Internet Centrism: The Anime

Internet Centrism: The Anime

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What are you talking about? Reinhard was clearly the good guy.

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Peak alt right core

>story isn't stupidly one-sided but has even a slight amount of nuance to it

There's no nuance in LOTGH.

>War is bad is a centralist idea

Both democracy and autocracy are shown to have both merits and flaws. Obviously there's at leats some nuance in that.

>there is actually zero difference between democracy and dictatorship

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That's ambiguity, not nuance, dumdum.

No, user. If two mutually exclusive systems have different sets of clearly defined strengths and weaknesses, then there's no ambiguity involved.

Wage Cuckin' It: The Anime

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A list of pros and cons doesn't make something nuanced. A good thing can and realistically will have bad points but can still be thought of as good in its totality and vice versa.
The show allows no dispute on its judgement of what is good or bad.

What do you think the series believes?

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What does it have to do with the internet?

Unironically this, not that he was a moral paragon, but the penultimate conflict amidst the FPA characters was whether their beliefs in democracy were enough to justify opposing someone who is a near-perfect ruler. Ultimately what justifies it, and what Yang as a historian knew and believed in all along, was that Reinhardt will hand down his autocracy to someone else, and so on and so forth, until someone abuses the power given to them, at which point democracy cannot save people.

The nuance is between the autocracy of Reinhard and the autocracy of Rudolph. Then the democracy of Trunicht and the Democracy of Heinessen.
>The show allows no dispute on its judgement of what is good or bad.
This is patently false. The show is filled with characters with differing perspectives who bring all of them to the table. Even by the end, the characters aren't really sure if what they ended up with is for the best, but they figure they'll work it out in time.

>until someone abuses the power given to them, at which point democracy cannot save people.
Well democracy wouldn't be able to save them regardless.

Just finished the show and am fairly disappointed in the way Reinhardt died. Not because I was sad because he was my fave character (he wasn't), it's just that the time that he spent on Phezzan when there was relative peace in the universe seemed to point towards his punishment for all of the bloodshed he caused would be decades of peace and bureaucracy, something that it turned out Reinhardt seemed to have a distaste for during those episodes of relative peace and quiet. And I thought that him having to suffer through peace would be the most appropriate thing for Reinhardt to have waiting for him at the end of the series.

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Democracy prevents one person from holding enough power to do the horrible things that Adolf Hitler or Rudolf von Goldenbaum were capable of doing. Absolute power is capable of accomplishing far more good than democracy is, but in turn it is capable of causing far more harm as well. This is basically the core ethos of the story, as I understand it.

>Democracy prevents one person from holding enough power to do the horrible things that Adolf Hitler or Rudolf von Goldenbaum were capable of doing.
But that's not true. The Wiemar Republic was considered to be a model democracy of it's time and Rudolf von Goldenbaum was elected to the offices of prime minster and president fair and square.

It doesn't condemn democracy or autocracy as inherently right or wrong which is reasonable though ultimately empty conclusion. It is quite clear nevertheless about which characters and which of their actions we should sympathize with or approve of.
>The nuance is between the autocracy of Reinhard and the autocracy of Rudolph. Then the democracy of Trunicht and the Democracy of Heinessen.
I.e we are supposed to think of one as good and of the other as bad? Where is the nuance in that?
>The show is filled with characters with differing perspectives who bring all of them to the table.
As long as the character have a stamp of approval they are allowed to have their own opinions which are all good by extension. I as a viewer am invited to shrug and blissfully accept the suggestion that everything is true from a certain point of view (as long as you are not a bad person) and that's just how things go.

>Rudolf von Goldenbaum was elected to the offices of prime minster and president fair and square
At which point it ceased to be a democracy, the same happened with Weimar and Hitler.
One of the characters, I forget who, even waxes about the contradiction of how the FPA citizens, by and large, welcome Reinhardt with open arms, and the irony of a democracy voting away its right to vote.
Ironically, democracy is necessary not because the people know what's best for them, but precisely because they don't. Which is why it has to be maintained, and why Yang's splinter faction establishes the Iserlhorn Republic.

