Am I the only one who thinks that this anime truly contains no pro LGBT message...

Am I the only one who thinks that this anime truly contains no pro LGBT message? Utena is always reminded how she is a girl and at the end apologizes to Anthy for playing prince.
Yet you see all these tumblr scum claiming the show is queer and how much it challenges gender norms.

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People say it's queer because Ikuhara is and because he shoehorn his juvenile gender commentary into virtually every single one of his shows. So it doesn't come as a surprise that mentally defunct viewers flock to a mentally defunct director.

It does challenge gender norms, even though it's not the main theme, but it's not about being queer.

There is literally nothing wrong with wanting a female prince, this show gave me a fetish for princely girls

>Am I the only one who thinks that this anime truly contains no pro LGBT message?
No, unfortunately there're many others who are utterly retarded.

Because the prince is a toxic male archetype that is imposed as positive by toxic males and Utena is a stronkk womin and doesn't need to play by toxic male rules.

Tumblr shitstains will latch into anything to project their mentally ill shit.

Tumblr is correct. Utena is the gayest anime to date. And that's a good thing. Also go back to /pol/, OP.

Can't really add much more to this.

Sarazanmai will be gayer

Here's to that. No such thing as too much gay.

this is your brain on /pol/

What part of this is supposed to be /pol/? The part that he's queer? Maybe do a bit of research on how he acts in public. The fact that he shoehorns his Twitter level gender commentary into all his shows? Maybe actually watch them prior to commenting. Or the fact that queers are mentally defunct? Now that one is basically a scientifically proven fact and will be confirmed by any psychiatrist in existence.

>Yet you see all these tumblr scum
I don't see that because I don't go to shitty places.

Yow, thought I was on /pol/ for a moment.

So /pol/ is everyone who doesn't like shitty queer bait?

>implying tumblr scum aren't on this board right now
How new are you?

>185419753 (You)
>185419828 (You)
I'll take tumblr over /pol/niggers anyday,

back to tumblr all of you. the only thing I remember from this show is the queers killing themselves as she got blacked.

How do you know it's shitty if you've never been there? Oh, right, I forgot. Yea Forums consits first and foremost of ignorant people who are proud of acting the way they do.

Not even your incel board can protect your from reality, sweetie.

It's just typical yuri bait shoujo ai. Tumblrfags are always looking to project their mental illnesses on everything "nerd" culture related.

It's quite open from the start about how playing with gender norms is a dangerous game. The first thing we hear about Utena wanting to be a prince is the questioning "But, is that really such a good idea?" with the obvious suggestion that it will have bad consequences.
Overall though I think it's hard to argue that SKU doesn't celebrate Utena's choice to quite a large extent.

Yes, the LGB stuff is very exaggerated in regards to the TV series. However! the movie goes in a different direction...

umm no sweaty

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Ironically, it's anti-LGBT.
>Yet you see all these tumblr scum claiming
Since time immemorial the mentally ill have tried to warp things to fit their world view. A lot of them don't actually understand Utena and just parrot what they have read in their queer echo-cahmbers (like

Maybe you are just talking about LESBIANS! but the movie is also pretty unsubtle about it's themes? You thought it's just a coming of age story with a twist about accepting your gender identity. Wrong. It's about fighting evil patriarchy.


>Since time immemorial the mentally ill have tried to warp things to fit their world view.

Oh I get it, that’s what you’re doing, mentally ill person!

Yes, the story of a 13 year old girl who only did any of this to save a chick, and whose encounter drove her life to a quest to save a woman even when she forgot the cause, and who only acts in a male manner because she has been taught to believe that is the proper role of someone off to save a woman she cares about, and who learns in the end that the role is bullshit but caring deeply about the woman in question is still right, whose only sexual encounter with a man is deeply unsatisfying to her, and whose interest is obviously in women, is obviously not about lesbians and says homosexuality is bad.


It's not like it's about LGBT, it's about society and it's roles, and just about anything can be indirectly included in such commentary.

>whose only sexual encounter with a man is deeply unsatisfying to her
but that's wrong idiot

kek. Is that the only thing you can post? it doesn't add much

>whose only sexual encounter with a man is deeply unsatisfying to her
idk it looked like she liked it.

