Shingeki no Kyojin

Still waiting for real leaks/spoilers.

next time don't put fake spoilers in OP, dinguses

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Other urls found in this thread:

why was last thread deleted

Well deserved pruned thread you shipperfags and fakespoilersfags.

>no text spoilers
It is only the 4th I guess

nonsense and fake spoilers in OP.
fake spoilers is one thing, don't do it in the OP. use this thread, not the duplicate and bastardized "annie" one.


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Annie best girl though
It's only logical that an Annie thread is a best thread as well

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>another fucking Annie thread
I hope she dies


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You first

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She'll either die in that crystal or get eaten, such is her fate.

I hope Manlet is okay guys.

..and the silver spoon
little boy blue and the man in the moon.

when you comin home dad?
I don't know when, but we'll get together then.
you know we'll have a good time then.

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Stupid newfags

>3 snk active threads

I hope not. I wanna see fujos kill themselves.

Yii chapter?

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Just abandon the smaller ones. The anniefag can samefag in his shit thread all he wants before giving up and coming here to spam in this one.

one should automatically be disregarded for obvious reasons

so between the other two, there was one that was made first. simple as that.

Tiny Yelena is cute. I wish spoof was still around.

Y is dead.
all hail the new Y

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Big Yelena is cute too, and spoof is top tier.

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spoilers are starting to come out

Y should still be on the status chart though. Unless we're pruning people off for being dead which would make for a cleaner list desu

>sips casually

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I dunno why Chuugakkou got an adaptation but not Spoof. The latter was a lot funnier.

Gosh, I want him to fuck my ass so bad.


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Chuugakkou has all the overt pandering the series lacks.


I am already spamming in this thread though
I just did my humble duty when then previous thread was pruned while venerating the one true best girl, praise be to her nose and i have no intension to force disharmony.
I am sure one day you heathens will understand the error of your ways, abandon your false noselet waifus and join your brothers in the heaven that exists within the shining nostrils of our lady and saviour.
Best girl!

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LM soon.

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>Levi Calvo


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Cute and canon

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Who's your favorite Shingeki and why.

>the sameskronkette is back


Best girl

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I rabu Piku.

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Jeanbo because I believe in him


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the what? I'm only 1 person in that

can we talk about the problematic similarities between the yeagerists and the nazis?

He's my bf

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t. Jeanbo

That's wrong though

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Eren, because it's been a joy to follow his progression throughout the years and watch him grow into the person he is today. He's a great protagonist.

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Reiner and Manlet


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Spoilers out for real
Eren is the father but he didn't fuck Hisu

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I miss this

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He knows that the road to freedom goes through hell and he is willing to cross it

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Gabi didn't

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Floch won't either

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Dumb Piifat

>h-haha Eren is totally being manipulated by Zecuck and he is t-totally on his side

Reminder that Eren possesses the androgynous beauty so it's not gay if you want to have sex with him.

Can't cap the gab

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Still the best Y though.

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He couldn't shoot an old man at point blank range, what makes you think he can shoot a fucking goblin?

Me on the left.

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>reality shattering sounds

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Let's be real here, how would the majority of /snk/ react if Floch shot Gabi?

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>I-I know right?! "F-FREE" amirite?!!

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I self-insert specially with the pregnancy thing

nice rare Gabo

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He's my God.

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I would love him even more. If I were eren I would grant him either the beast or the colossal titan for his loyalty.

>Jean believing in himself
You fell for the bluff

>'Let's move forward through hell - maybe there is another hell on the far side, but we must fight our way there to see'
>'G-guys, let's just lie down and rot because a janitor was mean to me'
How come Grisha's kids are that much different?

t. Jeanbo

None of the lists are good.

It would honestly be the best chapter in a long time.


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Me too

>manletto will never be real
It hurts so much. I want him to kiss me good night.

I see you're an appreciator of fine things.

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Levi and Mikasa

I think this gablin is pretty damn rare as well.

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Based & Piipilled.

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don't even dream. Gabi has more of chance of shooting Floch than the other way around.


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One false move and your life is forfeit.

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I would allow Floch to ejaculate inside me until i become pregnant with his child.
I am a man by the way[/spoiler[

A nose challenger approaches

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Preparing for Gabodrop

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Best nose!

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There is only one certainty about chapter 115.

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then discuss something else. Who will be the next Intercontinental Champion?

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Don't lose hope user!

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Wahey saved my edit!

Terrible terrible photoshop

Reminder Eren is not the father , no proof, no foreshadowing. Only contrarians think so.

I like it though

>walking down the street
>all of a sudden a Pii appears before you, exactly as pictured
What do?

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That's fine, but it doesn't change the fact that it's awfully done.

Is it any suprise considering its leddits favorite.

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ask if she needs help up

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Overrated movie.

steal the crutch and watch her crawl through the dirt

possibly cringe, potentially based


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Throw my change into her poverty tin without making eye contact.

