Gotoubun no Hanayome

The endgame was staring us in the face this whole time! Ninofags on suicide watch, doctors have taken away their belts and shoelaces

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how will they ever recover?


Yeah now this shit is what I call imperialisically epic! Keep preaching the gospel brother!

Didnt she confirm that she had 0 interest in romance with mc? Also why is everysone saying Itsuki is winning? There wa no reason for her to kiss him in that scene

stop posting my wife you dumb retard

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Why not post this in the current thread instead of making a new one
Also 5toubun no hanayome is the official romanization.

Reminder that the official best girl ranking is:
Ichika = Miku > Yotsuba > Raiha > Itsuki >>> Nino

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Damn you, that made me laugh.

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Damn you, that made me laugh.

> no more comfy threads
No, that one made me cry.

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>Didnt she confirm that she had 0 interest in romance with mc?
>confirmed bad liar
>tells Fuutarou she likes him
>Tells the other girls they'll never be together
It means that she likes him but believes they'll never get together.
> Also why is everysone saying Itsuki is winning?
because she is


He says, after he posted a dumbass

WTN when ?

you have to be as dense as a harem mc to not realize that was total bullshit on yotsubas part


Its dead user.

You're in a thread where the majority cannot read between the lines and cannot understand anything of it's not explicitly told in their face.

So that's why she reminds me of Carrot from One Piece.

Oh i know i just love fucking with people

Itsuki has the most main girl flags. If she doesn't win, everyone's going to be very surprised.

Reminder that Ichika is shoo goood!

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Big if true.

Damn it, she's too fucking adorable!

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>main girl has the most main girl flags
whoa... no fucking way...
Say winning flags, that sounds much less stupid.

What's worse?
9/11 truthers or Yotsubafags?

>Also why is everysone saying Itsuki is winning?
>first girl not winning in generic by the book harem romcom

yotsuba is a quint therefore gets a pass


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You dont belong here if you dont support Yea Forums Yotsuba.


Yotsuba is not my best girl, but goddamn it, I'll be the saddest motherfucker if she loses.

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Same, i really hope she isn't secretly in love with Fuu, that girl don't deserve any more suffering



Which Yotsuba?


What exactly is Yotsuba's aesthetic? One moment she's dressed like this, and the next moment she's wearing nothing but a plain white tee and some black pants.

Her aesthetic is :) and that's all I need to know


Itsuki kissing Fuutarou? What?

Where are the despair fags for Yotsuba? Or the Snake faction? It feels incomplete.

I want more suffering. A heroine shines all the brighter for her labors and trials that test her.

Even if you post her a million times
Her odds of winning wont increase by a single%

Yotsuba is the nickelback of the Gotoubuns

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Cant go past 100% certainty.

Yotsuba is a great band with good hits that everyone hates but as soon as she comes near everyone suddenly loves?