Other urls found in this thread:
And just what kind of shitshow is this? The amputee fetish crapfest of the season? Looks like ass too.
me on the left
So she sadistically tortures combat injured girls until they get mindbroken and praise her?
Watch it fag
Is this garbage Yea Forums's new meme show?
Are we tired of Shield Hero now?
Watch mahou shoujo site, then Happy Sugar Life then Mahou Shoujo Asuka
It's certainly better than half the shows airing this season.
Asuka is unironically good
It's like those old action series where some guy comes out of retirement to kick ass, except the guy is replaced with a magical girl
Then post something that convinces me to watch it. So far this looks like utter crap.
>mahou shoujo site
please not this shit again. So that's the league this crap here plays in? Thanks for the information. I pass.
It actually has a plot and a war veteran story that's better than VEG
good, then fuck off now
Is this some kind of edgy elfen lied show?
>Watch mahou shoujo site
Don't listen to this guy. Never do this to yourself.
Mahou shoujo site looks fucking terrible, Happy Sugar life on the other hand looks like something I'll watch
Does she get killed after doing this? It would be the cherry on top of the cake.
Nah, she actually gets her arm back.
That's surprising. Might have to pick up just to see what happens after that then.
war nurse? more like war criminal
>war criminal
no only losing side has those
God I wish that were me
>Happy Sugar Life
hold the fuck up I'm a big yurifag and I was gonna watch this but is it as degenerately fetishist as this show?
No, there is only a healthy and mutually consensual relationship between two lovers in that show.
Don't read the spoiler unless you want to go in totally blind.
Happy Sugar Life is about a yandere who kidnaps a missing girl and murders/blackmails anyone who gets in the way of her keeping the girl locked up. Said kidnapped girl is too young to actually realize what kind of fucked up shit is going on.
Special ops Madoka
War Nurse is just doing her job of enhanced interrogation to a terrorist magical girl. And War Nurse likes her job
Remember, Crime doesn't pay
This is some of the worst chuuni-tier horse shit I've ever seen. It's like Elfen Lied: "shocking" imagery with no real content. At least it hasn't resorted to diapers yet, I guess.
I bet you haven't even watched it and are just triggered by the screenshots and few pages posted
Based niggachu
what's sad is people are only mentioning elfen lied as if it invented edge in anime
newfags are a scourge
>mahou shoujo site, then Happy Sugar Life then Mahou Shoujo Asuka
Happy Sugar Life is the only good one of the three he mentioned.
opinion discarded
huh that sounds actually better than what I expected
Mahou Shoujo Asuka is the only good one faggot. It's a perfect mix of plot, fanservice, and edge without going full retard on any
So you didn't watch Happy Sugar Life. Good to know.
pedophile lesbian psycho slut show
It was complete shit, managed to be worse than Mahou Shoujo Site with how fucking stupid the characters were.
t. Brainlet
I feel bad for fire witch girl she was kind of cute
Imagine having this much garbage taste
Damn, what kind of monster i'm becoming?? Why am i enjoying this shit show ?? normally i don't like garbage like this but i just can't stop watching it.
He's not wrong.
What is this show? I've been living under a rock.
Tomodachi wa Mahou
Nice try. You're not baiting me
Black Lagoon: CIA + Mahou Shoujo edition
Also AotS
Glowing CIA nigger mia
Boku no Pico
Boku no Pico
I will answer your question if first you tell me which shows you are watching from this season.
>nee nee fuggu offu to reddit
What happened and why is there blood smeared on the wall?
Psycho bitch kills friend who found out about kidnapped loli in her home, it's supposed to be shocking or some shit but it comes off as stupid as the rest.
bad periods, no need to call cops
>you are too much of a brainlet to understand this!
>And War Nurse likes her job
War Nurse bonus chapters are best
I only want to watch this show to see the nurse girl
does she show up a lot?
disappointed War Nurse
OP piqued my interest (dick) but do I actually have to watch those other shows you mentioned? Are they related to this show in any way?