>implying /snk/ itself hasn't become a fucking EH hub since 107
It's grown in popularity everyone, user.

why does the anime make him look like a small boy? Also black hair > brown hair

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hes 15 ffs

*explosion sound effects*

>shitrenlet copes
Because Isayama rightly wants to correct the mistake of people viewing this little 12-year-old spic as a man, who never worked a field in his life. Erong is pathetic.

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Based Yiichad, please don't turn into a fucking brainless copefag.

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Frieda ships YH though

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Ernesto Llagas es Español por la gracia de Dios y ademas es el padre de la criatura que crece en el vientre de Historia, típica chica del norte de ESPAÑA

The turning point was not the Ch.107, but the last panel reveal.


Ymir can't make Frieda an auntie now, can see?

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still can't, the negro's dead

what kind of retarded whore/faggot would call him godvi. that shit is so cringe it's making my insides rotate.

>the negro's dead
when did Nigren die?


Querrás decir por la gracia de YMIR.
Basado y rojopileado amigo

>Ernesto Llagas
Lo mejor que he leído hoy


Yea Forums ruined it like it ruins everything but that film is one of the few good things to come out of the shithole that is Hollywood in the past several decades

Remember when EM and YHfags thought this was funny and not a threat to them?

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>Implying I browse Yea Forums
It's just an overrated movie.

taco bell quesadilla la 56% atrocidad los dios mio

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>Ernesto Llagas
>Doctor Gregorio Llagas
>Sigifredo Llagas

>Historia Ruiz
>Frida Kahlo Ruiz

maybe they just held hands


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Chris Redfield meme amarite?

He looks pretty mature in Season 3 to me user, he only looks like a young boy in S1, also his hair is brown in the Manga too from what I can gather from official artwork...

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>Annie's face be like "look at these two ugly cunts"

You can literally see the blur and quality difference, and the perspective on the jaw is wrong. My god that's bad.

I love you anons


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Chapter 107 did mark a revival of the EHfags with a very vocal part of them claiming Eren was the dad even before we got more information regarding the pregnancy and his possible involvement in it, but yeah the last panel kinda sealed the deal.


>LM more popular than LH & JM on tumblr
>LH more popular than LM & JM on reddit

So according to this chart, LM is tumblr, LH is reddit, and JM is based?

The only thing I want out of this manga at this point is seeing Annie happy.

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Cute family.

I love how AAfags draw Annie being literally on chain in their arts. They are aware about the true nature of their ship at least.

What was that, bro?

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I hope Eren eats Zeke next chapter. Fuck Zeke for getting based Grisha tortured for no reason.

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Too much milk and not enough malk


I forgot how kino this scene was

Best era of the manga right there.

I'm pretty sure that's just part of the bedding. Although it really does look line a chain...

This is the cringest and cancerous spin-off i've ever seen.

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That's too much Vitamin R

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How shit is your taste holy fuck

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EHfags killed the hype.

Mostly it was just an excuse to pander to shipperfags, but it wasnt funny at all.

>This is the cutest and most fun spin-off i've ever seen.

Attached: anneko.gif (500x281, 1.61M)

>LH surviving where ErwL lives
Last time I checked they were praying for Hange's death

OK retard

Cry harder anti-fun squad


t. pedo

Dumb waifufag. She doesn't even have her nose in this.

>The virgin weebparody vs the chad AU highschool

I like Saki but c'mon

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Google more of such arts. They are very often depict Annie being in jail or on chain.


Gotta take the good with the bad

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That literal who girl looks a bit like current Historia.

How do you explain Armin, Ymir, the Reiss family, etc. all being affected by the memories of their predecessor, but Eren possessing memories of at least 3 different people and saying this shit to Armin like it hasn't affected him one bit?

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It just did the usual Mikasa is obsessed with Eren, Ymir is obsessed with Hisu and Blort wanting to fuck Annie that all the snk comedy spinoffs do

I'd pay for an OVA about this AU

You'll suck off anything with Annie content because there's virtually none in the main story

He'd say the same if it were a shot of Annie taking a huge dump for ten minutes straight. He is just desperate to see his waifu more in any kind of way.

Obviously, it's a good thing there hasn't been any bad Annie content, right?

Man, back in the day everyone would shit on that collage for being delusional as fuck, and now EH is the only Eren ship that has an actual chance of happening. Isayama is a master troll.

why is Sasha made to be a giant in the anime

Eren a shit.

It'll probably get one eventually since they already adapted Lost Girls and Choice with No Regrets, and no one gives a shit about Before the Fall

why is mikasa made to be sort of feminine in the anime

Chuugakkou and Lost Girls are both terrible

When will this get animated? It's legit better than pretty much all the comedic spin-offs we've had so far.

Chuugakkou and Lost Girls are both great.

Eren is a hypocritical faggot but his self-inserters will still suck him off dry because of "muh freedom".

They don't always respect heights in the anime (not like Isayama does any better with his fucked up proportions and perspectives but still).

I second what this user said


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I know, right?

