OPM= YYH aka normalfag prototype
Mob= HxH, the superior works
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Mob > OPM > YYH > HxH
No one cares about stupid show wars
this is a really roundabout way for HxH fags to try and claim it was better than YYH. why do they keep lying to themselves?
because they are pathetic
HxH > Mob > YYH > OPM
>normalfag prototype
user, they're fucking battle shounen, they're all normalfag.
HxH is way better than that braindead action junkie manga that ended terribly.
Please don't shitpost using an image of my son.
you know people fantasize gay things about him?
imagine gettin off on your own elitist thoughts because you prefer a little shota in green booty shorts
YYH > Mob > OPM > Garbage > HxH
mob > yyh > hxh > opm
>shonen fags comparing shonen to seinen
should have expected.
HxH>YYH>>>>>>>>>>>>shit>mob shitco>>>>>>>>>piss>>>>>>>>>OPM
>Not better than YYH
That's just your shonenbaby delusions. Even Togashi admitted feeling shame for how schlocky YYH had gotten towards the end. HxH on the other hand is his dream manga and magnum opus.
>a little shota in green booty shorts
You sound insecure. Are you sure that you aren't attracted to little boys in shorts?
>Shit rated higher than piss
Jesus, what happened to this site.
do you need to have some kind of pedo vision to consider these booty shorts
Yeah it pisses me off to no end.
MP100 came out before OPM you fucking retard
mob is about the power of friendship, so it normalfag tier by default AKA trash
Actually, why does OPM count as seinen, while Mob is listed as shounen?
That's not your son that's my boyfriend.
Different publication magazines.
Haven't watched hxh and am not planning to
Is this some kind of bait I'm not getting or are you just stupid?
Honestly this is one of the good threads on Yea Forums. Rest is just waifushit
>my overpowered protagonist
what a hack.
OPM -> Tonari no Young Jump = online spin-off of Weekly Young Jump which is seinen magazine
Mob -> Ura Sunday = online spin-off of Weekly Shounen Sunday
On MAL they don't list the OPM web comics, so tards like him probably believe it.
Well HxH is pretty trash.
Today I will remind them - youtu.be
>mob will never rely on you like this
kill me
all I got for now any requests?
Isn't YYH just a generic action show? How can you compare it to HxH?
just cause they have the same author people feel the need to compare em, you should know this
God can you imagine having to live with a human landmine. Aniki had a hard life.
Ignoring all the other reasons this post is fucking stupid, Yu Yu Hakusho is better than HxH
yyh is literally good man beats up bad man. it's typical shounen. how can you say it's better than hxh which at least has cool stuff like meruem the monster discovering his humanity? at least there's something there in HxH. yyh has....what exactly? i guess toguro wanting to get beaten by a human to atone for his sins was a nice twist after the fight but that's about all yyh has.
rick and morty: the anime
OPM > Mob > the rest of the shit.