No they aren't related retard
basically the second main girl
>Are they related to this show in any way?
Not even remotely
Oh ok. Thanks.
This is some hot edgeshit
picked up
Others may shit on you for asking a dumb question, but you're alright in my books, if only because you actually typed "piqued."
I don't get it. Can she heal them? Why wouldn't they just bite their tongues and end their own suffering?
Because she can heal them easy. She's called War NURSE for a reason
This needs an anime
She's the main love interest
H-hot !!
>Mahou Shoujo Site
>Asuka being better than half the shows airing this season.
I'm watching a lot of shit this season but even Pastel Memories is better than this shitfest
>pastel memories
You picked a fitting image because you must be drunk out of your mind.
Agreed. That show has tits and I still hate it.
>implying you even watched it
You're too scared to
>thread filled with straightfags and malefags
Yikes. Kill yourselves, incels.
t. Kurumi
She being this sadist will be the flag for Asuka be her enemy in the future?
Maybe War Nurse will felt bretayed by Asuka and goes against her.
I have no idea how this shitpost is relevant in any way. Wrong thread?
It's relevant there is a bunch of straightfags and malefags shitposting
Nico is so cute.
Pastel Memories is good for what it is. Not great, but enjoyable.
Phew! I was worried that after all the torture and stuff she wouldn't get her arm back, but in the end she gets it back, so it's all good. All's well that ends well.
War Nurse more like War Cutie
Post the nail torture page
That's nothing compared to Kaiji's bloody manicure.
Despair is a whole other level.
>Kill the War Nurse
Yup, judging from his answers that is probably it. Sounds like your average delicate crybaby who goes on and on whining about whatever the retard crybaby considers to be too "dark" for his fragile feelings and will give random reasons to try validate his delicacy as reasonable.
Well, she is one of the good guys after all. Also as magical girls they are an example for little girls all over the world. You can’t have them sever limbs and not give them back.
Could Nanoha torture someone?
What a wholesome relationship.
only proving that retarded people watch this garbage.
She can heal anything.
Minus decapitations and dissolved bodies.
Yikes. Is that painful or is it quick and painless? How were her legs still okay?
I figured I should give you a (You) at least once, SOADfag.
Speaking of edgeshit, I've heard the MC being a costume and gets used by a girl manga got an anime (Gleipner, if I recall correctly?)
>last update 7 months ago
Every time.
>Brown tomboy being killed
Stupidity. It doesn't even make sense she could even struggle considering how fast she was eaten when her head went in. My guess shit was easier to animate this way.
Quick and extremely painful.
Its a shame that scanlators are cucks.
How did she grow her arm back?
I need naked pictures of Asuka
Kurumi duh.
Could I get a QRD on reasons to watch this show?
I've only watched the original, is that enough to understand and enjoy it?
>I've only watched the original
Jesus fucking Christ I need to sleep
"Original Madoka Magica"
How does it compare to that.
I like this more than Madoka.
The characters are more likable, the fight scenes are more dynamic, the music is way better.
I'd agree with everything except the fight scenes. The show has so little budget it hurts my soul.
For the budget (lack thereof), its pretty damn good
Right now Asuka and mahoiku are my favorite edgy mahou shoujo works.
what vol and chapter? For research purposes of course
I unironically enjoy it. It reminds me of this Xbox game I used to love called Raze's Hell.
Also it's like Rambo but cute girls, and the girls are really really cute instead of moeblob shits.
Me on the left
You missed
lol mad
>War Nurse
more like War Criminal
PTSD Asuka, Human Rights Violation Kurumi, Glow in the Dark Mia and Pyromaniac Tamara come together and fight terrorists.
Better than Madoka, worse than YuYuYu
Criminals don't have rights.
War cow.
Now this is podracing!
It's legitimately supposed to be a take on 80s era action flicks.
>It's certainly better than half the shows airing this season.
that bar couldn't be lower if you dropped it into the fucking mariannas trench
Where's the based kwehposter?