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Eren is special. He's not a fucking beta like Armin to get swayed by memories. He's shouldering all of humanity on his shoulders without breaking a sweat and you're concerned with something so trivial. There's going to be a perfect explanation soon.

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You want explanations? There might be a lot of them. 'Eren's will is stronger' or 'Attack Titan can't be controlled by its own or other shifters' etc.

When will Sasha be ded in this

From guidebook:
>Because Eren is a character that’s constantly in motion, I used solid lines and gave him black hair.
His hair is officially black. the highlights can be brown or grey depending on the lighting. Mikasa's hair also looks brownish depending on the light.

Attached: vol4.jpg (688x1024, 155K)

He's being a hypocrite but his memories are probably more valuable than a comatose father, years of sweat dabbing and quickly stolen glances at Annie's rear.

Eren's fighting to save his race and nothing is ever going to change his mind. He uses the memories to come up with better ways to do that, meanwhile a little pussy like Armin becomes a different person.

Marco and Beltolto are still alive. Probably never unless Eren goes on a shooting spree.

>All the other kids with the pumped up kicks
>You'd better run, better run, out run my gun

Eren is a filthy fucking hypocrite. Just like how genocide is okay when he does it.

Did you even read Hobo Eren?

Erwin and Reiner
Erwin as a dead husbando and Reiner as a depression husbando.

Well he might act hypocritical but the fact remains that he's currently moving his ass and getting shit done will Armin is busy fapping to a crystal crying about how he doesn't understand his ex-butt buddy anymore, even though he should be smart enough to know what Eren is after and how far he's willing to go to achieve it.

Eren is defending himself against AM's claims of being controlled when they should fully know that killing his enemies for muh freedom has been his main objective for ages.

However, he is also being a retard by blaming Blort for Armong being a peacecuck that doesn't like violence when he has always been like that.

He's just mad Eren beat the shit out of Bertmin

>implying that's Eren speaking

>Just like how genocide is okay when he does it
He understood what RBA had to do and pretty much told Reiner they were no different, because he was about to do exactly the same thing.

Nah is the stupid lesbian again. Eren must be her personal Trump or something

>Thinking Armin becomes a different person
>Everyone states the different person is Eren
>Mentioning that Eren's the one who's a slave to the memories causes him to enrage

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Thanks faggots now I need to draw Eren doing school shooting

He's a hypocrite

>>Mentioning that Eren's the one who's a slave to the memories causes him to enrage
Armin called him a slave to Zeke, which we know he ain't courtesy of chapter 113 and 114.

Eren = slave

Except he never committed genocide brainlet. The attack on marley was perfectly justified in self defense

Eren = chad

You are forgetting that Armong said it and we all know he is always right

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His attack on Marley was not terrorism neither genocide. It's extremely funny to hear such things from Americans - judging by that logic, your attacks on Drezden, Hirosima and Nagasaki must be counted as terrorism too!

but its fun to say Eren 9/11d a ghetto

>the systematic use of terror especially as a means of coercion

Eren and Zeke's goals are literally clashing though and Zeke believes they're on the same page, so Armin is clearly mistaken there.

Can people not understand that Eren was saying Armin was influenced by an ENEMY soldier? In Eren's case he got the memories of two guys very obssesed with saving Eldia.

We know Eren

I know comprehension is hard for shipperfags but Armin said "Which one of us is really the slave who bent their will to their master?", coming after Eren accused Armin of giving in to Bertholdt's will.

This doesn't imply he's a slave to Zeke anymore than it implies he's a slave to his memories just like Armin. And considering the prior conversation it's clear which one is the more natural conclusion.

No, that was a war. You used these assaults to break the enemy and to stop the fighting sooner. Just like we use mass rapes to break the enemy's gestalt spirit and to ensure that their nation will never become a threat again. And it worked, judging by the current state of the former Reich.

>In Eren's case he got the memories of two guys very obssesed with saving Eldia
And even then he's not going their way. He refused to accept the safest plan to guarantee Paradis' survival, killed mainland Eldian civilians in Liberio and generally doesn't give a fuck about the Eldia Restoration meme.


As a matter of fact, yes they are. The only thing is that the attack on Liberio was not alerted, announced or declared. It was a preemptive strike, and maybe a war crime too.

It's just that, as it happened, this could be taken as an escalation to formal war since Marley has been persistently Eldia under pressure skirmish after skirmish.

So, in that sense, the attack on Liberio was not other thing but Eldia's retaliation and, at some extension, an act of self defense.

Well, I myself raped nobody, but the point stands.

So what's their endgame?

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(One for every year left to him)

To make sure Eren Jr is happy

>Eren the guy who's pov we don't see and his friends thinks he's controlled because they can't explain his actions
>Armin fapping in front of Annie's crystal for months and lies to Eren when asked if he saw something in Bert's memories
>Mikasa literally confirmed robot who acts on her insticts
Why won't AMfags simply accept that Eren is free without AM?

>if you kill your enemies they win!

A baseball team

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Retarded EHlards.

