This is a S-rare+ IceKaguya
Say something nice to her
>I bet this guya can't even say s..ex.
She just goes straight to the main course.
I wasted 5000$ for this shit and I got nothing but fukking fujis and the occasional Ishigami! Maybe if I got a Hayasaka or Prez I would be less of a spaz BUT NO!!! I GOT JACK SHIT! FUCK PAY TO PLAY AND FUCK GACHA! I"M FUCKING PISSED!!! WHY WOULD I HAVE ANYTHING NICE TO SAY TO THIS GOD FORESAKEN VENUS FLY TRAP HUH???
you look cute
there is a kaguya gacha lol?
Ultra cute.
Kaguya > Hayasaka > Kei > Chika
and she was tsun-tsun all this time
how cute
she's dead now, though
No, loli Kaguya is dead and Ice killed her
but is this not bakaguya?
No, that image is Iceguya
she cute
iceKaguya took control and is going to rape prez, user
So... um... what about translation?
>gook translation
So... um... what about translation?
you perfectly know there is none at this point, so stop asking
and raws? where are the raws?
Did the next chapter get dumped/translated by korean bro? Can anyone link the thread?
God damn I was gone all weekend until now.
Go to Stanford and conquer America!
Wednesday only
>the ribbon flies off in a comedic anime-original shot
>a week later, the ribbon flies off in the climax of the manga's main story line
Just how many layers of kino cross-media foreshadowing are we on now?
Karen's levels of kino
Sorry, Hayasaka, but there's a new best girl in town.
Imagine being an employee in the Shinomiya manor, and receiving constant verbal abuse by this merciless ojou-sama.
Hey Kaguya, like my new outfit.
Was Iceguya mean to Hayasaka or something?
I don't really remember
Actually that’s the new SS-rare++ IceKaguya-chan. Lmao if you actually try rolling for her
She's mean to people in general.
No, she’s just secretly the most sub out of everyone in the manga and wants prez to basically treat her like a maiden to be wooed and have her virginity taken by brute force.
>Ice Kaguya-chan
How cuteeeeeeeeeeeee
>rolls for iceguya-chan
>get Rs
>how cutes in the background
Hayasaka was the only one Iceguya wasn't mean to.
>because that is more exciting
The biggest twist to come out of this chapter is that Ice was actually a major sub.
She just wants to be loved since her family are a bunch of morons who barely even care about her.
Iceguya is pure!
She's also the most in love out of three mental images inside Kaguya.
She's truly an ojousama through and through, I just love her.
Also I'm glad Aka when for a full on detailed shot in this page, it's reminiscent of
>Kaguya wants to confess 2
How many dicks has Chika's nee-san drained to an empty husk?
It's scary how Iceguya is a better representation of the traits that made Hayasaka best girl. If she's like this, then I don't want Bakaguya or normal Kaguya back.
>my mouth
that is incorrect
What did she mean by this?
Normal Kaguya is just Iceguya putting real effort into being a decent human being.
i think about she is a virgin
I will be really mad if they just use this Kaguya for 1 chapter
She deserves some spotlight
There are no different Kaguyas and using her for longer than this mini arc and maybe for when shit get serious at home would be shitting on her character development.
is that Anastasia?
I'd love me some Kaguya
Not enought.
And this is a spoiler of next chapter
I want Iceguya to at least humilate Ishigami.
That would be completely out of character for her- at least intentionally.
She stopped being cold and distant to others when she falled in love with Prez. Ice Queen was put to sleep until now.
That's what you call character development. She can be cold if she wants to, but that's not really her anymore.
Imagine if prez went back to being the super generic, driveless guy he was in his flashback.
Current Ice Queen isn't the old one either.
She wants to bend herself over and let the Prez do the thing.
Something like that can happen when you change TOO fast.
>chapter 287
>it's 3 minutes, 17 seconds and 567 milliseconds left till christmas
The pacing surely slowed down
>that pic
she is desperate for a normal love relation with prez
holy shit. so good girl
So Kaguya council is a metaphor for Kaguya resting enough to come to her senses and remember that her relationship with president is supposed to be impossible due to her family, right?
No? She doesn't want to give up on her happiness. Read the chapter
It's a metaphor for her thought process. She knows its going to be hard and she's coming down off the high and formulating an actual plan.
But first she wants to enter a relationship properly, because, above all, Kaguya is THIRSTY, no matter which version her mind makes up.
She still wants 9 kids she is just being less baka about it. If anything she wants his kids more now.
>hayasaca finds kaguya's brother's imouto porn collection while hacking his computer
Why does Kaguya have multiple personality order to begin with?
It's supposed to be a metaphor of Kaguya starting to seriously think about the consequences of what she wants to do. Being mindlessly excited like Bakaguya was just complicating things, now she gets to have a serious talk with Pres.
But even the rational Ice aspect relented to the idea of going to America.
Fractured psyche as a result of sheltered upbringing
All girls are crazy. One day they're sweet and cute and another day they basically want to murder you
> She immediately forwards it to Shi rogane
> ...FUCK
Obviously, even Iceguya, in representation of Kaguya's rational mind, would have said yes to everything prez said during BALLOONS.
>She also finds naked pictures of her while she takes a bath
Like Kaguya-chan it's exaggerated for the sake of comedy but those are just meant to be different aspects of who she is.
Is it true that she tells the President that she won't go to america with him?
Prez is going to become best boy once again and man the fuck up to Kaguya dad by declaring his love for Kaguya and all the hard work he has done to fell worthy of Kaguya hand, then he french kisses her (because thats the only way knows how) with full sound and view of the tongue swirl.
He'd be dead already if that were the case
That's the one thing all Kaguyas agreed to.
fake spoiler
Did you read the live TL or are you trolling?
Those are otterfags, ignore it.
She wants to go with him but is scared of what her father might do
>I have a script to rip it
I'm glad to see that my script is slowly spreading
>Total installs: 4
while still confined to Yea Forums, this is perfect.
It's what happened user, the only one hesitating was Iceguya and that was only because she wants to have a plan before agreeing to a legitametly life changing decision.
i was reading the spoiler thread
when did this shit got so full of otters?