>Ironically, democracy is necessary not because the people know what's best for them, but precisely because they don't.
Please elaborate.

The entire LoGH story is the elaboration.
Basically it's just the idea that the people can vote away their freedoms to vote, as we just brought up in examples, but that doesn't mean that's what's best for them. Maybe in the short-term it is what's best, as it is in the examples, but in the long-term, the people suffer for their lack of freedoms, but when they suffer, they cannot vote to regain those freedoms.

>It doesn't condemn democracy or autocracy as inherently right or wrong which is reasonable though ultimately empty conclusion.
That feels a little forced no? Maybe it just examines its topic of intrest while withholding judgement. Wouldn't that make more sense?

>It is quite clear nevertheless about which characters and which of their actions we should sympathize with or approve of.
Like what? Did you agree with Oberstein's logic that allowing the Bombardment of Westerland was nessisary to bring a swift ending to the war? Was Oberstein wrong about arbritary favoritism weakening Reinhard's operation despite that withdrawing Kircheis' privilege of holding on to a gun in Reinhard's presense led to the former's death? Was Yang mistaken in obeying the order to cease hostilities with Reinhard's flagship in his gunsights? Wasn't it hypocritical of Yang to go rouge when his own civil liberities and rights were infringed on but remain ambivilent while others were harrased by a corrupt political elite.

> near perfect
> denies people what they perceive to be a fundamental right
Then he's not perfect is he?

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That's right, he's near perfect.

Denying people fundamental rights makes one a little too far from perfection to be near perfect.

This is a semantic argument on the topic of subjectively interpretive measurements of non-geometric distances, and doesn't actually affect any of the points I was making.

The moral of LoGH is that Yang was right.

Citation: Oberstein had plenty of criticism for what Reinhard did wrong, but no criticism of what Yang did wrong (because Yang did nothing wrong).

How did they get away with this?

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Oberstein had his nose shoved so far up Reinhardt's ass, that he couldn't even see Yang past the ass hairs.

It unironically is in some contexts. Take US politics. You have hawks on both sides with a few doves scattered here and there, but the general public is usually anti-war. The general public is more moderate than either party. Therefore anti-war is a centrist position.

> tfw you will never have (presumably) genetically engineer giantesses dance for your amusement. That aside, what they're describing is normal. Morality is a spook handed down to the masses by elites and people should see it for what it is.

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You are approaching it like a sociologist. The true centrist would have no strong opinion on war, or would be equally persuaded by both the pro-war and anti-war sides.

persuaded or dissuaded* I should also add

>Oberstein had his nose shoved so far up Reinhardt's ass
That doesn't sound at all like the man who poisoned Reinhard.

The true morale of the story is that governments should regularly rotate between dictatorship and democracy, so a strong leader can take the reins when democracy is too corrupt or too slow to make much-needed decisions, and when the dictator risks being too corrupt the people should be briefly given the reins of the state again. Rotate the ministers and people in charge on a regular basis, and you prevent them from going bad. It's like taking a shower every now and then.

Even if this is not enforced by any kind of constitution, man will unknowingly bring about these changes themselves if history is any indication.

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>Absolute power is capable of accomplishing far more good than democracy is
Lmao get off /pol/ you stupid fucktard.

The word you are after is skeptic. A centrist sits between the two establish political wings and agrees or disagrees with both based on context and outlook.

The typical centrist is far from principled, they usually take the position as a way of saying they don't care about politics.

Unless of course we are talking about chad centrists, who just take the middle no matter how sensible one side is. Those guys are principled.

They kinda avoided the real solution in the show, but the only perfect way to govern humans is for the people to own the means of production

>try to do something objectively good
>either can't do it at all or things get widly delayed because it needs to go through countless elected officials
>be a king
>just do it

LOGH would've been better if Yang went full dictator to actually stand a chance against Reinhard and it would've showcased his struggle to stay true to his ideals but to also prevent the Empire's encroachment. . The fact they stayed rigid in their viewpoints to the end was disappointing .

