Who was the best jojo villain?

Who was the best jojo villain?

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Dio Part 1

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Diego Brando > Funny Valentine > Enrico Pucci > Diavolo > Yoshikage Kira > Dio > Kars


id let him suck on my fingers bro no homo

2 deep 4 memebabies

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Kars literally lost to a meme.


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diego brando
he isnt a villain at all, he is an antagonist.

Pucci and it's not even close. He has the most participation in the story of his part out of any of the villains.

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jk Im not a cuck

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Kira and Diavolo are my favourites because of the way Araki framed sections of the story to put the audience in their shoes, showing us their moments of desperation, and their ability to overcome adversity.
But I'd give the edge to Diavolo because he remains threatening all throughout the part, and I love his defeat, while the ambulance thing was quite anticlimatic, especially after the mediocre final fight.

Biggest earth threat :
Kars, followed by Pucci for other reasons

Most talented/capable villain :
Kira, had he other priorities in life, he would have been an enormous threat for the world

Stand-wise, strongest individual threat :
Diavolo, maybe tie with Kira and Funny Valentine

Strongest one in raw stand power :

Kira was for me the best vilain, and the anime didn't depict him in the best light, he's more calm and threatening in the manga, each action he made was business, the only person that killed a protagonist so easily is Diavolo.

Did you just forget that DIO exists? Strongest individual threat and strongest raw power, for stand users.
The only reason he could lose to anyone is because of Jotaro's SAIMU STANDO powers.
The world also hard-counters both Pucci and, thanks to his vampiric healing factor, also hard-counters Diavolo. As for Kira and Funny, he just overpowers them on the basis of how broken timestop is.

Pucci with Made in Heaven can make it day faster than DIO would be able to stop time. Even if he couldn't he just run away from DIO so that he couldn't reach him in the 11 second (probably less because of MiH fuckery) time limit. Star Platinum couldn't keep up with MiH Pucci with its enhanced senses why would DIO and The World be able to?

Kira Yoshikage

I kinda dislike how his Kosaku phase with spiky hair gets ignored in favor of his blonde phase or his final curved gray/green hair.

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Best posters ITT.

Kira is objectively the best villain of the series.

Worst one is Pucci Stu.

>Funny Valentine

>A priest in the name of DIO
>Absurd stand that forcibly evolves twice
>Kills 2 of Jolyne's allies before the reset
>Out-tricks Jotaro early on, puts him in a do-or-die during finale
>Succeeds (for a moment)
>Loves prime numbers
>Used a gun once to shoot at a pigeon
>semi-tragic but at the same time ridiculous backstory

I always wonder what it's like for anime onlies to walk into these threads and see something like this

>le valentine did nothing wrong XD
this meme again

>loses to a kid
oh no no no no

>le le xd meme xd
this meme again

Funny valentine wasn’t a villain in all seriousness, he had a goal to make America great again, yeah he did some bad things but Johnny is more of a dick than funny is


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What did davipro mean by this?

Kars > Dio >>>>>> the rest of those fucking nobodies

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From best to worst:
>Pucci: wanted to reset the universe
>Kars: wanted to ascend the natural order
>Funny: wanted to help his country succeed
>Kira: just wanted a quiet life
>Diavolo: just wanted to hide his identity
>Dio: just wanted to kill the joestars

>has a goal of making 99% of all people suffer
>not the bad guy


so if I say that I am going to make my family great again at the expense of everyone else, that's fine? I can kill as many people as I feel like as long as it benefits my family?

he was willing to murder indiscriminately, and push all of America's misfortune onto other people on earth (and also rape a 14 year old, though that was purely for his own reasons)

he didn't have a selfish motivation because it wasn't all for himself, but you can't pretend that he was a moral person

Based karsfag
Dio > Kira > Kars >>> Funny > DIO > Pucci > Diavolo

According to adolf hitler its morally right
Trump=Hitler confirmed

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what did he mean by this


Based and red pilled

Diavolo had the coolest and most threatening stand. Character-wise, I say Kira or Pucci.

>Rape a 14 y/o
She looked his wife, he said she acted different, but still looked looked his wife.

Unless he's was trying to force her to drop the act, idk.

I don't know about best, but Kira and Kars are probably my personal favorites.

Kira for all the common reasons listed before, though I do think his entire run as Kosaku from start to finish is what really sold me on the character. If it weren't for his shenanigans with the family and the realization he gained of thinking he could get away with finally having a peaceful domestic life along with his murderous lifestyle, he would have just been a typical serial killer character in my eyes.

I like Kars for being the unapologetic parallel to Joseph's scheming tactics, plus the idea of a god-like superbeing who actually cares for nature is interesting to me, even if simplistic.

I like how Kars's hard work and straigjt-to-the-point attitude is the foil to Joseph's asspulls.

>while the ambulance thing was quite anticlimatic
I thought the ambulance was perfect. The anti-climax also fits Kira's character with how he always hypes himself up as hot shit, only to be killed by something so random that he brought onto himself.

Funny Valentine
>infinite of him
>D4C Love Train nearly invincible
>sweet design
> make america great again

I think that comes down more to his honesty in his assumptions/mistakes, but Kars is every bit the devilish schemer that Joseph is when it comes to combat. The biggest foil to Joseph was Wammu and his sense of honor, who actually forced Joseph to develop and gain that sense of duty and respect. The irony is that after defeating such an honorable opponent out of Wammu, Joseph is faced with Kars who was really similar to how he was throughout Part 2 by being the most underhanded among the Pillar Men.

