5toubun no hanayome 76 gook spoilers

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need the WTN scans

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Mc looks really bad this chapter. I wonder if his fatigue will catch up to him. If another school trip arc end with mc fatigued and hospitalized that'd really suck.

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>Takeda chapter


Cram school + ill( the milk he drink the first pages is expired)

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Takeda isn't a bad guy he just wants to be noticed.

>Isanari spoiled milk almost fucked him up
>he get 3rd place because of this

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Alpha as fuck, leading his bitches.
Harem 100% Halal.

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>the woods are actually punctual this time, even complete with ants
Did we just magically go back to 2 months ago? Also waiting patiently for those tables and KRpentry

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based bro

doujins soon

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I think there hasn't been any side characters get this much focus like Takeda, right? I wonder if he'll become a recurring character

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Based Takeda fulfilling the /his/ canon pairing. Thots need not apply, best boy is getting bestest boy

He'll be Fuutarou's the best man in his wedding.

>another main girl moment
How can Nino keep getting away with this?

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>takeda chapter

I sleep.

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>manga has reached the point where it's time for Fuutarou's romance
>"rival" appears
He'll be best man, no doubt.

He'll be the token male sidekick

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>actually a quintfag
Bitches and whores are overrated, user.

Takeda would be more bearable if he stop acting like flamboyant faggot

Oh shit wrong pic sorry bros

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delicious quint legs

Maeda you've been replaced!!!

There's nothing to worry anymore, he's top 3 national, can properly tutor the quints without problems, and the quintards are doing their best to not get in the way of his grades.
He should be fine until the School Trip, where his stress levels might peak again. Unless someone confess before that.

God, Fuuts can't catch a break.

B-but what about us Maedabros...

>Takeda's satisfied face
Unironically a fulfilling character desu, can't seem to remember any other honest rivalry done correctly like this.

Time for Rena to show up again.

Wait.... There are Maedabro's?

Maeda's just an invited guest. There's no way a best man should just be at the back of the seats during the wedding.

Reminder that 45 are not giving him presents here. The autism lamp granted all 5 wishes.

>Fuutarou and 5 quintuplets wives at their home

You don't remember the poll?

>ywn be this alpha

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What will be the parallel moment for next week’s chapter?

This scene make it look like Miku get the highest score amongst them

Why not different presents but still fulfill his wishes?

>Three contender of fuutarou's bowl didn't even look ed back

Takeda just pulled a nino. Heavily disliked at the start just to become a fan favourite afterwards. Based bro.

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You can't trick magical lamps user. The conditions will always be met.

Can they now give him his birthday gift ?

Despairfags what do we do

Which one of these will cause maximum suffering for Fuuts?
>Rena v2.0
>Takebayashi in any capacity
>Papakano for the Nth time
>Confession x3~5
t. totally not Maruo

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Chapter 69, huh. Yotsuba will get arrested for real


Raiha gets cancer.

Translation when

See, Negi is really good at witting characters. When Takeda was introduced Yea Forumsnons scorned Negi for introducing "romantic rival" but as always it was a subversion of the trope.

Reminder, that they are. The cranes (Yotsuba's) gift were given to Fuutarou by all quints because Yotsuba's desperately still wanted to give him something to cheer him up other than his birthday present, so all quints ended giving Fuutarou a crane. And Itsuki's energy drink was not his birthday present.

>I better resupply back all the energy I spent!
And Itsuki back to her fat jokes

Happy conclusion. Hope never dies!

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Nino vs Miku round 2 but Miku win battle but Nino won the war instead

>subversion can do no wrong
I do like Negi, though.

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Takeda-kun suki desu

This Takeda arc is stupid. Rivals for the quints when?

They are not close, he's not looking at them, and you can't even see their "presents".
It's done user, they gave their presents during this birthday, the last three are giving him now.
There's no page in this chapters showing these "other/real" presents that 45 would be giving him, because there's none, and next chapter will be a skip, we won't come back to it.

>t. Fuutarou

Shut up Fuutarou

What's even the point of a love rival when one quint is going to win the bowl?

