5Toubun no Hanayome 76 WTN Speedscan

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Takeda is based. Fuck the quints. And Nino is going to LOSE

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why watermarks???

>And Nino is going to LOSE
her virginity to Fuu-kun on their wedding night?

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Why are you not a new IP?

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He's the OP

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Is this where Fuutarou will finally start thinking about his own dream?
Damn, Takeda and his main girl moments

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How can the quints even compete?

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Why is takeda stealing a main girl moment?


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Takeda>>>>>>>>>quint sluts

As always thank you KRanon for the quick translation!

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What is takeda doing??

OFFICIAL 5Toubun no Hanayome Best Girl POWER RANKINGS

1. Miku
2. Ichika
3. Yotsuba
4. Raiha
5. Itsuki


999. A pile of shit


9999. Nino

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Men talk about their dreams and being based bros. Women talk about men and superfucial shit. If only women didnt exist no homo

He's about to kill himself.

Nino main gift, and main girl.

Is this the moment where Fuutarou decides to reject the quints and focus on his own dream?

This chapter is about best boy Takeda. Stop talking about these random sluts

suicide user

Regrets not opening the file

>Fuutarou wanting to find his own dream.

Fuck, I see this as a big Itsuki flag

>It must be Itsuki
Fuck off. It's Takeda's moment, all right?
God, Itsukifags are so insufferable.

1. What kind of pull does Nakano Papa have that he can get the answer sheets of any student in a NATIONAL test?

2. He apparently did more than that and had Fuutarou observed during the exam. Were the examiners in his pocket too?

What kind of doctor or even hospital owner has this kind of influence? Papa is like one of those all-powerful businessman villains in comic books.

Damn, Miku and Ichika are so fucking delicious

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He is a more of a tsundere than Nino herself.

Fuutarou x Scholarship-chan.

>1. What kind of pull does Nakano Papa have that he can get the answer sheets of any student in a NATIONAL test?
You mean Takeda papa? Isn't he a higher-up in a school?

Does that even happen in real life?
I’d hate it if my answer sheets got passed around, too.

>doesn't have shitty dad
>no retard sisters , has a cute outoto instead
>just hard working kind and homely girl

Fund it. Kick these harpies out of your life Fuutarou!

>1. What kind of pull does Nakano Papa have that he can get the answer sheets of any student in a NATIONAL test?
think they might be public results

>He couldn't answer to the last few questions of the last subject
>The 5th subject was always English
It's over, lads. Nino is the bride.

Being the director of one school, even a Prestigious one, means jack shit when you're talking about a National-level test conducted by Japanese Education Authorities. Him managing to get the answers to the paper is believable, getting and passing around the answer sheets of individual students and even surveillance of them in the exam hall is way too far and would be a major scandal.

At best in a public exam you can see the total score of any student, not their actual marksheet.

I want Itsuki to lose retard but when talking about dreams for the future, she has that over the other quints. She wants to be a teacher, the rest have the prime objective of being cocksleeves.

>However, that determination is outstanding
What did Negi mean by this?

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Kono Yuuske Takeda ni ha yume garu!

How come Japs are such overacheivers when it comes to test scores and shit but the actual scientific innovation coming out of them is incredibly small compared to everywhere else (ie China, Russia, Europe, US)

If you think that way, yes, but in this case, the order could be something else, because they said the language one was over, while 2 more to go, when they ate.

Ichika's already fulfilling her dreams. Nino's on her first step to becoming a baker. Itsuki's far off from even being a good student let alone teaching others. Yotsuba's good at sports but wasting that talent and doing nothing. Miku's the worst because she has no dream besides 'Notice me Fuutarou!'

Soft and delicious

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Look at Fuuts avoiding Ichika in the second panel.

The smartest people are actually the laziest. They come up with the most efficient methods so they don't have to do more work.

>because they said the language one was over
That was obviously Japanese

>the actual scientific innovation coming out of them is incredibly small compared to everywhere else

Japan is more about quality than quantity.

Yeah, nihonggo.

Is that what your mom is telling you?

i honestly don't see the point on making an effort in having this be extra shit.

He can't contain his feelings for her, while around Nino he pretty much doesn't care that she loves him. Ichika is going to win.

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Yotsuba and Miku have yet to get their dreams explored too.

>Nino is the only one who constanly confronts Papa since chapter 20
>Now she and Papa share a common view about Fuutarou
This is how she will make Papa acknowledge that Fuutarou is suitable for her.

Scholarship-chan didn't deserve Nariyuki's rejection.

>you will never have five thick, thick quints to tutor
What's the point of living?

Everything is a red herring. It's over.

>Nino is the bride. Manga ends next chapter. Please look forward to my next work.

>Miku being in the centre of celebrations
Doesn't she have to confess if she gets the top spot? What if Ichika jobbed this exam on purpose so that Miku would go through with a botched confession? I'd laugh my ass off if Ichika starts encouraging Miku to confess next chapter.

That's literally an engineers' job

That was only for the final examination in their second year.

Yikes. Ichika would never do that, cool your heacannon

Quality of what? Better pencil pushers?

Efficiency, Yea Forumsnon.

>while around Nino he pretty much doesn't care that she loves him

Nino has this foolish belief that if she throws her pussy at him that he'll start loving her.

Fuutarou is a hard worker who doesn't want anything given to him.

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In what way does this confirm anything other than Fuutarou finally passing out because his own exhaustion?

Ichika would 100% try to fuck with Miku when it comes to Fuuts. However, she would never, ever be cool with her confessing.

Negi likes and listened to Itsuki's "YAPPA MURI!" many times from Episode 8.

Trips confirm that he's the 7th sister

They havent gotten the memo that arbitrary scores on paper tests doesnt necessarily mean smarter.

What the fuck.
Why is Takeda such a best girl?
Is smart, has a great dream he works hard towards to, cares about Fuutsy and his well-being and isn't afraid to admit it!

He did work the hardest for Nino's pussy, though.

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The Japanese rather work hard to make it great the first time than producing a sub par product. Meanwhile China is the exact opposite.

Because people are scared shitless that someone would post it on mangadex and steal their views.

Why does anyone do anything really?

>3 in the center
You're dumber than the quints

He's probably talking about this page

>work the hardest

Nino went from tsundere to cock hungry literally over night. They didn't even build up to her eventually falling in love with Fuutarou.

