cool.

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All i'm saying, is that it is likely those two will be on one of asanagis doujins if he ever gets around to make one about shieldbro. Or featured in one of their Gareki ones. Have you guys seen his shit? it's not an impossibility.

>Gareki ones
>Have you guys seen his shit?
I did which is why

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Then it's a straight downgrade from my current life. At least I have a stable job and a flat.
If I can choose some superpowers, then please give me agelessness and the ability to regenerate from any injury or illness as long as I have some nutrition(doesn't have to be fast regen).
Then Hunter X Hunter, please. I will grind everything or die trying.


>Then it's a straight downgrade from my current life
Are there succubi brothels in your life?
Sure, fine print is "fuck me daddy" magic eyes.

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I have this all figured out.
>start in a city, no money, nothing
>try to get a job as a miner for quick iron ore money, or go punch level 1 enemies outside till I get enough money to buy weapons/armors
>grind some more extra levels and money just to be safe
>join guild and complete quests till I can buy a house or whatever
>grind grind grind some more with monsters around my level, and with guild members
>help them in quests for extra reward
>if monsters ever seems too dangerous to fight and I only have one life I drop everything and open a smithing store or a material shop

>go bald

>Are there succubi brothels in your life?
Good point. I probably can reconsider.
>Sure, fine print is "fuck me daddy" magic eyes.
This is why I mentioned the speed. I just don't want to be an eternal cripple. Regenerating from serious injuries in a span of a year seems reasonable enough.

>Hunter X Hunter, please.
You will definitely get fucked over by some rich dude for his collection and your immortality is only going to prolong your suffering.

Well I mean theres a chance of that in real life too.

>You will definitely get fucked over by some rich dude for his collection
Still worth a shot.
>and your immortality is only going to prolong your suffering
I've mentioned the speed of regen, so not by much.

I’d replace Goku as the main character.

>file name

Top kek

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I’d be the guy from Charlotte with time travel powers, don’t care what world

Was it wrong to be turned on seeing darkness taken over

I men do you like hatefucking dirt?


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I don't know since I don't watch enough of this shit but I know how to make a gun so I'm set for life in any fantasy setting

>fantasy setting
Most RPG are litrpg.
Warriors tank hits from dragons there and wizards have barriers that repel meteors.
You'd be a weird ranger class with a gun at best.

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magic bullets user

>Most RPG are litrpg.
Most isekai are rpg.
Also D&D have guns, they're nothing special.

Magic arrows too and magic armor. What of it? Everything is magic in isekai.

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Any fool can make a gun. It's just a tube with something explosive in it. The hard part's making and machining decent quality metal so thing dosen't blow your hand off when you try and fire it.

>Magic arrows
too slow
>magic armor
how many shots can it withstand with against constantly changing multicharged ammunition
user I said I know how to make one, it's retarded useless information until it's not, the only part you're right about is making it perfectly while lacking proper tools

>too slow
Nigga it's fantasy, they can gattling gun their bow while you're still be limited by construction of the gun.
>how many shots can it withstand
Well how many can you put out before knight with 4cm thick magisteel shield rushes you?
>constantly changing multicharged ammunition
Ayy you're just pulling some shit again.
Normally rangers in fantasy charge their projectile with skills/mana whatever so it's AN EXPENDITURE.
If you're implying you somehow managed to mass-produce pre-charged munition that doesn't require mana input on the battlefield - you can get the fuck off right outta here together with oniisama

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>Not just putting in some actual effort and studying magic enough to make mana-powered laser rifles

If there's mana around - maybe ancient runic magic from Earth would actually work.
Might have value to add it to my isekai survival knowledge list.

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number one reason people hate death march, he fucks sluts over girls that actually love him.

Girls aren't his type, golem is.
But girls won't let MC fuck golem because all-or-one and because she's mentally retarded.


They need more love.

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In terms of world I love what Shield hero's world is. Its so flushed out and would seem to be fun to explore.

I would also like to go into Konosuba just so that way I could probably be the most useful also so i could wife wiz

but also Re:Zero simply for Rem

wiz is cold and dry

Humanity actually seems pretty good with him there actually. They don't get assraped all the goddammit time as a result.
Also all the bad things we ever here about him doing in the distant past are told to us by Orsted, who has a vested interest in seeing him gone. If anyone thinks Orsted would hesitate to kill Rudeus Waifu if he knew she would cause problems in future you're lying to yourself based on how he slaughtered Rudeus earlier in the story.

This is untrue, the Wright Brothers built their plane out of bycicle parts wood and canvas. The only real difficulty for someone who understands aerodynamics and has access to sufficient resources is the engine. In a lot of settings magic can cover that.

Extra long to accomodate more ovaries. She's pretty much a baby making machine.