Cucking mikasa

They were. Fuck the Jewnited States. Hitler did nothing wrong.

this, every character in universe believe eren is being controlled so we as readers are bound to believe that

Okay, I'll stop you right there. What he says in the raws is:
Which more or less literally translates to:
>Which one of us is the slave who bends the knee to some piece of shit/asshole/bastard?
He's clearly referring to someone in particular, and that someone can be none other than Zeke since he's the one Eren is currently working with and whom everyone and their mom in the 104th and the government believes is in control of his little brother. Translation can be a tricky exercise but in this case Armin's line is clear as day and doesn't really leave any room for interpretation.

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Mrs. Tybur is an ENEMY soldier too



They're wrong. If he was being controlled he wouldn't be protecting them

I miss Hisu's tight pure body.

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Go home prophecyfags, you were BTFO

Apart from there is room for interpretation because again he asks "which one of us", refering to the person affecting him through his memories, which also makes you think of Eren's memories.

We know Ymir but she's a mother now.


Definitely of all the shipperautist here you are the worst one. I can see other shipperfags just posting what they like but you just complain about shipperfags and then suddenly your tears disappear when the yuri posting starts.
Fuck off already.


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He's saying "which one of us" because Eren previously accused him of being controlled by Bert, but the accusation itself is a referrence to Eren's connection to Zeke, not to his memories (nothing in his line even implied that he was talking about the influence of previous shifter memories on Eren).

Eren will die and Historia is going to be widowed, maybe the other way around

Eren JR is fucked by titans

seeing that panel at the right seems that eren was shocked at armin calling him on hurting mikasa, it could be that eren didn't measure his words in a rage outburst?

The 2nd one isn't even relevant, he said that because they wanted answers. Eren was aggravated for the last 3 episodes about there being titans in the walls and the priests knowing about it and when Nick said she's the key to those secrets, he got hasty.

3rd one is him saying "let's find them", it's Eren we're talking about, he'd sperg out to save a turtle if he was friends with it.

Eren had moments with Annie in Junior High too and that meant nothing either.

The desperation when they have to include panels of them looking at each other because one of them is talking/the subject of the conversation, yikes.

Dude stop, you are wasting your time. They are preparing the damage control "Eren is controlled" in case ErenxHistoria happened

its Baby Frieda not Eren Jr

Remember when Krueger was pulling the strings behind all Zeke's actions too? Oh wait

Could be but it seems he really had those feelings and was a little tired of them

Everyone believing something about a certain character when we have in fact no insight on the character himself should normally raise some flags and lead you to question whether the others' interpretation is right, not the contrary.


Armin had said to his fap-rock that he doesn't understand Eren anymore.
And now we should believe that Armin correctly assumed Eren's current state?

Armin never accused Eren of being a slave to anyone's memories, he just thinks Eren's being used by Zeke&co.

Attached: IMG_9096.jpg (1066x1177, 552K)

Historia already has been a widow for a while now

I want to cum on Annie's crystal again.

I can feel it lads, it's an EH chapter.

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He didn't seem particularly enraged when started trashtalking Mikasa, though. The fact that he calmly kept going as she was pretty much breaking down in front of him was a little disturbing, actually. But he might have indeed been shocked that Armin equated the freedom he supposedly seeks with hurting the ones close to him (in this case Mikasa).

Wrong! Ymir didn't marry her.

Armin, please

Can you wrap your head around the fact that Eren was telling the truth about Mikasa? And she proved it herself by automatically stopping Armin.
Yes, sometimes a truth hurts, but that doesn't turn it into a lie.

Equally the only reason Eren has a soft spot for Historia is because of Frieda

chill belfort

Based Kruger.

What? I'm not denying that the Ackergenes stuff Eren talked about is true, that's not even what I'm talking about.

In Hisu's heart they were married

I genuinely want Zeke to succeed

Then you're a cunt

This. Zeke is the hero.

You said it was disturbing that Eren didn't stop even when Mikasa broke up, right? But why would he? It's not like he made it up or something.

Zeke is just another disgusting traitor. Every time and nation has them.

LM soon.

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but its cute!

He is projecting

>wanting a Shaman King ending

Spoof is cuter


Attached: 25-1.jpg (859x689, 341K)


1. You do not talk about 2. You do NOT talk about Etc


>Zeke is controlling Eren!
>Krueger is controlling Eren!
>Ms. Tybur is controlling Eren!
>Attack on Titan is controlling Eren!

You mean Eldian Social Dancing Club, right comrade?

It's not an issue of the veracity of his claims about Ackergenes, user, it's about the delivery and the effect it had on Mikasa. Usually when you see an friend break down after you told them something you don't double down on that shit and add personal insults to make it hurt as much as possible, but that's exactly what happened there. Him calling her a slave, cattle, disgusting and hatezoning her was not a part of the Ackerbond exposition, no matter which way you look at it: that was just him blurting out some dark most likely deeply repressed thoughts about her, and he did so without batting an eye much less letting Mikasa's visible distress disturb him in any way. That was the part I found disturbing.

which will be next one anons?