*War breeding sow
where the hell do u even go to read this? literally everywhere stopped translating like 14 chapters in
Probably awful. I doubt the slime disas had the evolutionary kindness to make them dissolving people not hurt like hell.
>reattaching her arm instead of removing more
Until they are forced to work for her, then she whores them off to Office Ladies.
Plot twist: war nurse grows up to be the Aunt from HSL.
Fireball girl is Shio and hobo-kun's onee-chan
she can always just cut them off again
>not giving your new asset back her arm so she can do her work better
Pathetic waste of resources friend.
But War Nurse is AsukaSexual, and the aunt from HSL is a total whore. What would have happened to Asuka in this situation? Did she just ride off into the sunset happily with her russian wife Tamara? Is this what broke Kurumi?
She can't please fat old ladies properly without her arms, silly.
hey, that police chief lady isn't fat!
Not with that attitude
The show isn't Madoka and the animation is very cheap, but if you like girls getting hurt there will be some nice things for you.
>Did she just ride off into the sunset happily with her russian wife Tamara? Is this what broke Kurumi?
If Tamara or Francine steals Asuka away from her, Kurumi will either whore herself to cope with grief, or just go full biological weapon to destroy russia/france.
I know she will, which is why I don't want them to win. She'd probably whore herself out to Mia though. BurgerGirl seems to like her the most out of all the other members of the mahous.
latest episode was great
Burgers don't really pay for whores, they just use them.
I think they tried. But her nurse magic was too strong to allow such an attempt to succeed.
No no no, you see, Mia is going to MARRY Kurumi if Asuka runs off with the Ruskie. Mia would see it as a challenge by the Ruskie, and as any good American should, she has to try and out do the commie.
post the one with Nico in dental gag about to get molested by the tentacle arm
I want to protect Chisato!
her outer body is protected by magic while the inner body is not so when it got inside her, she's dead
go ask
well it's better than what happened in the manga where she was dissolving as she was being swallowed, legs first
I wish Peipei is piloting a magical plane!
so which of the remaining 5 do you guys want to see die?
She's fine
wrong show
Also Mia is best
Why is Giganigger so Yea Forums?
Did the Brigadier teach him read and give him a college degree?
Serious question, does anyone sure for real in this show?
Asuka's hymen.
>does anyone sure for real in this show?
>haha edge cause...EDGE!!!11
>iz a gr8 anime/manga!!!! Must watch!!!
you sadistic cunts literally need to die in a fire
nice trips but English please, user
Where I can read the manga reee
He a real human bean.
He and Chisato deserve a happy life together.
You must be at least 18 to post here
Damn, I meant to ask does anyone die in the show
Is this airing with some kind of censorship or they just tamed the fuck out the anime adaptation?
All the dead original mahou shoujo will come back as bad guys before getting befriended. Screencap this.
I don't know i just watched 2 (and dropped)but they removed a lot of stuff from the manga, yeah
he doesn't deserve shit
wtf I love spooky skeletal mexican mahou now!
They cut Kurumi's monologue from the torture scene and "animated" it as 3 still frames
I'm 22 faggot, having fun with your shitty fetish? Quit projecting
such a happy couple
Kurumi will corrective mindbreak Chisato out of those silly het tendencies
i felt bad for him until it was reveled he was the one that fucked up her Life.
>tamed the fuck out the anime adaptation?
Not really. There are some obvious minor changes but I wouldn't go that far
Yeah, and Chisato will never smile again.
Thanks, shit girl Kurumi!
No they didn't
On one hand, Nico probably wouldn't be this cute if Kurumi didn't discipline her
On the other hand, Kurumi is still a shit
Who was in the wrong here?
I mean Francine was cut in half and looks fine now. The real bad guys have the technology.