>Dio: just wanted to kill the joestars
That's not true at all, not in part 1, 3 or 7

>wanted humanity to live better lives with them knowing their eventual and inevitable fate
>wasnt a puppet of DIO and had his own objective
>man of god
>memorable and creative design for both himself and all three of his stands
>better than the protag

What do you guys think of the current adaptation?

First time watching the anime and having a blast. But, I've caught up and feeling impatient. Should I continue on with the manga instead.

I like it, and I hated reading Part 5 (bad scanlations didn't help, though).

Jojo should only be experienced in anime form. The manga looks like crap.

Hard to choose, they’re all pretty hot

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Fantastic so far.

> mfw this will never be the ED for 5

Fuck this timeline.

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This isn't up for debate.

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Based and DIOpilled.


He literally wins all of those categories. It's just not fair.

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Nothing but respect for MY president!

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>t. JoJo

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>Elected to make his country great.
>Wants to make his country great.
Oh wow he is so ebil.

If trump got a jesus part would he get hot and fit like Valentine?


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Why are all jojo youtubers so fucking cringe
>Meti is a complete sperg
>xForts is misinformed garbage
>Kaleb has salient points, but has MC Escher tier script writing

>Elected to make his country great
>Erases miles of countryside and the voters on them
>Would have erased the majority of America and killed the majority of Americans
Dumb speedreader.

Jojo fans are cringe. Youtubers are cringe. Really, it's a no-brainer.

Anyone who makes or watches videos where some vain retard with a video camera talks about anime should be shot.

Can't fret over every egg.


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I have no idea what Valentine was trying to do, he didn't have any problem killing Americans randomly and wasn't phased by his country shrinking.

Araki had a point
america was only good when the americans weren't there


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Dunno but Kars looked the best

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so this is the power of sticky fingers...

>>Erases miles of countryside and the voters on them
>>Would have erased the majority of America and killed the majority of Americans

if they smart, they would not be here to Begin with.

The whole point of Valentine's character was that he was a smooth-talking, lying, inconsistent bastard, AKA a fucking politician.
Before he's losing he's your standard smug bastard who's completely convinced of his security and ability to avoid all consequences (His stand allows him to run from his mistakes and fears, much like how King Crimson reflects Diavolo's cowardice) but then as soon as the tables are turned he suddenly transforms into someone who was totally only doing it for his country, honest, and who totally doesn't bear a grudge against Johnny and would never risk being able to look after his country just because of his wounded pride, honest. And then he's caught out on a lie and dies shamefully and unceremoniously.
Keep in mind that Valentine is written by a Japanese man who shows considerable disdain for Valentine's morality and has said as such in interviews.
Valentinefags don't even actually like the character, let alone understand him.

"In practice the ideas of President Valentine are much more valid than those of our protagonists Johnny,Gyro,Stephen Steel etc..."

-Araki himself

Did you forget to type a reply

I want King Crimson to verbally, physically and sexually abuse me

Rico Pussi kills everyone from the gang except Meporio and he briefly succeeds on his quest of creating a world where he can accept the disgraces that Fate® (and himself) brings upon others.


unnecessary, but whatever, prove your point.

>From the same interview where he calls Valentine an extremely evil man and where he draws attention to Valentine's insane egoism, and the very next line bringing attention to how although Valentine's ideals may seem noble, in practice he's an evil piece of shit
Cherrypicking is really pathetic, user.

He literally said "heh, since mai waifu is dead ill fuck you" and attempted to rape Lucy who then got "saved" by Jesus.


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He actually said "I don't care about my wife actually, looks like I'm really into cunny"

>President Valentine who appears in the second half of SBR is the last boss,the worst enemy,the big bad,an extremely evil person.
>That being said,a person who doesn't know egoism is truly terrifying.
>In him resides the contradiction that exists between good and evil. It's sort of a paradox.


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It's a direct quote, you can just google it.

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who is this guy? and why is he so wrong?

Just some hack


>Araki naively thought that his readers would be smart enough to know when they're being fed bullshit by a fictional villainous politician
>Araki dismissively calling Valentine a coward
Valentinefags on suicide watch

Manga in Theory and Practice, by Hirohiko Araki.

>watch kalebs video on dios world
>instead of just talking about the arc he goes on an incomprehensible rant about literally nothing

I agree that Valentine is evil, but why call him a coward? Nothing hes done lends to that.

They are all great desu. If I had to choose it would be
Dio>Kira>DIO>Kars>Pucci>Diavolo. Haven't finished SBR yet.

Diavolo end up in space calling it

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Dio because he got the best kid

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What a slut

King Crimson simply doesn't make sense. If you erased the time leading up to the event that eventually occurs, then how did you end up in the event in the first place?

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animeonly here
the boss > dio > kira > kars

He makes people forget what happened during the last 10sec

nigger he merely redistributed the suffering. The same ratio of happiness and suffering exists it's just that all the happiness is localised in the USA.

If I remember right, The World was quickly increasing in potency as DIO's body healed that at some point he would've reached a point he could've stopped the time indefininitely.

Thats what DIO says, we have no proof that could actually happen.

>Polnareff dies, but turns into a turtle,
When you try to spoil and still get shit wrong

>kira that low
>not rating Dio Brando and DIO separately
>the boss that high
high class bait

thats true but time was accelerating so fast that the sun literally became a line in the sky, meaning several days were passing less than a second.
A discounted fact is that Jotaro Vs DIO took place right before sunrise, if accelerated time was happening, the sun would rise quickly and DIO would die instantly.

ZW had had what? 7 seconds in the beginning, 10 at the end, and in between DIO become full vampire again. It's safe to assume some more minutes and Jotaro would've never won.