Lazy rushed development to be quite honest.

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Man, Takeda is such a lucky SOB...

Yeah, her voice acting was great in that scene.
But if I were Negi all the animation QUALITY would be super frustrating to me.

Maybe he doesn't actually watch those episodes at all, but only keeps listening.

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That's the plan.
I doubt Fuuts is gonna get any sleep on their honeymoon night.

Whatever you think about her development, reaching this point:
>Nino went from tsundere to cock hungry literally over night
took the most work out of the five, so I'd advise you to stop this stupis line of reasoning.

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She'll get pregnant 3 times in one night.

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Minorin is objectivelt the best VA of the show. Paired with Ayane.

that’s not how pregnancies work

>took the most work out of the five

Meanwhile Itsuki and Yotsuba still haven't fallen for the Fuutarou meme. Yotsuba is getting close though.

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Fuutarou will be first if he had not drunk the expired milk

It can -- how do you think fraternal twins come about?

>let's do our best
Yotsubro meme'd his motivational Yotsubas into reality...

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He doesn't know

>Meanwhile Itsuki and Yotsuba still haven't fallen for the Fuutarou meme. Yotsuba is getting close though.
>getting close
She's already fallen for him user


What he might have wanted to say is that among people that share the same level of intelligence it is more likely that lazy people think before they do some unnecessary stuff. Aks the military, because they generally chose smart and lazy people for higher command posts instread of dilligent smart people.
Also there are different types of being lazy.

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And lost.

when a man and a woman love each other very much a big bird will come by with their babies 9 months later

What's this? A manwha?

That's right. And some times, the order glitches and you get the same product three times and Amazon only charges you for one, so you just keep the extras.

That, is how Nino will get pregnant three times in one night.


5Toubun is a Korean drama.

I'm going to wallow in your stupidity for the last time
1) You can't reliably quantify this
2) In Nino's case he has started from a much lower postition than the other 4
3) This whole idea is retarded
>Yotsuba still haven't fallen
Oh, dear...

So, what's next?

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>Fuut staring at Nino
>Nino directly in front of him
When will Negi stop his biasneess?

Because in japland they think that learning by memory and achieving all 100 means shit in the real world. Unless you internalize and actually understand what you're trying to learn you wont be able to use it properly.

Even visiting 5tb threads has become tiring lately, I hate every single one of you.


Just wait for the Ninobros to save the thread


That's not the original version~

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Why is she so loose, bros?

What made her attractive is completely out the window. She's giving it up too easy.

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So he gets off on Itsuki's voice?

She is still a cunt when needed plus have great bantz with Fuut.


Having worked with both the chinese and the japanese I can assure you 2 things. First, if you can avoid at all cost working with the chinese. I could go on months about those soulless subhumans. Second, working with the japs can be good, but don't fall for the meme that they're always efficient. They are always fucking late with their paperwork and their way of work is fucking outdated.

It's just the privileges of being the bride

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>people are scared shitless that someone would post it on mangadex
Nah, people would rather avoid some retard redditor stealing someone else translation just to get e-peens instead of waiting a couple of days more to get the proper release.

>Miku's pic with Milky Way/space
>Takeda wants to be astronaut+pic in the space/Milky Way

what did Negi means by this?

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This scene, in case you're too lazy to look it up

>don't care
>care enough to reply
Someones triggered, kek.

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Literally who cares what reddit does?

t. du5k

I do. They're gonna fuck it up for everyone including themselves if they do something wrong.

negi review chapter 76

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Fuutarou can now relax with ease with Ninos scented candles once he gets home and returns to studying. Such an considerate wife.

Nino a cute

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She looks like Miku to me

NIno looks off...

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So it's not about stealing then?

Because this thread literally starts by stealing from gooks. Going further we have stealing from Negi, stealing from whatever japanese site give digital raws and stealing from kodansha official releases. No, it's all about attention whoring and the whores being paranoid of getting outwhored.

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>Look at Fuuts avoiding Ichika in the second panel.
>He can't contain his feelings for her,Ichika is going to win.

it's only stomach ache

> while around Nino he pretty much doesn't care that she loves him.
go read again he's always nervous, doki doki and blush blush when she's around him.

Sexual tension is perfect between them

There's a colored version.
welcome back

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>single choice
Why are tsunderes discriminated?

Kill yourself, subhuman.

Kisser will be revealed to be Miku at the end of the volume.

I can't believe the manga ends next week

The next update was supposed to be at chapter 80, but I had to fix a glaring oversight I made.

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>Fuutarou only look at Nino
Ichika and Miku Btfo

That must be your imagination.This is clearly Nino. You can tell by the hair decoration.

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Why include Takeda? Unnecessary when he'll be most irrelevant.

Kill yourself, subhuman.

Friendly reminder that the chart does not take importance or content of panels into account

You're irrelevant. He's the best girl, all right?

user, just ignore shit like that. It's just autism but breathing

>Why include Takeda?
Not him, but I assume, this is because he is the best girl

Kek, nice

I'm obligated to say it every time

quintupletfags are cancer

Takeda actually deserves to win Fuutarou.

Here the thing, Fuutarou always give more respect toward someone who tried to achieve their own dream.
Example: how he treat Ichika all this time.

Negi better not skip Fuutarou's reaction. I hope he'll cry tears of joy and hug all of the quints

>Negi better not skip Fuutarou's reaction.
2 weeks time skip
>Negi: *raughs*

> sorry...please explain it from beginning
> (takeda explaining)
> okay, stop explaining

You clowns realize that the kisser wont be revealed until the final arc right?

He'll skip it, everyone has given their lamp piece now. Itsuki and Yotsuba gave it in the last chapter and now Nino, Miku, and Ichika gave theirs in that last page. We'll probably get like preparation for the school trip.

Or the quints' birthday

then continues to a sixsome

so are we skipping the quint's birthday?
yeah nah

Nino is the Marika of 5Toubun

Marika is the 5Toubun of Nino

I am the Y-san of 5toubun

Yeah. Negi will also skip the field trip.

The difference is ones a main character, the other is not.

no user, the next chapter is the last of the 9th volume. Probably a wedding flashforward and/or the continuation of the miku/ichika drama

it's filler time after this

Negi will also skip the bride reveal. Everyone knows it's Nino anyway, so no point in spelling it out.

