Kemono Friends
Other urls found in this thread:
>Idol episode
>Has the best animation in the entire episode by thousands of miles, but only when PPP are doing the idol stuff
Granted, the singing was 10/10 and the penguins are always welcome, but fucking hell. The quality in the rest of the episode was Marchen Maedchen tier. Hell, I'd say that MM is better animated at this point, ignoring the idol dance.
Are we really ok with bossu being turned into a smart watch?
>When two idiots carry off your human friend in a bondage cage at the end of the episode
What even happened to the tractor? Who is writing this shit?
>Taking away the penguin badonkadonk
Ran out of battery somewhere offscreen.
too real
Who that man?
It's probably off on a road somewhere near the stage.
So where the fuck did the two get the cage from?
i feel bad that everyone is bullying the meme bird
isnt being stuck in season 2 punishment enough
Now this is the good shit
I felt bad for Caracal in the preview stuff before we had any idea of what she'd be doing, and she ended up being a horrible character. We had no idea Roadrunner was going to be added, and she ended up being an irredeemable brat. Feel sorry not for the S2 Friends, but for the originals that were butchered in favor of these knockoffs.
What are they saying to her?
"Why'd you rip up the picture?"
"Say something, damnit!"
"Kyururu is sad!"
"I never want to see you again!"
That's wonderful
You're an angel user, thanks
How much time passed since S1 in the series?
This show will always be charmingly poverty to me.
we don't know about that
>Form an idol group specifically for the series
>Don't have them in the idol episode
The trainwreck keeps going
This is not okay.
I feel bad for posting it.
>Azulim's first VA role
Wew. This is ironic on so many ways.
>Margay didn't nosebleed or act gay at all
>Double Sphere's employer is a freaking dog and probably not involved in the main plot at all
>We still know nothing about the main plot and there are four episodes left
>The tractor vanished making the last episode even more pointless
To give credit where credit is due the song and the dance were nice
Stiff, sparse and lifeless, a successful representation of this anime.
you should feel bad
post more
am i in hell
no, even worse , im alive
This is just sad. It's almost like they understand how fucked this project is.
I wonder who Tanuki's VA was? I'm assuming it wasn't her stage show actress (who is a qt).
the dance animation actually looking halfway decent just made the QUALITY in the rest of the episode look that much more jarring. Every episode I watch just makes me even more sad and angry. There truly is no tanoshi here.
It's like they are not even trying. Characters stand there like robots every time they have no words to say.
I was slightly hopeful at first but it just keeps getting worse.
Episode 4 was probably the high point, it's been on a downward spiral ever since.
It's good that you're not here to see this, dude.
He's in the real (Tatsuki's) Japari Park
>Kemono Friends audience.jpg
Did they ever pay tatsuki for creating grapekun?
What happened to my kouhai anyways, is she dead?
Time for me to read this again.
Where is fennec?
I know its a bad meme, but why everyone in this show looks so souless.
Son of a bitch
I started reading this, I finished the second chapter and well, It's actually amazing that someone did a better second season in his spare time than a whole team of paid people.
Who should take the blame for KF2's lackluster animation and plot? Kadokawa, Tomason or the outsourced studio?
Based on what an user said last time, Tomason outsourced the animation to a Chinese studio (allegedly) and both studios were rushed by Kadokawa to launch season 2. I think we shouldn't be too hard on the studio because the original anime was worked on for 500 days by 10 people. Tatsuki and Yaoyorozu had a lot of time to refine the animation to make it look tolerable if not good. Maybe if the new studio was given enough time we could have had a better 2nd season than this increasingly disappointing show.
Literally Kadokawa's fault, no other way around it. Don't rush shit; it never works out in the end.
I'm catching up right now and I'm a bit confused about the whole serval kaban thing, how do they not remember each other? also where are the animal info breaks from season 1 those were great
They didn't even bother to reference the mythical Tanuki's shapeshifting ability which they did in that comic and the stage show.
Also Kadokawa wanted to hoard all the credit for KemoFure success. When it flops they deserve 100% of the blame.
The only success they'll have is killing the franchise.
she's started to upload again. recently she went snowmobiling with sora and aoi
I love that the guy puts in some pages a suggested track from the OST to listen.
>serval showing off her armpits so freely
I didnt know she was this much of a slut
No amount of time could save the fucking travesty that is the writing.
This is an outright oversight or retcon. Margay never saw them perform before becoming their manager because she became their manager the very same day as their first event, as we all saw in the first season.
I genuinely believe they did not watch S1 at all.
That storybook is wrong too because there were never 5 penguins until Princess joined.
KF2 is like a bad fanfic and should be regarded as such.
This is the new canon I hope you like it.
PPP yoyoyo~
PPP saiko~o!
Fuck you no Tatsuki no canon.
yeah what the fuck was that scene
Tell that to Kadokawa
This would have been an easy thing to overlook if they just didnt connect S1 to S2. Kaban and Serval's memories are included for no fucking reason other than to piss off fans. So many retarded decisions have been made that at this point it feels like they are deliberately added to piss people off.