>hires hitem to do his Dirty Deeds
>uses his goal as a means to justify his filthy acts
>attempts to rape a 14-year old girl
>attempts to shoot Johnny in the back after Johnny agreed to give him the Corpse
>betrays and uses Stephen Steel to advance his goals
Friendly reminder that, had Valentine approached Gyro and Johnny in a friendly and unmalicious way, they would have agreed to give him the Corpse if they were allowed to finish the race and cure Johnny's paralysis.

Valentine was your typical populist/nationalist politician that used patriotism and "morality" to gather supporters and justify his actions. That's why he is a coward.

Just another case of ARAKI FORGOT

A hot cold sexy slut

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Why do people continually discount the fact that DIO is still weak to sunlight?

Valentine is the only "villain" who won, utterly and completely. And America was better for it.

Because DIO is cautious enough to not fight in potential sunlight.

nigga he died cause he tripped and fell in some sun

>the best taste in this thread is from an animeonly

Isn't the corpse implied to be in Morioh

was in Morioh, US agents took it back after Johnny uses it irresponsibly and pays the toll but it still created the wall eyes and the other bizarre shit

Wasn’t that vanilla ice? They killed DIO with sunlight but he had already been defeated before that by Jotaro pummeling the shit out of him.

pretty sure they just destroyed the remains with the sunlight and that he already was dead


Dio and Kira.

Reminder for retards that DIO became MORE vulnerable by aquiring a Stand, cause killing a high tier vampire physically is much harder than just destroying his Stand.


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kira was overhyped for me
dio and dio brando are the same person but if i had to choose then i like dio more
the boss is very cool so far

SP almost killed him by punching DIO like once or twice

Only because his body was not fully vampire. Otherwise he would just kill jotaro with eye lazers in stopped time without getting close. He would have been much harder to beat if he was fully vampire or his neck scar had completely healed

this tbqh
Jotaro was dicking dio down for a good bit of the fight

Please help him in the link


Time stop + vampirism is a hard counter to all but MiH and GER. You can't say that about Part 1 Dio.

Kira > valentine > Pucci > diovolo > dio > kars

This is the only true answer

what are Clash's and Talking Head's names for the anime? if there isnt any name confirmed, im betting on Crash and Talking Tongue

>mfw realizing just how many Jojo seiyuu have voice acted in eroge before
Also kira is goddamn based

Don’t forget those BLCD’s

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Pucci > Kira > Dio > DIO > Valentine > Diavolo > Kars

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>Fugo is 3
>Narancia is 5
Based as fuck


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I only know of Jotaro, Dio, Kakyoin, and Ghiaccio's VA's doing BL CD's. What are the others?

In EOH Crash is Crush, For Talking Head its unknown what theyll name it.

Talking Face

>Bruno (both game and anime VAs)
>Josuke (not sure about BL CD, but he's been in eroge/18+ otome games)
>Kira (VERY popular BL CD actor)
>Rohan (both game & anime VAs)
Part 5 is literally fujo's paradise

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Almost forgot, Joseph's too

Absolutely correct, based and redpilled.

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>pesci not in the list
why live bros

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gappy makes me happy!
does gappy makes you happy, user?

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Flexing those BL skills

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nukesaku best girl

Didn't know Bruno's VA did them too. I now how I'll spend my evening.
Also I'm pretty sure Narancia's seiyuu did a few BL drama CDs too.

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Haven't read part 8 in 3 years, does it finally have a main antagonist? is the part still a narrative clusterfuck?

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doing eroges and bl cds is pretty much a rite of passage for seiyuus

>hi i'm kaleb AI
I mean, Kars is good and all, but best?

nope and kind of.

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No and yes.

Why is Araki such a plagiarist hack?

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Diavolo did LITERALLY nothing wrong
he just tried to protect his identity and his business
he also gave Bruno a second chance by warning him before killing him in Venice but he ignored it

It's Jobin in all likelihood


>Johnny is more of a dick than funny is
Johnny didn't rape anyone.

He drank some random kid's blood

it's the best part 5 has ever been, it's actually made me appreciate part 5 way more over reading the shitty duwang scans
Gio still garbage tho


Kinda hard when you can't feel your dick
He was getting awfully frisky with HP in Civil War though

t. araki

Valentine is the objectively best villian

>Kinda hard when you can't feel your dick
Wew, thank god then, otherwise he would have raped!

>Can Diavolo see through stopped time?
>what if DIO did succeed in his Heaven plan and not Pucci? Would it really result in The World Over Heaven?
These question keep up at night

>These question keep up at night
Keep me up*

>>Kira (VERY popular BL CD actor)
Wait, really? My BL actor knowledge is pretty limited so the fact that Kira's seiyuu is actually a popular one is a bit of a pleasant surprise.

what matters is the result user

huh, that's a new for me.

Yep anime Kira's seiyuu is pretty much known as the "king of BL CDs".

>how does pucci's hair work
>is abbachio Jewish
>coffin second compartment
>how did Joseph survive the fall back to earth on that rock
>good nazis fighting vampires
>why doesn't giorno get a requiem stand when black sabbath stabs him

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>all the jojos voice actors did porn
It fits with the story.

how does Araki manage to make every villian likeable and memorable, they stand out just as much as the JOJO of their part is amazing, same for their stands

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Thanks, user. But you still haven't answered my questions and I am still awake

>>why doesn't giorno get a requiem stand when black sabbath stabs him
That's easy, HE WASN'T READY
He writes them to be fun characters that have memorable quotes, quirks and antics. Even Pucci who is the most srs bussiness out of them all still has silly, human moments.