He can easily put the reaction to Ichika's and Nino's presents in a background in some future chapter. In Miku's case it will have to be something more substantial with the whole gym excursion.

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Don't they have friend outside their own sisters? Jesus talk about autism

At least 3 out of 5 will flood the floor if Fuutarou just simply touches them

Nino is the only one who does.

You know what, after all i still pity Nakano dad.

All te money and love that he gives to his daugthers, and they still prefer to be near a brat like Fuutaro,

Yep, it would be better if he will just focus on showing happy married Nino and Fuutarou and their kids. It will be perfect ending and I really want to see milf Nino.

>3 out of 5
Ichika, Miku and Yotsuba?

I'm hoping for a nice epilogue.
I wonder how he's going to change her design again.

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Well, this is going to be akward

Wait what's with all this skipping

>all the love

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Inorin is really blowing the others out of the water

There are fifferents kinds of love user.

What do they mean by this?

What is?

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Why are you lying?

>Yotsuba, Ichika and Nino all got their own chapters after the kiss
>nothing hinted at them being the kisser
>Itsuki got that main girl moment last chapter
So the volume will end with something big involving Miku?


>Fat man is evil
What did Negi mean by this?

Hear me out, quintfaggots! Ichika, Nino, Miku, Yotsuba and Itsuki BTFO soon!

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Go to sleep user, you're drunk.

>nothing hinted at them being the kisser
user, I...
>Itsuki got that main girl moment last chapter
user, I...
Are you dumb or just speedreading?

>So the volume will end with something big involving Miku?
There isn't any guarantee, but her overall involvement in the entire volume was barely above of a background character with the job thing being pushed to the background and Fuuts's birthday becoming a group issue.

>nothing hinted at them being the kisser
>only Nino and Ichika have a close-up of their lips until now
>Yotsuba implied she has feeling for Fuu, which means she might have a motive to do it

Fuutarou expressed doubt/negativeness when wondering about them, though.

>Did you retrieve user's test scores for the recent national exam?
>I did, sir, they have been placed in this envelope for your perusal.
>Outstanding. Nearly every answer is factually incorrect, and the rest are just poorly drawn penises. Not to mention... Did he-?
>Yes, sir. He misspelled both his first and last name. We aren't even sure what the second character of his first name is supposed to represent, or if he made it up entirely.
>Excellent, keep bringing me his test answers.

>there's no way, right?
It's just Fuutarou being denial, he really thinks Nino is a suspect because she's the only one loves him as far as he knows

>1. What kind of pull does Nakano Papa have that he can get the answer sheets of any student in a NATIONAL test?
Dunno about your country but in mine national test results can be consulted by anyone.

It's possible we'll see Fuutarou react to the presents given by the quints. They did decide to hold it off, so maybe we'll see a celebration of sorts? Ichika gave him money, Nino candles and Miku gym tickets, right? But what did Itsuki and Yotsuba decide to give him? In the end, they all gave him their testpapers as cranes.

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For him to say this in the very last panel of the same chapter where Nino literally told him that she wants him to know how much she loves him and right after she blows a kiss to him seems absolutely weird, even more so taking into account what he said after checking Ichikas lips.

i'm pretty sure the bottom panel is supposed to say "there's no need to worry"

it's over Nino is the bride.....

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So when are we gonna meet the 1st and 2nd and have them compete in the Fuutsbowl

We finally got the unedited version.
Good work, Ninobro

>replying to the braindead chink

>Humoring the retarded subhuman chink

Fuck off with your disgusting garbage, subhuman.
Kill yourself.

If he misspelled the name, how do we know it was his test and not some other drooling retard's?

That's because he had believed the kiss was just an accident, but seeing how Nino acted affected his thought. Now he's feeling conflicted and not so sure about that

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Is it bad if I only read the manga for Yotsuba moment and speedread through everything else?

Deep down Ninofags think exactly like the chink, and you know it.

>Ichika gave him money, Nino candles and Miku gym tickets, right? But what did Itsuki and Yotsuba decide to give him?

Atfer this chapter muh gift story is over now.

>The two last chapters of this arc :

Negi will finish the shitty drama between MikuxFuutarouxIchika

It's kinda bad. At least post about the things you've read, then.

Kill yourself, subhuman.

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>He's feeling conflicted
>After finally having a heart to heart talk with her so they could talk normally moving forwards and Nino could state her intentions.
I don't buy it, Fuutarou doubting like that after everything that happened between them doesn't make much sense if she was the bell kiss quint.

What makes you think I can read?

Kill yourself, subhuman.

>Atfer this chapter muh gift story is over now.
I mean, okay I agree, but what did Itsuki and Yotsuba give Fuutarou?
The only way that could be resolved is if Ichika confronts Fuutarou and tells him how she feels. It's basically the same thing as scrambled eggs.
>Miku goes to Fuutarou to tell him something dressed as Itsuki at the beginning
>Ichika confronts Fuutarou and tells him something she couldn't as herself

He's the usual guy in the sense the old guy retired to raise platypusses.

Did you forget about the part where he has no idea who it was?

Nino is the bride. look at her hairstyle when she is older (last color page) compared to the bride and the other quints.

Kill yourself, subhuman

>replying to subhuman chink
He can't read so don't bother

The last color page is two years before the wedding, the bride didn't have twintails or himebangs.

Fuck off to your subhuman friends on tieba, cockroach.

Kill yourself

Seriously, the fuck is his problem?

He's probably banned there, tieba has rule to deal with people like him.

Twintails aren't premanent.
pic related

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Kill yourself

Can't we have a rule like that too?

Monotremes are the cutest

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Choke on gutter oil, subhuman.

Fuck off retard

No. I mean Fuutarou understands Nino loves him, but he's not sure if she is the kisser because the kiss seemed like an accident and the kisser didn't show her face for some reason. He would be sure that Nino did it if she tongue raped him or simply just revealed her identity, which is suited for someone aggressive like her more

Fuuts and Papakano are the same in terms of academics, I'm guessing we'll get a Papakano back story chapter that basically shows how much of a Studyholic he was back in the day until he hooked up with Mamakano

Where my platybros at?

Of course, Nino revealed herself to Fuutarou when he did not recognize her at the bath, too.

