What is Japan's obsession with bunny suits so much?
What is Japan's obsession with bunny suits so much?
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Because that's an area where they don't lack taste.
I dunno
Did you mean to type "Why is Japan so obsessed with bunny suits?"?
Nips just have the best taste in the world.
I don't know, but I approve
Because they're really, really sexy.
>try to find a bunny suit to buy online
>All I can find is cheap party store shit
I really hope you don't have to go to an irl boutique or someshit to buy a good quality one.
Broken clock's still right twice a day.
They don't.
Upon what evidence are you basing your claims?
Bunny suits make every thing better.
They really do
Even lesbian chorogons.
useless bunnies
only good for their sex appeal
Don't bully the slutty bunnies.
>exposed clavicles and cleavage
>accentuates the the waist and hips
>panty hose and heels
What's not to like?
My wife Chino is so cute.
America is pretty obsessed with them also, Playboy Bunny outfits are pretty iconic.
Bunnies are a symbol of fertility, which implies that the woman wearing the bunny suit is ripe for breeding. Any male with high test would have a raging boner at the sight of a cute woman in a bunny suit.
Very suspicious filename.
Also I feel like this counts
Sex, sophistication and servitude rolled into one package
I thought everyone liked bunny suits.
It's really sexy.
I guess because post-WW2 Japan got American culture shoved down its throat like there's no tomorrow, including the iconic playboy. My uneducated guess is that it came to define Japanese post-war sexuality that way: it's American, it's iconic so it caught on in the Nihons.
Name me a sexier suit
school swimsuit with thigh high stockings
The navel hole completely ruins it.
You're not gay are you OP?
Also, which pairs better with the suit?
Fishnets or Tight/Pantyhose
Isn't that nearly the same as a bunny suit?
They're sexy what else?
obv fishnets
Both. Stockings with garters are really sexy when paired with a bunny suit too.
Both are good. It's only bad when there aren't any kind of stockings at all.
Bunny suit obsession goes deeper into Japans obsession with being eastern america and 50s idolism of playboy bunnies
If anything they don't obsess over them enough. There's not enough high quality animation with bunny girls. And in javs they always pull the suit down the second they start anything which defeats the point.
Aliexpress has some decent looking ones from cosplay shops but you should probably look into feedback to see if you're getting.
Except that Americans don't really use them in their pop culture anymore. Even when they do it's not a proper playboy bunny but some halloween costume tier shit with bunny ears and a tail and some lingerie.
one piece swimsuits and playboy bunny suits are both up there in top tier boner material
This right here. Even the anime with bunnygirl in the title barely had the girl wear a bunnysuit. They're mostly used for short fanservice shots which isn't necessarily bad, but it's not enough to satisfy. I want more stuff like Daicon IV, episode 5 of FLCL, and the God Knows episode of Haruhi. More girls doing cool stuff while wearing bunnysuits.
the real question is: Why Bunny suits are so sexy?
How the hell do these stay on without falling off the breasts? Has Japan invented 2D anti-gravity bunny suits?
Gaffer tape
Or hidden wire for keeping the shape.
Ah yes the sovereign nation of Marvel
I'd say that's because there is a bit of a stigma that it's just for porn due to it's origins and the fact that playboy doesn't like it when anyone other than themselves use the outfit. Games like Tales of Symphonia have had the ears of the outfit removed from overseas versions due to fear of lawsuits.
The actual playboy bunny suits were kinda stiff. Then there's various options of invisible straps, friction, tape and whatever. Drawn stuff is often just unrealistic.
As you can see the breast cups keep their form even when it's not worn. And I believe they were tailored to each girl separately.
So something like this would work? The hanging cup always bothered me. What if it got knocked to the side or bent over since it is cloth? Same with the back, I don't know how you would reveal the back so far and have no straps without the whole thing peeling off to the front and falling.
>What if it got knocked to the side or bent over
Wire can be just the edges like a bra, possibly with a reinforcing wire on the top edge. Even with straps you can have formed cups on the suit. Also if you have a high back cut sorta like the top left on your image then you can possibly make do with a rubber band going around the top edge of the suit to secure it above the tits but that probably requires some cleavage to keep in place.
This style definitely has the problem that if the wearer turns their upper body enough or raises arms high enough you can easily get nip slips. But you can pair it with tape if you want your tits to stay in place. The molded cups would also preferably be placed so that they act a bit like push up bra so you get a nice cleavage.
its the denerate equivalent of the maid outfit
What is interesting to note is that bunny suits become increasingly unfeasible as breast size increases, due to the necessity of having the cloth from the bunny suit return to the girl's body. This creates an overhang that is unattractive and ruins the illusion of a skintight bunny suit, due to there being a flat or near-flat cloth surface right on the underside of the breast.
Another interesting point is that the angle of the "flap" on the top of the breast stays relatively the same despite changes in the size of breasts, meaning that my previous worries of having the flap not be anchored were possibly misguided. Hopefully the suggestions of tape and wire are more than adequate for holding the "flap" in place.
If any Yea Forumsnons can correct me on proper breast sizing and the implications that has on "flap" and overhang size/placement, feel free to correct me. A drawfag with better knowledge of anatomy than me would also be appreciated.
spoiler that shit
>bunny suit with exposed navel
Did those madmen actually manage to improve the bunny suit?
You gay son?
This is actually a pretty realistic drawing of how it would work for bigger tits. It's possible that the suit becomes a bit shorter as bigger tits tend to hang a bit lower.
Only Okabe is allowed to see Kurisutina in this!
no, in real life breasts can change shape to fill the cup thats holding them up.
anime breasts dont follow gravity or deform easily
Birthday suit
but are there any instances of a bunny girl also wearing a bunny suit and having 2 sets of ears?
Surprisingly couldn't find a girl with a bunny suit when I was in the brothel district in Osaka.
Was it worth it?
I actually have a pretty nuanced answer in regards to brothels vs. delivery health and soaplands, but in short, yes. Went there 5 times. Nicest outfit was an oiran.
The anime industry seems to love western tropes from the late 70's to early 80's.
Dog-Kobolds and Pig-orcs from earliest DnD editions, Bunny Girl suits from the early era of the Playboy magazine, manly Schwarzenegger and Van Damme action heroes - If it was cool in that time, you probably will find that the japs love it.
>Aliexpress cosplays and costumes
>Not super cheap chinese low quality plastic bootlegs
Pick 1 and only 1
Bunny suits are fucking hot, faggot. Stop thinking so hard.
Tallflats in bunnysuits are sexy
Tomgirl in Bunny dress is the best