Japs, for changing Mia's line from "ruskie" to ロシア
Russian girl for not begging the American for her thick long futa cock
maybe tamed is too strong of a word but they certainly toned down some stuff (French chick dying didn't show her guts hanging out just some red on her, the mexican chick was dissolved when she was fully submerged not as she was being swallowed etc)
now if because they wanted to make it less gory or simply because it was easier/cheaper to animate that way idk
Yeah, but her body was still there. I doubt that Slime Disas stopped at just disappearing her skin, it probably dissolved her down to nothing. Also, what's with this show and killing/hurting brown tomboy girls? What did they do to deserve it?
>Kurumi is a dungeon master
Van Darkholme vs Mark Wolffe edit with Kurumi and Chisato when?
Rare Asuka!
He deserves a single bullet in the head.
>get free drugs
>gets to rape
>shoots gun
>gets a 100% natty body
livin the life.
And yet Asuka somehow has her hairpin thing later.
>Also, what's with this show and killing/hurting brown tomboy girls?
Author was a fan of Sayaka getting together with Touko but she got brown tomboy instead
How could you forget Gyaru Pedophile Peipei
>recovered footage of Babel Brigade torturing Somalian terrorist. Colorized, circa 2019
I wonder what a brown magical girl tastes like under her magical barrier
If War Nurse was evil, you would be able to list 3 (three) things she has done wrong.
But you can't, because she is super cute, angelic and not evil.
>Being this much of a moralfag
what an angel
>Calacas are Mexican Skeletons
>Headless Horseman have shown up in German folklore
Well shit
Maybe people wouldn't call you brainlet if you could actually understand basic storytelling. Fuck, even a 12 year old would understand what Shoko's death was about.
I miss them.
>Mahou Shoujo Asuka
Okay, I enjoyed Site, Raising Project, and Madoka. Will I enjoy Asuka & Sugar? Are they less or more quality than Site, Site being the weakest of the shows?
Yeah, it's actually not quite as trashy as its premise makes it out to be. The edge is more Death Note-tier than anything and is much more of a character study than an out and out edgefest. In fact, if you watch it for the edge alone you'll probably end up being disappointed.
I want to protect that smile
Do you retards not know how to use the subject line? Second Mahou Shoujo Tokushusen Asuka thread this week without one
>comparing garbage to shit and saying it's edible
Mahou shoujo site was fucking terrible, and asuka is just bad, Happy Sugar life was at least fun/entertaining
Anime edit with Painkiller music when?
Reminds me a little bit of Silvie.
>type "asuka" into catalog search
>two fucking threads appear
Are you a newfag or just plain retarded?
War Nurse Kurumi is a much better waifu than Raphtalia, so it's good people are seeing the light.
blessed get
It's a shame too because the low level of gore is one of the weakest part of the manga. Why are nips so faggy about gore now?
The author is bdsm fag, not gorefag
Absolutely wasted
Whys she licking this Milfs feet?
that's what good dogs do
I see. How come Commissioner's tits got fucking stacked in that page when in ch 5 she's not that busty
Blessed sexts
Miura is her mommy now
>those sexs
Undeniable proof that wō naasu is best girl and not a war criminal
Sacchu is a very, very angry Reindeer.
why would she say that?
Is she gay or something?
She's trying to appease the person who's going to torture her. It isn't very effective. Also, if she wasn't gay before, she is after getting WARNURSE'D.
There's nothing wrong with being a war criminal.
>sexts wasted to random sadistic garbage
>this is the nu-Yea Forums now
wasted, absolutely disgusting
Where'd you get this? This wasn't translated yet
The link gets posted every time user TLs a new chapter
I like this image
what anime is this?
Pingu in the City
Boku no Pingu
You are a retard.
this show isn't /k/ enough
You got link for that link or link from the last thread?
Chisato could get WARNURSE'D as well
No, search for mega in the archive
What happened to the three that havent been shown in a flashback yet?
I am, there's only like like 20 posts in those threads. Whats the name of the thread then
I'm hoping they're all still actually alive and faked their deaths/was saved or something
The name of the thread always includes the title of the show and I don't remember a single one of them not reaching the bumplimit. Ch 27 was posted just yesterday
4 u
Just search 'ch mega'
btw search for posts in the thread, it's not gonna be in the OP
Where's the art of Kurumi going full yandere and raping Asuka.
ayt thanks.
oh no people are seeing fictional violence, someone ban this!