>Nino worried his hubby condition

Best girl couldn't be more better.

Kyoto the childhood crush will reappear.

next chapter will be a wedding flashforward user

Wait a sec, it is already his birthday? Damn this js going fast

Mutsumi is actually Takebayashi

can definitely see that

His birthday already passed, they're giving him his presents late

Nino the best the best girllllll

>45 are not giving him presents here
What do you mean!? Itsuki is special! She's the only one!
It's her another main girl moment! It's impossible!



Kill yourself, subhuman

Quint birthday chapter when? It's on May 5.

>Fuutarou Negro

Exams were at the end of April, so around a week would be my guess

Thwarted by spoiled milk. Damn you

Might be what next chapter is about

kill yourself, subhuman


Only bromance matters now. Fuck quints and fuck waifufags

next chapter is a wedding flashforward and/or Miku/Ichika drama

Maybe that's true. Maybe it's not important whether the cranes or the drink were Yotsuba and Itsuki gift to Fuutarou but it's the fact that they already presented him something that had to do with the autism lamp no matter in what way and shape they represented it.
Cause I doubt the cranes and drink were their gift but looking at it this way that's not important

Now that the dust has settled what's out consensus on takeda kun?

It could be all 3 in one

Why the fucking he is this series so popular? I think Kaguya and Bokuben is better than this shit

Has always been best boy.

someone will fall for that

Ichicute as always being best girl
Nino a shit

suki desu

Why the fuck are you not a new IP?

Takeda kjm please hold my hand

Miku isnt very popular, her merch doesn't sell. depending on if the author listens to that stuff, don't see it going anywhere

He'll be Fuutarou's best bro and help Fuu in romance

>Fuutarou looking on Nino


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Flash forward might be about Papa appearing with his wedding gift (as Isanari teased him about) to coincide with Fuutarou's birthday gifts

He'll be there to keep these wenches in line.

no filler

So this is yet ANOTHER (after chapter 68) confirmation that Yotsuba and Itsuki are out of the bowl.

Imagine him fighting the remaining four quints who are trying to destroy fuu kun

Wasn't he confirmed to be Miku's future husband?

Unforeshadowed start, rival out of nowhere but the conclusion is great and establishes his character as an honest to god rival of F in studying only.
What remains is the exposition of his traumatic experience that led him to be rivals with F to begin with.

>inb4 it's Kintarou-era F the-weak-should-fear-the-strong-ing Takeda

Also, pic related

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Which quint will pull the "im your gift" card first ?

That's why 4 and 5 were kinda at the side and or their "gifts" were hidden because they already gave him something with the autism lamp in chapter 75.

My guess is that those series are just not easy to talk about consistently. They are only good for realeasing threads but not much after. Toubun attracts discussions and theorizing. Also the other 2 are shit.

No thats a meme wtf

They would enter the bowl briefly later only to be obstacle for the other three.

He's okay. Still a sparkly faggot but ripping the cheat sheets was pretty based.

Doubt it.There still only 1 unresolved thing and it will probably used to hook into next volume drama.

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bets are its Nino

Takeda, yeah

Yes. We already have spoilers

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Yeah right this is not fucking fair, Kaguya has better plot and romance while Bokuben has better girls. This series is singlehandedly ruined by Nino but hopefully Miku appears quite often early on.

Toubun is perhaps the most overrated series, this manga isn't that interesting.

>highest score
Don't be too sure. SMARTchika might overtake her again.

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What if
Next chapter will have Miku confessing the fact that she's the Kiss!Itsuki to Fuutarou

Not really, Yotsuba and Itsuki already presented Fuutarou something in chapter 75 which had to do with the autism lamp. Even if the cranes and drink were not their actual gifts, Fuutarou already got energy and luck. So that's why they are a little more at the side even though they "might" be giving him their real present.

Fuu-kun~ Your birthday cake is ready~

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Bro fuck off

This is just too obvious, man


Then the manga is over

Yeah, like I said, it confirms them being out of the bowl. Again.