Tomason must be full of masochists because it seems like they love the abuse they have gotten.
you are probably right
Maybe it's just Mine's way of crashing and burning the franchise to the ground so he can go back to doing more Keroro Gunso since he's so sick of the Friends at this point.
Aside from that scene, the whole sequence with the cerulean, the cardboard cutouts crowd, Serval and Kyururu acting like below 20 IQ retards, Caracal being a dick, the wheeled cage appearing out of nowhere, and the Irish penguins, it wasn't a bad episode.
>episode 9; Kyururu meets the shadow leader behind the two detectives, and learns of a surprise plot twist relating to Siberian Tiger that explains that she's not a Beast, but a Friend possessed by a Cerulean.
>episode 10; Serval and Caracal finally find Kyururu, and get into a fight with Giant Pangolin and Giant Armadillo to save her, but are interrupted by Siberian Tiger. The episode ends when Kyururu shows up and briefly pauses their fight with a surprise declaration.
>episode 11; Kyururu takes a major risk by jumping on Siberian Tiger, getting carried into the forest out of panic. Serval and Caracal chase after Siberian Tiger, following a trail of Kyururu's various belongings which include a torn sketchbook and her hat.
>Episode 12; Kyururu is attempting to calm Siberian Tiger, barely dodging her vicious claw swipes. Serval, Caracal, and the others follow the sounds of a battle against a Cerulean, and find Kyururu unconscious while Siberian Tiger is crying next to her. Kaban shows up and takes them back to the lab, and they explain why Siberian Tiger went wild. Kyururu wakes up, relieving Serval who is in tears. Episode ends with Kyururu, Serval, and Caracal riding off to conduct research for Kaban.
Prepare for disappointment and a slap in the face to S1 in the post-credits
Also I forgot about the Toki bullying.
It's a different Margay friend. Explains why she is much less gay too.
That would at least be decent. In actuality its going to be:
>Episode 9: Nothing happens
>Episode 10: Maybe something happens involving that underwater Cerulean. If not, nothing happens
>Episode 11: If nothing happened in Ep. 10, then something might happen here.
>Episode 12: Something happens thats underwhelming and no one cares.
No, the episode implied Margay knew Serval before the latter got memory-wiped. Margay simply went to the Japari Mental Health Clinic and got treatment for her gay. Sadly it messed up her memories a little.
>Underwater Cerulean
It's what caused Serval to die prior to S2, and this is alluded to in episode 12 during the post-credits scenes.
What the fuck
>this is alluded to in episode 12 during the post-credits scenes.
Ceruleans sure have a cute voice
>Kaban and Serval only got about a tenth of a mile out to sea after the end of the season 1 before the underwater cerluean attacked them and killed Serval
God, this is likely to be what actually happens.
These after credit moments are the only good part of the show.
It's a defense submarine that protects the island, but as a Cerulean, it keeps its prey trapped there. The submarine itself isn't a Cerulean though; the actual Cerulean is inside of the submarine, and is controlling it.
>It's a defense submarine
Its very obviously the a Yamato class battleship
get ready for the poorly done flashback
I'm fucking done with this shitass series now
I will tolerate worse animation, obliteration of the canon, and even the garbage framerate that fluctuates multiple times in the same scene.
However, I wont be blueballed and lied to then continue on with a smile. I'm no cuck.
I can only hope everyone else sees the injustice we're dealing with.
>that first dance framerate
Holy crap, what the fuck are they doing, at least the real performance was nice but WHY CAN'T THE WHOLE ANIME LOOK LIKE THAT, god damn.
Why does Sen-chan have such a evil smirk here?
Any animated sunken ship is essentially a submarine, especially with a low-budget rushed show like this. Hell, Japan turned Yamato into so many different things like a space ship and a digital demon that required a bunch of armored robots to defeat, so a submarine version isn't too wild.
Even if this had 10/10 CGI it would suck. Half of the episodes are complete garbage and characters act like it's school play. Human wank is also disgusting and show completely lacks the adventure atmosphere.
cause you can't have the whole show being motion captured
everyone is evil in new Japari Park
>reject bird
This. Every episode boils down to this;
>Hey new Friend, can you help me find my house?
>Sure, but you gotta do my thing first!
>Uh oh, something went wrong! Time for Kyururu to fix it!
>Everything goes smoothly. Thanks Kyururu!
>They go on their merry way (excluding this episode, which was child kidnapping instead of happy trails)
What the fuck are they doing? Why? Who asked for this? Somebody kill me.
Show us where the bad japanese man touched you
>knows no one likes it
>continues singing anyway
he's not wrong
This single frame embodies how painful the seiyuu shield situation was.
everybody is so rude now
i can now drop this after seeing my favorite friend
Bully Toki
>tokinerds get to see their favorite friend
>i dont
I seriously want to cry. She was probably my favorite girl overall and her episode was amazing and pretty much the episode that made KF big. And she just disappeared next minute to never appear again. This shit is unbelievable.
wrong bird to bully
if absolutely everything about this is raping your nostalgia and filling you with endless rage no matter what it is or is doing, maybe it's time to just not watch, user.
>knows no one likes it
Fuck off Bag liked it.
It's Pay Pop Poo
All friends are for bully
>Implying this is a bad thing
They've ruined past Friends. There's no benefit to them being in S2. Be happy that Tsuchinoko wasn't ruined yet.