It's just one retard samefagging and spamming the same shitty pics
i don't mean actual otters but faggots complaining about everything
A mix between bored Kaguyafags falseflagging as otters, and desperate haters and animefags who binged the manga and can't stand being blueballed for weeks.
Today was a draw.
People have been jumping to conclusions about recent developments a lot lately, so when those previews came out(which also had no text btw) people immediately assumed we were in for dumb drama to stall the confession. It's the usual Yea Forums nonsense but Kaguya being so popular now attracts tons of these people.
>a draw
No. Today was public humiliation
based Aka
At least salesfag/Kaguya is doomed retard left the threads.
Ridefags who get their jollies out of shitposting and don't care about the manga.
Goodnight Bakaguya, I've had enough of dreaming
>Even Iceguya is confirmed to love Prez with all her heart
How is this a draw?
There's a whole new crater where the otterfags were.
I still can't believe she's fucking dead, anons
Thank you for reminding me of Tokyo Nugget.
I'm kinda glad I never read Nisekoi, I barely understand the Otter meme.
And now after the translation you think we are not in for dumb drama?
This chapter was extremely serious and it didn't get any conclusion. We might get direct continuation in the next chapter or we might get it 20 chapters later (like Ishigami's arc). But Aka clearly establishes a new dramatic subplot.
And it would be bad if not for the fact that we also got hints of Ishi-Miko-Tsubame love triangle.
It's just keeping up with something you hate because you are basically addicted to it.
My only experience with nisekoi is the decent oneshot and the Yea Forums threads.
No problem
Otter dislikes Nisekoi but can't stop reading it.
ie. shitty harem series where literally nothing happens but retards kept reading it despite shit like confessions broken by fireworks happening in different ways x1000
Denial helps keep the otterfags in a perpetual state of suffering.
It's literally the only thing they all agree on though.
>Holy shit, this chapter sucked. Why should I even try to keep with this garbage? Dropped
>See you next week
Otters in a nutshell. That trend started from around chapter 40 and it never stopped until it finished. Many people, me included, fucking hated the manga but kept reading out of a morbid desire to know how the trainwreck would end.
>I want to talk
>I want to talk too
>see you in five months
That's how retarded you sound.
>And it would be bad if not for the fact that we also got hints of Ishi-Miko-Tsubame love triangle.
The what.
>He didn't stop reading when he realized the story was going fucking nowhere and only tuned in for the final volume's waifu culling to see the shitshow
But I did read all the Tsugumi chapters since people on Yea Forums actually cared enough to compile every plot important or character specific chapters
And it would[n't] be bad*
>Status quo mind break bullshit
That's more like it.
Also it's not love triangle yet, and probably won't be.
You'll get literallyme getting rejected first then getting his silver medal.
Miko is clearly foreshadowed for falling for Ishigami. At the very least, it's practically spelled out that she's going to get a lot more development soon.
That's not what's happening.
Don't reply to faggots pretending doom posting came true. The chapter is right there for everyone to read.
>Oh no Kaguya is now autistic!
>Oh no Kaguya is now asleep!
That's not perfect it's a fake.
>Miko is clearly foreshadowed for falling for Ishigami. At the very least, it's practically spelled out that she's going to get a lot more development soon.
How is that a love triangle.
Senpai isn't even properly interested in Ishigami yet.
Cute Operator-maid.
Is now what?
You know how shippers are. Plus Aka seems to be baiting the shit out of them.
We'll find out in the next chapter I guess
>You'll get literallyme getting rejected first then getting his silver medal.
I think you're looking at this from the wrong direction. It's an Iino arc, not an Ishigami one. There's not much story to tell with Ishi in dense MC mode. He hasn't even realized that he's confessed. So let's just completely ignore him for now. He'll be there, but the story won't actually be about him. Even in his last appearance, it was clearly actually about Miko.
So, what story makes sense from the perspective that Miko is the focus and starting to grow up?
Senpai will go out with him but it'll be a disaster
Iino will grow, probably have her own arc before the relationship ends, and then Isihigami will start looking at her differently
What if Kaguya got exposed to gamma radiation?
>You know how shippers are
Obnoxious as always, yes.
>Plus Aka seems to be baiting the shit out of them.
Well that's his fucking job.
>I think you're looking at this from the wrong direction
That's how it'll happen.
>It's an Iino arc, not an Ishigami one
The what.
All Miko will do is trip some conveniently planted romance flags and that's it.
It's a manga for 29 y.o. OLs, and OLs love obvious ships.
>Senpai will go out with him but it'll be a disaster
Hard to imagine a disaster when it's a normal girl and a relatively normal dude (outside of him dropping the spaghetti every once in a while, just like his mentor).
>Senpai isn't even properly interested in Ishigami yet.
She's still considering him though. And even if she wasn't, it wouldn't matter- Ishigami's actively going after her, so until he loses interest or she rejects him, she's involved. It's becoming a love triangle.
>She's still considering him though. And even if she wasn't, it wouldn't matter- Ishigami's actively going after her, so until he loses interest or she rejects him, she's involved.
It's nothing until she's actually, actively interested.
It's all baiting before that.
>It's becoming a love triangle.
Well fuck, release the El Hermano.
wtf ishigami
Why did Fujiwara think Ishigami would ever fall for her bait after that?
Why do people bring up El Hermano as if he's on the same tier as a fat Japanese businessman or the brown skinned teen on the beach from NTR doujins.
Nobody can take that guy seriously since his introduction holds as much weight and commands as much respect as the generic "guy who betrays you" from the first chapter of a shtity revenge isekai manga.
That part will be fine, but she won't be able to schedule dates because of competitions, he won't be up to certain things, and generally he'll realize just because she's nice and hot doesn't necessarily mean they're the best match. It won't be ugly, they'll break up amicably, but he'll come out if this with a better understanding of himself.
What does she mean by this?
>That part will be fine, but she won't be able to schedule dates because of competitions, he won't be up to certain things, and generally he'll realize just because she's nice and hot doesn't necessarily mean they're the best match.
Depends on character development you throw on her.