No, it just started 2 threads ago. there's zero evidence.

yet they'll still fall for it

>this is what Mikufags hoping

>his father also has the sparkle

Miku is not the kisser, her chances are even lower that Yotsuba's

We knows the kisser is the bride. If we learn now who it was, then the manga is over.

Heh. Good catch

prof, please.
dunno the probability of Miku alot higher than Itsuki, and even maybe Yotsuba

Oh user, on the contrary actually. The way Yotsuba and Itsuki presented their side of the lamp to Fuutarou on his actual birthday got way more focus then this small page where 123 are giving it to him at the same time.

>If we learn now who it was, then the manga is over.
This. Negi would probably reveal it during the last volumes.

Not that guy for me the chance every quint being the kisser from the highest chance is like this:


>toast in mouth
Fuuts is the cutest anime girl

>Realizes that Fuutarou will turn into a good-for-nothing if he ends up with her
>Goes on to impersonate Miku and pretend to sabotage her
>Knows full well that Fuutarou, with the power of love, will realize it was Ichika and not Miku
>Plans for Fuutarou to think she's a dirty sneak, assuring that he won’t end up with her and become a gigolo
>Also giving sympathy points to Miku, who’s the supposed victim of her trickery
Ichika's playing the Itachi game; making sure everyone thinks she's the villain and sinking her own reputation to push others onto the right track.

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That is one fat Nino
But isnt takeda gay ?

Nino > Itsuki > Miku > Yostuba = Ichika
Itsuki has higher chances and that has nothing to do with Itsuki but more with Miku


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Itsuki >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> all
She's first/main girl, so it's her. The end.

He is yeah

>She's first/main girl
But that's Nino

Yotsuba and Itsuki is are the final showdown.

Based Ichika, sacrificing her chances to make sure Fuutarou doesn't turn into a gigolo

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>what is a beard

>this is what itsukifags hoping for

>Ninofags being delusional again
This is why nobody likes them

I like it. The rivals in harem are usually portrayed as an asshole at first, then get shit on just to show how cool MC is. They also become comic relief or just disappear later. Meanwhile in 5Toubun, they fought each other fair and square, Fuutarou acknowledged him, and their relationship may develop even further with how friendless Fuu is. It will help develop Fuutarou's character and feeling too. There're quite many potentials and I hope Negi won't just drop Takeda like what he did to most of side characters

Why would you rate Ichika that high even though she already tried to kiss him as Itsuki before that? Miku would not try to kiss him as Itsuki and apart from that Nino has the highest chances of everyone. Itsuki's chances are higher cause it seemed she had something really important to tell him but whatever that is, we don't know.

First girl/main girl is the bride tho

Wait Itsuki didn't get rank 1?

When will Raiha join the harem?

>Realizes that Fuutarou will turn into a good-for-nothing if he ends up with her
As expected of snek,always looking down on others despite having 1 digit IQ

Yotsuba's harem?

Mine goes Nino-Ichika>>Miku>>Yotsuba>>>Itsuki

>4's & 5's gifts actually helped him study for the exam
>123 gifts are just for general use
nice catch

>Nino, Miku and Ichika are giving him their presents after his birthday in an insignificant way
>Itsuki and Yotsuba gave their side of the lamp on his birthday in a way more significant way

Sneks are smart, Ichika is subhuman.

She's trying to prevent him from going down a bad path, user. See

When will Negi deliver and gives a drawingh of lamia ichika ?

Based. Yotsuba needs to end up with him.

Remember Ichika tried the kiss before she finally gotten serious so it's not unthinkable that she tried to one upped Nino herself.
Only thing that against Ichika being the kisser is her cowardness and how she tried to kiss fuutarou doesn't match with the kisser.

But nobody loves Yotsuba

Interesting, that's precisely my favorite girl ranking in reverse.

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Itsuki >>>>>> Nino > Miku > the rest
Itsuki because she's the main girl.
Nino is just my gut feeling. Since Seven Goodbyes I feel like she has too much focus.
Miku because she's the most popular.

>it just started 2 threads ago
Eh? It started since Takeda showed up, but it was a meme nonetheless.