I personally don't think Nino would reveal herself considering how messy that kiss ended up looking. That is not the type of kiss she would have wanted for a first kiss. If the kiss was a confident one(which suits her style), Nino would be yelling to the whole world about how she was the one who did it. The kiss was as accidental and as bad as a first kiss can get. This is why she is trying to keep that fact hidden.

Dead and buried.

You said to look at the latest color page, which has a completely different hairstyle to the bride's (Ichika's is closer), now you're using the panel of a disguise to counter the hime-bangs claim despite it being Nino's signature hair style.

Maybe Yotsuba trains so that finally when her doppleganger appears she can win the fight for her life.

I get what you mean, but making a complicated explanation like that based on one small panel makes me uncomfortable.

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Hating on Ninobros is so December. Who do we hate in 2019?

Nino ran away in the bath because she was mad that Fuutarou didn't recognize her. Meanwhile the kisser just kissed him and ran away for who some reasons no one else knows
I was just stating things from Fuutarou's perspective. I personally still think Nino has a decent chance to be the kisser though. What I mean is that things were too ambiguous and Fuutarou can't be sure who is the kisser, so he's only doubting Nino for now

She doesn't even give an indication that it happened, nor does do her monologues imply it. Even if she's embarrassed about it, she still kissed him. I don't believe it's something she could keep out of her thoughts

Oh, that wasn't me. I'm just butting in.
>completely different hairstyle to the bride's (Ichika's is closer)
The bride has hair long enough to have it tied in a bun. You can easily change from twintails to a bun.
>using the panel of a disguise to counter the hime-bangs claim despite it being Nino's signature hair style.
It's just an example that she can keep her himebangs and still change how they look without cutting them.

There's reason to think about it now, though. They still have 2 years until the wedding at that point.

Monologing about it or it appearing in her thoughts would instantly give it away.

Not like that, but in her thoughts in 71 she said something like: "I should still be in the lead...I think" You'd think that after she kissed him, she'd be sure, but maybe she wants to completely dismiss that kiss ever happened but I doubt that. It's her first kiss and the first time she kissed him. Just thoughts though.

The kisser is Yotsuba or Itsuki.
I have no proof, but I have no doubts either

Considering how little we've seen of their inner thoughts after the fact, I can buy it

>It's just an example that she can keep her himebangs and still change how they look without cutting them.
Here's the catch, the bride's front bangs are way longer than Nino's.
>There's reason to think about it now, though. They still have 2 years until the wedding at that point.
I agree.

>They still can't see what is being build up with the bell kiss, Rena and Ichika's latest stunt.

The only one I can dismiss is Ichika and I'd give Miku low chances. The one with the highest is Nino and after that Itsuki and Yotsuba

I like Itsuki. She's earnest and dumb and hardworking and dumb and kind and very dumb.

I want to buy her sandwitches and see her eat them like the piggy she is.

At the same time she's had so little "romantic" development with Fuu, that I can't see her getting together with him

The kiss only made Fuutarou confused and he doesn't even know who kissed him (Well, it helps him start being conscious of love, but no one but Fuutarou knows this). I don't think she'd be sure she's in the lead with something like that.

>mfw haremchad so I win no matter who the kisser is
I'd say its Miku not that it matters to me since I love all the quints equally.

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Reminder that Nino is the main girl, the first girl, the bride, the kisser, lolikano, and Rena.

Scratch out Rena and lolikano and you're right

What will be Fuutarou's dream? aside from LOVE? Tutoring the quints will only get him so far in giving his life meaning.

Attached: 5Toubun no Hanayome - c028 (NA) - p007 [web] [anon].png (1426x2048, 918K)

>there was a lot going on in the sping trip
Negi made it ambiguous enough to justify if she is the kisser, but it still looks normal otherwise

Paying off his family's debt and watching Raiha graduate

I bet Fuutarou will become a doctor and work under Maruo

He'll be a teacher. We see that when he goes to buy books with Ichika.

Too bad his family's still dirt poor during the wedding.
Nothing changed

Most of those are debatable, but what isn't is that Nino has had the best 'oh shit' moment of the manga so far.

Attached: Nino Bomb.png (2852x2048, 550K)

He will refuse whatever scholarship Papa Nakano tries to offer him.

>Father wants to rig Takeda to completely ace the mock exams by giving him answers
>BASED Takeda shreds the answer key

Woah, I can't believe how quickly I came to like this guy

Reopening his dead mother's restaurant with Nino.
After tutoring 5 dumbasses, you think that he's going to teach 30?
Even during the last exam the best approach for quints was to teach each other. During this one he almost didn't tutor them at all.

Since Future Raiha mentioned how Fuutarou spends allmost his entire time working, Fuutaou's job will be related to academics or salaryman.

True but Miku got the most heartwarming moment so far

Attached: got it.jpg (991x558, 166K)

He's gonna be an University Professor.

>After tutoring 5 dumbasses, you think that he's going to teach 30?
In the flashforward Raiha already mentioned that he's a teacher.

I give that award to Yotsuba passing her finals, but that scene was really cute too.


It looks like Fuutarou is standing only in front of Nino, Ichika, Miku and that Itsuki and Yotsuba are at the side. Is that just a perspective thing or intentional? Aren't they all giving him something?

This hug was actually kind of bold.

Attached: MFALrpg.png (554x497, 197K)

The imoutos don't have cock on their mind like the other three so they didn't bring their gifts with them.

Yes, Ninofag

Attached: 1548381665848.png (861x2265, 1.85M)

>no pubes

Why do I sense a terrorist will strike soon?

I'm an itsukifag.


Attached: 73520372_p0.png (722x1062, 963K)

Is that so?

Attached: Mmm.png (474x577, 382K)

For Miku, yes it really was. For a functioning human being, however, that's ordinary behavior.

So who’s the most and least popular quint?

Miku and Ichika respectively as of now

It's the fat one.

>I like Itsuki
>She's earnest and dumb and hardworking and dumb and kind and very dumb

I like Itsuki!

Miku and Nino.

My wife's smelly sister and my wife

>most popular
the ones on this list
>least popular
the ones that aren't

Attached: 1551741441964.jpg (773x1204, 167K)

ain't that the facebook poll site

Miku has the best and heartwarming smile

Attached: IMG_20190305_015716.jpg (1500x2000, 583K)

Yes, actually.