Because eventually all orders and systems will crumble unless they adapt to the changing times

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>LoGH would have been better if they ruined Yang's character for no justifiable reason

I'm convinced that a lot of you guys haven't actually watched this show at all.

is anime a spook?

he passed too soon ;_;

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Reinhard could be forced to compromise too, maybe granting limited autonomy to minor planets in order to secure some cooperation. I wouldn't mind seeing El Facil return to the playing table.

"No society with "commune" in the name ever survived"

Real communism hasn't been tried

tyranny of the majority
democracy by default is unequal and oppressive

Yes, much better to have a tyranny of the minority. Much less unequal and oppressive.

so we should go with tyranny of the minotiry
got it

I like this Rudolf von Goldenbaum guy, he raises a lot of good points.

>Oberstein's logic that allowing the Bombardment of Westerland was nessisary to bring a swift ending to the war
This was entirely Reinhardt's decision in the novels. Just a fun fact, it doesn't affect what you're saying.

I'm not really sure about this "kill or exile all dissidents" policy. What happens if you or I become classified as dissidents? Still, democracy is sooo boring and unfair, so I suppose it's worth a shot!

I hope his son is a great leader and one of his descendants isn't a gay pedophile.

>What happens if you or I become classified as dissidents?
How could I be a dissident, I voted for him! Careful who you throw accusations at, lest someone report you for being a dissident.

because it will never work. Humans have desires. We'll always desire to be better then the other person. Not their equal

muh human nature

guy I was classified as a dissident, but I'm perfectly healthy with no problems, I just have a low income job
Why Am I classified as genetically inferior?

Fuck off outta the planetary system blue-eye, stop polluting the gene pool. We're trying to rebuild a civilized society here.

Ah yes, because critically examining the positives and negatives of two opposing ideologies means pussy centrism.

Yup, that's pretty much what I got from it. There's more in it's critiques/presentation of a corrupt democracy ala the FPA I feel, but yeah.

Ya cause he is talking about oberstein, not emil

oh man, why did I blindly support a hierarchical system where I'm at the very bottom of it?
I should've looked beyond Goldenbaum strongman and pompous speeches and cool uniforms and logos

Elitist/ironic weeb memes aside, is it any good?
I'm thinking of finally sitting down and watching it

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]muh blank slate

Mecklinger is damn good

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It's probably one of the best anime out there if you're interested in political/anthropology themes. It's a shame it gets a lot of praise from pretentious ironic weebs, but it's an excellent watch regardless.

Emil isn't real, he's just Reinhard's hallucination.

Yes, it's really good. 110 episodes, not a single filler and not a single boring moment.

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It is absolutely ludicrous to look at humans living in a world were thinking only of yourself is rewarded and then coming to the conclusion that it is simply human nature.

It's honestly a great watch. Just don't be a /pol/ memelord like OP and try to get something out of what it tries to tell.

That's not a /pol/ opinion, it's an obvious fact. The problem is that practically no one is actually going to use that absolute power for good.


Holy shit the source material

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Yes, as long as you're the type of person who can appreciate almost-purely-dialogue-driven stories. I swear I heard people saying the first 20 episodes were slow and it gets better, but man I loved it right away from the first episode, there's no early bad parts.
Take note that it's actually technically split into 4 seasons; 26, 28, 32, and 24 episodes, respectively (wikipedia has it listed on its Episodes page for the series). Taking a break in-between seasons can help prevent burn-out, because at the end of the day it is really really fucking long and really really fucking dense with information.
Totally worth watching though, elitist memes aside it really is a staple of the medium that anyone deep in the anime trenches should at least give an honest shot.

I think I heard one or two of the early episodes (during the FPA invasion of Imperial territory, I think) are anime-original filler, but they were just as good as the rest of the show.

wtf i hate LoGH now

to be fair all societies eventually die

underused as fuck, wish we could've had more scenes with him rather than that retard Bittenfeld

But he's right you know. Democrazy is filled with so much red tape it ties down villains and heroes alike. An authoritarian government hinges everything on a single point of failure. If there's incredibly talented and forward thinking man, it's excellent. If there's a small minded despot it falls apart.

As long as you don't focus on the battles, yes.

The actual spacewar in this spacewar story is bad.

