Male character

>male character

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What is wrong with 雄?


Great post.

back to


Back to your containment board, yurishitter

You should go back to your containment board, malefag prick

>no, u

The absolute state of yurifags

kill yourself /u/trannies, no matter how much you try and push "waah hetfags!" you will always be in the minority you freaks.

imagine being this sexist

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only men can be sexist as they are the historical oppressors
why are malefags always this stupid?

ITT: OP talking to himself.

I can't believe you guys are actually falling for this bait. This fag is just pretending to be retarded. Which is still retarded.

>mirai nikki

>Female character

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>anime with no male characters
>characters aren't gay

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Hello, Pablo Rodriguez, got your VISA yet?

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Any time I see a yurifag post, it makes me a bit sad on the inside. Because I know they're never going to find happiness in life without completely deluding themselves. I hope one day you guys wake up and realize yuri isn't pure and it's just as degenerate as (if not more so) any other relationship.

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>posts a character crazy over a guy
Go back to yuri cuck shed

>constant y/u/ri blue balling

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Elaborate on your post using facts and arguments, or get out, malefag.

>girl's whole personality is being obsessed over one or two other girls

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>Post facts that anime lesbians aren't more pure and wholesome than any other type of relationship
>Post facts that yurifags aren't completely deluded
If you want me to point you in some direction, go look at the Madoka fandom. Even better, go check out any /u/ thread and see how many posts you can find where they don't rely on "hints" (looking at someone, smiling, using a pencil that's the same color as another character's hair) for their ships. /y/fags are the same way so don't think that only /u/ is guilty of this faggotry.

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I've been posting on /u/ for years and everything you said is retarded and wrong. Bet you've never even read a single post there. Typical malefag shitter.

>yuri girl is a dumb genki girl

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It's alright to pretend, user. I've been to /u/ more than once and I've seen the amount of delusions you guys have. Hell, half your threads are degenerate shit like age gap and femdom yuri. I don't know why you keep pretending you guys are better than any other shipping community. I also don't get why your yuri shows make everyone else out in their universe lesbian like being a lesbian is common place. Doesn't that destroy your suspension of disbelief?

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>character named Lily or Yuri isn't a dyke


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>age gap and femdom
Nothing wrong with those. I'll agree that /u/ has absolute garbage like westernshit and 3d.
>yuri shows make everyone else out in their universe lesbian
That's just the illusion the viewer gets because the shows will usually focus mostly on the lesbians
>like being a lesbian is common place
Most women have some degree of lesbianity (or bisexuality

i love yuno

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Imagine being a hetfag, kill yourself disgusting spic

Yuno is cute!
Gimme a 60 000 word essay on why Yanderes are the best when they're being cutesy, go

>someone picked it up for tl

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How retarded can someone be?

It's a yuri board it's about creating ships between female characters, of course a lot of them aren't going to have an strong fundament behind them, people just ship female characters they would like to see together, only a retarded hetshit who has never been to /u/ thinks that all the ships are canon or something.

On the other hand you have indeed shows with strong yuri subtext as Homura loving Madoka or SayakaxKyoko, this kind of ships which are more 'official' in some way are even discussed on the anime threads here on Yea Forums.

Fucking shonenshitters, i would fucking gas all of you until there is no one left.

are isekai-males okay? they kind of got rid of this male character thing. All isekai-protagonists are the same colourless mannequins so everyone can self-insert as MC the easiest way possible

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Homosexuality isnt right

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hey do you know me by chance I am also a massive cunt

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>the mere sight of a male gets him uppity

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>resetera/tumblr makes a thread

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Also, those people are mostly malefags

maybe you should go back there.

why don't you go back to your maleshit containment board?

>maleshit containment board
>when /u/ fucking exists
you realize that you are giving yuri fans a bad name, right?

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you're the one giving male hetshitters a bad name (worse than they already have) with retarded posts like

stay on twitter or discord or wherever you came from

You literally made this thread to troll other anons and get replies, while sounding like a deranged feminist. People responded because this thread doesn't belong here.

shonenshitters are better than all of you fucking trash failed normalfag masturbators.

>S-Subtext means we should pretend it's canon!
See, this is why I'm not a shipper, much less a /u/fag. But please, continue to get buttblasted that yuri is, and always will be, a low brain interest that runs on the grass is greener mentality when it comes to relationships and romance in media. Threads get more interesting when you sperg out protecting /u/.

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Why is it a problem if there's a male character? Enough to make an angry face. I think that both male and female characters can be well written, or likeable characters. I'm not opposed to an anime that only focused on one gender, for their characters, but to say that only one of those kinds of anime, or that anime focuses on both genders, is bad is mistaken in my opinion. That would really limit the number of anime that you could watch, and is a prejudiced mindset. I hope you'll think this over, and try to view anime that have male characters in them in a better light.


Yurishitters need to be hanged.

Imagine if someone didn't like anime, and they just wanted to collect a bunch of little girl pictures and jerk off to them.


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>no /u/

Male characters are most of the time poorly written, usually by delusional males who don't know how women work or even how men should work. I've watched many shows and read many manga with maleshit, and 99% of the time the males ruin the story.

You missed his whole point like complete, he's saying that is nothing more the shipping teo girls together, just as plan and simple as that. Nothing needs to be canon in order for it to be counted as Yuri. People who can't get this are the exact reason /u/ and it's threads have been so shit as for like the past few years.

Why don't you learn to read disgusting shonenshitter?

Your argument was that /u/ ships things without reason therefore they are 'delusionals' or something, what you failed to understand is that /u/ is a board that is entirely about shipping not matter if there is or no any base for that, people just ship characters they would like to see together, and this does not mean in any way that it's canon neither people pretend it is, this is what you, my disgusting shonenshitter, failed to comprehend, but i don't blame you, your iq must be comparable to the temperatures of a Siberian winter.

>S-Subtext means we should pretend it's canon!
No, subtext doesn't make something canon but it makes it much more normal and logical to ship therefore you are going to see people shipping it even in the anime threads on Yea Forums and it's totally accepted because it's fucking logical, also it depends what you call "subtext" to, a lot of Shoujo Ai shows are purely based on subtext.

This is our containment board you dumb shit.

How's it feel knowing she'll never love you though?