I'd rather see Futasuka raping the shit out of Kurumi.
War Nurse confirmed best
he's in a worse place now
>tumblrfag calling others nu-Yea Forums because he got triggered hard by screenshots of enhanced interrogation
meant for
Wakandas looking great
>can't even reply to a post properly
nu-Yea Forums indeed
>Wataten gets every kind of kinky shit and even some quality animations
>Asuka has... extremely ugly het pics
An angelic nurse!
Very cute!
Super cute!
Incredibly cute!
War Nurse is an angel!
It might be bad, but it has soul
Go back to your hugbox you're clearly too delicate
>newfag is upset
like clockwork, people like you is what shits up the board, hilarious
Hard to be upset at your baby tier shitposting when you're literally crying over screenshots. It's both sad and funny imagining what's going through your head.
lmao when i was a kid i use too see advertisements on tv trying to get people to donate money to charities for poor niggers. One of them kept showing some shit about child soldiers in africa and every time i saw it i thought damn those kids get to play with guns their lucky af lmfao
Were they terrorists, or...?
No, Abby and her Queen are not terrorists
Kurumi is a terrorist and a war criminal
Scissor girl is a terrorist and Kurumi will break her in with her twice the size of the Queen's futa cock
It's not nice of Kurumi to steal other people's cocks.
Kurumi has the smallest of the original 11, while Francine had the biggest. She's gotta do some psychological torture by revealing that Francine got fucked by the other 10 mahou shoujos 24/7 and vice versa
He's right the manga was fine the show wasnt needed
She let 5 (five) magical girls die.
Guy i think that girl was cuter with only one arm. I am slightly disappoint that they reattached it.
Just reading this is painful enough
The set is from pixiv, but sadly it doesn't include any details.
That bikini suits Kurumi incredibly well tho.
She appropriated governmental money and underwent surgery.
this shit is just evil.
what sort of information would a merc like her even have?
At this point, Kurumi was just torturing her for fun. What a absolutely disgusting girl.
People who torture do it for fun, not the potential information.
Tell that to the Burgerfats who defend this practize and do it in their vassal states like Poland and Romania.
user, the CIA niggers torture because they're sadists.
Americans would never EVER use torture as a means to get information.
She actually has information on the location of one of oboroten's bases
Instead, they use it to make themselves feel bigger and compensate for their small dicks!
Just Cause Mia more like Just Ignore Human Rights Mia
God i wish that were me
Thanks for posting all this.
Well yeah. It's fucking terrible at getting information.
Don't bully Mia.
Mia doesn't have a penis
I said stop bullying Mia.
All magical girls do, silly user. Mia's dick even glows in the dark and her cumshot can destroy walls.
Is it okay to have a boner in such moment?
I once had a splinter under one of my fingernails, just like this.
It was by miles the most painful experience of my life. That part of skin is not used to feeling pain.
I don't know, I don't think Kurumi's magic would have been able to save Frenchie, seeing as she got cut practically in half. I doubt she could restore the brown tomboy mahou shoujo either, since she got dissolved.
How can other magical girls ever compete?
What the fuck
I wish Kurumi would hire me to mindbreak little girls with my dick and her drugs.
That's like hiring a quadriplegic to be a figure skater.
War nurse goes nopan!
Her thighs are godly.
The part that bothered me the most was that she put it in the brain and that just made me feel sick on the inside.
>literally just says hi
>Ruskie flips her shit
Literally the niggerwalks meme
Its just light bantz. They're battle sisters.
>Madoka Magica How does it compare to that
Apples and oranges outside the fact they both have magical girls and suffering.
This is more like edgy FMP or Black Lagoon with magical girls.
I've only seen the first two episodes or so but outside of stuff like
>using a karambit
it seemed like they are actually trying. I'm a Natofag and not super familiar with slavshit but the AKM models in the first episode looked really fucking good compared to most anime.