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I wouldn't call any of the battles bad - they're quite interesting - but the battle episodes were indeed surprisingly the least interesting episodes of the show.

it's because they rarely explain the tacticts in detail, it's mostly just "advance" or "retreat"

Protecting the self is part and parcel of protecting the whole. The trick is to make self serving selfishness a trait that can benefit others, thus people will naturally help others while helping themselves.

Yang didn't argue that democracy was better in the long-term because his own life proved that was false. He just thought that the responsibility for a nation's downfall should lie with the people instead of the rulers alone. If anything, Yang is the one who advocates people being given power. Reinhard was completely against that and thought power should be seized because that is the only way to guarantee that the most capable person rules and, more importantly in his eyes, give every individual the chance to rise above their station and seize the world they desire.

I fail to see the differences

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Yup, look how many people followed Yang despite not really caring that much for democracy.


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Eh, if you're going for the ironic punishment angle then it is far worse for Reinhard to never be able to prove himself a better father than his own, than it would be to live through a lasting peace.

was the remake any good

>If they aren't performing 4D Dempsey rolls in space then the tactics are bad.


It has largely the same story with worse presentation. So yes, the story remains good, but everything else is lesser.

Took several comparative politics classes in college. Every lecture was "why won't those third world losers just become democracies so we can all get along?" Very different from COMMEMISM AND ALT RITE FASCISM CAN COEXIST LOL

To be completely honest I wasn't really going for the ironic punishment angle, it's just that the show seemed to be setting it up and I was fairly disappointed that they didn't knock down the pins that they set up in the previous episodes.

Oh. I thought it was more setting up that Reinhard was becoming an unknown quantity. Could he find a new purpose in leading his new empire and being a father and husband? Or would he crack and try to create a new battle, so that he could fight and die like he wanted?

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It looks pretty I guess. Inferior in every other way.

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Retarded Anitwitter-tier Commentary: The Thread

stop hating earth cultist

Yeah it could have been that. Nevertheless, it felt like the show was teasing something of that sort and it just kinda cut it short, I understand what they went for but I felt it was a failure compared to the alternatives they could have had with Reinhard.

But everyone is third world

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It's one of those unfortunate cases where, in a vacuum, it would be a good show. But the original exists, which is just the same story but better in every way. Unless you like flashy, high-action, CGI space battles. But if that's what you want, why are you watching LoGH?
Also the difference in character design quality hurts me.

It's unironically one of the greatest animated works of all time. Every moment is relevant and every character feels human and fleshed out by the end. It also genuinely feels like an entire world we're looking into rather than just a basic premise.

As a word of advice, start with "My Conquest Is the Sea of Stars" then watch the entire series.

You should commit sudoku for even knowing/using terms like that.

Is that from a full set of tarot cards?

There are some good ones, like Rantemario.

That took me a minute longer to understand than it should have

>That rose placement
It hurts

Same artist made this.

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"Democracy sucks, but muh freedums" is actually a radical position

Reminder that Reinhard was a globalist.

Not cool ;_;

This. I was rooting for him the whole time.

I have a 100 episodes sitting in my hard drive and I haven't even started.Everytime I get motivated I get derailed into watching Shield Hero/YYH instead.

>greatest animated works of all time

It's a political book.Just admit it.Its still gonna be good even without an anime.

>Anything that isn't blatant political propaganda is too vague for me to understand.

Except that the book is inferior to the anime.

No, sadly.

>Yang about to win
>WAIT HOLD YOUR FIRE, I have to listen to the government's orders which are the result of Heinessen being invaded and the staff held at gunpoint
Was Yang a brainlet?

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its competent

What's next, LOGH IS FASCIST?

Yes, currently. Because people have been brainwashed and corrupted by capitalism. That doesn't mean "human nature" or whatever you wanna call it can't change. It just doesn't happen quickly, which is why I don't believe in violent revolution as a solution. You need to build towards it gradually and democratically.

You can already see the difference in mindsets between places like the Nordics and say, the US, where the people in the former in general are far more community-minded and accepting of equality and sacrificing some of their own for the benefit of someone else worse off or the greater good.