Is there any character that can defeat Eren Yeager? And I'm not talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager. Hell, I'm not even talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager in contact with an Eldian of royal blood, so that he activates his Shiso no Kyojin coordinate powers. I'm NOT talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager after ingesting the Yoroi no Kyojin serum and having practiced his hardening abilities with Hange and the Survey Corps. I couldn't be talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yaeger using Porco Galliard as a nutcracker to destroy the Sentsui no Kyojin crystal so he can consume Ms. Tybur and gain precise creation abilities. I'm definitely not talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yaeger with mastery over his Sentsui no Kyojin creation abilities used to break open the Megata no Kyojin crystal and consuming Annie Leonhart in order to gain her titan abilities. I'm really not talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager commanding a group of loyal followers who have dedicated their lives to fulfilling Eren's dream of finally setting his people free and ensuring the safety of generations to come. Do you think I'm talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager after going fully nuclear and telling Mikasa he's hated her his entire life and beating the shit out of Armin because they're both just slaves who refuse to accept freedom and try to get in the way of his true, eternal freedom? I'm talking about Shingeki no Kyojin Eren Yeager in contact with Sieg's Kemono no Kyojin form, albeit rejecting Sieg's plan to force Eldians into sterility in order to protect his lover, Historia Reiss, so that his child can be born free into this world.

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My sides

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I for one enjoy watching their theories get BTFO one after the other.

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He probably didn't even realize that he was ranting in a personal way rather than making a point


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Maybe he wanted her to break down and snap out of this mental slavery?


Eren saved the shounen genre


>implying it wasn’t a great fucking manga compared to the shitshow that SnK is

I swear Isayama made the chad pose on purpose and must be laughing with that drawing

>implying SnK is anywhere near a shitshow

Who is the green guy?

It's like putting an action figure and barbie beside eachother. Shit looks weird.

I want Eren to cum inside of me

Green Naruto.

We know, all women in Paradis.

He was clearly looking for some kind of reaction from her. Right after he told her about how she gained her strength by imprinting on him, she said he was wrong, and he asked her why. But she could only babble on about how it was because of him, and so he continued to talk about how Akermans work.

To me it seems like he was hoping his harsh words and forcing her to confront reality would snap her out of it, but the Akerbond is still too powerful that she can't resist.

And Floch

The protagonist of another manga, is the typical prota that only serves for readers to insert themselves in the manga

>the typical prota that only serves for readers to insert themselves in the manga

Do you think Floch would be happy if Eren will turn him into a woman and make him (her?) bear his children?

I don't think anybody can seriously self-insert into Eren at this point. He is too good for this.

based and underrated-pilled

No, the green-haired fag

Where the f*** are the spoilers???

I would not wanna be Eren, I wanna insert myself into the Manga and hug him though

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If your fantasy is to genocide millions of people to stop the oppression of your race, then yeah.

Watch me

Eren really does not serve for readers to insert themselves into it, has a very defined personality and ideology, almost nothing goes well for him throughout the manga, many people see him as a monster or villain, etc. A character that serves to get readers to insert in is tends to be a protagonist without personality to which everything goes well and ends up being loved by all the other characters in the manga in most cases

Of course he does. I wouldnt be surprised if, at some point, he uses the redpilled meme too.

>self inserting on Eren

>not self-inserting in Historia

I would not be surprised if this was the case, it would not be the first time that Isayama puts a meme in the manga

>Eren really does not serve for readers to insert themselves into it
Tell this to Erenfags

Why would anyone ever want to self-insert into Eren in the past or present? He used to be a somewhat well-meaning but extrmely impulsive ragetard who was prone to give in to anger, and everyone in the fanbase gave him shit for it. After the Reiss cave chapters and by the time he reached the ocean he had already lost the "spark" that used to be so characteristic of him in earlier arcs: he was just jaded as fuck. He might have become extremely attractive over the timeskip but he's pretty much turned into a mass murderer who's back by a cult following of imperialists/extremists and who's basically on the verge of destroying the world.

but those two arent good for self-inserting

Did Erenfags even exist before the timeskip? He wasn't particularly well liked before then.

Imagine being Eren.
You have your own personal army, fucked the queen, you possess the most powerful titan powers and you know more about the history of the world than anyone else.
How does he even talk to normal people without treating them like maggots at this point?

been an erenfag since the beginning

Then according to you a person can not like a character unless it is inserted in the character that he likes, that is quite stupid, I like Eren as a character because of the development he has had and why I feel he is entertaining to see, but I would never want to have the life he has had

>How does he even talk to normal people without treating them like maggots at this point?

He basically already doesn't.

I can't speak for others but to me Eren is definitely one of the few characters that have gotten a major improvement throughout the story. He is like the reverse Zecuck who has gotten more pathetic and retarded over time, witth the last chapter putting the nail in the coffin.

