Do you even enjoy watching anime anymore or just force yourself to watch it out of a inexplicable obligation even if...

Do you even enjoy watching anime anymore or just force yourself to watch it out of a inexplicable obligation even if you don't really feel interested so you can say you've watched x number of shows or episodes per day?

Attached: tired.jpg (1000x782, 87K)

it's a hobby not a job

No, I enjoy anime.

I've been going through every year since the 60s and skipping shit for the past 5 years, I'm almost close to ending this stupid hobby.

op pic reminded me of my cute wife it's the only reason i clicked.
here's your (you)

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I've actually only recently started watching anime somewhat seriously. I was a manga person mostly before that. So there's still plenty of stuff I haven't watched. Though I'm sliding back into manga recently. Been building up a bunch of stuff I want to read for a while now.


>Do you even enjoy watching anime
>just force yourself to watch it out of a inexplicable obligation even if you don't really feel interested so you can say you've watched x number of shows or episodes per day?

I have to force myself to start watching something, because I have ADD. Once I'm there, I'm enjoying myself.

Anime is fun.

I generally enjoy the things I watch but I cut myself off from a shitty series instead of finishing it just to finish it now. Doing that has changed my life.

I hate this image because I know the guy who drew it and he refuses to draw more pregnant lolis.

>Do you even enjoy watching anime
>or just force yourself to watch it out of a inexplicable obligation even if you don't really feel interested so you can say you've watched x number of shows or episodes per day?
No, not at all. There are some seasons I don't watch anything or just one show but I enjoy that sole show immensely.

Yea Forums isn't Yea Forums.

Watching something just for e-peen purposes is fucking stupid, but I will admit that I hardly get invested in the shows that I pick up anymore and usually just watch stuff to pass the time more than anything.

I went from picking up 15-20 shows a season in the early 2010s to more recently watching like 3 or 4 shows a season in the last 3 years.

you hate the guy, the image just by proxy.

I watch with my girlfriend but don't know anyone else who does. I wouldn't know which ones to brag about

I do.
I watch it with my tulpa girlfriend. Yeah, it's pretty fun.
Never tried watching it with friends (I have no friends), and 3DPD is gross.

To be fair, recent seasons have been really shit.

If I ever stop enjoying anime then I'll probably move on but even today I started watching a very unknown show from the year 2000 and I fucking love it so far. The fact that I keep finding stuff I like is what keeps me coming back.

If you don't force yourself to watch something, your backlog will never change and you end up posting on Yea Forums forever.
It's just an act of self-discipline. It's basically your ego vs your laziness

It is less epeen and more crippling internal autism that is only satisfied by finishing things.

Imagine wasting your life on a hobby you don't even enjoy. Reconsider your life or just kill yourself and stop shitting up this board with meta threads.

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I keep up with a couple with regular releases at a time, but other than that, I just binge whatever I find interesting for days or weeks on end until I'm done.

what show was it and is it subbed

This is literally the Yea Forums mindset. The people on this board are different from you subhumans, they actually enjoy their hobby.

Who is this cute wife and where's she from?

This. I actually enjoy video games again after I left that shithole.

Idiots "ironically" hating everything under the sun until they become jaded shitheels who do nothing but try to drag others into their misery.

Don't be like Yea Forums. If you aren't enjoying any anime right now, there's no harm in taking a break.
