Weg thread

Attached: ;;;;.jpg (1098x488, 194K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: template.png (1100x500, 82K)

Attached: Level E.png (1600x716, 1.69M)

My archive hard drive got wiped recently and what I miss most are my WEGs.

Some freshly made bad OC

Attached: Sword hero- weg.png (1100x500, 762K)

>actual plot vs apple economics
What did he mean by this?

Thanks, take my bad OC

Attached: weg_kimi_ni_todoke.png (1528x664, 1.15M)

Simple, I mean that Holo > Plot
Also Holo > Raphtalia
Not that Raphtalia is bad by any means

I think you got the essence of simple with that opinion.
How the fuck does tateyu in any way compare to S&W, besides the antropomorphized Animal?

Attached: 1481620572699.png (1100x3000, 3.83M)

Attached: 1532219275735.png (1100x500, 697K)

Think about it

Attached: BeastStarsWEG.png (1100x500, 1.01M)

Attached: kemono weg.png (1100x500, 838K)

Not him but I can see the comparison since tese last few episodes had Naofumi going around acting as a merchant on a cart with an animal companion

Ah sorry, thats true tho.

Oh god my pixels

>this shit got a million times better after the anime ended
Its not fair

Attached: ookami weg.jpg (1100x500, 449K)

Attached: 1543676643498.png (1100x500, 1.07M)

Attached: WEG.png (1545x568, 1.61M)

Attached: 6f2f782d9c5cf44ac69270b1a8ddab15.jpg (1100x500, 140K)

>it's another LNfags get BTFO episode

Attached: 1445617088653.gif (355x360, 1.82M)

Even taking the memes about HxH being really DEEP seriously, how the fuck is it anything like the Silmarillion?

Attached: 1551684474846.jpg (1005x381, 162K)

>isekai garbage
>video game mechanics
>revenge porn
>waifu bait
>actual plot
What did he mean by this?

Attached: 1480657922094.png (1528x673, 1.67M)

The system and world of HxH is so complex that it would take twice the amount of chapters we got to "show, don't tell".
It's like calling Tolkien a retard for writing the Silmarillion instead of making sixteen more books to tell everyone else's stories.

Attached: WEG_Deconstruction.png (1500x677, 1.5M)

Come on fella.

Oops, meant to reply to

Attached: 1551675294227.jpg (1116x500, 218K)

astoundingly accurate.

Attached: 1526765690608.png (1100x492, 366K)

why... did you expected that?

Attached: 1497932117806.png (1100x500, 882K)

3 years and counting, still mad.

Attached: AKA The TIme Traveler's Wife's Son.webm (1088x496, 309K)

whats this called? I tried 3 different reverse image searches

Attached: 1532168303909.jpg (374x452, 93K)

Wait, does Shousa survive in the source material?

Attached: 1509553047830.png (1512x568, 1.41M)

Attached: weg.jpg (1280x605, 159K)

Did you try looking up the author's name, Endou Asari?

Attached: Danganronpa weg.jpg (1100x516, 123K)

Attached: Tanya the Evil .WEG. waifu .....................and bro.png (2060x1084, 2.34M)

Attached: ergo weg.jpg (1100x500, 486K)

I got it now, thanks. Should I read the LN or watch the anime?

Anime only cover book 1. Shit is getting real on episode 2 onward.

Attached: Meme2.jpg (1100x500, 184K)


Apparently whoever made the english name translation expected the same thing

Attached: parade.png (1116x489, 869K)

Attached: 1551750224059.jpg (1100x516, 258K)

Reminded me of this one

Attached: DeDeDeDeDeDeDeDe.png (1100x500, 716K)


Attached: TG.jpg (1100x500, 255K)

Attached: EVA.jpg (1485x569, 355K)

Attached: kiseijuu.png (820x320, 379K)

Attached: weg6.jpg (1100x500, 235K)

>isekai harem "plot"

Watched this just the other week. What the fuck man?
"what's this mutant thing? it's fucking annoying"
"eh I guess it's not so bad.. oh that's cute, I think I like it now"
>please kill her


Now read the manga. Adventure awaits.
Pic mildly related.

Attached: 1551190611580.jpg (350x350, 112K)

Attached: 1551736701971.jpg (1100x500, 339K)

i swear to god this was the exact same show as witch hunter robin but with mechs

Attached: weg-kurau.jpg (1100x500, 323K)

which doujin is on his screen?