I do!
Also in-story Raiha and Eba.

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Don't forget Ichika and Miku since Nino is the main girl and the bride.

Merch sales say opposite

miku's future husband has to introduced

user you're even dumber than the quints

>2 threads
Closer to 20.

All bought by me, only I love her.


>unironically replying to ESL subhumans

Yeah, they do, though. Her keychain or something was the only one to not be sold out.


Ch.76 The fight of the man
>Oni-san, if you won't hurry, you'll be late.
>Five minutes...
>I wanna review it five more minutes...
>Ah, wake up! Today's exam is important!
>Here! Bread! Eat it!
>This is my limit...
>Cheer up!
>Have a good exam!

>Where is my milk?
>Maybe oni-chan took it...?
>Good morning.
>Finally, it's the day for the exam.
>Let's do our best~!
>That's some awful looking eyebags.
>We look same though.
>How is it? Think you can get in the top 10?

>Of course...
>First, I'll praise you for coming here, not running away!
>There he is.
>But you'll regret it!
>That you should have run away from this!
>He's noisy this morning...
>Uesugi-san won't lose!
>I didn't say it to you!

>I didn't know he is such person...
>This is our final round...
>I'll fight you one on one...
>You guys should hurry.
>We still have some time before the exam starts.
>Try some more struggle.
>Sorry. It's not one on one.
>We're six.
>That's your weak point.

>Empty your desk and have a seat.
>You should turn your paper until we gives the signal.
>Let's start the national mock exam.
>It's a disaster...
>No, I can do it!
>I'll do it!

>Finally, we finished one.
>Language was too dificult.
>Fuutarou-kun, you don't look well, aren't you?
>N...never mind...
>Takeda, how was it?
>You look confident, as I thought.
>Maybe Takeda can achieve 200 points full mark, can't you?
>Haha, I don't know.
>I took some time for Kanji, so maybe I got one question wrong.
>No... Just getting one question wrong is great enough...
>Then Takeda will be No.1 this time too.
>Even so, it's just a big frog in a small pond.

Eba will win the 428bowl. You'll see.

>(father) (Yusuke, come to the director's office right now.
>I saw your answer to the test.
>You're quick.
>And this is the answer of this exam, which I got from special source.

>You got 3 questions wrong.
>You're 190 points.
>It can't be...
>I don't think you can meet chief Dr.Nakano's expectation by such grade.
>You said you want to be a doctor like your mother when you were young.
>By this exam's result, our relationship with Dr.Nakano will be strengthened.
>For that, you should make good result from this exam.
>Father... I...
>Don't make me worry.

>It's lunch now!
>We have 2 more subjects. Cheer up.
>Let's replenish some energy we spent!
>Fuutarou, he was lowering his head, is he okay...
>We can't help but trust him.
>If not...
>We can't give gifts we hardly chose.
>Where's Uesugi-san?
>Umm... He's...
>He came to the toilet and hasn't return.
>Of all days...
>What is this misfortune...

>It took long time.
>Surprisngly, I knew it was you.
>You should better review for test, rather than spending time at place like this.
>Review...? Fufu...
>I don't need such.
>All I need is this.
>What's that envelope?
>This is...

>The answer for this mock test.
>It's all written here.
>Why is it...
>And just with that...
>I can surely win.
>No matter how good your grade will be.
>That's completely cheating!
>If that's true, he'll get almost perfect grade.
>Then I should get perfect grade too.
>Can I do that...!

>(Careful) (Don't put anything other than toilet paper to the toilet)
>Don't worry. I never opened that envelope during the exams before.
>Uesugi-kun, I...

I have my pottery glasses on user, I won't be fooled. 123's gifts are represented in an insignificant way this chapter, while 4 and 5 (energy and luck) got actual focus.
based Negi


>I want to be an astronaut.
>Sorry... please explain it from beginning.
>I yearn that space, with no ground, no sky, not even air.
>There's nothing... Thus there is everything!
>Okay. Stop explaining.
>It's the only way I found in my life which was restrained.
>Of course, that's the hard way.
>Only a token of chosen ones from this earth can go to the space.
>All of people in this world are my rival.
>So, in such small school, in such small country
>I can't lose.
>I have my dream.