War Nurse a whore.
A sleeping beauty.
Ok before i start watching this shit, some tell me. Are the people she is torturing bad? I'm down to see bad people get fucked
So that girl is a magical mercenary who was setting cops on fire
yes they deserve it
Im not seeing the crime here
Yes. And good people should get fucked. Bad people are superior in every way.
90% of the people in this deserve whatever is coming to them
Thanks, hopefully this is as much as a wild ride as it looks.
Is hating on Kurumi some sort of plebbit maymay?
you know it.
>threads are suddenly overrun with Kurumifags following some torture porn
Reminder not to stick your dick in crazy.
Kurumi is cute. But I'd take Mia or Tamara
Asuka will stick her dick into crazy and there is nothing she can do about it
Nah, the only subhuman is you and people like you.
Sasuga onii-sama!
Calm down, Chisato.
where is this?
that place is Fucking themed
Not only is the show ugly, it's also boring. Edge gets old pretty fast and sadly I'm no longer underb&.
You are almost as bad as them, sperging out at retarded kids is just sad. Yeah, they are retarded but you shouldn't let that get to you.
I thought MS were supposed to be the good guys.
Hey, I was a huge kurumifag way before it became popular.
I wasn't implying they didn't exist beforehand, just that they're here in droves right now.
when is this bitch getting a trial at Le Hague?
You're ugly faggot. Asuka is beautiful.
But you sound like that one faggot who posted earlier who clearly didn't watch it and are just shitposting because it hurt your feelings.
Jump through enough hoops using this logic and anyone at anytime could be considered subhuman,
First post ITT, first post in any thread for this animu for that matter.
Anyway both the char designs and overall animation quality are pretty low. Don't fight the reality, embrace it.
It's based off LN, little wonder it's retarded.
The legal (lol) MS ARE the good guys. Pay attention.
explain to me how this anime is even remotely entertaining at all? Of course, unless it appeals to the fake sadists who won't even be close to engaging to shit like this irl
Asuka's semi-realistic PTSD.
It's literally in the image user
>implying it isn't like that already
Torture is arousing.
Why do you think gorno exists?
Also, this stuff is small potatoes and everything Kurumi does is justified. Think about it.
>precure themed cafe
>won't even be close to engaging to shit like this
No shit, because it's just kind of illegal, you fucking moron. That's exactly why this kind of material is so enticing, it's the exotic effect. Fuck all these weak-ass normalfags whining about it. Anime is pandering to masochists like 90% of the time, let the sadists enjoy the scraps they get.
Damn, Asuka was cool even as a kid.
I want Chisato to grind my dick into dust!
That would be extremely painful
Okay Yea Forums now I'm horny, give me some doujins with stuff like and OP
>everything Kurumi does is justified
can you redpill me on this? I keep getting this implication it's just a girl who was once good that turned bad. It can't be just this, right?
Boku no Pico.
Le epic Yea Forums meme!
LITERALLY truth in a post
Watch the fucking anime
Kurumi is a good girl. Stop spreading mis-information. And like ^user says just flippin watch the anime
Fuck off, you child.
Kurumi tortures terrorists to take out her frustration of being around Asuka all the time, while Asuka rejects her advances. It's all for a good cause.
I'm 23, user. Calm your fucking self
You're a big guy
You have the mental maturity of a twelve year old.
I understand, I'll watch all and see how the story goes
what, because you don't want to at least say some information on a fucking anime? This is a certain degree of projection, take that shit somewhere else. No more (You)
Kill yourselves.
Someone get this hothead outta here
>he's still baneposting in 2019
lol though it was from another anime
>Using cringe in 2019
You can't catch em you can't stop em.
literally re.ddit
>invoking reddit
>Cute girls torturing cute girls.
I can see the masterxslave already.
Can we see the manga version?
Wow way to speak like a fag that knows nothing about such topic.
>let the sadists enjoy the scraps they get.
NO they don't get shit they get a fucking bullet in the back of the head is what they fucking get.
quite sadistic of you friend wanna come over my house?