He also has a Asian slave girl with superpowers who does anything he says.


I saw the spoilers.
Zeke and Manlet do not make an appearance

I've always been an Erenfag even in his rageturd days. He is entertaining.

Eren does not fuck cattle, Mikasa.

Hello there, been an Erenfag since I started reading the manga back in 2012/2013. Always knew he was destined for greatness and it fucking paid off.

Why Erenfags want to fuck Historia, Annie, Yelena, Sasha, Mankasa? Because they are self-inserters

We were always here, that is why so many posts were made with "g-gabdain" and "m-muh ocean" as soon as we showed up after chapter 84

I'm an Erenfag and an Anniefag but these have nothing to do with each other. I just want to fuck them both.

Post them or I'll suck you dick

so who does?

why is eren so based, best protagonist ever

The Erenfags do not even like Mikasa, I've never seen someone match Eren with Sasha, most of the time she puts Yelena as a flush or wanting a trio with the Yeager brothers, and there are almost no EAfags here, the only girl that I see that most of the Erenfags match with Eren is Historia and that is because she is the only one that still has the opportunity to finish with Eren and because both have a good developed relationship for this manga

How could Isayama ruin Eren with a single sentence from him?

>because both have a good developed relationship for this manga
Like, anybody else?

Replace Annie with Historia and that's me.

>I jerked off watching farmer-kun fuck my waifu.

Not him but, no?

>I have always loved you, Mikasa.

Tell me how much development Eren has with Mikasa or some other girl, he could have had a good one with Annie but sadly she has been inside the crystal too long and has been replaced by Reiner in the role of the warrior closest to Eren

>Historia, Annie, Yelena, Sasha, Mankasa
and GABI

>How does he even talk to normal people without treating them like maggots at this point?
Well he basically doesn't. Even staring absent-mindedly at windows seems more interesting to him than interacting with his ex-friends.

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'I support Zeke's idea'

"I am not the father".

Historia, have you and Onion Coupon decided on a name yet?

>Armin, let's be friends again and find a way towards peace.

So Eren is basically Dr. Manhattan ? Isayama is such a fucking hack.

>Grisha is holding baby Eren in the final panel!

I cant fucking wait, the ending chapters of this manga are going to create massive asshurt of the likes we never seen before in shounen. Probably only rivaled by Naruto.

W-Where are they going?

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i love this big eyed weirdo

Only you, pedo-kun


The giant forest.

Kill yourself.

to the "farmer"

Could someone explain the Reiner BLANCO meme to me?

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Dios mio!
Reiner Braun se fue a punto de perder el control.
¡Esta vez lo va a hacer!
¡Desatará su verdadero poder ilimitado y se pondrá blanco!
Reiner Blanco!

But Eren is the Farmer

Annie is...


to his bedroom

Mikasa's lover

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I have a question. kruger has the AT since grisha had zeke so why didnt he wait and gave the AT to zeke? was he going to keep it a secret or maybe its his back up for zeke betraying them then he can gave the AT to the prisoner so they can goes off to the wall (since prison are transported to paradis)


Pii's cousin.

Guys, what if manletto's father is a royal?
Wouldn't that be fucking epic?

well he was running out of time himself so there is that
It was always Kruger's plan to give the AT to Grisha, and possibly make Grisha take the next step of the mission and go to the Island (which he ended up doing anyways)
Kruger slightly entertained the idea of Grisha's plan to use Zeke, but that was never his true goal. him "entertaining" the idea might have just been him bullshitting.

Reiner. Because waifu. But seriously I like his character progression the most going from "hero" to "villain" and how he struggles with it all. His care for younger warriors is also endearing.

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>t. Flocke

Coming right up.

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Would drop. Same thing if Armong is a secret royal.

please make it quick

I told Historia to get pregnant with the farmer.

Who would you rather? Mikasa or Armin?

It's a suppository this might sting

I saw them. Isayama made AM canon.

Mikasa theoretically has the correct parts but Armin has the more feminine body.

Annie and Magath? Wow, didn't expect this pairing.

Would I rather what?

Endgame right here, brothers.

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You heard me.

Armin's wife

More or less in that order, they're all great

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Where's manlet? what's his role?


Mikasa can be annoying at times but I would rather kill Armin.

Imagine looking deeply into Eren's eyes. Feeling his intense and burning gaze on your body, making you shiver every time you see his eyes inspect every single inch of you shamelessly in a silent invitation. Imagine him making no move, daring you, daring you until you can't take it anymore and you move in to press your mouth hungrily against his, shoving your tongue desperately in his mouth like a starved animal. Imagine pushing him on the bed, as he lets you completely take over him with slight amusement, and ripping his clothes off, gently, with love. Imagine exploring every last corner of his body, every bit of skin, everything he has to offer you. Imagine watching his face in pure ecstasy as you do unimaginable things to him, as you kiss places no one's ever kissed, lick his torso with a tenderness he's never felt before. Imagine how loved he'd feel, how hot you'd feel, how wonderful it'd get when everything finally culminated into the two of you becoming one. Imagine him moving, gently, so unlike him, so you could enjoy the moment as much as he is before losing himself to animalistic instinct and just raw passion as the two of you simply give in to your primal urges and make love. Imagine the sweat running down your bodies as you both come undone, satisfied, and end the night with some chaste kisses and cuddles, completely lost in each other.