The part about queer people being mentally defunct was /pol/.
The part you said about Ikuhara shoehorning gender commentary in tells me you don't really watch his shows. Gender commentary isn't "shoehorned" when your show is, up front, an exploration of gender roles.

>way to avoid giving him a (You) newfag

Both of these. TV Utena was never pro-LGBT, it was yuri bait at most.

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saging this tumblr thread

>The part about queer people being mentally defunct was /pol/.

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I know its hard but try to ignore the mentally ill
Also dub dub check

>Caring about what tumblrwhales and /u/niggers think

Just ignore the fanbase of every yuribait show

It was also yaoi bait
>t. had fujo friends in college

>jap culture treats lesbianism as a teenage phase and ultimately all females grow up to want a husband and a nuclear family
absolutely based AND redpilled

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Nuclear family is a meme. Men can't stop themselves from being sluts and in their natural state humans raise children in communities not in sole mom, sole dad families.

Ikuhara also made Yuri Kuma and that really activates my almonds on his opinion on this issue.

in their natural state humans also rape and murder a whole lot more than they do now, so ummmm i dont think you want that ok sweaty?

In their natural state humans don't use computers and faggots like you get murdered so you won't pass your mentally ill genes.

Rape happens in all species and none of them end up "suicidal and devastated" as in humans because their society doesn't tell them to be traumatized because of it. Human society is living incorrectly. In smaller communities actual rape doesn't happen much (no, diddling your little cousin isn't real rape) and murder outside self-defense is rare, and when it happens there are real societal consequences thus no one actually attempts such behavior.

lmao rape is only bad and traumatic because society says so. i like you user, youre funny

>anthropology can tell us what we ought to do
What a meme. Human nature is unrelated to what is we consider good and worth pursuing.

Keep meltdowning all you want, but "nuclear family" doesn't work. Humans are not life-long monogamous and children need of multiple adults and other children to be mentally healthy.

>t. discord tranny

user, tumblr is always wrong and you should feel ashamed for taking them seriously.

One day when you find yourself beating up your wife because she slept with Jamal while also having an affair yourself in front of your single child socially castrated by the lack of people in its life you will recall my posts.

>children need multiple adults
creep vibes off the charts. imagine my shock when people like these have a problem with a virtuous nuclear family lifestyle.

>but "nuclear family" doesn't work
Oh yeah, I guess we've simply been able to establish or society with this very princinple as its foundation despite it "not working".

No. Nips accept Lesbianism and it's the best thing coming for them.

It's like communism, it has never worked as it was written in paper. All throughout history people haven't respected to a hundred percent the values that you must have, the values that truly make the nuclear family.

You'll never be a real woman.

Fuck you people are retarded.

Queer theory is about choice and inclusivity, which means not having to force oneself to conform to specific gender norms. Utena felt she had to suborn her femininity in order to be a successful person, which can be just as harmful to a woman as telling the bitch she's only worth something if she gets back in the kitchen (Anthy).

The entire point of Utena is upheaving social norms to become the person you want to be.

>whose only sexual encounter with a man is deeply unsatisfying to her
this is the only part i disagree with. utena obviously enjoyed being fucked by akio. whether or not she might have been manipulated is another question. you could call it "problematic" but there's not a whole lot of evidence to suggest she didn't enjoy it.

Did she become the person she wanted to be?

Yes, she literally grew up and got out of an Academy full of SJW and anons. Anthy then decided to do the same.

The show is culturally conservative but with an implicitly pro-queer message. The same way you can read some classic literature that's ostensibly anti-gay as having subtle messages of openness and liberation. Think Shakespeare plays that had low key gay characters.


Yeah except the dudes at her school all actually got laid

If gender roles mean a chick in a penguin hat calling me a loser while wearing a hot outfit I'm cool with that


How the fuck are there people even on this very board who think Ikuhara is straight? All the evidence says otherwise

>every girl in the show is a slit
>yurifags love it

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>imagine my shock

I don't even know if you guys are baiting or unironically too retarded to understand something as simple as Utena.