People can and do change given the opportunity. It's an incredibly cynical stance to believe humans will always act selfishly even in a society that doesn't require it or even actively discourages it. And while there might always be outliers, a political system should always be constructed so as to not let a small minority suddenly cause an upheaval.

No, because if he ignored his orders and took control of the military for himself he would have destroyed the very democratic institution he was fighting to protect, making his military victory meaningless since the FPA would just be left as an inferior version of Reinhard's autocracy. In that case what would actually have been gained by killing Reinhard?

LoGH is NazBol

what is it called?

There's also no guarantee that things would work out nicely if Reinhard died. What if Mittermeyer and Ruenthal decided to start orbital bombing? What would Bittenfield do? All of Reinhard's admirals, even the normally calm and collected ones, were shown to have a serious temper if someone insulted or attacked Reinhard. There's no telling what would happen if he was killed.

Literally just keep them in your firing range and hold them hostage so that negotiations can be made. But I guess if you kill your enemies, then they win huh? (Disregarding the billions that have been killed on both sides already)

this, its pretty fucking gang

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Except those weren't Yang's orders. I think you're seriously missing the point here.

That's really not feasible in the situation they were in. The government had already made an unconditional surrender, so the one doing any kind of negotiation would be Yang, and it wouldn't be on behalf of the government. Further, Reinhard still held the overall advantage in numbers. Each individual fleet was going to be converging on their location.

Dumbass, anime made it obvious that a benevolent leader is better than corrupt democracy.
Iirc the democratic planet had more shitty people than the empire. Still, Yang Wenli and his little protege were based and redpilled.

Lurk moar

The citizens of the FPA were still way smarter and sympathetic than the subjects of the Empire.

>Internet Centrism: The Anime
Are you daft? LoGH may as well be the manifesto of the Alt-Right; more of them have seen the show than they've read any political philosophy.

We above all desire to be better than ourselves. We want to improve and for that we need to sacrifice, we strive for excellency.
We want to be better than the other person because that's usually the standard to which we measure ourselves, thus this competition fuels the betterment of the community as a whole. But nobody is satisfied if they're better because everyone now is worse.
At least they shouldn't. There is something very human in this mindset but there's something very human in the opposite.
The root of the problem is we call the virtuous man selfish and we call the sinful, the envious who wants everyone to be the equal, altruistic.
But as points out, it's more complex than that.
The question we should ask ourselves is: Do we value those who are willing to sacrifice and to fight or those who don't?
To whom is that effort directed is irrelevant, usually because in most cases the ones who do it and the ones who don't are consistent.

Communism was made up by Jews and was used to destroy a nation from within itself.
Nothing that is in it's inception made to destroy will never solve anything.
Source: Encyclopedia judaica.

They allowed the Emperor of the
Goldenbaum dynasty to seek asylum in the FPA and recognized its legitimacy.
What they are effectively doing is supporting a tyrannic regime they have spent centuries fighting and gave Reinhardt his casus belli to invade the FPA.

Essentially, the chain of command was already broken at that point. FPA, at the moment, by surrendering relinquished their democratic sovereignity. Therefore, the army whose purpose it was to act on the behest and in defence of the FPA (now defunct) are only accountable to either themselves or their new overlords. And if your new overlords' values are completely counter to yours, why not try to get into a more favorable situation.
>"right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must."

I get that Yang's not as multifaceted as Reinhard in terms of statecraft, but the Imperials have much to fear when it comes to losing the Kaiser. Even though he has plenty of capable and loyal generals who could carry out his battles, the power vaccum could mean conflict on the home front. Remember the civil war that gave him the throne? With no legitimate heir named, who knows who's going to come out of the wood work as pretenders to the throne.
Just have Schonkopf and Rosenritter breach the Brunhild, capture Kaiser and issue ultimatum to restore Heinessen to democratic rule.

The absolute power you trusted Reinhardt to wield will one day be in the hands of a man unsuited to wielding it.

>We above all desire to be better than ourselves. We want to improve and for that we need to sacrifice, we strive for excellency.
We want to be better than the other person because that's usually the standard to which we measure ourselves, thus this competition fuels the betterment of the community as a whole.