>wiz is smart!
>wiz is cute!
>wiz is beautiful!
>wiz is strong!
>wiz is is adorable!
>wiz is soft!
>wiz is caring!
>wiz is nice!
>wiz is amazing!
>wiz is sweet!
>wiz is curvy!
>wiz is kind!
>wiz is thoughtful!
>wiz is sincere!
>wiz is passionate!
>wiz is courteous!
>wiz is considerate!
>wiz is attractive!
>wiz is lovely!
>wiz is fascinating!
>wiz is captivating!
>wiz is entrancing!
>wiz is precious!
>wiz is gracious!
>wiz is gentle!
>wiz is polite!
>wiz is pleasing!
>wiz is joyous!
>wiz is blissful!
>wiz is magnificent!
>wiz is resplendent!
>wiz is splendid!
>wiz is dazzling!
>wiz is delicate!
>wiz is delightful!
>wiz is elegant!
>wiz is gorgeous!
>wiz is marvelous!
>wiz is opulent!
>wiz is stunning!
>wiz is sumptuous!
>wiz is splendiferous!
>wiz is beauteous!
>wiz is bewitching!
>wiz is alluring!
>wiz is captivating!
>wiz is enchanting!
>wiz is salacious!
>wiz is concupiscent!

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She's a lich. A LICH!

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id live in an ffxi isekai and be the goblin (orc/yagudo/quadav) slayer of my world, just work on slowly work on genociding all beastmen
ive day dreamed about it for years, well before GS came out and its part of the reason i enjoyed the series so much

Yeah and it barely flew and still had an ICE, it was laso incappable of doing anything but flying badly.

It took decades for fully industrialized nations to go from Wrights work to combat aircraft. A bunch of guys with a blacksmithsd forge arn't going to be producing shit. Also can you build the Wright brothers aircraft with no blueprints or anything else jsut info off the top of your head? Because im willing to be the awnser even if you were provided all the parts would still be no.

user stop! you're making her blush!

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If she's a litch im whatever a litches husband is

>Hero of the Gun
>Materialize magical Schwerer Gustav
Welcome to the fuckbox, some poor fucker 15 mIles away from me.

I'd probably fuck up a couple times, but you don't have to build it in one session. What's important is the concepts of aerodynamics, particularly lift and drag, as well as the mechanism behind propellers.
If you have access to magic at all you can probably make heat with it, which is the primary issue for engines, (which werent exactly standardized when the Wright brothers were alive. And you may be able to skip engines entirely by just using wind magic or making the propellers spin with telekinesis.

>Wrights are immediately working for the military and European powers have combat aircraft by 1915

This. Most isekai are terrible worlds.

parallele paradise. Being a man is enough so i'd save countless life with my magic dick

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fuck isekai, I want to be reborn in ancient rome as a patrician. I'll teach them how to build cannons and muskets while asserting my masculinity by facefucking boy slaves using olive oil as lube

>oily lube

I don't think lack of cannons ans muskets led to fall of roman empire.

twas probably a surfeit of pederasts using boy slaves for irrumatio

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who cares? I'll be long dead before christianity spreads anyways, I just want to live the roman life with more bang and boom and more barbarian genocide

If you are not a minmax fag you can lvl up with your raccoon and get a comfy life hunting shit and selling drops

He's only strong in a game. Just punch him in the dick, abduct his waifus and mind break them. No one can stop fat hentai man.

This but with teenage Germanic girls or any girl for that matter.

I agree with the other user. I either have Raphtalia as my daughterwife or just lie down and die somewhere.

Is there a setting that has magic to cure STDs and swap genders so that I can be a prostitute? I've always wanted to try being a good little slut, and I could always switch back to original me again if I didn't enjoy it.


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Narnia desu

fuck off shlomo I don't wanna buy your field nigger

I just really, really want a tanuki daughterwife.

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You fucking heard me.

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He should all of them then.


Literally me.

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The fuck is this?

How did we come from this

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To this?

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aluminium is not hard to get, but hard to refine, i forgot to mention you could be using normal wood like some french figthers did but wood is wood and goes to hell quickly(not like the japanese zeros did too but you can do more with the material).
the problem with getting aluminium is you'll end up needing a lot of money since the fucker was more expensive than gold in the middle ages so you'll probably need to go through the industrial revolution to get it.
since is a magical world some shortcuts can be found or if dwarfs exist put them to work in exchange for something to rape.

Can't you just build a make-shift refinery?

you lack ambition

props for creepiest one in thread

Fate. I'd play as a human non-mage who identified as a wolf. I would make a pact with Gaia that if I was allowed to have the servant Prometheus i would burn the world down and create a utopia through her will making there no need for any more holy grail wars. I would be rebirthed periodically through my many wives to ensure that the utopia stays in a state of paradise. However I must leave eventually and when that time comes I will have to face off with Gilgamesh, Earths mightiest hero, with Enkidu by my side (one of my many wives), to determine if my rule is allowed to stay. If I am slain Gilgamesh would EA the world and reset the universe.

For aluminium you would need some way to produce a great deal of electricity. As the only really viable means of refining aluminium oxide into aluminium requires an approximate fuckload of electricity.

This, this and more of this.
Who would say no to a life in which, even if things go to shit, you can enjoy no matter what happens

She's cute

How much fuckloads and great deals of electricity are we talking about here? Would a water wheel work? Or a wind mill? Or a peddle?