If she ends up being a basic plot device, then she had no reason to exist; just trip the Miko flags and let the nips salivate over it.
the real question is, why did fujiwara turn into such a bitch
It's not a love triangle yet, nor do I even expect it to become one except in a parody sense. What I expect is character development from Miko, with her attitude changing in some significant manner.
>The what.
Did I say the obvious ship wouldn't happen? I'm just saying that the development will be focused on Iino and how she changes, and that's what will drive the ship. In short, Miko will need to start lusting after his dick and reach a point where she's willing to admit to it, and likely reach a point where she can overcome some personal failing that stands as an obstacle to it. I very much doubt Ishigami's suddenly going to go diving in the current Miko's cunt, even if he was rejected.
The new Iceguya has been tamed. She's in love and only coldly rationnal now, no more rotten at core.
I haven't read the latest chapter. Was it translated? It's just spoilers, right?
She was always a bitch user, we just didn't see it till Ishigami showed up more.
Read the thread.
She did save that drowning student though.
Meh, I'll wait for the typeset version. Thanks anyway.
Fuck this guy. Seriously fuck him. All the shit in these threads is because of him, his demented harem subplot and the Reddit boogeyman. And fuck you faggots too.
Is like going into a really close group of friends. To you theyre puns sounds like random shit.
>What I expect is character development from Miko, with her attitude changing in some significant manner.
She'll trip the flags and go heart pupils on Ishigami.
>I'm just saying that the development will be focused on Iino and how she changes, and that's what will drive the ship
There's nothing to change, she'll trip the flags and that's about it.
She exists for that very reason.
>She's in love and only coldly rationnal now, no more rotten at core.
She's barely maintaining her rationality.
Love is hard.
She explained why.
He's pretty cool and his relationship with Prez/Kaguya/Fuji is fun.
And varied.
Too bad about the shippershit.
i really hope they incorporate the flirting hayasuka arc in the anime
Looks like facebook normies finally got some tas...
>Rui and Yumeko in that list, Itsuki instead of Ichika
Kaguya is gonna end up on top by the final episode, shieldhero has already lost stream while we still got fireworks
Fucking kek
i knew it, this is kaguya 2
Aka has been pretty good at not turning reoccurring characters into plot devices, I'm not worried quite yet.
>western facebook rankings
Yikes. Wait for the Newtype character rankings my dear kaguyafag.
>3 fate guys kirito and lelouch
>3 fate girls rem and asuka
Nice poll faggot better wait for the real polls
She's a shitty plot device either way.
That, or Miko flags are bait, but that will make nips scream in anguish and tank the sales, which is a no-go.
>Kirito and Asuna on the top when they've done bumfuck nothing
All these fan ratings are shit
>wait for nip Facebook rankings
Great, where do I vote Jesus Yamato again?
what do you use? I'd like to post translations along with the pages in the future
>the face of a man who see his first love again
holy shit
Imagine being convinced people won't buy because their girl in the secondary character harem plotline lost.
What real polls? Nip rankings are all that matters because they decide the fate of a franchise. Chikachads will prevail.
Can Prez deal with Kaguya's multiple personalities? Didn't he end up hating Iceguya?
Nips like their obvious shippershit.
This entire thing is basically nip pandering.
He fell in love with Iceguya, user.
Angry Iceguya is really cute for some reason
Because SEED kits so well despite the NT ranking, right?
Well, nah, they bombed and Bankike had to get creative for 00.
But didn't Fujiwara say they hated each other for a while after he was elected as president?
Ok nigger the point is that Newtype is not a good poll for that since there are only the same faggots.
You have to be truly stupid to think that the F or kaguya could make it in the top 50 of the Newtype.
He fell in love with Iceguya though
>multiple personality disorder
Aka is ruining the story by turning this display of internal struggle into an actual plot point. Yikes.
Teething issues.
Prez still fell in love with Iceguya.
Really, really, really, really fucking hard.
Yeah but don't tell that to the kaguyafags they still think they won when the reality is that aka made another shitty plot with the personality shit so he can waste some other chapters with the same shit in the future.
> And his weiner grew three sizes that day
Someone should just take the manga translation and stitch it on the anime
It's not like there's a difference in how they act, normal Kaguya is simply nicer when talking to her.
Best couple
Okay, don't tell me if they married and have a kids.
Every 9 of them will have Kaguya personalities including her new personalities in the future.
We now have 4, fives remaining.
Good taste my man
>There's nothing to change, she'll trip the flags and that's about it.
Hrm? Nothing? I think it's pretty clearly spelled out that she's extremely childish. Growing up is mentioned by her friend in the same chapter that this plot was set up. This isn't even reading between the lines. These are just the lines. Even if she exists to suck Ishigami's dick, she was designed to have a character arc. Let's assume basic competency from the author.
>She'll trip the flags and go heart pupils on Ishigami.
That's just step one. The easiest fucking step there is. Glancing over shit, it's suggested that Iino is attracted to Ishigami, but doesn't respect him. She wasn't able to return any compliments to him. Ishigami is more the opposite. He respects her. If something happened to make her reappraise his personality, we'll have established the starting conditions of a romantic subplot rather than the ending conditions.
Not sure if I am a fan. So how would this play out? We just had 150 chapterts of character developement, it makes zero sense for Kaguya to basically drop her ribbon and then go into a different personality: Some anons joked about mental illness and shizo and whatnot, but if the author really does this just think about it - it's true. That would be fucking shizo even if they need to talk. There is also no going back because if the author then goes back to Kaguya being regular Kaguya that she was the past 140 chapters it would unironically mean split personalities.
I hope this doesn't ruin everything.
> implying Iceguya isn't going to use her ribbon as a gag to silence Prez while she rapes him
>This shit winning
Good thing I stopped caring for the Redditguy and anythinh related to him.
Otters will win at the end only ishigami and miko can save this show
>contrarians seething against best boy second only to president
mad as fuck
We're like 2-3 arcs away from this being a good idea
This is the face of a woman denied the cock she desperately craves.
What I hate is how contrived and sudden the Lino/Ishigami romance is gonna be. They're suddenly gonna fall for each other in a span of 2 months despite hating each other for years, it's just dumb. Kaguya and Prez worked hard and fell gradually over the course of a year while the freshman will flip just like that.