Attached: weg.jpg (1100x500, 145K)

Huh, I didn't know that. Is it true that the source material is trash and the changes KyoAni made to the story are actually an improvement?


Based Hunterchads

Attached: chikuwa.png (1100x500, 722K)

Attached: 1541335538570.png (1370x626, 1.27M)

Attached: 1541373993773.png (1248x551, 1013K)

I didn't read the VN

Attached: WEG.jpg (4800x2400, 1.35M)

Attached: u8ZD6CB.jpg (1908x732, 379K)

This makes absolutely no sense.

Attached: fire punch in a nutshell.jpg (1600x1111, 675K)

i have watched a lot of anime and i still can't think of a funny weg chart

Attached: utenaweg.png (1100x500, 905K)

Attached: 1541397292837.png (1008x403, 273K)

Based and Shonenpilled.

Attached: shonenshit.jpg (340x939, 124K)

Season two never

Attached: rkbweg.png (1100x500, 505K)

Attached: railoa weg.png (1220x544, 579K)

>posting the edited page by some jelly wikiguy
this was before the edit

Attached: 1536888898835.png (283x770, 203K)

I hate that in every WEG thread we got here, two or three huntermumblers just start shitposting about their shitty manga not being "just for kids" and that is actually "deep and meaningfull"
Holy shit, guys, stop worring about your japanese comics that much

Eat shit, I am not giving any of this fags a (You)

Attached: u8ZD6CB.jpg (1908x732, 305K)

I think it would be pretty hard to adapt Restart into an anime. So I have mixed feelings that it will never get a second season.

>in every WEG thread
More like every thread on Yea Forums. Hunterfags are cancer, it's better to ignore them than feed them attention.

Yeah, that's true. What did you think of it?

It's soft seinen my lad. Don't be a newfag.

Attached: Shinobu_cutest_feet.webm (1920x1080, 1.34M)

Cope, Incel.

>not recognizing banter


Improved by removing unnecessary shit, degraded by skipping necessary stuff.
Having only 13 episodes was a double-edged sword.

What you expected was the first Route of the VN. What you got was Route 3.

based mental breakdown fag, here's your (you)

Attached: peleliu weg.png (1248x531, 963K)

Viz gave it the same rating as Pluto

Attached: HxH is seinen.jpg (3500x2352, 3.05M)

How did you not know about it? It's spamed fucking everywhere.


>ジャンル / Genre
>少年漫画 / shounen manga

Attached: 1433447699367.png (301x300, 57K)

As if I gave a shit about it being a shounen or a seinen, it is still just a dumb japanese comic made to ve read and enjoyed by fucktards like you
Most seinen are just "muh gore and violence" anyways

Wikipedia also says that 6 million jews died in concentration camps by gassing

Based ragefag
Imagine being this insecure about your japanese drawings

Not an argument and that's not what it says at all

This is some excellent bait, fucking saved.

How new?

Attached: Smug_konata4.jpg (300x295, 21K)

You'll never be a real woman.

comparing a great series like Seinfield with that piece of shitty bake- slice of nothing

Good, I'm fine being a man. You on the other hand will never be a man until you stop liking cartoons made for little boys.

It's an official TL. The English is the subtitle of the original.

>hurr durr netorare

where did she hurt you. user


Ergo Proxy is a vampire origin story

Obsessing over what actions are adult and what actions aren't is a sign of adolescence user

Based and redpilled
Does it really matter if it is a shounen or a seinen? Even if it's a seinen, it's a really shitty one
Also never forget: youtu.be/pUDUK-yvwQs

He is not obsessed, he just stated a fact

I really don't get how people could say that it would be creepy for Satoru to try and get in a relationship with her. I mean, sure, his mind is still that of an adult, but he's literally in the past, he is child at that point. Had he not gone into a coma he would have likely had to live his life as a child all over again and they would have likely just gotten into a relationship somewhere down the line.

I've shilled Monogatari like this before.

Attached: oniisama e....jpg (1008x448, 115K)

3 years and counting of being an idiot.

He'd only complain about a show being immature if he was immature himself. What really matters are the quality of the show as well as the relevance of it's themes and messages.

