Sup Yea Forums, I have a question or you.
Regarding King Crimson's powers, how would they work when faced with somebody with time stop powers like DIO or Jotaro?
Would he be able to predict the time stop and see the time stopper move around, or will th etime stop counter him and make him unable to move in the time he erases?
Sup Yea Forums, I have a question or you
The one who uses his power first loses
King Crimson skips the 0s in which time is stopped. Star Platinum stops time right after a timeskip and counters King Crimson surprise attack
>Star Platinum stops time right after a timeskip
How would Jotaro know that KC skipped time?
It always depends on how Araki sees it at the time. He himself probably didn't know what he was meant to do but he wanted a strong time power, that's why the explanation of KC's power and how it's showed in the manga is all over the place, people just overthink this shit way too much. If we're going with what we are already given dio would win everytime
If KC is activated first, then he would be outside of time, so TW shouldn't affect him? But when he goes back into the stream, if TW is still active he would get stuck. Since DIO could keep TW active longer then 10 seconds, I don't see how KC would beat him.
Timestop wouldn't count as actual time as the time is stopped, timestop would basically just be included in one of epitaph's "slides".
I'd imagine it would just get down to who could use their ability faster or which cooldown was lower. If Dio could just spam timestop like he did at the end of his fight with jotaro he would ultimately get one which Diavolo didn't skip.
>We're finally getting Diavolo vs threads
Diavolo sees Dio stop time, Diavolo uses King Crimson to skip the frozen moment, time skips forward without Dio knowing, Diavolo is behind him and impales or bisects him with King Crimson.
All Dio ever needs to win is an instant, but all Diavolo needs to win is just Epitaph alerting him that Dio is about to kill him. The latter will beat out The World every single time. King Crimson is just that overpowered in comparison.
Assuming both know the others abilities, it comes down to who activates their stand first and how much they fuck around during the fight. If TW is activated first Dio gets an easy kill with his 10 seconds (assuming he can set aside his ego). If epitapth gets activated first then KC skips the instant TW is activated nullifying anything he did during stopped time, and kills Dio when KC deactivates.
If it were Jotaro instead then its an easy win for KC as Jotaro only has 2-3 seconds to work with and would have to both activate SPTW before KC and kill him in the time given.
I don't think KC can dish out the damage required to kill DIO, on the other hand, once they get close and personal DIO would annihilate Diavolo. Jotaro loses though, without the vampire biology KC wins easily.
>Diavolo sees Dio stop time
Are you retarded? You cannot see or move in stopped time, was literally the entire point of the dio fight. Why the fuck do you think kakyoin fifuring it out and needing to tell the others was such a huge deal?
The kakyoin fight was stupid because when anyone else fight a time stopper they immediatly know about time stop
Nobody fighting dio did until kakyoin helped Joseph figure it out and Joseph told Jotaro. You're fucking clueless.
The same way literally everyone else notices it. It's really fucking obvious when everything just kind of skips around.
Isn't it the other way around? If The world stops time then king crimson can't activate
It's important to remember Dio's own considerable physical advantage. He's essentially got a wide selection of lesser stands to use at any given moment, including his near immortality and heavy resistance to physical wounds. Laser-eye blood gun, freeze aura superhuman reaction times and speed etc
Diavolo wouldn't see Dio stop time, Epitaph would. So he would see an instant where Dio "teleported" and killed him, skip it, and then nothing personnel behind Dio and chop his head off or something.
But KC could predict the skip
KC, using foresight, sees that he will get btfo by either timestop user and skips that, moves behind Jotaro/DIO, and gets at least one good, clean hit in before they can realise what's happened.
In the case of Jotaro, KC should be able to kill him in one hit and win if Diavolo really tries to. Ultimately if he just destroys Jotaro's head, there's nothing he can do to stop it, and Jotaro will die instantly.
With DIO, it depends on if that one punch to the head does enough damage to prevent DIO from being able to stop time. If it doesn't, DIO will win. If it does, Diavolo will win.
But if King Crimson has been using his ability for years, why has no one ever noticed it before? It would affect everyone in the universe, no?