All friends are angry and bullies now no tanoshii left on their hearts the tofu gone from their souls
How can other furenzu even compete?
I need more of cryptic beauty
I have never seen things with that perspective
I think I'm enlightned
>There's no benefit to them being in S2
More merch
and they even had her in the ep preview why would they do this to me?
lewdposter begone
That's the thing, you can't. You still want to watch even if it's enraging. This is how Star Wars fans must feel.
Okay, but who's the real leg queen?
How the hell is some doujin so much better than official S2?
So where did Sen and Arma get that cage from? Or are they both just into that kinky stuff and always have it on hand?
Not even a contest.
I need to know how this shitshow ends.
how dare you toss tsuchinoko you bastard
Not even a contest
Kemono plasm from their vagina.
There is no point in thinking about it since people making it obviously give no fucks.
They've betrayed me, so i have no reason to continue supporting her
best girl hasn't been in s2 shes pure
Japan could power rage-fueled jetpacks at this point.
Are they reacting the same way we do?
The foxes!
She's not the only one.
>the end credits with chibi kyululu, serval and caracal was actually one of the things I liked about S2
>they replaced it with a render of the characters from an apparently under development Nintnendo 64 KF game
*detains your progress*
Much worse.
Samples? I am too lazy to check it
Kadokawa retards betrayed everyone. She had nothing to do with it. Leave her alone.
Hululu is mentally handicapped, she doesn't count.
i hope the franchise didnt an hero and we can get a redemption s3. really didn't expect to like it in the first place, but i'd hate to see something so pure get put out to pasture so soon
People working on anime are literally getting threats.
Yeah, but I wanna see the words on 2ch
Mind if you cherry pick me some?
god damn, it pains me that something so cute and wholesome has caused this much controversy
Like 99% of those posts are people shitting on KF2. The amount of negativity for KF2 there is matching the amount of the positivity there was for KF1.
Bruh, just let it rest.
Sell the franchise to Tatsuki or just let it be buried in peace
Toki and it's crazy to argue otherwise.
Hululu doing hululu things was the dim ray of light in this hollow episode.
They are great.
Wrong once agai
>nobody is posting special cat even though the episode was about her
It really pains me that great girls like bat or cheetah were introduced in this shitfest.
I love this
kill yourself then
thats because snakes are better than cats and birds
You first bucko
So its pretty much confirmed that tomorrow the episode will get a 90% "it was shit".
She did literally nothing and acted like a different person.
Where is this image, but with her sister
You are fighting a lost war.
It's a shame but I still like her.
>Pay Pop Poo~
link me to the 2ch thread pls
Really? Well damn, and I thought the animators woke up in this episode.
I could easily see her being in a fun spooky episode that's extremely stereotypical, scaring the hell out of the cast. Instead, she was a quick one-off gag. It really did suck.
I want to see the screencap when they show the clones.
Remember the good times. Grape-kun would want it that way.
>songs written by fhana from Satou
Certainly worth pirating.
see >he thinks he can keep up with the true leg queen
When will you learn that it takes more than tight clothes to have good legs?
>Fart-chan gets lost
>Bat plays with her for a while Predator style
But nah can't have humans not being in control 24/7.
Dude stop Tsuchinoko is not even close. Even foxes aren't.
>he thinks retard bird is even close to the foxes, let alone the snek queen
very very special cat?
more like very very depressed cat
Worse I'm sure Kaban will be behind the beasts because she found humans and went full Colonel Kurtz because fuck season 1 also Serval's death will be her fault as well somehow.
goddamn the bird is pretty popular huh
She's getting multiple 2000 post threads a day.
great, more threads means more bully
>three of the same species of Friend went to the auditions
That's fucking suggoi!
When did Serval and Carcal change seats?
Every fucking screenshot makes me realize there was more wrong with this episode than I originally thought.
So much rape. Nips are evil.
Jesus they have reached fractal wrongness
All the PPP are fucked up the same way
>Like Shimakaze
>Hate S2 Roadrunner
I am so very conflicted.
Yamashita was the only one involved with S1 who kept her Twitter avatar. Not even the penguins. And she's the one (other than Uchida) whose career depends the least on KF. But she likes being Special Cat and is proud of it. I think that's cool.
>It wasn't the "gehehe" Margay this time. I gave her normal emotions this time.
>I was nervous to try that acting. I had fun doing the perverted Margay last time, but I enjoyed putting on a new face.
She just wanted some food and she got bullyed instead. Fucking assholes.
Somebody put this shit out of it's misery already.
>3 post in
>Shitbird getting raped
>Hey let's bring that bird from S1!
>Eh okay, what will she do?
>Everybody hates her song and then they tell her to fuck off so she's sad and goes away.
>Brilliant, I'm sure fans will love it!
Is this actually directed by Rian Johnson?
I would tell her she has beautiful voice an ask her to keep singing to me.
Damn their threads are fast.
At this rate somebody will really attack Kadokawa HQ.
Imagine Toki breaking down and crying on stage in front of everyone because no matter how hard she tries, her singing is always awful. A bit ironic considering all she does is sing. She's an absolute failure.