“When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty, I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.” - CS Lewis

Attached: VEG.jpg (1100x500, 266K)

Attached: whatiread.jpg (1008x389, 83K)

Meant to reply to

Attached: 1551672718853.jpg (1100x500, 435K)

Attached: hxh.jpg (1000x386, 282K)

So if i am complaining about you being a a faggot I am a fag? That's next level retarded argumentation
Also, doesn't calling other people childish on the internet make you childish as well? Or it only applies to others?
Both you and C.S. Lewis are immature manchild

> trying to insult people for having a hobby on an image board dedicated to the hobby
If you're a crossboarder then you're almost definitely worse than us in the eyes of society. If not then you're just retarded.

Attached: Osaka_bait.jpg (640x480, 41K)


Attached: 1484921440753.jpg (456x434, 100K)

>So if i am complaining about you being a a faggot I am a fag?
That's a logical fallacy, you're comparing two completely unrelated things and drawing false equivalences (very childish of you)
>Also, doesn't calling other people childish on the internet make you childish as well?
Doesn't matter if I seem childish, I'm not obsessed with appearing all grown-up like you

Ruining every single thread on Yea Forums isn't banter, it's spamming, and you retards should've been kicked out of here ages ago if the jannies actually did their damn jobs.

One day, someone will pick this up.


Attached: 1551736701971.png (1097x489, 284K)

Very funny

Attached: masturbation is the punchline.png (800x365, 329K)


Attached: weg2.png (1100x500, 1016K)

Attached: weg.png (1100x500, 1000K)

it's so fucking accurate it hurts

Attached: Overlord WEG.png (1100x529, 911K)

Casual newfag is your answer

Attached: weg yorimoi.png (2058x500, 1.4M)

This image will haunt you to the ends of this board.

Attached: READ THE VN.jpg (1024x576, 34K)

Hunterchads blown the fuck out.

>Try to make people read the shitty smelly pile of shit that is Fate

Attached: meh2.png (247x416, 53K)

>flower tile pattern
lol, good weg
I'm still depressed by how downhill TG went.

Attached: weg angel's egg.png (1100x500, 348K)

It's great. Improve your taste.

>mature rating
>T+ instead of T
Hunterchads are so cool, I can't wait until I'm old enough to indulge in their manga.

> it went downhill with all that shitty cars sequences

Reddit Chika dance happened and ruined the whole show. For some. Not for me, because I'm not a child who gets upset about who likes what.

Attached: Bait on.png (800x600, 35K)

I mean, you're watching the anime anyways, don't act like you have the moral high ground when you're just consuming a worse form of the same story.

These Togashi ball lickers do not know that gore and heavy themes are not what makes something a seinen? The only thing that defines seinen is casual treatment of sex as a normal thing. That is it. Shonen can be gore and treat any theme, except sex on screen. Even Naruto had gore, genocide, war, torture, deep nihilism, post traumatic stress and etc, still a shone, because everyone is a asexual.

>The only thing that defines seinen is casual treatment of sex as a normal thing
This isn't even true. There's no one thing that defines seinen. Seinen manga run the gamut from perfectly family friendly to gore and sex filled.

Yeah, Crayon Shin Chan is a seinen for what reason? What it have that makes it a seinen while Doraemon is pure kid stuff?

Marketed toward young adults rather than teens/older children.

Attached: 1532626166864.jpg (1329x606, 447K)

>The system and world of HxH is so complex that it would take twice the amount of chapters we got to "show, don't tell".
World of HxH is nothing to write home about. One Piece has unironically much better worldbuilding.

There is a joke somewhere

reminder that Sawako fucks Kazehaya in the last two chapters

i fucking wish

Attached: koe no cutachi.png (1100x500, 476K)

botan a shit

i really haven't dared to watch it just because i know it won't make the manga any justice

Most accurate.


Fuck you faggots with your shitty ass poorly written porn.

wow, it had been quite awhile. probably at least 6 months. oh well.

Go back.

Attached: New Canvas.png (1370x626, 500K)

Wasnt it also implied that his brain was turning into that of a child's as well?

Attached: weg.png (1370x626, 898K)

Anime of the day?

Attached: Jinrou game is litterally fucking town of salem.png (1813x700, 1.29M)

I was a newfag to anime and had no idea what Evangelion would be like. I just knew it was supposed to be a classic anime about giant robots and shit, and after seeing Gurren Lagann I thought it would be similar.
Boy was I ever wrong.