Attached: O MI KU.png (1060x992, 1.81M)

It can only be Itsuki or Miku.

Attached: The Quintessential Quintuplets - c018 (v03) - p088 [dig] [Kodansha Comics] [danke-Empire] {HQ}.jpg (2147x3056, 2.76M)

Would you eat Miku's omurice if it meant she would smile?

Attached: 1550070270594.jpg (768x1024, 86K)

I mean, it's just rice, eggs and ketchup right? There's no shitty vegetable like cabbage or what not?


go back

It's a perspective thing I believe, I wouldn't understand why he'd make it like this otherwise. It looks like Itsuki and Yotsuba are left out but they are also giving him something. At least it looks like Yotsuba is if you look at her left arm.

Student ID, user

A name isn't a unique identifier, you need some other identification for uniqueness. Especially on national scales.

>cooking with ketchup
no thanks.

I know this is before Nino fell in love with Fuu for real, but still...
>Nino: Shit, Itsuki is racking up points. Time to step up my game and make sure to overtake her as main heroine.

I mean it not so bad.Her croquettes are worse.

Attached: 1548350892170.jpg (956x1436, 331K)

According to some store in Japan, Miku and Itsuki.

>weird green stuff, probably having the chewing texture of nightmares
A big nono from me


Attached: Ninocake_0.jpg (580x959, 81K)

In the missionary position with lots of kissing and hand holding.

>weird green stuff
I'm pretty sure that's green onion, user.


Attached: Maruo.jpg (500x500, 122K)

Itsuki and Yotsuba

Attached: 1550817286497.png (580x326, 282K)

>I swear Itsuki has bigger numbers!

Fuutarou really steals?

The five are on the right track.
The one who needs Uesugi the most right now is Takeda.

Save him, Fuutaro.

Who is it for you?
For me, it’s Nino

All older siblings fuck with their younger ones.

Sounds hot.

I'd eat whatever nightmare she put in front of me and smile the whole time

The milk was expired and gave Fuutarou the shits.

Its not a steal if its your father's

Those look way too big of chunks to be green onion. I was thinking bell peppers.

I love Nino so much bros, i mean, the other quints are cute too but i can't get Nino out of my head even i try my hardest. I think she's perfect in every way, i want to hold her and kiss her and tell her how cute she is, i want her to have my children and getting old with her and finally die with her both of our graves side to side, i fucking love her a LOT.


She's living in your head rent free
It's called free real estate

Attached: qtno.jpg (639x567, 245K)

On this episode of "user is worse at numbers than the quints"

>Miku reaching 75 percent in polls
There's no way Negi can make her lose. His career would die.

He'll be rich by the time Raiha gets married user
Remember TWGOK

>he wants the end girl to be decided by popularity
>he thinks Negi gives a shit about popularity polls for his ending
>he thinks Negi hasn't already made a fuck ton of money by this point
>thinking Negi would care if the sales for the last volume were low
He's had his girl planned since the beginning. We can only wait.

>he thinks popularity is relevant to what the author wants to do.

Attached: 1547609817007.png (227x360, 83K)

I'll tell you exactly what anons tell me when I try to use TWGOK as an argument to my advantage. Kill yourself.

You better pray this happens because this is the only way Miku stands a chance.

You can't just pretend TWGOK didn't happen

b-but muh Nino is popular

But that's China's poll.

Looking cool, Joker!

Itsuki and Yotsuba are the final contenders and the rest have all lost.

Trust me, I go to school

>Remember TWGOK
His career died

That's what happens when you become an idolfag

He deserved to have his career die. He should have stuck to 2D rather than betray his waifu for the ugliest girl at his disposal.

I love Ichicute

Attached: 1550747521493.jpg (2852x2048, 3.47M)

The sheer desperation in this statement is amazing.

She is a cartoon bro. She will never answer your feelings

One chapter left.

Attached: Volume Parallels v2.1.jpg (1373x5500, 1.53M)


>still believing the chink animeonly poll is relevant

Yeah, and Negi is not an idiot. He'll make Miku win just to please virgin neets

Miku is the main girl

>anime is pro Mikufags/Itsukifags
>5th episode poll
>result is good for Miku/Itsuki

* pretend to be shocked*

Attached: mehhhh.jpg (300x168, 9K)

>Miku is the main girl

only in your heart

>Trust me, I go to school
That doesn't mean shit.

>Yeah, and Negi is not an idiot. He'll make Miku win just to please virgin neets
>Negi caring about popularity
>Negi changing end girl mid-story based on popularity ever
The only way Miku could ever win is if Negi had been planning to do this since the beginning. And considering Miku's chances to be the kisser, I highly doubt that. But who knows.

Yotsuba is my angel

Attached: 1535725328529.png (687x679, 358K)

Attached: F636xiP.gif (640x480, 2.25M)

Hey I'm Chinese and I think you're absolutely right fucking god

What a cute Itsuki.

*angel of death

Yotsuba is best girl

Attached: 1543162755752.jpg (1500x500, 186K)

Attached: burger no hanayome.png (600x600, 524K)

I'm Pinoy and I'm the ESL chink spic.

Cute and funny

Attached: HAHA STUPID YOTSUBA.png (360x279, 135K)

How do I say "Kill yourself, subhuman" in chinese? Maybe I can get through to that guy by speaking in his mother tongue.

Mods seem to hate them though

if Chinese manufacturing is so bad, why do they make everything for everyone else

Attached: 73515523_p0.jpg (1051x1483, 1005K)

Copy paste this every time you see him

What a cunt


I know, right? it's as if little kids do dumb mean shit all the time or something.

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*2nd best

hmm, not what I was looking for

Attached: file.png (1182x72, 20K)


Attached: belly_fat.png (1190x770, 676K)

Itsuki must be made plumper

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We need to go even fattier than that.

Attached: deep-fried-dougnut-burgers.jpg (500x375, 70K)

>Kinder bueno

Attached: 6GUc5l0.jpg (1920x1200, 282K)

I feel sick to my stomach just looking at those.

Attached: 1550177809986.jpg (675x772, 91K)

Itsuki doesn't.