>I'll beat you by my strength!
>Because the result from cheating means nothing!

>I accept your challenge.
>Haha! No need to say that!
>Of course, we are the eternal rival after all!

>The result of the national mock exam at last month has arrived.
>It seems there are individual differences, but nevertheless your daughters' grades have significantly improved compare to the last year.

>Consequentially, I assume this choice about tutoring is correct.
>Of course, I believe your daughers' hard work is the deciding factor too.
>Takeda-sama placed the 8th in the national rank, which is a splendid achievement.
>Unfortunately, Uesugi-sama is...

>The 3rd.
>It's unfortunate for you, sir
>But it is done as he declared.
>What a weird answer sheet.
>The first four subjects got perfect score without an error.
>But he couldn't answer to the last few questions of the last subject.
>According to the report, he slept as if he suddenly became unconscious.
>Maybe it's because he studied too much for the exam.
>If he answered to all the questions...
>I'll be the No.1!

>Thinking about such thing would be meaningless.
>Uesugi Fuutarou... From the first to the last, he always hinders me.
>Whenever he involves, my plans are disrupted.
>Really... what a troublesome person.
>However, that determination is...


Based Takeda.

So, Itsuki made the same move as 1, 2 and 3.
4 outplayed everyone and got her present to be allowed.
I'm glad we moved on from this

>>I didn't say it to you!
>high iq
Takeda is a chad.

Okay genius why is hers the only merch still available for pre-order then?
when all the rest has sold out?
t shits, phone case look on Yahoo auctions or amazon.jp no other quints shirts or stuff is about

>If I keep peying things for him
>gave him money as a birthday present

I love Yotsuba since the beginning.

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Really considerate.

meaning that Mikus is the only stuff still available, not Yotsuba.


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>According to the report, he slept as if he suddenly became unconscious.
Thanks Nino


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seeIt doesn't matter whether it was intended to be given as a birthday present or not, Yotsuba and Itsuki gave Fuutarou "Energy and Luck" in chapter 75. And even though that post isn't even mine
I agree that Itsuki's drink wasn't presented as a gift, but it was part of the autism lamp just like the cranes (luck) were for Yotsuba. So even if those two things were not their real gift, that doesn't matter. They gave their part of the lamp. That's why it's shown that only 123 are giving him a gift since those three haven't yet given their part to him even though 45 might still give him something.

On the contrary, a Yotsuba ending will be the most inoffensive, since she's loved by everyone aside from a few edgy contrarians.

For Itsuki and Yotsuba to be kisser the author had to put a lot explanation to fill plothole about them why did the kiss in first place when it revealed which sound very bad writing. For Nino and Ichika they only very little of it as the kiss is their entire sub-plot in scrambled eggs.Nino got more upper as she only one out of three contender that didn't get any solid resolution on that arc. not mention there her line i cannot afford to care about appearance anymore which implied she going for kiss attempt. For Miku she is kinda in middle ground because she lack monolog that implied to do something Kissing.

>Sorry. It's not one on one.
>We're six.

Miku's went out of stock much earlier and has been restocked already, while the other quints are still waiting for the restock.
Or they have her a bigger stock because they knew everyone would flock to her.

Repeat that, but in English this time.

>Miku isn't very popular
I know everyone in these threads is obsessed with Nino but come on, you know she's still winning every poll

>no ribbon
fucking dropped

>might still
That's just creating a headcanon to make your narrative fit. In nowhere we're presented those "other gifts". They're not giving him 2 presents, even more when the other 3 are giving their autism lamp ones.

>if Takeda cheated and Fuutarou didn't collapse, they'd share 1st place

I love Yotsuba! She's the best quint!

>So, Itsuki made the same move as 1, 2 and 3.