Indeed, which is why Orthodox Christianity is so based, Catholics would be based too if they didn't have a corrupt city-state lead them.

Indeed, which is why i specifically said: a "benevolent" leader.

if a person's takeaway from LoGh is Alt-right then they have to be functionally illiterate. The anime was far more critical of monarchy as a system then democracy. Reinhardt was the only redeeming factor in the Empire and he's a blatant exception compared to the other aristocrats.
My main takeaway from LoGH was that it was showing that democracy was the better system overall but that human imperfections can corrupt any utopian political project.

Except the chain of command wasn't broken at all because he literally received the order to surrender. If everyone followed your logic then every war in history would be a fight to the death because forcing a government to surrender would have no effect since it would mean that the country's military just becomes a rogue entity and does whatever it wants. Just because the government surrendered doesn't mean it magically ceases to exist.

Plus I'm not sure what "more favorable situation" you're suggesting Yang should have pursued. Yang had no desire to be a politician and believed he would be a horrible political ruler and had no intention of taking over the FPA. If Yang become some sort of rogue force with no accountability to the FPA like you're suggesting then taking control of the FPA would make him a dictator, in which case they would be no better off than if Reinhard was in charge. Yang only believed in fighting for a democratic government, but the only democratic government that existed ordered him to surrender, so if you're arguing there is no more democratic government then there's no more reason to fight. That's the catch 22 of the situation.

>If everyone followed your logic then every war in history would be a fight to the death because forcing a government to surrender
Only in the minute cases where victory is literally right in front of them. If the Russians were on the lawn of Hitler's bunker when the Nazis surrendered or had conquered Stalingrad, they would probably still go through with it, if not out if sheer human spite. We oft forget that war crimes and disobeying orders are not uncommon on the battlefield. It's not in Yang's character, so I wouldn't expect him to be the one pulling the trigger. It could just be some glory-hound at the artillery bay giving the Empire one last middle finger before they're killed.

>"not sure what "more favorable situation"
"Evacuate our terrritories immediately and sign this non-aggression pact" would be a good start.

>taking control of the FPA would make him a dictator
Not really, if he does not block free and fair elections from taking place after removing the Imperials, then the democracy has not been compromised. Also, the people of Heinessen would probably want Yang over the Empire, so wouldn't that be fulfilling the "people's will"?

TL;DR -You're right but he still could've

>In that case what would actually have been gained by killing Reinhard?
for one thing, the people of the FPA wouldn't have to live under a foreign government that does not share their values and culture

I thought the point of the scene with the FPA surrendering right before Reinhard would have eaten a laser was that strategic victory always trumps tactical victory.

Unironically this.

Don't be such a goy. I know it's difficult, but try for once.

Mostly true, and the show also tends to have narrow arguments. For example, it criticizes monarchy for having leaders of variable quality, when this is just as much of an issue for republics as well.

>the democracy has not been compromised
The democracy absolutely would be compromised though; you yourself were just arguing a post ago that the reason Yang should be allowed to do what he wants is because the FPA government was dissolved and no longer existed due to its surrender. If the FPA no longer exists, what democracy is being defended? What government are elections being held for? Whose territory is Yang ordering the Empire to evacuate from? Not the FPA's; it no longer exists. It would be Yang's territory, and the elections would be for a government of Yang's making, not the FPA. The FPA doesn't exist anymore, because if it did Yang would still be under its orders to surrender. You see the problem here? You're trying to both have your cake and eat it too. You can argue that Yang could have used his power to reinstate the FPA and hold elections for it, but that would still require Yang taking control of the former FPA territory and creating a government for it, which he refused to do. It was Yang's belief that once the military takes power away from the people then there's no going back, and he refused to cross that line.
TL;DR - You're also right that he could've, but he never would have because no matter how you look at it it would have required compromising his ideals

> >taking control of the FPA would make him a dictator
> Not really, if he does not block free and fair elections from taking place after removing the Imperials, then the democracy has not been compromised. Also, the people of Heinessen would probably want Yang over the Empire, so wouldn't that be fulfilling the "people's will"?