Attached: 1551480246047.png (608x900, 326K)

I want to commit a crime

Attached: 1551493125218.png (1460x1650, 700K)

百度bros let's talk about Miku and what we can do to make Miku the national favorite girl.

We know Fuutarou

>Muh polls
>Endorsing hackery
The state of Mikufags

Too bad loli quints don't actually look like that

Which quint is Negi's self insert?


>good chapter with based Takeda pushing Fuutarou
>ninofags come ruin the thread
I dont hate nino, but ninofags are really killing these threads

Ichika's manager


Submission for credits page. Feel free to add dialogue for context.

Attached: Smile Protected.png (1426x1272, 730K)

Attached: 73514662_p0.jpg (1702x2160, 949K)

>all girls gets the focus
>Itsuki posts more than usual
>first post after dump is literally shitting on Nino
>more or less 100 posts in before a Nino pic shows up
>somehow this is Ninofagging

Is it just me or is Yea Forums just shitting up on Nino and her fanbase a lot?

Attached: what.gif (200x250, 2.7M)

He's Fuutarou's daddy and just wants to see his son succeed, but he's too tsundere.

Attached: 1551716208538.jpg (2048x1802, 352K)

Bestchika proves once again she is best.


but 2ndbestchika didn't do anything

Attached: D016m6XU0AAto-0.jpg (1611x1590, 196K)

to Fuutarou?

I wanna pound Nino's big butt. damn, Imagine the slapping noises.

Attached: nino.jpg (720x800, 293K)

Reminder that Yotsuba won't amount to anything in the story because she's dead.

Best frens

Attached: Nice sisters.png (1307x924, 1.76M)

>Takeda/Fuutarou chapter
>thread is slower and comfier than usual
The story should focus more on boys. Fuck waifufags

Why did my post get deleted?


ara ara, Fuutarou-kun~

Attached: a6cf95966642dd2a088a27636235364d.jpg (600x853, 155K)

Is she really not in the running for the Uesugibowl?

She never mentioned anything even remotely close to that.

I want Futtaro to fug me

>loli Miku
>oversized headphones

Attached: 1358501979217.png (740x328, 24K)


She's running away from the competition, but you know the bowl will haunt her forever. She'll need to settle down with it sooner or later

I made omurice for dinner. I wanted to burn it for Miku, but I thought it would be such a waste just for a dumb meme.

Based takeda chapter. Is this the most liked chapter in a while?

Yeah, I want to kidnap and rape Fuutarou too

>W-Wrong hole... F-Fuu-kun kya!

Attached: 1540350099124.png (781x621, 335K)

post yfw it's a Takeda chapter

Attached: yots.png (370x382, 148K)

Don't call Miku a dumb meme.

based not the usual guy has graduated to the usual guy

Yotsuba's cute morning breath

Attached: ebb06ab7b53d5c83274384fb19e29051.jpg (850x1033, 635K)

Stop it! Nino is NOT for... that!

Reminder that Yotsuba forgets to brush her teeth.

Remember Hinagiku?

Reminder that Yotsuba peed on the roof

Attached: papasmile.png (1353x723, 528K)

Attached: rain.png (779x726, 343K)

How did Takeda manage to make a bigger impact on Fuutarou's life than Yotsuba?

Miku's soft virgin body

Attached: c957782e66c8673414f2c4984a954437.jpg (1071x1071, 93K)


Athena overtook her in popularity the instant she was introduced though.

Fuutarou be patient,we aren't in honeymoon flashforward yet

You mean Takeda.

Nah bro. I frigging love A-tan (main reason why I'm following Tonikaku Cawaii), but Hinagiku beat the living shit out of everyone till the end in terms of popularity.

Fuck. I'm still mad.
I still think Mikufags are retarded for using popularity as the reason why something should win.

Ruka best girl, fireworks chapter still makes me go doki doki

Takeda is for Fuutarou. Quintfags need not apply

Right I forgot, she overtook Maria not Hinagiku. For some reason I keep thinking she overtook Hinagiku as well.

Who won this one again? I stopped following after it dragged on forever.


First girl because fuck you


Attached: worse than nothing.png (706x241, 149K)

go back user

blonde one with awful personality

Nagi. Every single major arc was basically about how Hayate is going to be loyal to her no matter what.

Can you help me do a WEG for this series?

Attached: template.png (1100x500, 82K)

Will Fuutarou ever have a dream?

Make enough money to Marry all the quints and have them give birth to quintuplets each.

He already have it

Papa Nakano should have tried a different method to force Fuutarou to separate with the quints. Fuutarou is very persistent in whatever challenge gets in his way. What Papa Nakano should've done was double down in trying to get into his psyche. We know he has his own conflict on what his purpose is and this chapter indicates he's still unsure of his own dream. Instead of using force, plant a seed of doubt that would overtake Fuutarou's will.

Attached: 5Toubun no Hanayome - c073 (NA) - p016 [web] [anon].png (1115x1600, 562K)

Is Maruo still seething or is he over it now that Fuutarou is "outstanding"?

He is good as tutor but he will start seething when he find out the quints want to marry him

Only three of them do and two of them are sluts anyways.

Does he really want to separate them though, we now see that he has the influence to put his daughters in the same class and presumably used his influence to put an unnamed male student there too. It's therefore safe to assume that he either chose to put Fuutarou in their class or decided not to use his influence to put him in a separate class.

He didn't do that personally,Ebata did it.
And Ebata is pretty much on Fuuts side.

>what I got

Attached: himym_title.jpg (825x464, 58K)

Why is she so damn cute?

Attached: 1551379281749.png (1684x2064, 2.72M)

Needs more KDrama

Expected: Bokuben and nisekoi
What I got: pics of Fuutarou being an asshole

Attached: get fucked.png (1026x914, 655K)

Attached: pepesilvia.jpg (2000x1500, 263K)

That Yotsuba look bit different from what I remember

Attached: IMG_20190224_175403.jpg (955x1444, 164K)

We don't really know why Papa Nakano moved the goal posts by threatening to hire Takeda. Was he seething or trying to test Fuutarou? He somewhat knows that the quints really want him by their side, yet he is aware of Fuutarou's academic decline. We only have one chapter left before Volume 9 ends.

This is the big fat bastard artists will use for NTR doujins. I can see it already.

Headphones + Ribbons, who the hell is that?

