What's the most defining anime to determine if someone is new to anime? What could really turn someone from pleb to patrician?
What's the most defining anime to determine if someone is new to anime...
watching Hunter X Hunter
boku no pico
Naruto or Attack on Titan.
lucky star
None, you will still be called newfag or pleb for liking your stuff.
Hajime no ippo
Flip Flappers
Dragon Ball Z
My Hero Academia
what is that pic? admitted pleb
Doomed Megalopolis
much love, user
Definitely not that one. That's not even Rintaro's magnum opus.
In order of the span of 5 years:
Code Geass
Revolutionary Girl Utena
I don't even like anime, I hate people that like and enjoy anime, but I like anime girls. Yes my taste is already better than most people who browse this board.
Those are all entry level, user
Death note's awful
The last three didn't really gain traction online till ~2012
Are you 2 too fucking stupid to read? The OP asked how to go from pleb to patrician and I posted my list in chronological order I've hit patrician status so i stopped watching anime. Jojo is garbage though.
>What's the most defining anime to determine if someone is new to anime? What could really turn someone from pleb to patrician?
That's not how it works, pleb.
No, is right. That's all basic bitch entry level. You're a dumb pleb.
Lovely complex
Paranoia Agent
I feel like whether or not somebody has gone back to at least the 70s really determined whether or not somebody cares about anime as a hobby. Whether its Ashita no Joe, Devilman, Lupin III, Cutie Honey, Yamato, Heidi, Future Boy Conan, or 0079 there is something to be gained by watching anime at its roots. If you want to get crazy and go back even further to see early Toei, early Isao Takahata or Tezuka's stuff that's great too. But I'd call that more of anime's departure from what was laid out by Disney's introduction to Japan, when in the 70s it really started to resemble what it would become today.
>he's only gone back to the 70s
Tip of the iceberg, my friend. On the actual hardcore anime fan board, we're delving back to 1930s proto manga.
What are you even talking about. Are you fucking 12?
Doomed Megalopolis is a cool title.
Late Meiji period painting really lays the foundations for proto manga, so if you're not up on that, then you're nothing but a filthy anime dilettante.
Mezzo Forte
Bible Black
Dark Shell
Cool Devices 7
Panty Flash Teacher
Words Worth
Viper RSR
Marine A Go-Go
i assume anyone posting about their "waifu" from the past ~3 seasons is new
Joke's on you, I'm up on it.
Somebody post the "pretentious and dishonest" chart
>Yes my taste is already better than most people who browse this board.
Not really, as others said already you are a pleb. But even if it was, that's not an achievement to be honest.
No matter what your tastes are, someone somewhere on Yea Forums considers it pleb trash