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hello Kaleb
>technically he should as it's fated to happen and he should gain knowledge of it by seeing it with epitaph
>no, the world would probably just evolve into made in heaven, the world over heaven is some terrible fanservice shit that araki would never write, it makes jorge joestar look good

I want to watch part 4 but just the thought of one of the main characters being voiced by that faggot Yuki Kaji makes me not want to.

>meanwhile GioGio voiced by Hisoka literally cheated on his wife with an underaged girl

>can diavolo see through stopped time

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King Crimson is a shittier version of The World though

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in which order did you anons experienced the series?
i started with part 3 anime (it's the most popular one), then watched part 4 and i'm currently watching part 5 as it airs
went back to watch part 2 but dropped it, hamon was really boring, i also read part 6 and i'm currently reading part 7

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Oh man, Joseph is that little fag childhood friend from Togainu No Chi. If you ever wonder what Joseph sounds like raping Mista with a screw driver check it out

I watched the part 3 OVA first but otherwise read the manga in order.


you don't have to watch part 4, you can read the manga instead, which is the superior experience, the part 4 anime is ugly as sin

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>be 15, drop the manga the page before Dio becomes a vampire
>fast forward 5 years, news about the anime have surfaced, "oh yeah that one funny ZA WARUDO manga XD"
>decide to read it before the anime is out since a lot of hype had been generated
>love it
>watch the anime when it's out
>watched the old ova's last week

the world is carried by DIO being an inmortal vampire with infinite stamina that can spam the time stop
jotaro (a normal human) with the world gets fucked by a literal rat

Dio says that six months ago he could stop time for a fraction of a second and now he'd made it to five seconds. Once he succs Joseph he jumps to 9 second timestop + 2 more seconds of movement. He's demonstrably correct.

It's actually better but in a weird way because it's more versatile

What a lame name but thanks user.

Stopped time is a single instant, erase that instant and it's a hard counter

stand abilities are powered by resolve, when DIO succed joseph he got so confident after coming back from a losing situation that his stand evolved from it, this happens with nearly every stand user in the series, if the user is feeling good the stand performs better

>giorno is a necromancer

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>what if DIO did succeed in his Heaven plan and not Pucci
I have no idea how Dio intended for his Heaven plan to work when the steps involve The World being destroyed and himself being reborn as the Green Baby.

But what if Dio ripped of his head before he could use KC? Can Epitaph discern at which moment DIO uses the World and can use KC before DIO can kill him?

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It's not worth it. Just read it.

didn't he just need one of his bones for the plan to work? he could rip one of his bones out and he'd probably be fine

The World is better from literally every perspective and in every scenario except for a 1 on 1 fight between the two.

if Diavolo is unaware that DIO can timestop he loses, he would get Kakyoin'd

only because they stayed out of mosquito country

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fast Pucci as shitty cg

>Crazy Diamond can fix anything except araki's memory

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>implying they won't just hit speedX2
>mplying they will animate part 6

i like how Araki has mentioned this moment but he's never given a proper explanation

Better that he doesn't honestly.

>What you need is my Stand "The World".
>What you can find beyond the powers of my Stand is where you need to go in order to find Heaven. What you need is a trustworthy friend. He must be someone capable of controlling his own desires. He must be someone who is not interested in political power, fame, wealth, or sexual desire, and who chooses the will of God before the law of humans.
>Will I, DIO, be able to meet someone like this one day?
>What I also need is the lives of more than 36 humans who have sinned, because those who have sinned harbor a strong power within.
>There are 14 phrases that one must keep in mind:
>Spiral staircase
>Rhinoceros beetle
>Desolation Row
>Fig tart
>Rhinoceros beetle
>Via dolorosa
>Rhinoceros beetle
>Singularity point
>Rhinoceros beetle
>Singularity point
>Secret emperor
>I'll engrave these words onto my Stand so I won't forget them. What is most necessary is "courage"; I must have the courage to destroy my Stand momentarily. As it disintegrates, my Stand will absorb the souls of the 36 sinners and will give birth to something utterly new.
>Whatever is born will "awaken". It will show interest in the 14 words that my trusted friend will utter... My friend will trust me and I will become his "friend".
>Lastly, I need an appropriate location. North latitude, 28 degrees, 24 minutes, West longitude 80 degrees, 36 minutes...
>Go there and wait for the New Moon...
>That's when Heaven will come.

I don't fucking know man. Stone Ocean was too bizarre to understand.

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Valentine should unironically be voiced by him.

I started with 3 because that was the most iconic one. Then I heard 7 was the best part and was basically its own thing. Later I found out it was actually a reboot of 1. Then I saw that 5 was about the son of Jonathan and DIO in Italy. I wanted to know more about Koichi after that so I read 4 next. I wondered why Joseph was so useless and found out he had his own adventure in 2. 6 was the only one left that was finished and 8 is still ongoing.

This shit being such a big part of the story but not making sense whatsoever really hurts part 6.