>unlock 2 gay routes at one
S-Should we be worried, quintbros? Fuutarou won't just divorce the bride later, right?


unless I'm looking at the wrong sites or they have extra stock just for her maybe? then again I'm very limited on where I can buy stuff from ( 80 pounds they wanted just to get somebody to buy a t shirt ... fantastic)

Fuuts got robbed from 1st. It's not fair.

For Itsuki and Yotsuba to be kisser the author had to put a lot explanation to fill plothole about the revelation of why did they kiss in first place revealed which sound very bad writing.
For Nino and Ichika they only need very little of it as the kiss is their entire sub-plot in scrambled eggs. Nino even got more upper hand as she only one out of three contender that didn't get any solid resolution on that arc. Not mention there her line i cannot afford to care about appearance anymore which implied she going for kiss attempt. For Miku she is kinda in middle ground because she lack any monolog that implied to do the kissing.

Best part of the whole thing? She'd forgive and smile beautifully with that black and blue face

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He robbed it himself. Dumb cunt

Nino is literally made for the BBC


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>That's just creating a headcanon to make your narrative fit. In nowhere we're presented those "other gifts". They're not giving him 2 presents, even more when the other 3 are giving their autism lamp ones.
It's not a headcanon, Itsuki didn't go behind everyone's back like Ichika, Nino and Miku tried. She didn't give him an energy drink because it was his birthday. No matter IF it was intended to be given as a drink or not, the energy drink represented part of the lamp. But they way it was presented was completely different, jus like with Yotsuba's cranes. Those were not as a present but because she wanted to cheer him up.

Isanari robbed it, speedreader.

>Fuutarou could get 1st place if he was in peak condition
Good, Maruo seems to understand. I guess there's no need for drama with top 2

Best Bride Ceremony?


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So,what do students get for having such great result in that exam ? a scholarship or something ?


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Why is he still seething in the future, though?

They get to keep their virginities until they die.

FOUR! It doesn't look like the artist made one for Yotsuba...

They did, though.

you're blind, there is one for Yotsubro


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He only recognizes Fuutarou as a tutor. Marrying 1 or 5 of his daughters is another problem

Boring chapter

>>The result of the national mock exam at last month has arrived.
Wait wait wait, I knew the exam was near the end of the month, but was there a small timeskip here?

Ah, I only found them on danbooru, and the Yotsuba one wasn't there. My B.

Don't worry the next one will be boring too, featuring Nino and 2 yotsuba panels


>he's not a takedafag

Guess so, could be as short as to May 1st. I hope Negi doesn't skip the quints' birthday.

But they were all born different months 1.1 2.2 3.3 4.4 5.5....

>Itsuki didn't go behind everyone's back like Ichika, Nino and Miku tried
Their phone group or whatever clearly showed (5), so she's in it and knew about it. And it clearly was her present from the autism lamp, and not a coincidence, it didn't need to be an "energy" drink after all.
She's not giving him any present here, because she already gave one, unless you can point me where this other present is.

All the others had the intention to help him with their presents too, they just cockblocked each other while Itsuki just sneakly gave hers.

WTN where?

All I want is to grab and play with Itsuki's fat rolls, anons. Is that too much to ask?

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Nah, it was actually a rather good chapter. It provided peaceful resolution to the arc and put an end to Fuutarou's suffering. Also it demonstrated once again that Takeda is actually a bro and not just some cartoonish rival.

How is Negi going to generate drama this time?

1 more week to go bros

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Recognizing him for now until something else happens

Confessions and Rena

God, why are you so fucking retarded. I'll try this one more time.
Nino, Miku, and Nino all intended to give him their part of the lamp as a birthday present, Yotsuba and Itsuki didn't.
Yotsuba wanted to cheer Fuutarou up (luck) because he's been looking really tired and he's been burdened greatly by tutoring them and learning for the mock exam himself.
Itsuki gave him an energy drink (energy) not because it was his birthday, but out of consideration since he's been working really hard. In her words: "a refreshment"
The way these gifts are presented to Fuutarou compared to 123 is completely different. And you are a fucking brainlet for not seeing it.