That's exactly Yang's flaw. He is so idealistic when it comes to democracy that he'd rather let it fall than to become a temporary dictator.

>people know what's good for them
>just because someone believes in something they're entitled to it
I hate modernity.

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Part of being a perfect ruler is consideration for what happens after your rule. All things considered I'd call Reinhard a miracle.

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>he thinks Reinhardt wasn't punished enough
Reminder that there's no greater suffering than the loss he experienced never once fulfilling a chance to beat YangKircheis dying too, I guess.

>Also, the people of Heinessen would probably want Yang over the Empire, so wouldn't that be fulfilling the "people's will"?
Yang would call that a convenient rationalization.

Why was every tactic by the FPA alliance so shit?

>send the 13th Fleet on a suicide mission to capture Iserlohn
>woops we won
>get cocky and launch a poorly organised and terribly planned invasion, piggybacking off the ideas of some smuck
>erupt into a state of civil war, in which a coup was incited by a single mole
>fail to take advantage of the Imperial Civil War
>Alliance slowly crumbles from corruption and bad decisions
Seriously, the fact that they got bailed out by asspull Yang so many times is the only reason they survived as long as they did.

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>Democrats bad
>(((Phezzan))) controls everything

surprisingly redpilled

>lands a few ships on your planet
>*psssssh nothin personel kidd*
These stupid conspiring jews don't even have any sort of military or defence system, they should've been absorbed by the Alliance or Empire ages ago.

>send the 13th Fleet on a suicide mission to capture Iserlohn
The previous battles had proven that overwhelming Iserlohn with sheer numbers was not a winning strategy. Yang had probably submitted a plan to take the fort via subterfuge and he was given the troops to execute it because his superiors liked it.

>get cocky and launch a poorly organised and terribly planned invasion, piggybacking off the ideas of some smuck
The invasion was fine. The Empire managed to hold onto planets past Iserlorhn corridor and was able to invade the Alliance succesfully multiple times. Part of the reason the Invasion went so poorly was factionalism in the FPA army versus Reinhard's unified and disciplined admirality.
>fail to take advantage of the Imperial Civil War
This is neither a tactic, nor was there any real way to take advantage of the civil war in the empire given the coup and the losses suffered in the invasion.
>Alliance slowly crumbles from corruption and bad decisions
Lebello's tenure pretty much showed that Trunichit was a political beast in keeping the sinking ship of the FPA alive.

>He is so idealistic when it comes to democracy that he'd rather let it fall than to become a temporary dictator.
My guess is he does not want to set a precedent for others in the future to usurp the powers of a democratically elected government.

That's because Phezzan is just a front for the Terrarists.

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Reminder Trunicht was among the minority that opposed the invasion of Imperial territory which helped him remain in power after the entire fiasco.

While generally inferior, it has its moments and and some design choices are great.
>giving the imperial fleet admirals pelisses
Muh dick

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Dropped this when that piece of shit Yang refused to save the FPA by disobeying the order and destroy the Brunhild. He was always an obnoxious sympathizer of the enemy but this was outright treason. I was happy to hear he dies like a dog later on, though.

can't blame him.
he's a huge reinhardfag.

it's okay, mostly OVA is better.

Plebs don't what's good for them user. Certain people have a divine right to rule.

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Why do you think capitalism was created user?

Democracy attracts the career politician and if the current system is corrupt to its core they will play along with it and so they build an ingroup of cunts keeping each others secrets. IMO you should get rid of them and let a natural hierarchy form and if they act like cunts we should kick them out too, being afraid of power is cowardly and won't help you.

To funnel power to a (wealthy) elite. It's just an evolution of feudalism and other strictly hierarchical systems of power.

even if you've watched the original, it's still a good watch.

Why did those come to be? Logically everything was part of a stateless society at first.

There's always a hierarchy. Not all men are created equal user. But if we band together we can stop the stronger men from taking advantage to us. But then what about the stronger bands? Well then lets band together with even more people. And so on and so forth.