>Part 3: Research
>I love stories in which characters grow through a journey,i think it's a universal experience. In the recent years you can just search on the internet to obtain whatever type of information,therefore research trips are no longer necessary. However,there are places which are necessary to be seen in person to perceive their magnitude and in which we must live to truly comprehend the other side of the coin,with their misery or inequity and understand what would happen if for example we were to find ourselves without milk. (I have absolutely zero clue what this entire paragraph means,maybe i'm just dumb) Pushed by the desire to experiment these sentiments i went on a discovery trip on a Cessna and in a car starting from a desert in the Far West. Not that it has anything to do with SBR but i was particularly by the abandoned cemeteries of planes right in the middle of nowhere. Subsequently i went for a walk of 5 days and 4 nights in the mountains of Kumano Kodo (a group of ancient pilgrimage footpaths,patrimony of UNESCO since 2004) in the prefecture of Wakayama in Japan. I wanted to find out what would happen if i were to walk for 20 kilometers in a row every day,and so i did. See,now maybe this experience has some relevancy to SBR. Past four o'clock the marvelous panorama offered by the forests becomes increasingly darker,more than you could image. One day i happened to see an old lady,all alone,coming out of the dark and saying "If i hadn't met that kid i would have certainly been lost and i would have been in trouble!" (what kid was she talking about?!). After 2 days fo walking my muscles started to hurt a lot,the phone had no signal and it seemed to get so much heavier that each day i would ponder the idea of just throwing it away. These are the contradictions of useless inventions.

what the fuck did he mean by this

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not making much sense is what imo makes it work, DIO is talking about the rebirth of the universe, a concept so weirdly abstract that it makes sense that to obtain it he would need to go beyond human comprehention to attain the ultimate stand
what doesn't make sense is how he even attained this information, where did he research this

Not for the women though

Is he right?

Araki smokes weed

He smoked a fat blunt and read bibles with Pucci.

>I don't like Pucci because I don't like him
What a smart and amazing individual.

Srsly when Pucci was out hunting the Joestar what’d Dio do? Lounge around naked in Pucci’s bedroom and let the priest handle everything

>Completely misinterprets Pucci

When did you realize that part 6's ending is actually not sad at all because the characters are reborn in a better place and got the peace of mind they were desperately fighting for the entire part?
Pucci's plan backfired in the worst way possible

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Why does Araki use kanji for "Za Warudo"? This is like the equivalent of a burger writing his signature in katakana.

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where the hell is this even from?

Classic Kaleb


>diego brando number one
Dude's got to be a trolling channel

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I can't believe Bossu does duets with Mista in his spare time

He's part of that new HypMic thing that's all the rage now if that's any consolation.

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lmao, even SO haters admit that Pucci is a great villain

>mfw DP is running out of male seiyuu and they have to get Namikawa to voice Johnny in part 7

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What’s wrong with namikawa? He has a cute voice

Jolyne is the manliest and most cute Jojo~

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I watched it in order, waited for part 5's anime adaption, and started reading the manga when I got bored of waiting a week for new episodes (3 days ago)

Jonathan and Jolyne interacting would be fun

I want an ova or an oneshot or something to have all the Jojos eating dinner and pulling pranks on each other with their powers.

Until she looks like a tranny halfway into the part

>tfw don't own EOH
I loved Jonathan and Jotaro's interactions with each other, including the unused part 6 Jotaro ones, but I don't even remember the ones with Jolyne and Jonathan.

>Jonathan wondering why all his descendants are delinquents in one way or another

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he does have a nice voice, but he wouldn't fit johnny at all



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>forgetting all of the Pillar Men

So she's not cute anymore

In the image I posted she is very cute and it's official art.

She looks exactly like Yasuho


But that's not part 6


>14 words

Attached: jews josuke.jpg (479x582, 60K)

So cute!

the mobius strip is an asspull but it's the hypest asspull in the series

So she doesn't look cute in part 6

giorno feeling a "warmth" when around jonathan was cute as fuck

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She looks cute in part 6 though.

Before Araki shifts art style and makes her look ugly

I don't think she is that ugly and he "fixed" her anyway.

Final bosses are overrated, Ghiaccio is wonderful, handsome, and I love him so he's my pick for the best!

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>Giorno and Josuke look like nice and sweet boys
>one is a gangster and the other a conman delinquent

I'm gay

Yeah Araki just gave Jolyne's hair to Yasuho and called it a day

I'm even gayer.

We know, Dio.

that asspull was bullshit.
how the hell does jolyne, a full on delinquent, knows about the existance of mobius strips?

We know, Pucci.

Attached: D0tBhfPV4AAbM4I.jpg (1200x730, 163K)

They have different hairstyles.

For the love of god someone link me to some examples.

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Jonathan and Giorno protecting eachother would be cute as fuck

Attached: B112E28C-3991-4A22-99DE-C609466AB7F3.png (400x510, 139K)

we know, mista.

>everyone (aside from bruno) started dressing sluttier when they joined or before joining the mafia

She's a joestar therefore expert at random trivia

That's what I said

>Araki just gave Jolyne's hair to Yasuho
I disagree.

he'd break the twinks' neck lmao

He looks like someone who sucks cock in his free time.

I want Ghiaccio to verbally, physically and sexually abuse ne

You're telling me isn't just Yasuho with Jolyne's hair?

Back to

The eyes and cheeks are different.

Dio Brando/DIO > Funny Valentine > Enrico Pucci > Yoshikage Kira > Diavolo > Kars

I’ll break your neck fucker

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No it's sameface

He had 100 years by himself to think. He had an epiphany.

It isn't.

It's world in kanji with the English pronunciation writter in the furigana. That's common in manga.

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It is

I haven't posted in /trash/ in months and I don't intend to start again any time soon.

I would much prefer him do that to me!

That's adorable!

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Jotaro could stop time for 3 seconds while DIO could stop for 8. The only reason Jotaro was having problems was because of the small distance he could cover in that 3-second timeframe; DIO's "range" would be significantly increased. Sure, Pucci could run away and just never enter whatever DIO's range is, but then that's not really a fight.

