How do you fix this saga?
How do you fix this saga?
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Basically continue past Apollo's memory erasure, but Seiya notices something is wrong and eventually overcomes it with Athena's help. Then it continues from there.
Let the Gold Saints out from the memorial pillar so they can help fighting against the Gods.
God I wish it wasn't cancelled, Apollo's design is top tier.
A recent Saint Seiya Tencent commercial give a glimpse of how the Chinese drama could look
100000% agree
The new Tenkai-Hen Myth Cloth is wonderful but still another stab in the heart reminding the project was scrapped.
Also, I hope Next Dimension ends the past arc soon so we can get Seiya back in order for him to fight Zeus, even though I know the manga will end with a cliffhanger...
>Seiya wake up from the coma
>Group hug
>Following SS's tradition, Seiya's sister appears from nowhere
>Nee-san (cry in spanish)
>Seiya and Seika embrace, Saori smile, everybody cry of happiness and Kerr is watching from afar.
Mark my words, that's how ND ends
By finishing it.
>Nee-san (cry in spanish)
Put it on the trash can.
was kurumada pissed off about seiya being naked because he couldn't see his penis?
Tenkai is true Kino.
Watching Abel and Tenkai back to back is the ultimate Saint seiya experience, try it at home.
killing Kurumada
So is Saintia Sho officially cancelled or anything? Or are they going to have us waiting like retards every week for 2 months hoping it returns?
what? Saintia is still ongoing like ever
I mean the anime.
will ND be ever finished, what would happen if kurumada dies before it ends?
Wasn't that anime horrible?
Maybe the new Netflix series will finally do Saint Seiya some justice.
>doing any adaptation right
Depends really. If he left notes someone could finish it, if not it way stay incomplete. Also depends on his will and his heirs I guess.
everyone can fanfic that thing called Next Dimension
What about Hi Score Girl and Devilman Crybaby?
Those didn't even have a real fanbase. With Saint Seiya they have some good potential in South America.
netflix first mistake was making shun a girl
>inb4 fanarts of her by spics
those are just posers, they are too young to ever watched seiya when it aired
Who cares, personally think it's hilarious a western company tries to make shit less gay. Netflix western cartoons seem to almost force kids to become faggots.
>mfw seiya's mexican voice is still dead
>Doing SS justice
Not with what they showed us so far
The movie was kino.
And we have that Netflix guy instead
Does Kurumada have children? There's an old urban legend that Kurumada called his son Seiya but many people hate Seiya so that could started as a joke and later people take it as true, a precursor of meme magic. Kurumada may be gay but that doesn't mean he can't have children or be married to a woman, many gay men live as heterosexual because social pressure.
>japanese lost shiryu's VA
>mexico lost seiya's VA
interesting detail, i wonder if shiryu's mexican VA was good friends with seiya the way the japanese VA were
>Dame tu fuerza Pegaso
I can still hear him and then I cry like a little girl
He has 100 children around the world
Apollo needs to be louder, angrier and have access to a time machine.
Trivia: Mitsumasa's 100 children was based in Agyo and Ungyo's myth
>According to a Japanese story, there once was a king who had two wives. His first wife bore a thousand children who all decided to become monks and follow the Buddha's law. His second wife had only two sons. The youngest was named Non-o and helped his monk brothers with their worship. The eldest, Kongō Rikishi 金剛力士, however, had a much more aggressive personality. He vowed to protect the Buddha and his worshipers by fighting against evil and ignorance. Kongō Rikishi was the first of the heavenly kings, called Nio Niō (or Kongō). The second is called Shukongōshin 執金剛神. Within the generally pacifist traditions of Buddhism, stories of Niō guardians like Kongōrikishi justified the use of physical force to protect cherished values and beliefs against evil.
Ikki represents Agyo (open mouth and showing determination in facing evil) while Shun represents Ugyo (close mouth and showing compassion in facing evil)
He can reset universes. That kinda count like a time machine
It was only 10 episodes that Toei hired Gonzo to make for cheap.
Another season is unlikely but who knows.
Even Chimaki disowned the anime.
Shitty art and animation aside, the changes to the story were mostly improvements.
This is perfect, the problem is vested in the fanatics, they do not know what the art is even that bites them
luego fueron degradados por este par de maricas
The SShofags insist the anime not only ruin their beloved manga with the animation but with the changes to the story too but to be fair, they must have a terrible taste if they like SSho
will there ever be something as great as the 12 houses arc?
por naruto o shitposters?