Hey look it's the girlfriend wolf.
Because capturing hito is tanoshii
I will tell her she's amazing and her voice is beautiful. And then hug her and grope her divine legs.
>she's the one (other than Uchida) whose career depends the least on KF.
What does she do? JAV?
>jap wolf
>that other dead pengi
Man, they went out of their way choosing cute friends just to make them background props.
so is brap-chan really getting kidnapped by a yandere domestic dog
is that S2
Tokyo 7th Sisters
What the flying fuck?! In S1 the Serval and the others didn’t react that negatively
Oh my Christ I just noticed how the fucking audience are sitting.
Fuck this. Only S1 is canon. Now treating S2 as garbage fanfic for good.
I really wanted to think that Japanese corps are less retarded than american ones but after Kancolle and this I just can't.
The stage is a matte, they merely spinned them around, moved S/K/C behind, and zoomed out. What the fuck.
Kantai Collection is better than this. Prove me wrong.
When's grape ep?
They aren't even sitting.
Stop bullying the Beep!
>a literally who in a literally who idol gacha game
Has there been another show that has fucked up on this many levels?
The best part of this season is bullying the Beep!
This episode was awful, and yet it was the best episode so far, what did we do to deserve this.
I came for a comfy show but I got a dumpster fire to keep me warm instead.
It's an official fanfic
A lot of wasted cuteness in this episode.
>Rigid hair
Princess looks so cute with these chubby models.
>Anons love Beep-chan in S1
>But shit on her in S2
how do you get the thumbnail views for the threads on 2chan? trying to browse each page is a pain in the butt.
This must be the Japari Park equivalent of pyrotechnics.
Musashi Gundoh
>fluff falling like a feather
UltraRealistic. AOTY
Raccoon Dog is a cute girl
Is this one of the comfiest places where anyone can be?
Wasn't bossu supposed to stop the friends from doing something bad to humans? How did Armadillo and Pangolin managed to kidnap a kid with no repercussions whatsoever?
princess looks like a dude.
>everyone is so busy being outraged at everything that nobody noticed Hululu being Hululu
That's a lot of tracking equipment.
We learned that a massive cerulean exists in the ocean, given several hints by the characters it is likely that Serval was killed at sea or was lost at sea but Kaban managed to escape. Kaban remembers Serval however distances herself from her because of the past trauma that and Serval has new friends so she probably doesn't want to intrude into their lives.
Nothing makes sense in S2
>likes PPP enough to hum their song
>violently pulls Princess' hair
it's pretty much the bare minimum for a normal rig
What if watch-bossu calls Kaban for help after Kyururu gets kidnapped?
Because the whole performance was actually well done and the people behind it actually cared about the characters, it have nothing to do with the rest of this shitshow.
Hululu is so dumb
And that's why nobody mentioned it, because liking anything about this season isn't allowed or else Kadokawa wins.
>They do that dumb spin thing in a line
I don't remember what that's called, but damn it it's so silly.
The VA for Hululu actually did screw up at the end, but they decided to use that take anyway for the lulz.
Good to know that Hululu's spirit is still inhabiting her.
Ore ga Suki nano wa Imouto dakedo Imouto janai
huh? soul in my KF2?
I wonder how much does the scene costs
Why is she so sad?
You're better without having your favorite friend appearing on this shitfest. All friends from S1 are being butchered to death. I still feel sad for not being able to watch Jagger-san, but it's for the best to keep my memories as clean as possible. Feel happy like me that friends at the post-credit scenes are still looking cute.
Just like everyone ignored after complaining that Margay's character was dead.
I’ll have two Japari Buns, a large Japari Bun, Japari Bread with extra dip, a bag of Japari Chips, two Japari Sticks, one with Japari Cheese, and a large Japari Soda.
My memory is failing me
Hand Shakers
Reminder that it has a second season and it's airing right now
Remember back when it was the characters personalities that defined the story rather than the other way around?
Tatsuki remembers.
I didn't notice that! Why is every friend being so rude? Like shitbird wasn't enough
I know
This man understands.
This is what happens when a group of artists work together for two years honing their craft. You know, instead of divorcing with a collaborator over stupid money issues then partnering with someone who has no idea what he's doing and expecting it to be even 1/10 as good as what you had before.
>Serval was killed at sea or was lost at sea but Kaban managed to escape.
That's what I find to be complete bullshit as that wouldn't align with Kaban's personality. she'd gladly let herself die if it means saving Serval, no matter now much Serval tries sacrificing herself for her. Bossu would also gladly die for the two of them as well. They're all so goddamn close that if one gets eaten, the other two will do absolutely everything they can or die.
Yes, don't forget to buy few of them from Kadokawa KemoFure shop.
I was okay with it when it's like a battle scar Lucky-san earned sacrificing itself to save the park. I don't like the idea of Kaban scalping Bossus and using them as personal information terminals.
I kept skipping over this link thinking it was some forced meme but goddamn that was an incredible read. This really is the continuation everyone wanted.
Tell me more
Is there an term for reverse-flanderization? Because I feel that's exactly what most friends went through this season.
wasn't Emperor's hair at least double the length? her body looked nice but her hair kept distracting me
oh and their tails, so fucking cute
Roadrunner deserves to be sold into sexual slavery
Caracal too
>Giving (You)s to a seiyuufag.