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Then fuck off back to Twitter.

Id say Kars is the sexiest but Dio or Kira is probably the best.


>villain has some justification behind his actions and isn't going to litearlly kill all of humanity
>retards claim he isn't a villain because of this
Bad, wrong, stop it.

>Hates on Part 6 while endlessly praises Part 7
That sounds very familiar.


Abbacchio being the alcoholic dad is the best headcanon


Pucci is Dio's bitch which automatically makes him lower in terms of villains.


>Diabolik Lovers is just Mista/Koichi/Kakyoin/Bossu/Prosciutto/Rohan/Kira making nonstop sucking sounds

Attached: 1551431341559.png (186x470, 29K)

Pucci > Kars > Kira > dio

I don't think so.

I think so

Epitaph exists outside of time, so it would be able to perceive stopped time.
However, it could only do this AFTER experiencing it once.
If DIO stopped time and failed to kill Diavolo, KC could hard-counter any future time-stops.

I don't think you do.

Take Koichi out and that’s the best orgy ever

Attached: 50AD1474-0FF7-4B2D-BFFA-F6073EA9FCCD.png (550x733, 249K)

I do

I dropped Kaleb and Mother's Basement after I realized how shit their preferences are.


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Who made this?

t. speedreader

not sure what you're implying but i'm pretty sure you don't

Prove it.

come at me faggot ima pop a cap in your sissy ass

It appears to be YouTube user FilthyRamenKing to me, user

That Jolyne has a sameface problem with Yasuho?

Joseph could defeat all three pillar men without a stand which were all way stronger than the average vampire. He had hamon sure but Star Platinum is probably stronger than using hamon.

Hey bitch one back hand and you’ll feel like you got Crimson King’d fucker don’t tempt me bro

We have already established she doesn't, so no need to do that.

But she does

Here you go.

so that's why that moment where prosciutto comforts pesci felt so much more sexual to me in the anime

His stand is LITERALLY "run away from my problems".
Valentinefags have seriously not understood their character at all.

Here you go

Youre the worst type of jojo fan

How is it sameface then? Jolyne's mug is wider, her eyes are rounder, and her cheeks are less full.

Pesci is a rapper

He is a huge part 7 fanboi but his opinions are better than some other jojo youtubers *cough *cough kaleb *cough

i've only seen like 2-3 videos from each of them.

Just look at the one pic of Yasuho in a sailor outfit

im sure that for this moment Araki knew what the reaction of readers/anime viewers would be to Giorno Bullshit powers and so made that Giacchio at that moment was pretty much the reader thoughts

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Just you wait

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Fate dictates what you're going to do within those 10 seconds, so you and all of the objects are predestined to end up where you do at the end of the deleted time.
Only Diavolo can change things, thanks to Epitaph granting him that limited future-sight.
The moment King Crimson activates, everyone except for Diavolo, including all inaminate objects, are "locked in" to the fates that await them at the end of the 10 seconds.
Diavolo can just reposition himself, and be effectively immune to damage, during the skipped time.
It's deletion of the effect in "cause and effect" for a brief period, wherein everyone but him goes on autopilot.

I have looked at a lot of pictures, comparing them, as I too used to think that they looks the same, but they just look alike, there are differences.

For me, it’s Kira

Jolyne ONLY looks good after the first third of SO

in the first third her face is too small

They look alike because it's sameface syndrome

>>Meti is a complete sperg
Part 6: exists

But seriously, why do so many fans hate part 6?

It can't be sameface when there are differences between the two.

More vulnerable in that sense, yeah sure, but still, the ability to stop time more than makes up for his additional vulnerabilities.
If it weren't for SAME STAND bullshitery, DIO would have been unstoppable and conquered the world.

The only difference is the hair

And the nose, eyes, cheeks..

>1-3 live
>5-7 ___

Are the same as Yasuho's

davidpro giving all their lewd sounding seiyuu's to the villains. they know exactly what they're doing to my dick.

What are Mother's Basement's preferences?

Prove it.

>why doesn't giorno get a requiem stand when black sabbath stabs him

Attached: king crimson at work.gif (392x410, 451K)

I already did

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, and then Part 7.
Waiting for Part 8 to finish before reading it.

If you experienced in any other order your opinion is invalidated.

Cuckoldry, I think.

Main antagonists/villains:
Minor villains/antagonists:
Wham>Ringo>D'arby>Rikiel>Bruford>Rissoto>that rat in part 4.

How did you do that, really?

Just his general anime preferences. Like slice of life, flavor of the month, and loli degenerate shit. He also circlejerks a lot.


Diavolo does not have the power output required to kill DIO in one or two hits, which is all he can get out before DIO stops time and rips him to shreds. The smartest thing for Diavolo to do is hold on to time-skipping and hope that it counters DIO's time-stop, but at that point it's just a raw brawl between the two of them and their punchghosts, in which case DIO also wins.

I want Kira to step on my dick

>if you don't think exterminating all non whites is the answer to why you can't get a gf, you'd let tyrone fuck your SO
You don't have to go back, but you can't stay here.

Yea that taste is pretty unfixable.

That's basic shit, we made mobius strips with strips of paper in like grade 2.
t. canadian

MB doesn't really give a shit about Jojo, he mainly made the "cheat sheet (on skipping Parts to 5)" because he's a Crunchyroll shill

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Excuse me but how the fuck does Kira control Stray Cat's bubbles when he's fighting Josuke while getting directions from his ghost dad, I thought Stray Cat was completely independent of Killer Queen

>>if you don't think exterminating all non whites is the answer to why you can't get a gf, you'd let tyrone fuck your SO
>You don't have to go back, but you can't stay here.
Imagine be this butthurt because someone in internet insulted your favourite Basedoutuber.