Hasn't this been discussed to death now? She's doesn't have a split personality, she just wants to settle things with no bullshit.
*3rd best
Pres/Kaguya and Fuji/Dying alone are still better
>it would unironically mean split personalities.
>going back to how she normally is is split personalities
Do you actually think she also has a different personality when she uses her routine? Because it's the exact same.
>I think it's pretty clearly spelled out that she's extremely childish.
She needs to be less anal about things, that's it.
She's already cute and an excellent student.
That's not a different personality.
She's just extra calm and composed that way.
Like you during your job interview haha.
They'll never be, even when they inevitably get together prez and Kaguya will have had so much more development than them as a couple it won't even be funny.
Yeah right and that's why the author draws Kaguya dropping her ribbon and the dead eyes like she's just exchanged personalities. She will talk coldly towards him now for the first few pages of the next chapter and Prez will drop his fucking balls for a moment there until she reveals she really likes him bla bla bla but still, it won't be in a typical Kaguya way like the past 140 chapters of her character were and that bugs me.
ishigama looks approachable here tbqph
user I would think it's pretty clear by now that they never hated each other.
>What I hate is how contrived and sudden the Lino/Ishigami romance is gonna be
Shit writing is part for the course in something as generic as that.
>Anons still think it's split personality shit. We literally explained it at least 10 times in the previous thread how that's not even the case and it's just a fucking visual gag of her inner workings, and not an actual split personality. Are you all just pretending to be retarded? Cause this trope is not even unique to Kaguya.
>He thinks kaguya and prez will be together before ishimiko
Delusion is what people call this
trips of truth
Iino canonically disliked him, user, coin game doesn't lie.
Who says they have to fall for each other in 3 months? You? That's great, but it doesn't mean it's going to happen. They can definitely start developing with each other, but as they stand right now, it'd first move into friendship proper, because they still bicker at each other over small shit.
It's not like they have to fall for each other in that short amount of time, the whole "you may claim the heart after 3 months" means there's no time limit after the months have passed.
Because people still bite the bait even if it's obvious how retarded it is.
your headcanonically speedreader.
People don't vote for SEED or generic SEED characters. People vote for Kira Jesus Yamato. Same with kits. Generic SEED kits were never popular, but Strike and Freedom were always selling exceptionally good.
Thats not what contrived means,discord tranny.Stop throwing big words around when you can't use them.
They even had lie detectors in place so we could take the results at face value and Iino was the only one who didn't like Ishigami.
So yes, Iino canonically disliked Ishigami.
Kaguya-chan will tear off Shirogane's uniform and fuck his brains out in the student council back room.
Hayasaka will later call her a slut and Shirogane will have an internal monologue for seven hours pondering "What did she mean by this?"
Strike and OG Freedom looked pretty good, but they both are merely a meager part of the overall SEED lineup.
Which bombed thus Bandai went creative with 00.
And it was good.
Wait, otters are actually endangered animals, or is that edited?
>This is the people that read this manga
Kill yourself literally the last chapter nigger or are you here just to shitpost?
Dude, every animal that isn't rats, pigeons (flying rats), cats or dogs are endangered.
>Who says they have to fall for each other in 3 months?
Aka literally strapped a metaphorical timer for the likes of you.
But that's inaccurate while also being shit translation user.
Jag was a mistake.
and dogs are just bigger rats
Do you understand past tenses or are you mentally challenged to boot?
She doesn't dislike him anymore but basically a month ago she dislikeD him and probably did until the last night of the festival.
disgusting otter
it's real for this otter (sea otter) and several others
there are some doing fine
I might edit it to extinct when the series ends though
Go back
I'm really glad Oda threw this is for reactions
Miko will not be denied
Iceguya is a total sub.
The "timer" still doesn't mean they have to fall for each other in that time. They can surely start working towards not having Miko wanting to kill him for almost no reason, but jumping straight to romance is just what people assume is going to happen. I can see her starting to see more positives in him, but unless something really big happens that changes her view on him (like maybe the flower stuff), but him? He's not moving away from Tsubame unless something major happens too.
Again, there's no limit beyond the 3 months when you can claim the heart, which means the pendant can sit there and be taken way later after the months too.
then explain why she's ice queen now and will clearly push herself away from prez
>mfw otterfags get blown the fuck out every week
That's the part I don't understand, how you read this far into the manga and assume they'll just lazily be pushed together with no development on Miko's part, especially after last chapter? I get being pessimistic but it's bordering on stupid at this point.
She never disliked him moron speedreader.
She disliked and still dislikes the fact that he does things that she doesn't like
>The "timer" still doesn't mean they have to fall for each other in that time
The three months are packed with events.
Aka threw a timer for a reason.
What if Shirgane gets uncontrollably attracted to Ice Kaguya just like how she is attracted to his dead eyes?
Fuck off redditor
no you go back normalfag.
no one wants your reddit spouting mouth here. if you like mentioning that place so much, then why not got there retard?
>clearly push herself away from prez
>wants to talk about their relationship and properly move forward a properly defined one
>wants to go to Stanford with him
>her only issue is that she was so over him she can't believe she left everything up to her emotions instead of doing it rationally
A hundred men, maybe more.
She's not just anal, even if that's her most apparent flaw. Lots of her attitude is childish. Even if she went heart pupils for Ishi, she'd probably go tsundere about it.
Honestly, I don't expect her to get with him by the deadline. I more expect her to become visibly weird about it.
>Explain why my headcanon is clearly going to happen
Seething Mikocuck
Why are bringing up reddit for no reason? What does reddit have to do with anything? Are you mentally sane?
Three months to scare Tsubame off by acting like a little freak.
>calling anyone a normalfag
By the way you're the reason these threads are shit.
>Wants to talk about their relationship
>Literally just admitted that she's the one that loves him the most
>Agreed to go to Standford with Prez
You're mentally challenged. Also, the "ice" coming into light, is her just adopting the serious side in order to talk with Prez, because she doesn't want to go into stupid antics with him with this talk.
What would she have done if Ishigami was actually hurt by her coin game choice?
>"Oh my, do you think just because I mounted you that means that I want to be in a relationship with you? How cute."
