When watching old anime should i upscale it to have it full screen or leave it like that?

When watching old anime should i upscale it to have it full screen or leave it like that?

Attached: logo-256x256.png (256x256, 31K)

Other urls found in this thread:

trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/How to speed up / slow down a video

What you should do is buy a CRT and watch your old anime on that. The colors that the creators worked with were designed to look best on those big clunky monitors.
Ideally you want a CRT at DVD resolution and another CRT for BD rips, but then there is no more space on your desk for your shitposting monitor. So I guess you have to make some compromises. Upscaling is a necessity then, though you should feel bad when you do it. It is a makeshift solution and it is unfaithful to the way that the anime was meant to be watched.

I think it's not worth to upscale it,it looks like shit

Attached: 333333.png (2706x764, 3.12M)

Depends on your distance to the screen you're watching it on, and how big that screen is.

Man if I was this autistic I would have offed myself years ago. Keep on truckin' retardbro

>The colors that the creators worked with were designed to look best on those big clunky monitors.
I know you actually believe this despite pulling it directly out of your rectum.

>The colors that the creators worked with were designed to look best on those big clunky monitors.
Imagine being this fucking retarded. Next you'll tell us that the shows were designed to work on 480p low resolution. Do you understand how animation is made? It's drawn, has crisp and clean lines and colors. CRT monitors as well as low resolutions were nothing but technological limitations that the artists had to accept given the limited technology availbale to the average consumer. Movies for example were shown on the bigscreen, which weren't CRTs you goddamn moron.

upscaling is for people who hate anime, never do it.

Attached: anime.png (3840x2160, 776K)

Is this official or are you retarded?

Personally I never do it because everything I've watched looked just fine without it. If you find something that you think doesn't look good enough then give it a go, maybe it'll help maybe it won't.

that's not upscaling. that fuckin cropping. leave it 4:3

use waifu2x for machine learning to upscale ur anime

Who in their right mind would watch anime looking like THIS?

Attached: anime.jpg (3840x2160, 782K)

>there are people on here who don't watch stuff fullscreen
This has to be a joke, right?

>there are people on here who watch stuff fullscreen
This has to be a joke, right?

vlc > mpv > mpc

wew lad

>not using windows 10 movies and tv app
Fucking plebs.


>not using edge to watch anime online

It's been revealed many times that a bunch of people here use fucking phones or tablets. You'd be surprised how dumb people on here can be.

>using vlc
That's almost on the same level as streamfags

Flagship phones probably have higher quality panels than any monitors

what is wrong with switching from 4:3 to 16:9 ?

Attached: 1551685625911.jpg (207x297, 14K)

>not using a free streaming service to watch anime at work

because its not supposed to be watching this way.

19:9 as opposed to 16:12 is good for wide characters like Yui.
I suppose you could also use it to watch shorter characters such as lolis, but only lolicons would do that.

What do you mean by switching? Stretching? Cropping? Also, that guy above was right. You should have a secondary CRT monitor for various reasons, old 4:3 media being one of them, not just anime.

>he don't watch his anime with kino bars

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-03-04-12h34m09s796.jpg (1920x1080, 1.06M)

> watching old anime
user no!

Attached: hanayo_smug.png (400x259, 112K)


Attached: anime.jpg (3840x2160, 834K)

Me, because it looks fine

Yeah stretching it in the aspect radio options, i won't buy a CRT monitor.
It looks kinda weird if i set it to 16:9 so i guess i should leave it like 4:3

Upscale with an anime neuronal network of coure you dork


Never stretch or crop obviously. One fucks up and distorts the pic and the other cuts out parts of it. Black bars it is for you, though the vertical ones are a tiny bit less annoying. Remastered shit is a gray area.


VLC has been perfectly cromulent for years now. Stop living in the past.

I watch on Sony Trinitron with laserdisc player. It makes the animation better

Do I have to switch to mpv now?
I have been using mpc for years now and I never had any reason to change it.

MPC is still perfectly fine. Only youngsters think that software needs to update every month or it's dead.

You're nuts.

I swear that meme "cinematic" resolution has to be one of the most annoying things in existence. I kinda sorta get it when it's an actual movie since they want to give people a unique experience since they've bought a ticket and all but why the fuck do streaming services like netflix do it to their webshit? It doesn't make sense. I bet it's a ploy by Big Monitor to push that ultra wide garbage which in turns leaves you with vertical black bars in like ninety percent of the things you watch. Just pick a fucking standardized res and stick to it god fucking damn it, 16:9 is perfectly fine.

god I want to rewatch this for nostalgia sake even if I know it was gay as fuck back then to do so and probably still is

All fun and games until you watch a shaft show with this setup.

I agree. I'm still using utorrent 2.2.1 as well.
Why bother changing stuff that still works fine?

Any alteration to a running system bears the chance of breaking it.
There is a reason why there are several different idioms to the effect of "if it aint broke, don't fix it".

Even better.

Attached: [ANE] Arakawa Under the Bridge - Ep07 [BDRip 1080p x264 FLAC] - [00_00_48.298].jpg (1920x1080, 904K)

My copy of MPC-HC would shit itself if I tried feeding it a webm, so that was reason enough for me to move onto current software.

>kinokino bars

Works on my machine.

No, I'm not a sperg that'll let some fuzziness get in the way of enjoying older shows

I just leave it in it's natural aspect ratio, and HDMI to my 60 inch TV. Still looks good.

Full screen on TV and sit far away at least 2 and half meters if your TV is 40-43 inches. You will have to deal with the black bars, there is no other way.

You disgust me.

Hi, I want to watch videos at higher speeds. Currently I just use Video Speed Controller on Youtube to watch people talk at 3x speed because my attention span and time are both limited. I tried MPC-HC but the audio was distorted in comparison.

What player would you recommend?

Compile mpv with rubberband.

I don't know how to compile.

user error

While that guy is retarded...CRT's do have some of the most accurate colors by far, high end ones at least.

I miss CRT's and I miss 4:3.

this. I still use the same copy of MPC I've had since 2007, it fits on a floppy disk.
I also still use Winamp 3 for music.

It depends. I remember my Sony 17" monitor being extremely good-looking in almost all the aspects(except the weight, fuck this boulder).
Run-of-the-mill CRT TV - not so much.

Have you tried trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/How to speed up / slow down a video ?
>my attention span and time are both limited
Jesus Christ

Attached: 1540882233179.jpg (625x352, 117K)

you know upscaling video doesnt actually introduce jpeg artifacts right. thats you being bad at mspaint that's causing that

>Currently I just use Video Speed Controller on Youtube to watch people talk at 3x speed because my attention span and time are both limited

just do what i do, have some of your people watch the anime for you and give you the cliff's notes later