I dream of this every night.

Eren can't be the father because Shifters are sterile. This is blatantly stated in the manga.

Therefore, the farmer must be the father.

Shitpost but Grisha was a shifter and he had Eren you stupid piece of shit

>Shifters are sterile. This is blatantly stated in the manga.
Prove it

I don't read or watch any of the other stuff besides some of the fake previews. I changed the site I use so maybe it's missing some content.

he can't because there is already proof of the complete opposite

I know, I just like to watch shitposters blow themselves out of the water

Maybe that user meant that Grisha isn't actually Eren's father.

Newfag, those pages have been posted regularly here ever since the school AU began years ago

I want to die desu

He is the janitor

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Feel like pure shit and really want an Eren POV Chapter, it's been way too long

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inside Eren's head.

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Fuck anything to know what eren is up to would be good for me. WHAT THE FUCK IS HIS PLAN BRUHS!

Grisha isn't Eren's father.

Rod said as much in the cave. Why do you think he didn't inherit the family titan himself?

Take a breath, faggot. I've seen those pages posted nonstop, like the one where Historia says Eren raped her, the one where he eats her head, the memes based off of all of them, but I only remembered jannie manlet from images of the chibi school spinoff so I asked what his role was in that preview. Now get bent, faggot.

what the hell are you talking about

Are you implying that Carla was a slut?

He never said that was the reason. It's an interesting idea but seems like a convenient way to make Eren not be the father.

>Grisha isn't Eren's father.
>Rod said as much in the cave. Why do you think he didn't inherit the family titan himself?

Attached: YOU THINK THIS IS A JOKE.jpg (1170x610, 96K)

Stupid newfaggot

Speed reader detected

I won't allow it

Nice digits and I wish we knew, anyone who is cocky and thinks they know for absolute certain what his endgame is are running the risk of looking like fools if they're proven otherwise, I just wait... wait and hope he strives for freedom and isn't following his brother's self-hating bullshit

'I must never become a titan' or whatever the line was when Kenny was making him chew on a knife. I assumed it was him being a coward or that turkey titan happened for reasons other than licking serum.

actually now that we know that it was a janitor that completely fucked Zecuck's mind this can't be a coincidence.

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he became a coward for sure

he tried to become the Titan instead of Uri though.

>Posting Newfaggot indeed

I figured. There's no way he could know what a calamity his titan would be

Now now, newfriend. You will need heavy evidence to support such claim. Would you please provide such evidence? Not the talking on the cave, but actually how is Eren not Grisha's son.

You're right, user. Eren's real father is Eren Kruger. When a shifter fucks someone, he is temporarily taken over by the previous shifter until he cums. Historia's baby's father isn't Eren or Farmer either. It's Grisha and Frieda.

the belief may still be is that he drank it and not injected it, but who knows.

He didn't want to die in 13 years. The fucked up turkey titan was because he wasn't able to inject himself properly. Slightly different note, maybe this time it was just because of a memory lapse, but I often see these threads overcomplicate things that are stated clear as day in both the manga and anime to weave crazy theories that are just needlessly complicated. Like the whole Hange gender shit. What the fuck? I said yesterday that it's pretty clear Hange's a woman in response to some weird posts and this one guy (or landwhale for all I know) went ballistic and started talking about how Isayama gave orders to all the artists to make Hange genderfluid or some shit. It's like, reality's right there, in your face, man. Why overcomplicate shit so much?

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That's a tv show you retard

It's also a cartoon you fucking retard, and it shows how much of a newfaggot you are.

slit 'em fag. do it. won't be any love lost for you, not even on your own mother's deathbed.

Kruger is Eren's father

The absolute state of this faggot


Friendly reminder that Historia holds the record for killing the largest titan in the history of humanity which makes her stronger than Mikasa and Manlet.

It's for the sake of shitposting user. That person doesn't like Hanji

Why are you guys replying to bait?

Yea Forums had an Alfie thread up. It was a good thread.

>third world subhuman who takes pride in being a seasoned toll-collector on Yea Forums flaunting it as a badge of honor
As I said - slit 'em you dipshit fucking nog.

I'm tired and that fag just had to throw out a buzzword. It's like a tumblr/reddit bitch showing up in a thread and yelling incel

Well, she did inflicted the final blow, but saying she killed it by herself would be an hyperbole.


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Do we have any indication of what might happen if an Ackerman takes the Titan Serum? What's going to happen to manlet and Zeke in the next chapter?

>Do we have any indication of what might happen if an Ackerman takes the Titan Serum?

>Do we have any indication of what might happen if an Ackerman takes the Titan Serum?