I can tell you're trying to prove your idea of human nature, but you'll just end up showing that in an environment that requires or greatly rewards selfishness (such as primitive pre-organized society) it will be prevalent, which I already agreed to in my original post. The whole idea is that communism removes all of that, which naturally also leads to attitudes shifting.

It's hard o kick out people with power because they have power. Having a civil war every time someone is dissatisfied with the government is a terrible idea.

Socialism does somewhat but the stateless society thing is stupid because without the state enforcing these certain conditions it is inevitable at least one human will start amassing wealth. Authoritarian communism is a flawed yet somewhat workable system but stateless communism is hippie commune bullshit that can never govern a large enough society.

But who will lead us?

I never mentioned stateless communism so I'm not sure who you're arguing against.

How can one defeat this?

Attached: 65f.png (1024x768, 259K)

with this

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The IRC-circlejerk that has since moved to discord.

You cannot. Yang is the master of curvy formations.

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Not a communist, but what do you think a state is? It isn't a nebulous concept, it is simply something built up by people. Do you think that the community will be unable to enforce rules within their commune?

Maybe I just tuned out the space battles too much, but I don' remember his ever coming up.

>tyranny of the majority
Better than tranny of the minority like we have now.

You are very dumb user, that is no polshit at all.


I always found hilarious that you faggots are so threatened by centrism, left and right alike, lol

Threatened? More like amused

The weak should fear the strong

Dude needs a
>I see you're a man of culture aswell

Nowhere near as good as the original, but seeing it as a seperate, completely independent thing helps and makes it a decent watch. Ends pretty early anyways, who knows if it'll get a follow-up or not

There is no better anime series.
Please someone correct me, there is a hole where this show once was in my heart that I haven't been able to replace

I fell asleep trying to watch this I can't do it, they should've been cute girls instead but keep the plot intact.My IQ is too low to enjoy.I'd rather kill myself to discover the secrets of the afterlife.

Well at least you are aware that you're a dumb sack of shit

leftists find centrists "problematic" while right-wingers think they're indecisive, if not pussies
I don't have anything against centrism, but most people who call themselves "centrists" usually, ironically enough, seem to have some kind of loyalty to their centrism that makes them just as irrational and dishonest as the people on the extremes they claim to see so much issue with. Either that, or they're just uninformed people with cold takes who want to be smug about something

it's genuinely good. the only question is whether it will end up good enough to stand on its own.

ah shit, that's great

If anything the show could also be read as a critique of centrist ideology sniff. we spend 100+ episodes debating between the two extremes of liberal democracy and authoritarian monarchy without any of the main characters ever considering an alternative system because those are the only two options ever presented in-universe.
The Galactic Empire spans hundreds of planets but all it is is a recreation of 19th century Prussia, complete with the same backwards ideas on race and eugenics. First as a tragedy...

Attached: i would prefer not to.png (500x281, 119K)

And then they go and blame him every 20 minutes for plotting to bring down the republic

>Elitist/ironic weeb memes aside, is it any good?
Fuck, this is where the memes took us. The multiple layers of irony makes people genuinely question whether those shows from THAT 3x3 version are really among the best shows ever made.

>I as a viewer am invited to shrug and blissfully accept the suggestion that everything is true from a certain point of view (as long as you are not a bad person) and that's just how things go.
No shit. Because this is just a basic truth. Anybody not retarded would agree with it.

THAT 3x3?

Silverberche imagined a technocratic society, but got killed off before he could even tell anyone.

Attached: Bruno_von_Silberberch_%28BD%29.jpg (1278x958, 272K)

>who knows if it'll get a follow-up or not
We know for a fact that it's getting 2 movie followups. One of them is coming out this summer.

Reinhard would never have agreed with it. He started phasing people like Silverberche out in order to make a more sustainable society, because you can't rely on geniuses to last forever. If you rely on geniuses for everything, the masses become stupid and inexperienced, and he didn't want that. He only used exceptionally talented individuals for a quick boost, to be discarded when they were no longer necessary.

Huh? Eugenics was not a Prussian thing, it was a modernist progressive thing, popular among the non conservative elite all around the world, especially in the US.