Attached: eva.png (1100x500, 580K)

Attached: all bait of the world.png (640x960, 88K)

Attached: weakcross weg.png (1100x500, 588K)

Last picture should be a turd

I like this one.

Attached: 1550083442274.jpg (3883x1500, 2.03M)

Attached: 1498469365505.jpg (1100x500, 180K)

I'm completely enjoying this shitty exercise.

Attached: ookamikakushi weg.png (1100x500, 581K)

I didn't even realize this was a Subaru commercial until afterward.

That's literally all I remember about the show. What was it about again?

yes yes yes yes!

please lurk for 5 more million years before posting this horrible thread
and the same goes for anyone replying.

Y-you too.

As far as I can remember:
>mc moves into werewolf town with non-werewolf family
>werewolves get horny when they meet non-werewolf people. If they kiss non-werewolf person, that person becomes a werewolf
>being a werewolf is like std, but you cannot reveal that it exist and special japanese oranges are the cure
>things happened and classmates goes nuts because mc not being a werewolf
>crazy terrorist wants to kill all the werewolves because of his imouto getting wolfed and was killed
>more things happen and terrorist wants to destroy orange pill facility, gets rekt
>meanwhile mc is getting it on with wolf scythe girl and another werewolf classmate
>almost got wolfed twice
>mc learns about terrorist plot, rekted him
>terrorist uses explosion, imouto-lookalike onee-san uses substitute, its super-effective!
>anyway werewolf thing still got revealed, normal people started leaving werewolf town
>mc stayed with his family because why not? also has two werewolf pussies wet for him so that's a plus


Don't worry, only anime secondaries and Kyoani cultists watch and praise it

Funniest thread in a while

Never would've imagined.

Attached: 1549669311712.gif (1562x403, 1.36M)

It's a genuinely excellent movie - even if it's not strong as an adaptation.

fixed it for you

Attached: VEG_fixed.jpg (3883x1500, 682K)

It's an incredibly poor adaptation, if you read the manga it's actually hard to enjoy it just knowing how much they skipped half assedly.

>it's a morality grab bag down there

the whole making movie saga is shit, the movie fixed it. change my mind.

>Most seinen are just "muh gore and violence" anyways
No, most seinen are cute girls doing cute things, because that is what soothes the soul

True but important details were still skipped


No, most GOOD seinen are the ones with long noses and pointy chins

Attached: comrades let me tell you about peoples great october revolution.png (1100x519, 716K)

Are they translated?

it can't be helped to fit into movies, also i don't remember key development from main pairings missing. but maybe because i read the manga years ago.

They should have cut the chaddude and kawai altogether their charactets were butchered

I'm sure she would appreciate the OC.

Attached: 1551705425532.png (1477x926, 1.69M)


Here's your deconstruction bruh

Did you read Ishida's afterword to the series?
He got burnt out hard, but continued anyway and finished it because he thought if he stopped, he'd never go back to it.

>There's no one thing that defines seinen.
I though the use of furigana to aid readers is what defined a seinen

Attached: WEG.png (1100x500, 856K)

God damn it

I Don't even remember werewolfs, only one scene where someone got chased through the neigbourhood

Attached: sao.jpg (1370x626, 258K)

You don't have anything to change to begin with

Posting a classic.

Attached: 1394734755144.png (3368x412, 1.73M)

Attached: weg.jpg (1008x387, 82K)

Why are you so obsessed with reddit and what they like? Do you have some sort of inferiority complex towards reddit? You are in Yea Forums and as the superior site/board you should just ignore the inferior ones, does a king wants to know what a random hobo eats? The answer is no and so we don't want to know what reddit likes or dislikes because its irrelevant.

Slammed and Jampilled

Attached: 413764125.png (1101x501, 671K)

This desu

Anime name?

so meta xd

Attached: FLCL WEG.png (1505x582, 837K)

Attached: xyz.jpg (1100x500, 103K)

Doesn't get more accurate than this

meta af

Attached: wegveg.png (1100x500, 817K)

Attached: radiant.png (1100x500, 747K)

Woops someone actually beat me to it already

At least this is where the manga seems to be going.