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She wanted him to stop. She also talked about what she wanted to eat for lunch the whole time leading up to it. She was definitely attracted to him, she blushed a lot around him and stuff, but she wasn't ready to have sex, she was 14 and he was much older. She was hoping he wouldn't go through with it, but didn't feel like she could actually say no.

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What about Yurikuma? Wasn't that basically a metaphor for how japan treats gays?

Not that user, but while she WAS uncomfortable/unprepared emotionally for that kind of thing, I wouldn't go and call it 'deeply unsatisfying' in every sense of the term.

maybe you're right

>It's quite open from the start about how playing with gender norms is a dangerous game

The show definitely advocates moving past gender roles, what are you smoking? There's an entire episode about Utena wearing the female uniform and trying to act more feminine, but it makes her miserable and her best friend slaps her out of it. She goes back to wearing her regular clothes and is happy again. You literally can't get any more unsubtle than that.

Utena being a prince was a bad idea because the entire idea of princes and princesses is unhealthy. Savior figure x damsel does not make for a healthy relationship. Utena's desire to save Anthy was wrong not because she's a girl, but because treating someone as a damsel reduces them to an object. She wasn't considering what Anthy wanted, she was just doing what she wanted herself.

Savior/damsel is just male/female gender roles taken to the extreme, that's why Anthy said "all girls are like rose brides." The show is obviously critisizing gender roles.

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>show with abstruse ass symbolism

I always got the feeling from the series and the interviews with ikuhara that he meant social roles which does include gender roles too. However it seemed that it was more of individualism vs collective. Another thing i want to mention is that ikuhara does quote Hermann Hesse "Demian" which is about growing up. He uses a quote of this book. Also Hermann Hesses books "Steppenwolf" and "Demian" were both really popular at the time ikuhara grew up. Hesse was known for his fascination of Hindiusm and India and had similiar indian Characters like Akio and Anthy. Another thing in Demian is that there is a scene in which Demian and the Main character do something which some could be interpreted as an homosexual act. However Hesse used again Hinduism and wanted to symbolise the two aspects of the same person forged into one and therefore growing up. So Demian and the Main Charakter would be both the same person. If i remember correctly Ikuhara did mentioned once in an interview that he really liked the novel.
One thing i want to add is that Marwaru Penguindrum also has similiar themes which are more about society as a whole. I think that yurikuma and Utena do the same. Ikuhara also claims that he only does the yuri relationships to make his points and his themes more visible which wouldnt be the case if he implemented a normal relationship as most people would focus on it more than on the actual themes of the show. However this should be taken with a grain of salt since it could be some trolling from Ikuhara. I think hes more of an artist so his points would be more about individualism and being put into roles. Not only gender roles. Basically to break out from a unmoving society. Which again refers to the quote the student council sometimes say in the elevator scene. All of this makes sense if compared with Hermann Hesse who wrote books with similiar themes and considering the time Ikuhara grew up with.

What part of Sarazanmai even looks like Panty and Stocking to you?

They're both sexually dirty and unclean

The boys have to get their assballs back from Zombies around town I guess.

>Utena being a prince was a bad idea because the entire idea of princes and princesses is unhealthy. Savior figure x damsel does not make for a healthy relationship. Utena's desire to save Anthy was wrong not because she's a girl, but because treating someone as a damsel reduces them to an object. She wasn't considering what Anthy wanted, she was just doing what she wanted herself.
>Savior/damsel is just male/female gender roles taken to the extreme, that's why Anthy said "all girls are like rose brides." The show is obviously critisizing gender roles.

it´s not pro-lgbt necesarily, but has lot of gay shit anyways.

This thread is cancer, and everyone who unironically responded without saging should be ashamed of themselves.

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>(no, diddling your little cousin isn't real rape)
t.Lena Dunham

To be fair, by Episode 36 she seemed pretty into getting touchy-feely with Akio. It's disingenuous to say that she had no sexual interest in him.
Utena is a bisexual anime. The only lesbian in the series is Juri.

Ikuhara is unironically a hetero, he just LARPs as a cute girl.

Does Anthy ever show interest in men? I feel like she only ever loved Utena