Isn't it about time we improved this chart?

Isn't it about time we improved this chart?

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>isn't it about time we remove all the terrible anime on this list that are loved by many people despite being shit?
How do you think that's gonna go? If you wanna make a rec chart, make it on your own. You can't ask other people for their opinions. They'll only ruin the final product.

I hope that's the royal we. I'm not helping you make a dumb newfag kit.

Yes, you can start

Hurr durr not kino enough for me

there are a lot of legitimate bad shows on there, and it hasn't been updated with any 2010s stuff worth watching

>The place promised in our early days

What the FUCK, kill yourself that was pure garbage

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this chart is garbage full of pretentious shows and edgy crap, it's like it was literally made by redditors

The average newfag will tell you that literal garbage like NHK belongs on a rec chart. That's precisely the second you should start ignoring them.

Kill yourself

shit taste

Yea Forums needs a good chart like /m/'s

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Post the men one, fag

If we are making an Yea Forumscore Franxx should be there

most of these charts REEK of the early 2000's
the best part is how hard it is to make /m/ seem /u/ for the most part

kys malefag

>all the terrible anime in this list
There are some very overrated ones in this chart but on average they are still better than 90% of the garbage out there.
Stop trying to impress people on the internet by being a contrarian, faggot.

most of these charts were made around 2010, Yea Forums hasn't made a new chart for years

>recc threads

fuck off leddit

This still holds up to this day:
There's nothing made after 2010 that's really notable enough to make a new chart

Definitely add Castle in the sky, and obviously needs updates from this decade.

Idk about removing for now but let's add
I didn't see GTO there nor ansatsu classroom I would also add mob psycho 100 but maybe that's personal taste

I wonder, teen.

>There's nothing made after 2010 that's really notable enough to make a new chart
where you agree with this or not the medium has changed a lot over the past decade and there should some charts that reflect that

Wow, that's mind-boggling. I fucking hate mechashit, but I've watched like half the shows on that chart.

Are you referring to me as a teen or to the show? Cause with that attitude I'll stay young forever :)

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>haha wow, I hate this subgenre yet I've still seen dozens of niche works
Nothing to be proud of since you're very clearly a liar or a shit eater.

To be fair, what I really hate is giant robo. A lot of the stuff that I've seen from that chart is just powersuits, which is not nearly as bad.

Exclude every single one of these, and it would already improve the chart by miles.

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Hello my fellow contrarian, shall we go back to ?

Purely stylistic media can be just as great as any plot-focussed stuff.
Substance is not necessary, enjoyment is.

Let's start by adding Hyouka to it.

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how are you going to put 5cm on this but not fma or hajime no ippo

>one punch man
>all style

Except those faggots wouldn't even know who somebody like Tezuka is

Because nu-Yea Forums thinks that great visuals make for a good story just like this retard here

>lumping a masterpiece like K-On! with all that other overrated garbage
Effective bait.

>seinen shonen shojo jesei
can we all just agree these are dumbass terms that should never be used to describe anything

Half of these aren't worth watching, especially the movies.

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McFucking Kill Yourself.

I wish people here gave a shit about half of these.