>"After all, Genghis Khan greeted people like that"
>Hur durrr a TIMER hurstdurrr 3 months
>Lets make like if they never had any interaction or never helped each other without reason
>Even better lets make like if there is no plot about some letter that someone sent to miko to make her feel good
The "people" that say that ishimiko is something out of nowhere should really kill themselves
Countless, this is why papa Fujiawara wants to control Chika and Moeha, will most likely fail.
>Lots of her attitude is childish
Because she's anal about things.
Ishigami isn't really acting like a freak anymore.
So some basic ass flags?
Why stretch it for 3 months then?
Do it like now.
>The new redditors ship fujiwara with ishigami
>The old redditor ship Tsubame and ishigami
>Why you say redditlol?
It's quite clear this thread is being pushed into bait replies with the most retarded posts ever, or self proclaimed future seers that just decide how things are lazy and what not.
Ignore retardation, and doomposting. Clearly someone isn't too happy about Kaguya threads, and is trying to turn them into shit with shitposting.
Based schizophrenic user.
>Ishigami isn't really acting like a freak anymore.
"Little" freak. Ishigami is average size. You do realize that if Miko fell for him, she'd probably get really fucking weird about it, right?
>Because she's anal about things.
Not just that.
The worst is she's probably still a virgin who's living off daddy's money in college by making him feel really, really guilty about what those outfits do to his dick.
Kaguya is just waifubait. Funny how you shit on Chika for being cute but in the same breath gush over Kaguya-chan, and her 3 other schizoid personalities.
Nobody says it will last 3 months could be less could be more however it will surely last less than the prezguya shit
Because the whole point of the 3 months is that Tsubame gets to learn about him, the reason he didn't even know about the heart stuff is because he has no friends circle to tell him about stuff like that.
The stuff with Iino is baiting out people into assuming the events will play out like what you're hoping too, but that's all it is so far. Baiting.
There's nothing concrete for you to be bitching about how lazy it is when nothing concrete was shown towards it.
Redditors btfo
Greetings 4channel, I am Reddit. We like Kaguya-sama. So it's up to you to like it or not.
>"Little" freak. Ishigami is average size. You do realize that if Miko fell for him, she'd probably get really fucking weird about it, right?
That won't scare Tsubame off.
>Not just that.
It's that.
She needs to understand that normal people aren't anal about everything, since the thing called compromise exists.
That IS the old ice queen. She had a craving for his ___ before anyone in there ever even thought it might be okay if he were to ask her out
Better than 0.
I don't like that word, waifubait. If it were really so easy to write characters that people fall so deeply in love with - everyone would be doing it. The market would be a lot more evenly balanced. But in truth, it's hard to write a character that people care deeply about. Waifu or not, that's been the goal of writers for millennia, and still only a handful succeed. There's hundreds of books written on the topic. I've read a few of them, and trust me, it's hard.
You're not as shallow as you think. The same things that appeal about Kaguya are the same things that have appealed to us about memorable characters since the dawn of time. A good waifu, in essence, is just well written.
When you talk about these positive traits - loyalty, compassion, supportiveness - yes, these are positive traits that make a character admirable. But to make a character likable, to make a character engaging - it takes much more. It's about how those features are demonstrated. Anyone can write a "nice" character, just slap these traits on a character with no other thought - and those characters almost no one likes. They're predictable. They're one-dimensional. And they're just so boring.
Instead, the MOST admirable characters are not those who are kind or generous or loving by nature. But characters for whom evil is in their nature, and they fight back against it. Characters who have the capacity to be cruel, yet choose not to be. Characters who are justified in being angry or cowardly or whatever, who face that temptation - and then overcome it. Those are the characters that really stick with audiences. Humans enjoy internal conflict.
So look again at Kaguya. Here was a character who was a bundle of negative traits. Selfishness, self-loathing, guilt, anger, and paranoia. Terrible person. Who manages to drag herself out of the pit - and Prez too - to become virtuous. Isn't that so much more powerful and interesting than if she had started that way?
Reminder that reddit posting is done by people who browse both websites in order to shit up the place further and pretend they aren't from there themselves, and they can be reported for off topic or low quality.
Pic related is a Reddit poll
>There's nothing concrete for you to be bitching about how lazy it is when nothing concrete was shown towards it.
Obvious flags are obvious, and the things will go in the most obvious way possible.
Is she?
She most definitely had troubles maintaining her facade during the mental trial.
It's been so long that I don't even remember; was it ever even shown why Kaguya changed?
Why are you on reddit?
Can't wait to see you bitch about how they don't go the "obvious" way when it happens then. People like you will never be satisfied with anything and just want a reason to bitch at things.
A lot of effort went into replying to that bait user, I'm proud of you.
No, that's the next two flashbacks.
Probably the elections.
With anime it was inevitable that threads would go to shit.
I'm a chikafag
Kaguya is fucking boring aka please put my wife and the show's real heroin Chika back in the spotlight.
lads I miss onodera
>60% vs 30%
>Most Yea Forums polls are more than 95% miko the rest tsu
>We still have a stupid amount of shit here against miko
You point reddit?
Because It's a beautiful website. By the way why are you copying us liking Kaguya-sama? It's pathetic user.
Chika Fujiwara makes me seethe
>Can't wait to see you bitch about how they don't go the "obvious" way when it happens then
That would be interesting, too bad that's not gonna happen.
/ma/ - Manga board fucking when?
We have hints, like her saying she always wanted to not be a cold person, but never finding the drive to change herself, and Shirogane's genuine want to help others and her falling for him made her change slowly. We don't know exactly when that started happening though.
I like Miko
It's just my nature
>That won't scare Tsubame off.
Don't take everything so literally. If Miko is obvious enough, it'd probably make her more uncomfortable about things.
>She needs to understand that normal people aren't anal about everything, since the thing called compromise exists.
It's not just that. Yes, she's anal. Yes, she needs to compromise. She also has her confidence issues, thinking that no one likes her, which makes her easy to manipulate with a little positive attention. Her attitude isn't just anal either. In ways, it's outright delusional.
Confuting the fact that reddit doesn't like Miko. We love her. In fact you're also not allowed to like her.
she'll be at the party with her boyfriend.