Attached: 1551413591008.jpg (1000x1333, 188K)

The ED comes out in Japan in 10 hours. youtu.be/LvvW6vjV9E8

finally, havent been able to stop listening to this since i heard it

okay this one wins

Anyone got the Halloween Nino quint screenshot?

Attached: __nakano_nino_go_toubun_no_hanayome_drawn_by_fuu_fuore__26b6bb84bc5d31f39b1b764eebb7c6e9.jpg (2391x1618, 1.85M)

Itsuki eating red herring.jpg

fucking finally

I want to hug Ichika

Attached: 19.png (1115x1600, 750K)

Also the character songs youtu.be/dNsg2Q1olhg

fuck it's so good, I have it as my ringtone

I don't really know what Papa would gain by putting Takeda in the same class with quints. He's clearly gay for Fuu so it's definitely not because of NTR meme. Or what if the guy Maruo was talking about isn't Takeda?

1 > POWERGAP > 3,4,5 > POWERGAP > 2
I'm not even an Ichikafag

>I'm not even an Ichikafag
Your post says otherwise


This ranking shit is as bad as JoJofags ranking parts.

Are you speedreader?
He hates fuutarou, his aim is to make fuutarou dissapeared from his life and his life is including the quints.

Attached: 1537332235496.png (170x275, 92K)

Then Maruo should have focused on separate Fuutarou and the quints instead, by putting Fuutarou in a different class or something. But we only saw him talking about putting a guy in the same class with quints. He didn't even seem to care about Fuu enough to figure out maybe Ebata helped Fuu

Yotsuba will be a single mother

Why does Miku have sex eyes all the time?

Attached: miku1.png (284x304, 88K)

I can't believe Fuutarou will die from overworking


You'll never escape the anaconda's grip

Attached: 1551723105764.jpg (273x314, 49K)

But that's Miku.

Attached: 1550811799114.png (1116x1600, 1.91M)

Wet for Fuuts 24/7
It's why she's best girl

Bullying when?

Attached: 1549606376543.jpg (1280x720, 149K)

Rena will never get retribution for making Fuutarou sad.

Attached: 1534121886107.png (290x448, 509K)

>Realizes that Fuutarou will turn into a good-for-nothing if he ends up with her
>Goes on to impersonate Miku and pretend to sabotage her
>Knows full well that Fuutarou, with the power of love, will realize it was Ichika and not Miku
>Plans for Fuutarou to think she's a dirty sneak, assuring that he won’t end up with her and become a gigolo
>Also giving sympathy points to Miku, who’s the supposed victim of her trickery
All according to keikaku

Attached: no-good oaf.png (1272x519, 992K)

Maruo's purpose was separating Fuu from the quints. This is not even a debatable issue.

He doesn't believe in abstract thing like muh friendship, but he isn't stupid. At least he knows that quints won't give up Fuutarou. So he made the quints feel guilty, by saying 'you sluts are ruining Fuutatou's life. Let him go.'

Fuutarou's reaction was not something he expected, and both Fuutarou's academic achievement and his dedication to his daughterd changed Maruo's point of view.

>Fuutarou's reaction was not something he expected, and both Fuutarou's academic achievement and his dedication to his daughterd changed Maruo's point of view.
Maybe slightly. He didn’t bother to show up at the wedding.

this one?

Attached: Nino Nakano 346.jpg (400x1160, 172K)

Then why didn't he just put Fuutarou in a different class? Even if Takeda somehow became the tutor, quints would still have a ton of time to spend with Fuutarou as classmates. Also what is the point of putting Takeda in the same class with quints? He clearly doesn't give a shit about quints and only cares about beating Fuu

Do the quints carry around wigs everywhere they go? Putting aside the differences in hair color, the differences in hair length should make it impossible to confuse them.

Their hair colour looks different only to us viewers, in-universe their hair colour is the same.

I know. I said "putting aside the differences in hair color".

If its just hair length you're looking at Ichika and Yotsuba have almost the same length. For inattentive people, they may as well be the same length which is why once the accessories are mixed up Fuuts can't tell who is who.

Would Fuutarou be a good father to the quints?

I think it depends on which quints. In chap 22, Miku borrowed Fuutarou's wig to disguise as Ichika. In chap 74, we saw Ichika bringing other quints' accessories

Attached: 47693741_137788113892514_3969692717731091076_n.jpg (640x640, 78K)

Fake, we know Fuuts isn't strong enough to lift mini-Ichika with one arm.

Itsuki chapter next.

Attached: 1547483051214.png (420x420, 309K)

Miku chapter next, we still need either gym date chapter or Ichika Vs Miku drama.

You'll get another Nino chapter and you'll like it.

Flash forward wedding chapter with Takeda as the best man.

What about Yotsuba?

Itsuki chapter is next. No gym date, fuutarou will reject it.

Attached: 1531119048075.png (110x200, 46K)


Attached: A37BB187-6523-4439-8D60-CB0DAA62BBF0.jpg (790x815, 273K)

Based and Negipilled.

We still need the drama though, highly unlikely there are no consequences from Ichika's stunt.

My and my wife's adopted daughter is cute but she's kinda irrelevant.

Just wait for the Kyoto arc.

Attached: 1550981520072.jpg (724x1024, 95K)

Next chapter is just a filler chapter. That's how usually negi do arc. And it will be itsuki chapter.

Attached: 1543270546580.png (120x120, 22K)


You're goddamn right I will.

Attached: 73524581_p0.jpg (700x1000, 289K)

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Itsuki chapter last week

I'm fucking shaking, guys. I just read 75. Is Itsuki actually gonna win the MCbowl? Fuck my life.

Time to put ninofags in their place.

You sound insecure.

Yes and yes.

Attached: 68.png (1138x1618, 790K)

Why are people hostile to itsuki anyway? She's a good girl who's a bit dumb but that only makes her even more endearing. Also her raging appetite and excess of fat are cute as well. She's got good, natural interactions with fuutarou that can lead to a much more impacful romance story than her sisters.

Nice headcanon.

Fuck off. Stop falseflagging as itsukifags.

Attached: 1522327181017.png (190x330, 125K)

Anyone who's doubting Itsuki's obvious win has another thing coming.