Yea but in about 5 minutes I'll be chill again and you'll still be fucking retarded.

That post was a lot of things, chill wasn't one of them, user.

Just playing devil's advocate but Love train didn't create any misfortune but just redirected it elsewhere. Globally he just rearranged misfortune to benefit his nation.

Whatever you say, ironic weeb.

I mean, Mobius Strips are pretty common knowledge, maybe her remembering how they work in relation to inversion was an asspull but not a big one.

The most underrated asspull of the jojo series was not boss getting sucked into the clone turtle, but that Bruno somehow managed to know exactly where a waterway under the basement was.

>the world is a vampire
>The World


Stop talking about youtube poops

Hello do you lie

>people talking about asspulls like jojo wasn't built on them

I don't think he's objectively Araki's best written villain or anything but Bossu is probably my personal favorite. The Doppio wackiness and what said with shit like having to eat frogs to survive Metallica endeared me to him. Also I have fond memories of King Crimson shitposting.

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tbqh King Crimson is explained like shit in the manga and since the manga is still frames it makes it hard to understand what is happening.

he's okay-looking

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Help, is this the bluray version of part 4?

I started Part 6, why is it generally disliked/hated? Currently at chapter 31 and it's pretty good so far, Jolyne and Hermes have rather nice stand powers
what the fuck was that death for Jotaro


So am I correct in my assumption that most female readers think that Melone is the best la squadra?

in fanart yeah

I prefer him ugly

women like prosciutto and risotto the most

overall I think risotto, pesci and Ghiaccio are praised most by fans


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twitter-tumblr hates him because of muh rape
not sure about the other side of the fandom though

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>Finally caved in and decided to watch the first episode of the anime, got tired of everyone sucking off that gay looking show
>instantly got hook thanks to the opening and how vilainous Dio was
>watch the first two Parts
>start reading the manga in paralel
>ultimatly reach part 5, the scans are dogshit and I'm getting burned out on the serie after catching up to everything in 1 months
>try to read part 6,7,8 but drop it.
It's been 2 years I think, now that Part5 aired I'm appreciating more and I recently read part 7. Now I'm getting through part 6, then I will read part 5 and then will read part 8

You can’t just fling shit and hope it sticks user

>yeah he did some bad things
That's why he's a villian
If he only did shitty actions he had to do that'd be another story
But he acted like an asshole even when it didn't benefit his goal

>I recently read part 7. Now I'm getting through part 6

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Diego’s dinoshits

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The different kinds of arrows is a major asspull

No idea, I don't really interact with fandom at large but I can say first half of applies to me. Just add in Ghiaccio to complete the trio. The rest I'm neutral on.

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>started with part 3 anime
>decided to go back to the part 1 anime
>thought it looked like shit and read the manga from part 1-7
>watched part 4
>started reading jojolion
i'm watching part 5 now. part 4 was ugly as fuck, i regret watching it. not even yuki ono as josuke could save it

Kira was such a trash villain, I genuinely do not understand what people find compelling about his character. He was introduced halfway through the part and often times it was kira running away from the antagonists, with no objective, no interesting motive apart from self-preservation. I'm bias though, I hated pretty much every character in part 4, especially josuke and that pipsqueak kid.

Araki is on an incomprehensible plane of autism, you can understand what he says and does, but never why.

Attached: RunDown.png (1834x331, 51K)

remember the times he killed random innocent people just for the sake of it?

Funny Valentine

Most Entertaining: Kira

He's a pussy who kills women, of course Yea Forums will be all over him like flies on shit.

He's really a calm and collected guy who has a fetish for hands and tries to act normal. imo I think he's overrated, Doppio and even Pucci are better.

Attached: TRANNYOVOLO.png (1351x1573, 3.13M)

>autistic pussy*

XForts and Kaleb for me at least present their videos with as little autism as possible and in my opinion have a decent variety of videos. I mean that stand context by XForts you have to admit was pretty cool.
>Be Metism
>Insert anime reaction images every 10 seconds
>"Please please please watch Shimoneta will suck your dick if you do"
>Burger King Foot Lettuce guy has more emotion in his voice
>Even his """jokes""" sound like he's reading from a script

Attached: FUCKYOUUUUUUUUUUU.png (529x501, 437K)

>you have to admit
Ugh god please fuck off. Discuss your shitty ass youtube reddit celebs somewhere else

Because it has a woman in it.

I just watched the 9 episode of Dororo and until now I had no idea that Araki stole that scene with mother using her own hands as a bowl to give hot gruel to her child. Fucking hack

The battles for the most part were eh. I for one love Jolyne though.

Now post the page from the original mango.

Least Melab isn't a pedophile and seems like a chill dude unlike MB

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>soulless vs soul

What does that have to do with the price of tea in china or even this thread? What are you on about slut.

He stole the "I can see your underwear" joke Polnareff makes from Dr. Slump too.

When will it stop?

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that's called a reference

Nigga have you seen how popular Prosciutto is

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The hell is a "BL CD"?

Boys Love Compact Disk


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A stand in Jojolion haven‘t you read?

BL is boys love aka yaoi
it's basically gay porn but in audio form

>father and son in the distance

Can't wait for the OVA of Doppio selling drugs in hell



Pucci > Valentine > Kira > Dio Brando > Diavolo > Kars > DIO

>we will never have a part that takes place in Russia
It hurts wanting something that will never happen.