The World who eat Death God so I can serve Schera-sama and ride with her into hell.

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That one where he's turned into a comfy super vampire loli.

You can produce aluminium with a small amount of electricity, you are just going to produce a small amount of aluminium. Looking it up, using a proper process you are going to be using something in excess of 50MJ per kilogram of aluminum. And it seems that a rather large water wheel will produce that in between one to two hours, depending on the size and water flow. Which may be enough of a rate to produce the amount of aluminium you need, but it's still not a very fast rate, particularly considering that there are going to be more issues with efficiency.

Konosuba easy

I'd be nice to replace Kazama, but just being a normal person in that beginning town sounds fun.

>I'll just hang some cute mages from the wings to fire magic missiles
Makes sense.

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Great, now how do we get that aluminum out of the ground?

>Which Isekai would you live in
any of them

>what role would you play
merchant. fuck fighting, I'm going to show those chumps the magic of modern banking.

If I had the ability, I would draw them getting the love Satou should have been giving them. Show them in obvious pleasure, with plenty of detail on their faces and positioning of their legs and toes, and Satou having the same stupid face he always does.

>because she's mentally retarded
That's not a concern of theirs.

Not Pochi and Tama yet, but they should end up asking what was going on after notcing something. Maybe Tama appearing from the shadows to watch before being told to go somewhere else. All of the rest should have had a child by now.

I'd go to SAO, and hope my disgusting looks would grant me NTR/rape doujin antagonist powers which will make me invincible.
THEN I would crush Kirito like a bug. Or cause a singularity by causing two invincible beings to clash. Both should be fun.

Absolutely redpilled

How did you find such fucking amazing art?

Artist's name is Yingyin Xsu by the way, everyone.

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The web novel was never so graphic. This is amazing.

Based wizbro

I only wish all other manga adaptations could be so graphic and well done, although from seeing other manga this could still be a little more graphic in some ways.

In order to build a plane, all you need is al alcohol wengel engine or whatever you call it. Ah, not the wegnel engine but the weird much more powerful miniature version with sparkplugs. Alcohol is free as waste from farms. Yhe engine is sufficiently efficient that a crude iron cast would work well enough.

Milling machine -> gears, wheels and belts -> fuck how would you make belts oh well chains -> bettery mettalurgy fack.

Any as long as I get to be the little girl. Doesn't matter which setting or what powers I get by fulfilling that wish I'd probably end up starring in a rape doujin so I don't care about the other details.

Objectively the best answer.
Not to mention we'd be relative geniuses compared to most people there. Easy livin


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Oh stop!

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>That's not a concern of theirs.
Statuatory rape or whatever user. She's mentally five or something.

Grimgar, I like hard mode. I'd probably go for spellcaster but if there some sort of spelled class I'd pick it up.

I don't remember that ever being mentioned by anyone as a problem. Satou is fine with her since she looks like that, but Arisa and Mia who are much older aren't good enough according to him.

>who are much older aren't good enough according to him.
They're loli hags user.
Satou type is busty oneesans.

Isn't Berserk basically an Isekai now
That would be fun to live in.

>fun to live in

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He should learn to find the good in others types as well, or a goddess is not going to be happy after going to the trouble of helping him become a god. He should be forced to unlock unit creation to do so by making everyone pregnant and creating new life.

Otome game as a random noblegirl female mob with no relations to the main cast, because at worst I'm just a bystander away from drama and I'll live in wealth and おほ~ほ~ほ~, at best I'm part of a REINCARNATION PLOT so I will have shit coming my way without lifting a finger.
It's just great.

i'd say read "i'm worried that my fiance is a villain" but the MC gets engaged to the villainess's brother who is a major character too.

>isekai as side character

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Any RPG isekai as top-lvl cleric catgirl.
Hide my powerlevel, dress in rags and bait pedos and bandits into attacking me.
100lvl cleric bod can take perpetual low-level mooks gangbang until I get tired of them and bring them before God, leave no witnesses.
Run slums and orphanages charities with money looted from criminals.
Reward diligent charity helpers with blessings and sexual favors.

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As a Paladin with greatsword. But can Paladin wear a bikini?

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That's what most isekai paladins are wearing user.

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The boy hero who was too frank with his lust

>isekai mc was a /x/ faggot
>gets isekaid
>all that shit actually works now
>summons a succubi to suck him off

are you guys sure you can prepare as well as he did.
i would probably be to lazy

Just bringing wikipedia dump on a laptop would alone be a huge boon.

how to recharge?

MC already brings compact hydro-plant generator with him so he has enough power for few led lights, AC, refrigerator and some other small appliances.

yeah i know and making all that stuff work might be too much for most anons

>all that stuff work
He recorded hydro-plant installation process and took the video with him.
If you can put together PC - you can put together small hydro-power plant too, it's not rocket science and hard labor was done by soldiers.
I'd also bring solar panels though since they don't rely on water stream and Capra kingdom has sun all year round.