>Music is way better
Americans are so cool.
>Is so retarded he doesn't realize it's an edit
The irony
Because the anime isn't about torture you retarded faggot. You're like an animeonly who thinks that Goblin slayer is about rape
She's a strong independent woman that needs no man, only cute doggies.
>the snack that smiles back.jpg
>don't even see her fully die
She's coming back.
There's only one scene where she blast soldiers of the opposite side and that's it. Not murdering innocents civilian, not rape, not torture anyone, just fighting for her life, and the other side was the one opened fire on them first in that scene
madoka's music is fucking dog shite
She killed several cops Not to mention the magical artifacts they were smuggling.
Hi, I'm your local FBI agent, explain this shit right now
Not your jurisdiction.
fuck off
The spanking was just her own kinky addition right? Surely that's not a torture technique.
Actual petplay exhentai.org
>A dog is fine
She killed a dozen of cops and assisted in selling 4 people to the orcs
She sure as hell isn't the mastermind behind it, just a goon doing goon thing. Also the other side killed every single one of her allies so killing the cops seem fair to me
>killing people is okay because I'll get arrested afterwards, so it's only fair
>Also the other side killed every single one of her allies so killing the cops seem fair to me
I'm all for killing the cops but come on
She got off fairly easy all things considered
Which is why we need to get the information out of her.
If she was arrested for her crime then she should be put on trial, call a lawyer, she's a minor too. What the whore nurse did there seems like a more severer crime to me
Terrorists have no rights, so what Kurumi did wasn't a crime.
If you do things like that against the law and without trial or prior law passed you're not a hero, just another criminal
She'd get 20 to life imprisonment because it was a capital crime
Instead she got her arm back, a chance to unfuck herself and a bruised ego
Convenient, right? Just slap terrorist tag on them and you're free to ignore law of war. I guess you need to have a country stand behind you to be treated as a soldier. The mafia should start their own country, they already have an empress after all
But she's a brainwashed child soldier, blame the one who recruited her. And I don't know whether it's her fetish or not but I'd choose death rather than becoming a mind broken sex slave
She's fine, read the manga. Or wait for TLs if you're EOP
She's a terrorist. They get enhanced interrogation and prison, not a trial or lawyer last I checked
I hope the delicious brown one stays. She's genki but cute. My two favorite things in a character.
why did nico's torture get more attention than brown tomboy's torture?
Because it's okay when russians do it and she doesn't even remember it.
Did you sleep through 2000-2012?
Armenians are disgusting.
i hope she relapses
War Nurse is a cringe Engrish name
Don't @ me
War Nurse is a great name.
Nico becomes a submissive dog when brownie get PTSD and that's boring
what about omar khadr
I like it. War has a much more grim feeling to it as opposed to Combat or Battle, and rather than Medic or Doctor, Nurse gives a nice juxtaposition that fits the theme of the show.
Why didnt they strip her completely naked first?
It should be in Japanese in this case, but War Nurse in and of itself sounds cool.
Another retard show for brainless degenerate perverts
Its some real G.I. Joe shit, I love all the codenames.
They want to torture her not themselves with the memory of a naked ugly brown tomboy
As a brainless degenerate pervert I take offense to that
This show is shit
Wouldn't expect a brainless degenerate to have good taste.
It's just a borderline Hentai Show for Retards that enjoy that stuff
Holy shit... this is so fucking epic what the fuck??? Literally the most metal shit.
Fuck the haters this is unironically fucking cool as hell. Like seriously why isn't there more like this??
>triggered by the screenshots
A bunch of screaming animoids don't trigger anyone user.
You seem pretty triggered to me
It's the usual response Yea Forums gives to things that suck user.
Yea Forums has absolute garbage taste as a whole
When someone goes to such lengths to singlehandedly shitpost it's clear his butt was devastated.
user this is an anonymous imageboard. Learn to use it please.
You can say that again.
Oww the edge
>user this is an anonymous imageboard. Learn to use it please.
