ITT: Winners only

ITT: Winners only

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No! Alto was supposed to be mine! I saw him first you harlot!

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He wasn't much of a prize though

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Was it worth what she went through?

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Holy hair, holy face... who is that beautiful goddess?

Best girl? Best girl.

And before you start squirming, remember that the ending we got was the result of executive meddling, not where the author wanted to go.
Ruri is the one and only canon winner.

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wew lad

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You mean the Galactic Fairy Sheryl Nome?

The only executive meddling was trying to push a Kuroneko ending though? What are you talking about.


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Oh, yes, yes, YES!!!

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You can't beat the green

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Best girl who won best dragon.

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>This level of denial.
Author himself stated it was a complete Kirino victory and he wanted to show more but he couldn't because of the publisher. Which is why he made an after story

It's fine. Not only does she get Zhao 24/7, she gets to enjoy cucking her sister while at it.

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Ranka fags will never understand

This is 100% correct

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big mommies

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Rinfags will forever be fuming at the canon wife.

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Tell that to the greens unfortunate enough to be in a Kawamori show.

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I still can't believe she actually won.

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Ooops wrong image

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Cute and canon

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>author went the rino route
>put out an after story of them still boning.
>confirmed they're still boning in a completely unrelated work.
>but the execs made him do it.
This post wasn't serious, was it?

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Based and redpilled.

I don't fucking understand how they got it so right with Frontier, but then fucked it up so bad with Delta

Who the fuck jilts a Jenius for fucking Freya fucking Wion? She wasn't even the best singer in Walkure and that's a fucking fact

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The first half of Delta was pretty good and I liked how it was kinda turning into the Macross universe's version of the One Year War.
Then they forgot they had a plot, wasted the rest of the series, rushed an Instrumentality-like evil plan and the ending.

How will Rankeks ever recover?

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I mean, she technically won, right?

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it's justice

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Many years between the two shows. Very different ideas and staff.

Still, the recycling of ideas in Delta looked even worse, whenever they tried to rip off concepts from Frontier.

Haha have fun being in a one sided relation ship with a man that disappeared you fucking stealing bitch!