>work together for two years honing their craft.
>can't do a basic idol move without fucking up
I'd say it's hard for someone to sacrifice themselves when another person does so first and pushes them out of harm's way before they can resist. That's still a possible scenario.
There's a difference between being a seiyuufag and linking to a seiyuu's post where they explain why a character they voiced seems different.
hypnotic AF
Doesn't work because Griffith was right
That's part of the magic.
Cash or card?
So are only episodes 5 and 6 the worthwhile ones this season?
Tatsuki's animation is so bad, but why do I like it.
>Let's just add more idols, and these suckers will give us their money.
>please give your money to Kadokawa, kemono bro
Can't make this shit up.
In what backwards world do you live in where those weren't atrocities?
Literally none of these episodes are good. I still don't understand why Kaban's the only Friend to age.
People get fat when they age.
But they're made out of magic cubes.
Yaoyorozu cares about the minor details and actually care about everything they animate, despite the lack of manpower and budget.
You but where do you think all those japari buns go?
It's supposed to go to their thick butts and plump thighs, not their fucking faces.
I need more Roadrunner bullying
i need more roadrunner thighs*
She was also the only one who actively shit on tatsuki
I wasn't around for last week's threads. What happened that made Japan bully roadrunner so much?
She was mean.
She's the least friendly Friend and is a perfect representation of everything wrong with KF2.
I wouldn't mind Roadrunner guro, honestly.
NotKaban only draw Cheeta and Pronghorn running and gave it to Roadrunner.
Hi Kimura
do not
Roadrunner is an asshole -> "Wow what a bitch I hate her, fuck this anime" -> Kyururu is a giant asshole to Roadrunner -> "Wow that poor bird I must protect her, fuck this anime"
The two conflicting feelings merged and now she is popular.
Harasaki does like KF, I wouldn't doubt she does another doujinshi starring Coyote and Roadrunner.
please, no kf guro
the friends do not deserve this
user im begging you, stop her
>both feelings end with "fuck this anime"
What even were the ratings for episode 7?
From the thumbnail, I thought that was a Jersey Shore version of Broly. I'm glad my curiosity ended up wrong there. Looks good. Is roadrunner good, or has my lord and savior Wile E. Coyote led me astray all those years?
Quick bein' a little bitch.
The Friends in KF2 aren't friendly at all, so they can't possibly be Friends so it's okay!
No, Coyote was right this whole time
Excluding the whole kidnapping thing, these friends are pretty friendly
>there are still people rating 1
I know they feel like they are righting some wrong of unjust Tatsuki-fan driven 5s, but there is no way any of this can be considered great
Hatefucking Roadrunner must be a new Japanese pastime.
I'm glad that Shoebill had a good successor.
Is there anything they could do to get not shit ratings at this point? Maybe if they copied episodes 11 and 12 beat for beat?
what did she do? I dont remember her doing somethin bad
I think it's more likely to be a Roadrunner raping you kind of thing.
But people actually like Shoebill
>I've got the high ground, Caracal!
>The serval cat noises give me heart attacks every damn time.
I love this season so much
>gets into fights
>pushes Kyururu
>Wears a dumb shirt
>lives in the worst states
With 4 episodes to go I hardly believe they can recover
>Maybe if they copied episodes 11 and 12 beat for beat?
Feel like that would make people more mad
>Even the NatGeo spots
Fuck I gonna cry...
I doubt most people are voting because they hate the season itself instead of the entire Kadokawa bullshit, so I guess the only way to get good ratings would be by decapitating everyone responsible for that incident live and airing it in the middle of the episode, then begging Tatsuki for forgiveness.
I actually loved this scene fuck you all
I loved it too. Here's your (you.)
Just like my mid 90s console racing games
I love that Fennec is doing the narration there.
>Arai-san, huh...
>She's really cute, isn't she?
Nah, those games had more depth in their crowds.
>Caracal being a dick
Am I the only one that likes dick Caracal? She at least has personality and acts as a kind of foil to all the blatant stupidity in this season
Why would they lock a humanoid in something of that size?
at this point I love everything about roadrunner in a ironically way but it's actually non ironic
I do like Caracal actually, as a character. She's not used well at all in this anime though. She would have been great in season 1.
Being a dick is fine in other animes, but not in Kemono Friends. A big part of why KF1 was so appealing is that the world was just so full of kindness. Friends were always willing to lend a helping hand, instead of nitpicking or arguing like in KF2.
Why don't we just talk about cute pengis
I'm right there with you!
Every complaint I ever heard about the PPP episode in season 1 applies ten times more to season 2's. Also that song sucked. I remember being genuinely surprised by how catchy oozora dreamer was.
Her soft singing here was cute as shit.
Caracal is a big fat bully shes always a bitch to everyone even made the pengi's fall and almost hurt themselves right before a performance this episode
>She at least has personality
I'm not particularly fond of her since I think she's a bit of a stick in the mud but you goddamn right about this.