Arguably they're giving the Crybaby treatment to Saint Seiya, an adaptation in-name-only following the recent western trends in order to attract millennials. The problem is that it worked wonderfully with Crybaby because they brought a hipster darling like Yuasa, a screenwriter specialized in shock-value schlock like Okouichi and the audience could pretend they were watching Crybaby for the plot and not for the gore and tits because it's DEEP. Not a Crbybabyfag but from a commercial perspective, it was needed because the west, especially the anglosphere, hate Nagai since the ultraviolent OVAs stopped being cool so the only way to sell the millennials Devilman was to remove everything that made it Devilman. Meanwhile the entire world minus USA love Saint Seiya as it is, even fiascos as Docrates or the steel saints can be viewed with nostalgia and some fondness. People like these characters as they are. Toei already tried to made them "relevant" for the current market in LoS and it was a huge failure. Eugene Song is trying to make SS appealing to the western market but his attempts look weak, too diferent for the old fans but too much of the same and therefore "generic" for the gringos because SS molded the battle shounen as we know it, not including the fucking Power Rangers (It's called Super Sentai, assholes). I doubt this is going to work
Start over with an all female cast
That's the next plan after Netflix's KoTZ flop
I just played Sant Seiya Soldiers' Soul. Did I miss anything cool that I can't look up on Sakugabooru?
Siempre hubo algo gay en el asunto, incluso antes de Saint Seiya
bueno kurumada es algo afeminado
Kurumada is gay in a manly way, like Yukio Mishima
>is gay in a manly way
the only acceptable kind of gay
Only gold saint fangirls and their beta orbiters like SSho
lol those Asians are so out of place there it's not even funny, this culture of self inserting themselves into European settings is hilarious.
That was kinda the point of original SS, remember the racism subplot. In any case, Asian Athena looks out-of-place because she's supposed to have the same body from the Myth age
>Yukio Mishima
Is there a shonen than no himself gay?
Netflix still could add faggotry by making Shaun bi. Remember June
Is there a shonen than no himself gay?
>Tenkai-Hen Myth Cloth
what does it look like?
man i wonder what was araki's true plan with the designs for omega. should've left a note giving more info about it. would saint seiya be appreciated as it is today if it weren't for shingo araki, would it still be liked if they followed kurumada's style?
What caused the cancellation?
Omega was a huge mess and not even Araki would be able to save it. When the show started, the main villain was Lucifer
Araki never worked in Omega. Umakoshi made some original designs following Araki's style but Toei rejected them in favor of cheap models
movie bad received by many fans, slow pacing, a bit confusing and differences between kurumada's view and the director of this movie
Yoshiharu Ashino , He is the best defender of women in animation
99% of the Gold Saintfag friends I have don't like Sainta Sho very much and prefer Episode G, G Assassin, and LC over ND and it.
what's wrong with ND?
Do you have the others? I remember them being very good. Fuck TOEI for that decision.
i thought SS models sell like hotcakes
Toei hate money. Look what they did with super sentai. They found the way to make children to get tired of watching 5 guys in spandex punching rubber monsters
how did they ruin super sentai?
Did Cops vs Thieves sentai do badly or something? It got me watching this stuff for the first time in ages.
I'm going to be legit upset if Sentai gets cancelled (Or put on hiatus for years) and they can't get their footing back. That's over 40 years of a legacy. Maybe it's inevitable that it'd putter out because of the constant demand to sell toys better, but it's been a staple in Japanese culture for so long that I feel like there'll be a void that can't be replaced.
It's been a string of underwhelming results according to toy sales and other merch. Starting from Go-Busters (A retool in the middle of the season due to underwhelming popularity), where they had to fall back to Dinosaurs the next season (big success), Trains that are super popular the next (Success I believe), and the ninja season they did after (The worst in a while), Animals (I don't think it did as well as they hoped despite being an anniversary), Kyuuranger Space Rangers (Not the best either), and Police vs Thieves (I guess it did badly too). They're now relying on dinosaurs again in less than a decade since the last time, and it reeks of a sort of desperation.
If I'm off about the 'results' of the Sentai I mentioned let me know. I'm not the most versed in toy sales and what is considered a hit.
so your theory is that they went back again using dinosaurs because they want to recover the lost sales from PvsT?
But it's not really one series alone. It's been multiples in the recent years. They want a guarantee hit. If tried and true Dinosaurs don't come through then it might get the axe.
It was Toei's fault. The staff was pushed to make a full movie without time or a clear script
Do what Kurumada wrote, easy as that. Toei are really assholes.
Just erase it entirely
Just do it
what made this gay show so popular?
He was Luke too
Damn . Just damn