Attached: TPN WEG.png (1100x500, 840K)

Kill yourself pls

Attached: FukumenkeiNoiseWEG.png (1100x500, 2.12M)

its not that deep.
Its getter robo but bad

Attached: weg pandora.jpg (1100x500, 145K)


Attached: op.jpg (1100x500, 220K)

I read the manga first, but it's a great film. The ending felt wrong because it was missing many of the manga scenes in the build up that made it make sense, and yeah I was mad about the stuff they cut, but what they adapted was done amazingly.
It's possible to enjoy both, you know. I've suffered through plenty of shitty source material adaptions, but this isn't one of them. Yeah it's a shame half the series will never be animated, but I'd rather they make something good out of what they did than a badly directed full adaption.

Actual great one

Death is a preferable alternative to Communism.

How is it a reddit dance when this board shitposts about it everyday?
Reddit can't possibly be more into it than Yea Forums is unless it's literally 50% of their site.

How will Hunterfags recover?

Attached: 1545504026821.png (1500x681, 1.95M)

Yea, this one was really good.


Attached: yuyuna.png (1100x500, 727K)

Attached: WNE PRISON SCHOOL.jpg (1100x500, 136K)

I miss Yomi.

Attached: IMG_4858.jpg (2035x871, 410K)

Very nice

>awul image quality
anti-hxhfag detected

Great adaptation, removed all the garbage.

Are you implying that the Silmarillion is deep or something?

I'm implying they're thematically nothing alike, so the comparison makes no sense even from a meme perspective.

You are correct, but I thought that was the point of the image.

Salty Hunternigger

only good isekai is konosuba



Surprisingly good. Wish more anime had this kind of artistic sense.

Attached: 1518385188604.png (1340x518, 2.67M)

Wish we had gotten to see some axe surfing but great anime nonetheless.

damn, that's a nice subie.

Slime is good too. Pure fanservice.

Magical Girl Spec Ops Asuka

Braindead ecchi show I'd drop on the first episode ala Bikini Warriors.

80's/90's action thrillers in anime form. Anime of the season.

Attached: 1525551154820.jpg (400x400, 39K)

Attached: Ace Attorney.jpg (750x937, 167K)

did they fug?

People too lazy to edit together an image should withhold from posting unless they have a truly top-tier concept.

Fuck off cultist

Attached: st,small,215x235-pad,210x230,f8f8f8.lite-1u3.jpg (210x230, 5K)


That's KHK, he's mentally ill. Just r & i.

Is that John Cena?

You haven't posted in kyoani or veg threads for a while huh. Oh don't mind that guy he's just butthurt.

I miss these dorks so much

Attached: chikuWEG.jpg (1800x2800, 3.4M)

don't respond to the spammer

Fuck you user, I had forgotten about the game

kek and accurate

Is this what resizing and rotating in mspaint does?

what is this?

I didn't get it at first then I read the thumbnail

Attached: 1551736701971.png (1100x500, 632K)


>Expecting DBZ
>Got Baby fuck

Attached: DoEy2CFUYAAHjqY.jpg (700x643, 133K)

thanks I hate shounenfags now

It's missing people being facetious about HxH.

that's not even remotely right

Attached: raildex.jpg (829x2629, 1.55M)

Attached: weg helck.png (1008x378, 410K)

I want to play some secret hitler.

based and accurate

Attached: weg kuroko.gif (1100x500, 2.01M)

How do I fit images to boxes?

My personal favorite.

how will they ever recover

Attached: Kyogre laugh.jpg (481x242, 59K)

Attached: goat hentai.jpg (526x728, 84K)


dont insult Tolkien like that, user


Attached: 1511297743735.png (1100x500, 822K)

Eva and Gurren Lagann being complete opposites has been known for a while now.

At this point HxHfags are basically the anime version of rick and mortyfags except without the sauce riots.

brb, visiting the panda

Attached: weg.jpg (1100x500, 218K)

explain this please I watched it but don't get it

Attached: snk.png (1100x500, 822K)

not exactly anime but oh well

Attached: 1489242114121.png (1633x3440, 2.8M)

Fresh OC.