>Episode 12: Serval wakes up in the boat and found the whole second season was a nightmare for eating too many japari buns, she and Kaban smile at each other and boss says that they're to reach their destination.
Compared to other PPP songs I'm not sure how well I like Oozora Dreamer in retrospect. The whole version is good, but the in-episode version is too abrupt with weird build-up. The animation also had barely any add'l budget.
By comparison, this insert was done really well in terms of timing, section clips, and animation was surprisingly great.
>all these lewd images of Roadrunner
I guess she's good for something after all.
But in S1 Princess was being kind of a bitch due to her nervousness, this time none of the pepapus really did anything (at all) so I don't get why they'd earn any hatred.
>Sen-chan: "Your name is Brap-chan?! ha ha ha what a shitty name is that!"
more like I will stay
I'd be relieved because all of KF2 wouldn't matter and not be canon, but at the same time I'd be fucking livid since they spent a whole fucking season telling a story no one gives a single shit about.
>What's the matter? Yeh scared?
>胡麻すり ゴマすり (n,adj-no,uk) sycophant; apple-polisher; flatterer; brown-noser; ass-kisser
Oh god my sides
Now that I think about it they got that part of Roadrunner right, Wile E. Coyote did literally nothing wrong but he was always a smug asshole
There were tons of assholes in S1. But they were made instantly likable in a way that fit their character (Serval doesn't think, Tamandua is just tiny and scared)
and ones that got more screen time were given time to reveal the fluffy center under the coating of assholery, again in a way that fit their character. (Owls like thinking they're better than everyone, but will still go out of their way to help the hopeless idiots because that lets them keep feeling superior)
In KF2, characters are assholes because it lets the writer move the script along and fits with the traditional structure of honorable Japanese comedy.
I loved episode 3.
cute bird!
This was the weakest episode so far for me, and the first time it felt like nothing but fanservice. The point of PPP is criticizing capitalism, the only thing we got here was poking fun at people who make a joke of themselves just for a material reward like the 3 girls and their "talents" to win the limited edition Japari bun.
Wile was just trying to eat, he tried to make up for his lack of speed by using complex tools and elaborate plans.
He was surprisingly very human on that aspect.
>The point of PPP is criticizing capitalism
Go on.
>The point of PPP is criticizing capitalism
I'm sorry, what now?
What did he mean by this?
And this is what happens when you go beyond tofu and use it to justify your hatred for S2.
>The point of PPP is criticizing capitalism
What the fuck user?
>Does it for the (you)'s
I'll bite.
>use it to justify your hatred for S2.
You really don't need to reach far at all to find reasons to hate KF2.
by me
I pointed that out in the first season, were you not here?
I don't know if I can find the post from 2017
And 40 more persons
>He's serious
Exactly, just hate it normally like everyone else instead of trying that hard.
I don't fucking remember anyone saying PPP exist as a criticism against capitalism, no. I remember people talking about how big the pengi's butts were and how Serval was a silly bitch for pushing Princess out of a tree.
>accidentally saving screencaps as jpg
>I want to kiss her on the cheek
Why can't everyone just be innocent like this young gentleman?
>Hating a kids show that's not Steven Universe
C'mon folks...
Of course I am.
The tl:dr is that Margay and the penguins created a limited resource they gave value to in what was a post scarcity world.
Here it is
There is a second layer of critique though, and this is about consumerist society. Like in Romero's zombie movies, here we have a society who collapsed and yet can't stop themselves from wasting energy for useless things like Idols. There is still the view of money not being important, the owls were paid with a simple ticket, but *why* where they paid? Logically telling them to come and shake all the hands they wanted for free should have been the reward, not a piece of paper. A piece that has no value unless people recognize said value. And what is this episode about if not money then? Bag-chan could do what Margay couldn't do because she had money to spend. Bag spent her money, and now she would have to do something again for the Penguins to be able to shake hands. We have a post scarcity society and yet someone manages to still make a profit, exchanging work for money that can be converted in hand shaking.
No other animal did this, they all worked for free. The idols are thus elevated and attacked as the symbol of japanese consumerism and hoarding of power.
When Margay tells you that all idols have to do is be cute and sing/dance she's talking about how all capitalism does is give you a shiny box without real value.
>saving low-res screencaps as .png
I mean I vaguely remember some user trying to say that but I don't remember if the explanation was good or forced.
Go back to wherever you came from, you don't belong in this thread
It was something about how the PPP had tickets to their concert I think. I vaguely remember some anons tossing tofu around everywhere arguing about capitalism and how Kaban and Margay have the potential to introduce a form of it or something.
Also, this is the post
We took tofu seriously back then.
One of the toshiakis from that thread married Roadrunner and had 3 kids after fucking her in a love hotel. It was a beautiful love story.
This is pretty useful
It really is a shame how everyone's so mad at this season that nobody's trying to look for tofu this time.
There's no point when the Kemono Friends people enjoyed is dead, gone, and replaced by something they didn't want.
Almost like KF2 can't even keep the story and setting consistent on the surface level.
The only tofu we can use is "what possibly happened between season 1 and season 2, other than the Tatsuki event?", and we have zero clues or even subtle hints other than knowing that Serval is the same Serval from season 1.