Repeated the increasingly nervous tub-o-lard for the thousandth times after chapter 68.

next chapter will be a wedding flashforward. And the next one will be a filler ( with Miku, because she's as useless as filler episodes)

She's not fat, she has a nice healthy weight for her height.

Does anybody know where people are getting these oricon sale images? I tried googling it but no luck

Attached: 5B035F7D-83C1-4783-BDFF-3E2086ECF928.jpg (640x389, 19K)

She's fat but it's alright to be fat.

It's cause she is the first girl shown on screen. If she was introduced later, then she wouldn't be getting the same amount of hatred. A lot of people were burned by series like Nisekoi.

This is almost disappointing. It makes her sisters sound like they are malnourished.

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Itsuki's win is the most risk free prediction you can make about this manga.

Sasuga best girls.

Attached: 1551571367599.png (290x290, 141K)

Oh you mean images, they do it manually most likely.


Attached: DE2423B5-515B-400E-86FB-9435ED37400A.jpg (768x768, 91K)

50kg for 158cm is perfectly normal, actually kinda a few kilos higher than normal if you don't account for their fat tits and butts.


Attached: fuutarou will confess.jpg (853x331, 50K)

Nobody even considered Itsuki a legit competitor until chapter 68 when someone started doing "maingirl" damage control.

>I mean, okay I agree, but what did Itsuki and Yotsuba give Fuutarou?
Energy Drink (energy) and Paper Crane (Luck)

She's first girl. Author shouldn't tease all the other heroines if he's just going to write generic first girl actually loves MC all along but pretended otherwise number 999999. Its not Itsuki herself that's wrong, its the overused trope that's wrong.

>meanwhile Kaguya latest volume took 4 weeks to reach 190k

Nobody fucking cares, take your sale shit elsewhere.

>Nobody even considered Itsuki a legit competitor

Only idiots that need everything spelled out loud and can't read into subtext.

What you're doing is creating your own lines instead of reading between them though.

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See how Chadkeda behaves.

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They'll compete in the rivals division with Takeda.

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Miku a sexy

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Everyone gave Fuutarou paper cranes, those were just a subsitute because they couldn't give him anything and Itsuki energy drink was by her words just a refreshment.

So, someone else probably already saw this or pointed it out, but 5toubun seems to be a pretty big deal in Japan.
I just moved to Tokyo last week, and they have the quints plastered right outside the Electric town gate in Akihabara, not to mention both animate and Toranoana have personalized stands with promotional material for the series. For example, if you buy the first 6 volumes in a bundle in Animate, you get the illustration cards.
And this part is much more subjective, but I did catch a lot of shopkeepers talking about the series.

It's done user, move on.
The gift plotline is complete and that was exactly it.

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I actually took a pic because it looks pretty good.

Attached: Large_Quints.png (640x480, 557K)

It's the no. 1 best-selling manga right now.

Japan is just trying to promote polygamy.

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You have to be an idiot to miss how negi is setting up Itsuki to be of a higher importance than the others and the significance of that in the long run.

Did not know that. Best selling romcom or just in general?
Insane if it's the latter. I haven't been to the threads for a while, so I haven't been keeping up with stuff like this. Happy for Negi.
I actually had a hard time getting my Yotsuba illustration card because vol. 8 was almost sold out in Animate.

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We only have 5 things to rank instead of 16

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Delete this. Yotsuba is a pure and immaculate angel.
She would never lewd her sisters like that. The quints are not for lewd in general!

I found this so it seems pretty good

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Only best harem romcom. I guess it's still below Kaguya as romcom

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Based Abe-san.

It sold 3 million units and volume 8 just released, not much manga in general, much less romcoms get to that.
It's squarely in shonenshit sales ranking, Kaguya and Bokuben are nowhere close.

Doesn't mean much when she can't be the kisser anyway.

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BNHA is on week 4, and if you average out the estimated total sales for their 4 weeks, you can tell it was selling better, but this is still really impressive. Especially for a Romcom.
I remember when Takagi-san and Komi sounded like unreachable benchmarks for the quints

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I am not suggesting that it isn't. But the cranes and drink were not the gifts for his birthday. They just represented luck and energy in that situation. So I am wondering what their actual gifts were.

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Whatever helps you sleep at night.

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It doesn't matter anymore what anyone think is or was supposed to be, the arc ended with that, and that's it. There had no other presents. but anyone is free to create their own fanfics.

Same mate.

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I find it weird, because I enjoy the Kaguya adaptation more, but it seems like 5toubun's gave it a much bigger boost.
I guess that's expected when you pit a peashooter against 5 tanks.

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Maybe the adaption looking shit encourages people to buy the manga

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Was this Negi's plan all along? Could it be he was the true 4D chessmaster?

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Kaguya is a really good anime, that's the problem.
Let me explain : the anime being a wonderful adaptation, he is complete in itself, people are not tempted to buy the manga (for now, maybe it will change when the anime will be over). Contrary to toubun who is a shitty adaptation, people wants to know the story without the anime.

The anime is a dumpsterfire but it did its job, zero budget and managed to double manga sales, how can it get any more perfect?

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Isn't it fascinating that the KOfag disappeared once Toubun's sales exploded?

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Makes sense in a way.
People like the Kaguya anime, and since it focuses on more standalone chapters, people don't really stay for the flowing narrative. Namely, while Kaguya does have some pretty great character development and some spectacular progression, the comedic aspect of the chapters can be enjoyed at any time, so adapting Kaguya as a straight-up comedy series already makes for a complete experience.
The 5toubun anime just lays the foundation and makes people interested in the premise, but it looks like shit so it drives them to buy the manga.

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Miku a best in maid outift.
Yotsuba a shit.

Which Jap beer is closest to this? I need to pick a side.

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>tfw no matcha beer

Miku will end up as some clumsy maid idol, maybe in the JAV industry.

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Anons, real talk the quints are too big.
We needed at least one flatty heroine to class this series up.

>I am your harem

but I love MILF, they're perfect.

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Takeda is there to help you

well, the other quints are gone to a yuri manga after all.


Negi's wild ride never ends

user, that's gay.
Liking flat chests isn't necessarily the same as being gay.

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What if Takeda actually is Takebayashi?

A little unrealistic for a 50kg average weight but I think it's fine.

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>Joker likes flatties
Fuuts also seems pretty uninterested in the quints' bodies, so maybe they can become friends when they meet again.