Attached: weg Saiki.png (1100x500, 504K)

Attached: weg.jpg (1100x500, 256K)

this, so much

Attached: school live.png (1100x500, 772K)

Attached: girlish number weg.jpg (1100x500, 600K)

Attached: RTS WEG.png (1465x500, 1.04M)

Attached: yuuki yuuna weg.png (1602x579, 971K)

Attached: akanesasu shoujo weg.jpg (1100x500, 203K)

Attached: hibike weg.jpg (1100x543, 211K)

Attached: haifuri weg.jpg (1436x500, 298K)

>ywn have a season 2
Kill me

Attached: wixoss weg.png (1100x500, 593K)

Attached: weg-spyce.png (1100x500, 736K)

Attached: chuu2 weg.png (1100x500, 607K)

Attached: new game weg.png (1100x500, 835K)

Attached: clannad weg.jpg (1100x500, 132K)

Can anyone post the LoGH one with War and Peace? I can't seem to find it

Attached: 1551736701971 copy.jpg (1100x500, 532K)


Attached: AV weg.png (951x387, 495K)

here's the finished version

Attached: samflam weg 2.jpg (3780x400, 1.48M)

Attached: wtweg.png (1100x500, 745K)

Attached: samflam weg 1.png (800x320, 414K)

Attached: gakkou weg.jpg (1100x500, 562K)

As someone who played Werewolf/town of salem Is it any good

There needs to be more sports series with unrealistic/fantasy/scifi effects.

Funny I had it in the reverse.

was waiting for this, thanks user

Man this show made me want friends, now life is more for painful because I don't have any. But maybe that pain is something that will make things better.

Take that suffering and make your life better, you have the capability. Find your Antarctica.


Very accurate

This is the fucking truth lmao. Part 2 sucked ass

Attached: gup.jpg (1100x500, 214K)

Attached: 1549695935386.jpg (496x615, 59K)

Attached: Maou sama.jpg (1100x500, 144K)

Attached: Abe.jpg (530x298, 20K)

Attached: Black Clover.png (1100x500, 708K)

Kuroko made me seethe, how the fuck do you have a conversation when you're Midway through a donk on your way up to the rim.

Attached: Ping Pong.jpg (1100x500, 82K)

Attached: Untitled-1.jpg (1100x500, 511K)

Nothing will beat this scene from Prince of Tennis.

Attached: recweg13.jpg (1342x403, 325K)

>making it past episode 3 of re:ddit creators


Attached: sketch-1551834488257.png (1920x1079, 1.78M)

I have a peculiar hobby when it comes to that show.

Attached: recrimes.png (1800x577, 358K)

Best one so far


What kind of horror is this?

Attached: rozenweg.png (1100x500, 824K)

I remember making the original one for this, i think it was just up to the second kamen rider, and later after Dr.Pain/Torture(was it that?) died and the plot just got crazier people picked it up. What a ride Samflam was and holy shit i missed this threads, though people seem to have forgotten how to make them well, half of the new shit here is basically
>i though i would get shit/good stuff
>got the opposite instead
>also add 1 thousand pictures to gush how good it was or a piece of shit instead of something short and actually witty
Will make some new ones and later if another thread like this pops up i will post them.

Attached: ssr_weg.png (1095x490, 716K)

Attached: Demi Chan.png (1562x624, 926K)

Good stuff user
got a chuckle out of me.

This is exquisite.

so bad it made the seiyuu cry

Late reply but there are seinen that have furigana. That's a general rule but it doesn't apply to all seinen. Unless you define seinen like that. But some self proclaimed seinen magazines do have furigana.

Attached: 1394798432210.jpg (1600x1200, 332K)

Based & Redpilled

>Late reply
Just on time actually, as I just came back to check the thread.
Thanks for the info, user.

The scene where Blitz interrogates his creator at gunpoint was worth it.

Attached: 5LYzTBVoS196gvYvw3zjwM7h2E1KlC2alEmLGJWa4hU.png (1100x500, 677K)

This but the last panel is an image of shit.

I love HxH but this one got me

How so?

whatever you say, reddit

It has no likeable characters, most of the story is some shitty mafia drama until they decide to go to the surface, the environment is completely uninteresting for a cyberpunk series, and imo at least the way it's directed seems to have no reason at all and the rest of the content doesn't justify it. It's usually included in lists of stuff I do like but it just failed on nearly every aspect for me and didn't get me invested at all.

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Why are anger and bargaining out of order?

You unite every other fanbase on Yea Forums against you. You are like 9gag of Yea Forums


Almost done marathoning this. It's quite an odd adaption, but I don't dislike it.