It's a different generation of the same serval, which basically means she's a different person
I hope you realize that you shouldn't be taken more seriously than this image.
Is this an instance of "The Left Can't Meme" at work?
That's the thing, even if there really is a deeper thing that connects all together, people don't want to recognize that possibility because nobody wants to accept this season.
And here we see the classic western anime bandwagoner. He's afraid of taking things seriously because he doesn't want to be made fun of, so he pretends there is nothing and calls idiot whoever tries to analyse anime.
This is why we can't have tofu discussions in popular anime and why only anime with small fanbases can have honest discussions.
A facebook fucktard. Of course.
Don't talk for me peasant :^)
or you know, friends having fun doing what they like and others like it too so they show up for it
there will never be "post-scarcity"
Even if there is something that ties it all together, it will make no sense. It would have to be something that breaks continuity to the first season, due to all the details in S2 referring back to S1 incorrectly, like . If that's true, it's not even worth speculating on.
The tofu speculation in the S1 threads was fun because everyone could believe that the creator actually had a coherent vision for the series that each episode conformed to. In S2, we know that's not true.
There is tofu in most episodes, there is just no discussion about it because people are not interested.
Episode 4 was about the meaning of house (compared to the first season Otter episode, which was about family), episode 5 was about societies of fear and the point of games as a way to simulate fights, 6 was about how memories make you who you are /(ie mind over matter). Just from the top of my head, if I went back and actually wrote down what happens there would be more.
>Facebook fucktard
Sorry I prefer to not look for the original I made when an easier to access option was available.
>there will never be "post-scarcity"
Of course there won't be, people will artificially create it. It was literally the point of that episode.
that mocap scene was so fucking good, i hate that its the best thing were going to get out of this entire season.
scarcity isn't created, it just exists inertly
there is no deeper meaning, i swear everything these days is some "deep critique of capitalism"
even though exchange exists regardless of any system
the very fact that people have differing interests and skills is an example of endless "scarcity" and is pointed out quite often in S1 with friends doing what their natures strenghts allow them to. apparently the pengis are good at being idols and so they do that, and people like it because they can't
there's no top down corporate conspiracy
While I do think you're overthiking something simple, I find kinda charming that you can find that kind of interpretation.
>afraid of taking things seriously
Friends are literally non-Western in their ideas because they're incapable of simulating advancement in civilization. Is that what you wanted to hear?
You wanted to hear that Friends are Africa and the Middle-East, lacking a Faustian Spirit and that the only thing they're good for is prolonging a dead civilization's culture in mimicry? Because I'll go there.
Speaking of overthinking, I do really enjoy this user's interpretation of KF in regards to the Monomyth.
tldr: "you have to ask for permission before you release something, of course you would get in trouble. this is childish."
Look at all that blubber.
Pretty much. I mean, it IS pretty obvious.
>the left can't meme
While I don't agree with that user you should leave /pol/shit out of this
>this is childish.
try again
But Tatsuki did have permission.
>sarcastically calling someone an adult
>non-sarcastically calling someone a child
Looks interesting, but I'll have to save that for later.
bit too late right now
>fire someone from a public project
>get mad when he says he has stopped working on it
what would you expect? it's not like he was dumping private corporate information.
The only good thing from season 2 is the fanart, and even then that's not as good as season 1.
All the retcon and lack of details is enough to hate them. They don't even watch S1.
>basic idolshit episode using basic idolshit concepts and basic idolshit tropes
>ACKSCHYUALY, the point of this idol group is criticizing capitalism. Wow, It's so deep and meaningful.
Have you ever thought there's a reason people call you an idiot?
>the creators don't deserve harassment
It's the director's fault for shitting on KF1 through KF2. I'd go so far as to blame the scriptwriter too.
>yes, bully me, user!
Tanuki is really fucking cute.
They are really taking their time on making futa on Roadrunner
Does anyone have the cat trio screenshot?
Fuck off Kimura.
Scroll up a bit user
>Roadrunner training her legs a bit
>Pronghorn runs up next to her with her prong "horn" hanging out
>Cheetah shows up, her fastest "animal" flopping around
>Cheetah catches her first, insert joke about being fast and her running out of stamina quickly
>Pronghorn catches up, takes the next available hole before Roadrunner is able to escape Cheetah
>[High speed sexual impact intensifies]
>Next day, Roadrunner is flying instead of running while Pronghorn and Cheetah chase her from below
I cannot see
66 posts up.
70 posts up.
Would squeeze that Emperor Penguin tummy
Thank you for spoon feeding me friend. What friend do you want me to draw for you in return.
Add Margal to that picture, draw the 4
Serval done in Macaroni art on cardboard.
KF2 doesn't even try. Is KF2 the antithesis to KF1?
Wasnt Serval face already done like that?
It's not a bad series, but, it does not feel like the second season at all.
In fact it feels like a spinoff and, it must be clarified, Kemurikusa will become more like the direct sequel to Kemono Friends S1, only a few centuries later in the future.
>are these two even in the same universe?
Nothing has been said, in either of the two series.
Because the art, the development, the plot and the rhythm are practically the same as KF s1, it is very difficult to say no.
If so, that's funny as shit because I just posted that on a whim. I want to see this for real now.