It's a copypasta. First time I saw it, it was about Rem.
Ah yes 90% shounenshit threads.
No you don't, you are false flagging. There's a very clear difference,but I dont think your transgender friends over at discord understand that.
Why are you fucks even frying your heads over what will happen or not? It's not like you can control fate.
Go read manga or watch anime, instead of wasting your time discussing how stupid the other is for doomposting, or being too optimistic.
I can't believe Bakaguya is fucking dead
What are you talking about reddit is filled with shit about that ishigami deserves senpai and no miko for no reason literally the same comments of the people that shit on miko here
Otterbros. We've reached the Climax of our fight.
Next chapter will officially make or break the series. Prepare everything for his arrival.
>Don't take everything so literally. If Miko is obvious enough, it'd probably make her more uncomfortable about things.
>She also has her confidence issues, thinking that no one likes her, which makes her easy to manipulate with a little positive attention.
Because she's anal.
No one likes her because she's anal about the smallest things.
>her boyfriend
but I wasn't invited to any party recently
>too stupid to understand what user tried to say
You are truly a redditor
> fate
A strange game. The only winning move is not to play.
>filled with shit about that ishigami deserves senpai and no miko
That's a pretty precise statement. How do you know that user?
Bro... I think she's keeping secrets from you...
What the fuck are you talking about? Not that guy but, plenty of anons never liked the idea of Miko as a love interest for ishiagami, it's just seen as "inevitable" due to tropes, and most people roll along with it.
I for one would find it neat if he ends up with Tsubame, since side characters hardly manage to get the girl they were actually aiming for.
She's so perfect
the fire rises brother
Will you finally kill yourself if you don't get the retarded plot twist you've been waiting for a whole volume next chapter?
Not that hard just copy a comment like this one then post it on google and you will end up in Reddit
will kaguya finally get an injection from pres?
Call me an otter but I just finished reading through this series and this is a complete disaster of a romcom. It is however an excellent unintentional critique of the Japanese society and touches upon interesting Sartrian and Nietzschean characterization.
I am now a changed man. I thought Mao's "Down to the countryside up to the mountains" movement where urban bourgeois students were sent to work on the fields of harsh border provinces was unnecessary. However after having t9 put up with Kaguya for 130 chapters, I have been swayed. Send all of these little shits to work in the countryside for at least 2 years.
No, it would not be fucking neat you piece of shit ,fuck off. Him ending up with Tsubame for non other reason than because it would "subvert" would be stupid and insulting.
I don't even browse there, is it really that hard to imagine that Yea Forums isn't your little hugbox, you fucking nigger? I've been reading this shit in here since before the swap into weekly, and saw Jag leave after a while as well. Not everyone is gonna agree to your little fantasy land.
>dude tries hard and gets the girl
That's the most basic shit ever.
I swear bait quality is getting lower and lower each week.
Miko is better and canon
No need to be ashamed of being a redditor user. We all love Kaguya-sama therefore we're all redditors.
Ok reddit
All of this fighting is pathetic. Meanwhile us Keichads are just sitting back and eating popcorn.
That's too bad user, but I don't give a shit what you think. And it's not like i'm saying she should win just because, obviously they'll have developments starting out now. I don't dislike Miko.
Who cares
Have fun living a pretend bubble where everything that doesn't agree with you is reddit user. I'm sure you won't be banned for off topic at some point. You're so obsessed you might even start posting there soon just to act contrarian.
miko is cute and would be a good match for ishigami with the both of them taking over the stuco but dammit I want to see happy smiling onodera
>Because she's anal.
Yes. Some of her problems stem from just being anal. I'm saying she's not just anal, she's anal in a way that suggests naivety. Her bias against Ishigami also displays a certain childish pettiness.
Hello Nishikiyama
>He is a redditor
Not like we didn't know but you should go back
I'm pretty sure it's outright stated that Ishigami was the one who voted yes. Is this bait?
it can't be a valid ranking without best girl of the season
Just accept that Tsubame is a shit user. Nice girls never win.
Ishigami has always been our guy
I've even seen them using otters and the dance on Yea Forums lately, so expect things to get even worse.
>Yes. Some of her problems stem from just being anal
All of her problems are from being anal.
She's cute, has good grades and a good family otherwise.
It's not like she's Kaguya who has a family of sociopaths to deal with.
You look assblasted reddit there is no need to be upset
>Go back
Why would I? This place is basically reddit so I might as well stay.
She doesn't.
What he was doing to her in that image just above your post, that's what she wants. It's what her instincts cry out for.
Nobody can call her a bad girl like Yu can. He can make her cry with just his words.
I just like replying to see you say that website's name again, since you browse there to know what they think all that.
Its a shitty VN not a game
Jesus Christ. Shut the fuck up already you mouth breathing retards.
Her family is good, but not really involved in her life. She sees justice as a form of connection to them. Which only adds to how her attitude is extremely childish and simple in that regard. Anal is the symptom of her being a little girl with a little girl's ideas, not the cause.
He respects her but he doesn't actually like her or her way of doing things.
>But characters for whom evil is in their nature, and they fight back against it.
What is this undialectical trash you force me to read through. Its pretty clear Kaguya is pretty much a victim of her own material conditions. She was brought up in the sociopathic sheltered ways of any Zaibatsu family and her amoral view on life is clearly here because its the only one she knows. This is why she falls for prez so hard, because he's a genuine nice guy™. It's completely sane to imagine that if Kaguya was brought up in a healthy peasant family with 8 other siblings she'd be a happy bean.
No one except for a few anomalies is genuinely evil, people just adapt to their material conditions and try to survive. The Shinomiya clan doesn't bring up its kids like that because they're some sort of ancient evil, but simply because its the best survival strategy in the world of the reactionary Japanese LDP-Zaibatsu system.
>this is the kind of post that is acceptable on Yea Forums nowdays
pretty soon kaguya is gonna call up kashiwagi to check how long it takes to go from regular se... to anal
>Yet another thread filled with redditposting and ishimiko shitflinging
Chika a best
>Why are bringing up reddit for no reason?
guaranteed (You)s
No user he just casually ended up there
Is maki reddit? when can we start to dislike her?