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>You unite every shonentard on Yea Forums against you.


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Also Alien.

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based, and dare i say nenpilled

>three years and based PIZZA won

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Don't you mean twelve years?

My dude, you Hiatusfags lost all credibility when you called Berserk and Claimore retarded and when you tried to post the author sketches in an art appreciation thread.
You try to sell your "threads" as intellectual, when in reality is just you fags shitting other mangas with better art, better writting and with authors with actual professional standards and work ethic, circlejerking your light novel like you just invented bread.
Hiatusfags are the most annoying retards on Yea Forums and not only shonenfags hate you, seinen, horror, psychological, people who like good art and any fag with half a brain in this god forsaken site see HiatusXHiatus and cringe automatically because you always wanna sell us your shit like it's jesus second cum.

berserk arcs afer golden age are literally battle shounen shit, bordering on harem shit with every girl falling in love with guts, i've read all of the available chapters, and it's completely in a lower ball park from an actually mature narrative like hxh. guts even gathered a crew ala one piece, including a loli witch and they go on some naruto filler tier island adventure.

cope more shonenfag.

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BASED and nenpilled

Cringe and plebpilled

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>imagine being this mad over people shitposting on an anime image forum

Hunterchad dominance literally causing PTSD and rent free living, absolutely based.

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One day people are going to get over their autism, and just straight up ignore anything hunter x hunter related, instead of arguing with them every time.

Not even a HxHfag, but what's god tier about Berserk? After the Golden Age arc everything has been shit. There hasn't been any character development from Guts or Griffith. Guts only objective was trying to fix that retarded girl and Griffith wants to take over the world just because he's evil.
Every arc has been just a monster slasher, without any interesting ideas or thematics.

do the Hunter"""""""Chads""""""" even believe their own bullshit or do they really think that their above average shonen is on par with history's greatest philosophical works

What show is this? I loved the game and want to try it.

user, I...

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Episode 1 was an absolute thriller.

After that I was under the impression that at least 1 person always had to go “hell” and the other went to “heaven” in each game, so after the second group of dead people both went to “heaven” I lost all sense of suspense.




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And here I am without that one for Midori Days.

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That’s not fair to Naruto, at least it didn’t start a tournament arc after only a few volumes.

>expected Them!


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In their defense it's hard at this point to have not heard the phrase "Chimera Ant Arc"

Well I suck cocks and am illiterate.
Is Helck ongoing? Is it still being translated?

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Was HxH a lot of peoples' first shounen?

Sounds about right.

People keep liking to think HxH is the thinking man's shounen when the real one is Medaka Box.

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Wait did resurrection already came out?

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lool whoops

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So you are saying the show is reddit tier?

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I see what you did there

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I did a 4-year BA in philosophy. Never went in Hunter threads on Yea Forums because I didn't want to spoil myself on the show. A friend of mine convinced me to watch it and during the Chimera arc I kept telling him how much it reminded me of Hegel's theory of consciousness. Lo and behold I come to discuss HxH on Yea Forums and there's a running joke about Hegel being relevant to the show. It was funny because someone other than me must have picked up on what I was seeing in it. I'm not saying the show is "on par with" Hegel's writing, just that it's strongly reminiscent of it and possibly inspired by it in some way or other. But yeah there's a lot of philosophical nuance in that particular part of the story, which isn't something altogether foreign to anime. Yes, anime can (and often does) have intellectual themes.

akanesasu shoujo

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That's a really good Nisekoi weg user

Manga sequel even more absurd. It become the ultimate retard asspull powerlevel shounen sport

>werewolf game is just town of Salem

How did you not know this?

every fucking time

You should watch Saki, Inazuma Eleven, and Prince of Tennis then.

You'll never see telepathic lesbian BDSM mahjong sex anywhere else other than Saki.

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Anime used to have soul.

Velvet a cute.

magi-chan best girl

More like shitty incorrect animal wikipedia with boobs mixed in. All of the author's works are like that

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Too messy, ya'll niggas need to learn how to sum your point up in three images only.

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kys nigger

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Hunterchad here. I like the show, but I don't think it's the greatest masterpiece of all time or anything like that. I just shitpost about it because the reactions are funny and it keeps discussion about it alive between the 6 month hiatuses.