Attached: Jorik Jogolev.jpg (1626x854, 320K)

If a part took place in Russia they'd have to rename the series from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure to JoJo's Normal Adventure because crazy ass shit happens in Russia every day.

Who is that kid supposed to be?

It's Giorno

Shota Giorno trying to find his dad only to see the Crusaders burning Dio's body I think

I see. Thanks guys.


You're not even American faggot

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No, it's Prosciutto > Ghiaccio > Risotto > Melone
...or at least according to Japanese preferences

More like
>soul vs soulless

Has Araki had an interview talking about Diavolo or Pucci? I'm curious about what went into their creation.

More like
>you are a faggot for saying crap like this and you are an idiot for thinking that they are smart or worthwhile for anyone here to read

I believe those are the only villains Araki has never actually discussed.

Araki ranked Bossu pretty high on his personal character ranking in 2000, at least.

Attached: 80aoOYCc15fOKpTDrQBUSbznV_vbzguqqm7BdHf5Fpo.jpg (640x469, 136K)

Damn. I've pretty much read up on his interviews on the other main villains, so I was curious of his thought process and ideas on the two.


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Same user but yeah, that's why I was curious, since he clearly had a lot of ideas going on when he made Diavolo. Same with Pucci obviously.

every time

Araki's later style is soulless anyway

Oh Araki

I want to see a Squadra version of this

based shigechi

Soulless, anyway.*

Shigechi is based though

>Shigechi > DIO

Will you stop trying to be an epic memer contrarian already?

I was joking around, but I do actually like Shigechi

The guy has pretty solid taste.

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>Joseph ranking pretty high
It definitely showed.

But Prosciutto and Risotto are good dads

Part 5 is trash

Araki has a strange way of showing love

>three parts couldn't put joseph above based josuke and giorno

Hes legit gay and has a bf. Part 6 has a women so it all ties in.

Absolute autism from you

lol, really?

>being suprised that a JoJo fan is gay

he has good taste in his own characters

I wanted to see sauce, actually. I thought he was gay from the way he talked.

>giogio 5

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I mean I want a version with Squadra so you can see how they differ from Bruno and Abba.

He's bisexual, just look at his twitter.

I prefer not to, honestly.

>Meti is a faggot
Why am I not surprised?

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It gets weird in the bad way

Cute. Cute!

I wonder how much this would change if he did a ranking now.

Dio would probably still be there

DIO, Shiggy, Mista, Giorno and Diavolo would be gone. He hasn't used these characters since their parts concluded and has barely drawn them.
Buccellati would probably stay because he loved him enough to put him in the Gucci oneshot. Joseph and Jotaro would probably go down but stay there because they're very iconic and he still draws Jotaro in particular a lot.
Characters who I think could be added are Jolyne, Pucci, Johnny, Gyro, Josuke, Yasuho, JJL Kira and maybe Damo.
Josuke is still number one, with Kira up there too.

>He hasn't used [DIO] since their parts concluded.
DIO had a huge influence in Part 6 and Diego was essentially a reboot of his character. Araki is on record saying that DIO is the "ultimate villain" and the reason he wrote JJBA in the first place, so DIO and/or Diego would be in the top ten.

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>hard-counters Diavolo
>Diavolo activates King Crimson, sees himself being punched to death while incapable of moving with epitaph
That would be pretty funny to read.

Is Hayato jumping timelines every time BTD activates? Or is Kira's master plan to groundhog day himself until Hayato just kills himself because Rohan keeps blowing up in front of him?

>Araki is on record saying that DIO is the "ultimate villain"
And yet he has consistently ranked Kira (and Diavolo) ahead of him, with DIO taking up the fucking tenth spot, behind characters like damn Shigechi.
Look at the chart - it's dominated by characters who he'd written more recently at the time, it's highly unlikely that he'd continue to sit on a character like DIO when even when the chart was made, DIO was at the absolute end of it.

God I want to violate Mista so badly.

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>The World Over Heaven
I will just leave this here.

Join the line

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not canon

Nice non cannon info ;)

I want to marry him

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It's the second one but his goal was to have Hayato kill everyone looking for him and then deactivate the ability, which would make those deaths permanent. I think it would be better for him if Hayato didn't kill himself because that would just draw attention to him and his new family.


His stand is supposed to be always at his side, they even require food, how would they react to see Mista fucking?

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Morioh is a town, aka ville, so it fits.

That ranking was made a whole year before DIO first appeared in Part 6 and thirteen years before Araki called him the ultimate villain. But go ahead and keep thinking that Araki's opinions haven't changed in 20 years.

I like them.

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Please delete this thank you

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Fat Valentine went to a parallel universe and replaced himself with a better looking version. That's just how dedicated he is to America having a hot president.

Dictionary result for villain
>a character whose evil actions or motives are important to the plot.

Bruno is so autistic he probably doesnt even understand the concept of love, like most characters in part 5.

Attached: Feels like Giorno could come down on us at any moment #001 Part 1.png (320x1507, 822K)


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-Abbachio is by far the most autistic.
-Giorno is only autistic in the sense that he's too focused on his goals and has no time for love.
-Fugo is the type of repressed kid who got bullied non stop and seems calm but could burst out in anger at any second.
-Bruno is a nice, caring guy who'd protect you of any harm, a true gentleman.
-Narancia is that short but popular kid who got terrible grades but lots of pussy.
-Mista is where you go if you want love.

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This and then take care of our home and kids while he's busy making gang money
Mista's profile definitely suggests that

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This but with Fugo.

>Stand is a walking bio-weapon

How appropiate, Fugo's existence is a disease.

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