Now if you go see who calls who a who, you'll know that are those who should catch fire.
Curse the shitty not-love triangle.
At least Maki suffering is eternal.
I don't think it'll actually end that way unless the editor spent too much time on reddit or something and forced it.
The miko/ishi crowd obsesses over her because she's "typical irredeemable tsundere" that they love seeing win so many of the shitty harems in the past, just because she's as autistic as they are and they feel maybe they'd have a chance. What follows is self-insert even though Ishigami's actually highly intelligent and fairly capable.
It's going to take a few chapters at minimum for them to get together, probably not till Christmas which sadly at this point is probably a volume or more away.
Pres is gonna have to man up to break through Iceguya, but hooo boy it'll be something. Aka's figured out how to stretch this shit out though
>nice guy™
your argument is good user, but do not do that
they are animeonlys and speedreaders, give them a break.
It's a fucking copypasta.
Exactly the point I intended. Their attitude towards one another is actually quite different. Miko doesn't share his respect for her, and I don't think Ishi shares the same kind of interest Miko might have in him.
It will be a while until the animefags learn to behave. Fuck the influx of retards that the anime brought.
I always assumed Miko being anal was a result of her family not being there to push her through the childish phase she's in currently
>ctrl+f "reddit"
>30 results
I think at this rate my mind will transcend and start filtering these posts all out on its own without any external help.
>Pres is gonna have to man up to break through Iceguya, but hooo boy it'll be something
He already did.
Iceguya wants to bend herself over and let him fuck her.
Wasn't that the same coin game where Fuji got a bit red and embarassed too, because turns out she didn't truly hate him in the least?
For all their talk of Iino's tsundere attitude, anons are forgetting someone else DID have such a back-and-forth rapport going with the guy and has spent months since then slowly seeing him as being on the right track...
That's rather exactly how it's portrayed. Her parents aren't around, so she took up the cause of justice to feel closer to them. But because they aren't around, she's never really had guidance on the matter. She has a child's notion of justice.
I hope so user, I hope so. I just think that's too convenient
I was debating on putting it in. Understood.
No, why?
>Don't be redditphobic
Kill yourself reddit
>No, why?
The post you replied to is a fucking copypasta from Re:Zero threads.
I'd like to be anal with Miko if you know what I mean
Just filter it.
I honestly don't even mind the Ishimiko arguing anymore because at least it's about the manga(even if alot of it is bait) but the fucking reddit bickering is driving me insane
>dead fish
>dead eyes
>40 seconds
Why are you so afraid of reddit, fellow redditor?
>What if Shirgane gets uncontrollably attracted to Ice Kaguya just like how she is attracted to his dead eyes?
I've shipped fujiwara with ishigami since pic related and don't use reddit (or facebook for that matter) at all.
Wow so this is the power of mangathreads that you kaguyafags gatekeep so hard to protect? Looks like us chikafags aren't missing out.
You are not a reddit you just think like one
as opposed of 90% season anime Yea Forumseddit bait threads?
Sure thing reddit. Only superior Ishimiko is not reddit and therefore we are the only genuine 4chadders here. Go back.
Yeah that's the part of her character I'm excited to see develop, since almost all of her problems come from that childish idea of what justice is, and the student council will probably be the family she needs to finally grow up.
I mean yes, that's most definitely better than 90% shounenshit threads.
> Do not love others
> They will leave you
Wouldn't be surprising if the death of her beloved mom broke Kaguya and turned her into Iceguya.
Yeah. she's been open enough about this that we know the how and why, we just haven't been shown the 'when'.
Then again, it was a gradual thing due to it being his every day way of life.
Holy shit, this thread is bad.
I like to believe that she's the only one in her family who was kind to her. Considering Kaguya visited her in the hospital when she was dying.
At this point I'm almost certain that's what caused her change
I'm not even bitter. This thread is so bad, it's comical.
Plus it's been shown that her romantic interests are of the unhealthy kind - any attraction to him would stem from thinking he's worthless trash.
That ain't good.
Oh she's mad
I will still blame the anime
>death of her beloved mom
what if she abandoned her? (just like prez's mom did to her family)
Hope there can be a bigger one of this once the proper Japanese RAW drops.
Kinda sad really, the manga is good, the anime is good, but the animefags who binged the manga are bringing back the same retarded reddit issues that turned Kaguya threads into a civil war after Fireworks.
Kaguya's mom canonically died, user.
current binger, here, did anyone actually enjoy the marathon arc? It seemed so forced that the blonde bitch was just standing there yelling at ishigami to kill himself.
idk just me?
imagine her hitting your balls with that gavel
Nips thread. They like Ishi x Tsubame and for them Fuji is the best girl.
Rip Kaguyafags and Mikofags
If it had gotten to Ishigami, yes. The point was just to show that he had grown as a person and moved on from that shit. It seems to be only really controversial arc. Personally, it's one of my favorites.
Well, I think her ideas about romance are also pretty childish. Hell, is there any way in which she's not childish? The way I see it, the main focus of whatever arcs she has will be about maturing as a person. Romance may or may not be involved, and I really have no real opinion of IshiMiko as a ship. How would it even work as a romantic dynamic?
Was that in anything other than the Doujin? I don't recall. Rather, it seems like she has a naive idea about romance, wanting a fucking prince on a white horse.
I wish I was lucky like you, Nisekoi took almost as many IQ points away from me as A Town Where You Rage did and slightly more then the damage Fuuka did.
you read fuuka to the end?
Thoughts on Kanokari?
Not surprising when you consider the fact that Ishigami doesn't like Iino.
just felt weird out of nowhere ishigami wanted to be a normie and lo and behold, the fucking "normies" were actually nice to him because he stayed in the club.
at least we got a little more backstory to why he's such a massive shut-in, other than "oh he's just a massive faggotlord otaku"
Implying Aka cares
someone make a chika thread to get them outta here
Unfortunately yes.
Haven’t touched it yet.
Also I just realized Araburu is getting an anime so that’ll probably be an even bigger rage bait show then Nisekoi or the Fuuka anime were, especially since it’s a Mari Okada original about horny sluts.