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Over 1 year passed ever since the anime was announced and still no news.

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Daily reminder Overlord is torture porn trash with no redeemable features

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Jesus Christ man really?

low fucking effort

If you're going to shit on something at least put a little effort in.

>no "It bothers me"

Attached: Ikuhara - The Experience.png (1100x900, 931K)

Easy fix too.
You're not living your life correctly
It bothers me and that image of dead touma in the black world

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Explain the Civ part and I'm a little shaky on the Hegel part but wouldn't mind hearing a reason, I think I get the rest of them.

What's this one? I'm curious


The point is not to use images from the actual manga, just put Chicken Run in Expected and Animal Farm in Got and it's perfect

He stopped doing that so much after a while though.

The elevator guy is so cute

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Seconding this.

Yakitate!! Japan

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I mean as long as that they dont do the stupid "Lets throw in the character developing side story right before they die!" Thing again I think it would be alright. That really made it obvious to anime onlys who was gonna bite it in season 1

It's completed

im a huntard, this is actually fucken spot on

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Let me shortly explain - for those not familiar with this - Hegel’s theory of self-consciousness. For Hegel, the most primitive form of consciousness is certainty at the level of sense experience. It is the experience of “this” or “here” rather than classifications like red or round. Hegel noted that, “self-consciousness…cannot exist in isolation. If a consciousness is to form a proper picture of itself, it needs some contrast.”

This all sounds similar to those who have witnessed Meruem’s character arc, as he first began as a being that merely satisfied his basic desires – sense-certainty and the particular rather than the universal. Such contemplation eventually leads him to impose universal laws unto the world as we can witness from his rather extreme form of social darwinism – power is the only thing that matters. This can be seen in Meruem’s battles against chess masters and Komugi. But even such relationships are unstable as we see Meruem destroy the chess masters and grow agitated by the fact that he cannot best Komugi.
Hegel argued that, at this stage of self-consciousness, one needs to observe another self-conscious entity to grow. We can observe such growth from Meruem as he interacts with Komugi. Analogous to Hegel’s master-slave dialectic, Komugi the slave is confident in her own identity through her labor: gungi. So Meruem begins to treat her as a self-conscious being he begins to contemplate his own identity – What is his name? What does it mean to be a King? In other words, he becomes more self-conscious.

Unlike Hegel’s odyssey, Meruem’s journey doesn’t end with the recognition that Mind or Geist is the essence of all reality and that our individual minds are parts of a whole that shapes and constitutes reality. His journey ends with the recognition that he can choose to be human, that he wishes to spend the rest of his life with Komugi.

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Agreed, that was a huge mistake on the directors part. Still, I feel it would be hard to pull off Restart's story in only one cour of anime. I highly doubt we would ever get a two cour for this series. Even the slight chance of getting a second season is optimistic at best. Which is a shame considering how much better it gets in the future arcs.

>The point is not to use images from the actual manga
That's just not true though,

That makes more sense to me now.

i really want ice hockey anime. too bad that anime would be really nieche and would probably sell like shit but hell would i watch the shit out of that.

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i would have prefered if they didn't release eoe and ep 25 and 26 was canon. the whole composition left a strong impression on me. the story itself was kind of meh.

>he can't handle banter
lmao @ ur life

I remember when I first saw some promo art for MiA anime and I just had this feeling it was going to be awesome. It was, but not for the reasons I expected.

Anyone know what the middle is from

They're canon, I don't see why you care more about what some hack has to say than about narrative consistency.


well, i can't just ignore eoe - it cleared up all the questions i had about the ending and that's why i didn't like it all that much. you know how you can contemplate book once you read it and make up your own stuff? i feel like eoe took that away from me.


wasn't this shit real depressing?

user, 25/26 isn't vague at all. It is very straightforward and literally tells you what happened, because there was no time to animate it.

EoE takes what you see and says "nah fuck that"

yeah, i guess.

high IQ post

Thanks! I'll read it.

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>tfw showed up in the thread too late to post my one

Watched it because of this and was surprised how accurate the comparison is.
The weird thing is that it's really nowhere near as crazy as the weg makes it out to be, but it still features all of those aspects.
It's a bizarre ride in that sense. I'm not an /m/fag but it's also apparently harder and more real robot than the vast majority of its successors, despite the fact that it was pretty much a genre definer alongside Gundam

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