>Kemurikusa is to Kemono Friends what Nier: Automata is to Nier
I can't wait for them to find Lucky-san and for it to hop a ride on Roombabossu and give them a tour of a place it's obviously not in.
Suck my co
whip it out and i will
F, BJ killed the panda
Its and anime and manga board, I would suggest you go to \3dcg\ but I fear they would shit on you as well for the horrible quality this crap has, you might as well go straight to \b\.
3DCG is the future.
Dont reply to the ESLfag
This is just sad.
Serval died too much.
Kaban's heart is dead.
Bossu isn't important.
I'm just suffering.
According to the director, Kemono Friends was an adventure of two people.
>Kemono Friends was an adventure of two people.
I've never seen such retarded mistake
Who is the waiting friend?
Until today no one told me where this image is from.
It was her giving birth to an egg, or scat cant remember
Fuck off with your tepid bait
I am sexualizing everyone in this thread.
No one working on KF2 cares about KF1.
Anons the endings will involve Serval regaining her memories and Kaban cutting her hair. They both then walk inside a volcano with Bossu at hand, committing sudoku to end a catastrophe.
Kyururu and Caracal discovered a way to turn beasts into friends with the help of notes from Mirai and travelled around Japari Park to find unconverted beasts.
Trust me my dad is Kadokawa.
Oh shit. Someone released the first episode of the real KF S2.
This is the only way to save the franchise at this point.
>They both then walk inside a volcano with Bossu at hand, committing sudoku to end a catastrophe. Kyururu and Caracal discovered a way to turn beasts into friends with the help of notes from Mirai and travelled around Japari Park to find unconverted beasts.
This would probably cause that episode to have a 100% '5' rating. Oh, instead of Kaban, Serval and Bossu going on sugoii adventures to find humanity, Mirai, and the true nature of Friendship, we get follow Kyururu and Caracal be assholes some more. Great.
I don't feel anything yet
Her one scene was the best part of S2.
Calling kemonoshit 3DCG is an insult to 3D. Its SHIT D.
>I feel insecure when people with other opinions speak up g-get out or I would cry.
I did not have macoroni art and cardboard so I had to use with paper towel and anchovies.
This is the most sugoii thing I have seen in a KF thread in a month. Please never lose your smile, user.
Is that you, Tkmiz?
Is there even any proof to this besides the director blocking a bunch of people on twitter?
Birds are retarded. That's why the owls didn't recognize them either.
>i pretend to be retarded and make up my own definitions for what is and what isn't acceptable playing web sherif on anonymous image board
Which cat friend is this?
I'd like to say the Owls knew but kept quiet for Kaban's sake but the people behind this trainwreck are so inept I won't give them the credit.
Big cheetus.
And I kept it. I'm only here to fap to nufriends.
Promised what? I never said at any point that I wouldn't watch this season if that's what you meant, I always planned to see how it would turn out.
They're all Newgens, user.
Dog searching a human for a pet. That's cute.
Reminder that this season is literally Gay Wolf's fanfiction
What PPP stands for?
That's not "actively shitting on" him, but yeah keep pushing the narrative that helps you make these threads feel bad.
In wasei-eigo, PE-nguin PA-ahformance PU-roject
Rude. Gray Wolf is an actually competent writer.
>Episode 12: Sudden cut to long-eared Serval telling Kaban without black shirt, "And that's what would happen if we stopped hanging out and you became a huge asshole!"
>Kaban: "S-Sugoi yo, Serval-chan.. *sweatdrop*"
>Episode 12: "The end!" Giraffe says, closing the story book. "So, what did you think, Gray Wolf-sensei?!"
im having fun
No, you're not.
I'd agree if they had tried to do their own thing, but they went out of their way to include really stupid details to connect S1 to S2 and they said some really disrespectful stuff in interviews. They deserve all the harassment they get.
Whops, I messed up
>The animation is made by irodori
The banter never stops
>when you realize this was an intentional callback to how the S1 penguin episode had rough static crowd shots rendered at a hurry in the wrong resolution to wedge in the Crunchyroll mascot
Sasuga Tomason. "b-but its bad c-cuz muh tatsuki" shitters would never pick up on this.
isn't this just add show for small children?
>intentional callback
10/10 joke user made me laugh.
How exactly is he going to stop them?
By taking their place.
Any flaws S1 had is excusable because they never had budget
S2 has no excuse
There's nothing I despise more than hypocrites.
Exactly, which is why Tomason is absolutely irredeemable and KFP should just fuck off already.
Try comparing Kemurikusa quality with this
Suit yourself
>S1 understood to use close ups of the crowd to make it feel like a full house
>S2 uses wide shots of the whole stands and then has to scramble copy and pasting friends to make it not look so empty
There isn't a single comparison that can ever be made in S2's favor, and the sad thing is they keep inviting comparisons.
About half this thread is just petulant asshats trying to work off their own feels of frustration and despair by hating on things for no justifiable reason.
Sad, bitter little hypocrites. It's frankly disgusting to watch.
Surely you jest
It's actually all posts showcasing an honest reaction to a bad product.
Now piss off to the new thread and watch on the side
Where the fuck is Caracal looking?