What? She was yelling at him because she hated his guts for (from her perspective) assaulting her boyfriend and fucking up her relationship. How is that "forced"?
Unless your problem is that she was there in the first place, but why is it weird that she would visit the school where the majority of her friends are still attending?
It's more like he was normalfag originally, but was forced to become an outcast.
I mean that's the point, everything about her is childish, but it's definitely being built up for her to grow out of it. I didn't care one way or the other for a while but the Ishimiko stuff kind of grew on me recently, so I'm a bit more positive while seeing where it goes.
how many fuukas were there ultimately?
It helped Ishigami get over it and realize he has friends and a club that support him now and he is no longer alone. I liked how Prez scouted him.
>a Mari Okada original about horny sluts.
Man that's a recipe for nuclear fallout.
Have you not read? She's fucking wanted him for a long time. Iceguya was the first to want his dick, AND the first side of her to fall for him entirely.
The ice needs no breaking, the ice has been begging to be slid all over his body since day one!
Seriously literally fucking nothing has happened since the kiss. The leaps of logic to make it so are equally stupid.
There is already one up
Don't touch it if you want to keep your IQ points.
>what a horrible night to have autism
he wasn't really a normie to start, even in middle school he "resented couples" and seemed like the typical introvert.
He is pretty damn strong though for being so massively cucked of an ordinary life for all those years.
It hasn't been even twelve fucking hours since the confession.
Only Akitsuki and Aoi, however there was potentially a third but it turned out to be a stalker of trucked Fuuka.
Funny enough the manga it’s based on (that she authored) is actually pretty decent even though it’s filled with some disgusting drama but for Mari Okada standards it might be her best work.
Outside the doujin it's shown with Fujiwara instead of future-OL-miko-did-not-grow-anywhere.
She's a sucker for abuse.
>but for Mari Okada standards it might be her best work.
That's not saying much.
You should stop replying to that garbage.
>Mari Okada anything
No disagreement here. Though for now, there's an absence of signs for Ishi falling for Miko. On the other hand, Ishigami is probably the inspiration for Miko's ideas on romance and princes if he was the one who anonymously sent her that flower, and has been protecting and supporting her without any expectation of gratitude.
Well, yes. She would be easily manipulated by someone she admires. It's also part of her being overly forgiving of anyone nice to her.
god i wish that popsickle was a weiner.
That's more just a result of her desperate for pretty much any kind of positive attention though. I kind of don't like the leap the doujin made from that to "yeah she has an abuse fetish," even if it was obviously one mostly made for comedy's sake.
It's not happening soon in either direction imo, at most I think Miko will have vague feelings for him at the end of the three months which leads her to pick up the heart again.
Miko probably does too
don't forget we still need miko iino cannot love part 2
Well, I agree that it'd be weird if she suddenly flipped into cockhungry mode. I think she already has vague interest in him, or she wouldn't even be thinking about how she could claim the heart after three months.
Maybe she just wanted angry sex?
you can deny IshiMiko all you want but you can't deny Miko Iino has a cute brapper
Is it ok to use Chika's first name if I don't act like an idiot?
I agree.
She's perfect old men material.
That's your own fetish, not hers.
>only one wiener
Remember. She thought she was being invited to fuck Ishigami.
cleanup effort was for the small thumbnail, but here it is. bigger ones will need the hi-res kodansha ebooks or a redraw/2x
sounds like it would hurt
Back of the knee maybe?
Isn't Iino closer to Anna?
>kaguya's fang is back
based as fuck
>She becomes Iceguya and wants to have a serious talk
>Prez hasn't seen Iceguya in months
>It's what made him fall in love with her at the beginning
>Something like with him sleeping longer and not having bags under the eyes happens but in reverse and he's basically popping a boner and cannot fucking get a hold of himself
>Loses all rational thought
>Actually pushes down Iceguya
>She secretly wants to be taken by force anyway
>A literal craving to get raped as admitted by her already now several times
>40 seconds
You meant headcanon?
I'm pretty sure the ones talking about split personality know. They just want to bait replies.
Just pixelate the image user
Miko Iino Wants to Watch!
*Miko Iino Wants to Join!*
... while she looks hot in that image, I do wonder about the, uh... translation itself.
Or possibly the text was bad to begin with.
Huh? No, I meant is it ok to post Chika's name here? I want to join the discussions but I don't want people to ignore me just because I use a different name.
im waiting for the ribbon origin story
what did iceguya call shirogane in the flashbacks we've seen of her? shirogane-san?
She doesn't like Pres's face.
Probably a keepsake from her mother. She had it when she was in the hospital.
>Shirogane Miyuki wants to stick it in
Did someone say eat?
The ribbon also serves to show her growing out of her Iceguya phase. It's either related to Shirogane or something symbolizing Kaguya having chosen her partner.
>Raping anything
it's her fucking name. just a bunch of miko-worshiping reditors who autism against its use.
Why is there a fucking cat in the ranking?
oh come on that's bullshit.
you know the ass ain't where she'd want it until the first set of twins is underway
Nice one reddit go suck r/guy cock and worship tsubame
>He doesn't know
Soon their status will be BLOWN THE FUCK OUT
end of thread shitpost, enjoy
You know you can't use the r word here unless you are ass raping someone with it right
friendly reminder that kaguyafags got cucked by a redditor
Rui should has a higher rank
>Have mutt kids with Ai.
So what color are they?
They're cross board posters. I kinda noticed some people from the oregairu community and gotobun has been chika posting. Really sad
The book already had a dude with long bangs over his eyes and an open shirt. No need to make it even more obvious.
She's lying.
Chika a best
White like her soul
Pink with flowers
I really like Iino, she is so cute.
>super ultra large pudding
she is such a fatty
kuma pantsu
anyone have a link to the chapter?
Mikolino is like jello. I want to play with her jigglypuffs.
100 seconds in photoshop
Maid catguya has appeared! All curses by Kaghoulya are dismissed and you will have good fortune
thanks, maid catguya
No enough post more
absolutely canon
You've been missing out.
thanks, maid catguya
Thanks, maid catguya
Thanks, maid Catguya
Thanks, maid catguya.
Because Haru is a treasure.
>aichan on the table
Don't post this garbage