Hm? What are you even trying to say?
I want to see War Nurse torture more terrorists and criminals!
Wow, that's actually pretty nice.
>War Nurse will never dom you
why even live
>using >current year
Asuka wouldn't have been such a pussy if she had watched Nanoha over Precure.
She should have watched Symphogear
i know there was a big boom in tragic mahou shoujo anime and manga after madoka magica but holy fuck , why everything has to be like that?
I have seen so many of those in a few years now. Everything seems like fetish and dumb gore without a plot nowadays.
basically the 90s anti hero version of magical girls. the real question is when's gonna arrive their Kingdom Come/Ultimate Spidey equivalent.
Beat me to it. I guess fans of Mahou Shoujo genre grew up being bullied in school so they torture fictional magical girl to relieve their anger
What the fuck?
Kinda liked her being mistranslated as Venus
Mahoiku is the Jojo of the edgy mahou shoujo genre.
I thought that was Site?
>Over-the-top tone
>One-dimensional, hammy, yet charismatic villains
>All the protags are assholes of varying degrees
>Most of the protags group started out as one-dimensionally evil villains before getting their ass kicked by the protagonists
Well she's a war criminal and she's a combat nurse and combat criminal doesn't really describe her abilities that well.
Everyone wants to create the new madoka except nobody actually has any talent to make something even close to it. Which is funny because madoka wasn't even that amazing to begin with, it was just overall well written and had good art.
But because of every faggot making mahou shoujo trying to outedge each other you get shit like this
Imagine Kurumi finger striking your dick until is broken, and then she gives it a magical kiss to restore its strength, only to start again without any rest.
American intelligence services don't rate torture very highly when obtaining accurate information. That said, they're very willing to contract out and use information obtained from torture, or having third parties torture for them. Shady arab friendly states do a fuckload of top-end nasty torture and the US uses this information that is obtained.
When americans interrogate, they tend to not use torture so much and use enhanced interrogation which is a mix of torture and physical deprivation, as well as trying to break down why the subject would even withhold the information by working on their beliefs. You can break someone's body and it works pretty well if they aren't particularly devoted but breaking their mind requires more nuanced approaches.
Mahoiku's arcs are pretty diverse in settings tho, and the use of powers feels pretty stand-ish.
>take heisei era rider show
>change the riders to magical girls
Madoka had great music, great art, decent writing and a relatively original premise/twist and general atmosphere.
The only thing the retarded nips took from that was "mahou shoujo but.. its dark!!! XD"
>Check this thread out of curiosity
>Apparently some super edgy show is airing right now, so edgy that just browsing this thread made my pupils bleed
You call this edgy?
embrace the rapture
already a demon.
Fucking this. The only reason UN won't nuke many of the remaining african warlords with napalm is because they use brainwashed child soldiers, and the offical UN policy is total amnesty for any soldiers that were captured or escaped
Move along, nothing edgy to see here.
Fucking same
So its gayer?
You alright, pal?
Wow what quality animation. Was this made on a budget of 5 dollars?
Ima need a therapist or a whore
How likely is it that the BDs will expand on these scenes?
They'll probably remove the censure from the nail shot and that's it
It is, well, while they're alive at least.
and cute.
>Yea Forums loves it
>literally everyone else doesn't even care about it
riddle me this.
Anyone else?
everyone else hates fun
Anyone else think of this
The rare version
We used to hate edgy shit like Elfen Lied, why does this get a free pass? Neo-Yea Forums sucks shit.
Unlike Elfen Lied, Asuka is actually fun.
Because Asuka is fucking hot you retard
You'd have to be a newfag from the era of contained generals to post an image like this.
Yea Forums was literally always about pointless arguments.
Jewish reptiloids are preparing to sell the humanity during the next Disas war
Queen is doing nothing wrong
I think the Babel Brigade arent actually so bad.
I mean, come on, you both sides violate human rights and viciously torture prisoners in such degrees that you literally see no difference in moral standing.
>Biological Weapon Kurumi
ch42 up, bitches