> Do we have any indication of what might happen if an Ackerman takes the Titan Serum?

We just don't know. All I can tell is manlet being the only one not drinking the wine is Isayama's way of teasing us.

We do. Nothing. It's already known and established that one reason the Royal family started witch hunting the Ackerman is precisely because they cannot be turn into titans nor cannot be manipulated. They already are a failed experiment and they already are titans retaining human shape but gaining all the streght. They also get all their battle experience from previous Ackerman thorugh P A T H S.

So there you go. You have to remember that not everybody inside the walls are Eldians.

>Source: My Ass

I want to fuck Levi

Why should I? I'm not a fucking newfaggot like you, nigger.

It's on the manga, speed reader. Do you think everything established before timeskip was just reseted? Even Eren explained this as recently as chapter 113.

For people like you, we keep discussing on who's the baby's father for months.

Making the only positive contribution to the global gene pool that you could ever make is a good one, for starters

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>Says the stupid fucking Yea Forumsernim crossboarder,
Follow your own advice and fuck off.

>the one where he eats her head
I haven't seen that one

New thread

t. Hans

*chapter 112

user what you said is just a theory, just like someone saying Ackermans can titanize because Eren said they're subjects of Ymir. We don't know for a reason. I bet you were that one guy saying hobo-kun wasn't Eren for months and sperged out after.

I fail to understand your logic. Where is the connection between Rod being afraid of inheriting FoT and Carla cheating on Grisha?

Eren literally explained why they can't be titanized. Would you titanize a titan?

>Look mom, he posted the image to another board a few days ago, this means I win at life
How's the toll collecting, faggot? Why don't you start issuing people passes? Start giving out IDs like a warden since your ass is basically grafted in these threads by the looks of it, you fucking smoothbrained failed abortion.

wasn't there one a few days ago that sent people off in a tizzy over Eren eating Historia because the fake preview showed him biting her head?

t. Butthurt newfaggot crossboarder cancer

The founder doesn't affect ackermen the same way it affects normal eldians. It's why they were the lap dogs then persecuted.

He's speculating the reason Rod couldn't inherit the titan was because being a shifter sterilizes you, in which case Rod needed to be able to continue the royal line so it wouldn't die out.

This would mean Grisha, already having become a shifter before he even met Carla, could not have been Eren's biological father. It's an interesting theory but I'm pretty confident it's false, there's too much contradicting it.

>y-y-you h-haven't b-been here as l-long as I h-have k-kid
>y-you p-post on other b-boards hehe?
Here's a demonstration to help you out you fucking vaginal prolapse -

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I thought the persecution only started once they opposed the King for being a cuck and not fighting? At least that's what Kenny's grandpa said

Cringe newfaggot

Dude that wasn’t me but ok.

There's the subroutine, I think we've got it nailed down. Always a joy to see you dipshit ragetards short out like the bot-brained mutts you are.

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The point is they were a danger because his mind wipe trick didn't work on them so he did it the old fashioned way and went for genocide

>He's still showing his newfaggotry

>so he did it the old fashioned way and went for genocide
I don't know why this made me laugh

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oh no, it's shorting out

Attached: dum dum dum dum dum.jpg (577x155, 14K)

>Took you 3 minutes to edit in paint

>>leaks likely in 24hrs.

Remember, it is unlikely that we see Zeke and Manlet. Chances are that we will get to see what the warriors are up to. Optimistically, we can potentially see Historia's pov if isayama decides to organize this story.

What's our worst outcome you think? Aside from very late raws of course.

story-wise you mean? Potentially seeing sentimental 104th and not getting any updates on the many things going on rn.

In terms of getting leaks, don't expect anything tonight. I might be able to get something tomorrow night fortunately

Why are you not telling everyone that it's an EH chapter?

it's almost canon that Eren told Historia to get pregnant with farmer. Eren went to Marley a while ago, and he couldn't have gotten her pregnant. This is kinda confirmed when we see a hooded figure looking at hisu and farmer. We see Eren with the same hood in Season 3 of the anime and recent manga chapters.

EHfags aren't going to like that answer. If that's true these threads are fucked.

thx user

>Eren went to Marley a while ago, and he couldn't have gotten her pregnant.
>Another retard that believes that Eren left Paradis 10 months ago

So, Do you realize that Eren being the hooded figure doesn't means that he isn't father right? you don't seem to know how the daddy theory goes.

we'll see

Did your read the conversation between AM and Zackley? The one right before he was blown up?
But even if you didn't - what would be Eren doing in Marley for so long? He didn't gathered spy info or something, his task was to get his brother away.

according to Reiner, it has been 6 months since the attack on Liberio. Let's think about it three ways:

1- Eren was in Marley for less than a few months. Him being the father can make sense because historia was seen heavily pregnant shortly after the attack on Liberio.

2- Eren impregrating Historia shortly before going to Marley could make sense if he wants to preserve zeke's life

3- The volunteers and Eren conspired together to have Historia have farmer's kid for the same reason above, except for eren not being the father.