Eattsuki will eat one of her sisters alive

Attached: 1551480246047.png (608x900, 326K)

Yotsuba also gave her's which proves that his narrative about Itsuki being a special snowflake is wrong.
Now he tires to discredit other presents in a damage control attempt

Obviously with the fake Miku. If other sisters find out Ichika did that shit, it'll cause a pretty big fight

Calling names doesn't help you, even more when you're this hard trying to damage control.

>generate drama
He does not need to to do this. All that he needs is to uncover all the previous mysteries, that were left hanging without a proper resolution. And give Yotsuba a proper arc this time, which will show how mentally broken she really is.

The Michika incident.

Based Ninofriends cannot stop thinking about Itsuki.

>God, why are you so fucking retarded. I'll try this one more time.
>Nino, Miku, and Nino all intended to give him their part of the lamp as a birthday present, Yotsuba and Itsuki didn't.
>Yotsuba wanted to cheer Fuutarou up (luck) because he's been looking really tired and he's been burdened greatly by tutoring them and learning for the mock exam himself.
>Itsuki gave him an energy drink (energy) not because it was his birthday, but out of consideration since he's been working really hard. In her words: "a refreshment"
>The way these gifts are presented to Fuutarou compared to 123 is completely different. And you are a fucking brainlet for not seeing it.
Come up with a better bait next time

>Damage control
Ok user

Everyone found out Ichika "dirty" moves. Lolikano revealed. Any confession etc.

And now you're just trying to discredit the presents from the others.

Suddenly I see the appeal for anal vore

This. Takeda is a boring character. Rivals for quints would have been much better.

Can't wait for the sexy cat fights.

Nobody will mind because they would do the same thing in Ichikas shoes, Miku spent the entire last arc in disguise fucking with him and Nino has previous offenses and her "I can't care about appearance anymore"

>Maruo finds out a quint is in love with Fuu
>"Uesugi-kun, you need to defeat this X guy to prove you're worthy of my daughter"
>Rinse and repeat

Rivals for quints would have been much better.
Nah, that would be unnecessary.

The milk had nothing to do with it, didn't you read the translation?

>According to the report, he slept as if he suddenly became unconscious.

Attached: 1524160230678.jpg (1324x1593, 2.55M)

Negi is doing that himself if you look at how 4 and 5's side of the lamp was presented and given focus and compare it this for 123Completely insignificant if you ask me or Negi decided to give focus next chapter but I highly doubt thay.

I hope it will not end with some sort of tournament arc, where Uesugi will need to defeat 5 noir fiances, one by one, in order to marry all of 5 quints.

>negi is doing it
>insignificant imo
See? That's you creating your own headcanons.

Does Itsuki eat during sex?

Attached: 1551575179967.png (978x984, 1.35M)

>Negi is doing that himself if you look at how 4 and 5's side of the lamp was presented and given focus and compare it this for 123
>Completely insignificant if you ask me or Negi decided to give focus next chapter but I highly doubt thay.
(You) Stop with shitposting already, new Itsukifag

Right, this guy's a total jackass.

Didn't Scott Pilgrim have a similar plot

There's a hot air balloon and then there's Itsukifags

Yes. She needs 500 guys to have enough smegma for 1 meal.

Itsuki-sama! I got a light snack for you!

Attached: pdm0fpWAgC1r8u8uko1_1280.jpg (1080x1350, 161K)

>Cold shouldered

>no Fuutarou
Yotsuba really is dead.


Which stat would each quint have?

None of them INT, that's for sure.

Fuutarou loves Yotsuba as a friend

Get rekt, flamboyant faggot!

Yotsuba for 1/10 luck as a 4 leaf subversion

Still dead.

Attached: yotsuba_sad.jpg (2228x986, 868K)

A better question is what board each quint would frequent.

>See? That's you creating your own headcanons.
The insignificant part is a headcanon, yes. But the part about the presentation is not. Each side of the autism lamp doesn't have to be given in the form of a birthday present, you are taking that part way to literal.
I believe Negi made Nino, Miku, and Ichika do it purposely in that way. They tried to represent their part of the lamp as a gift for his birthday. The point I am arguing against is that, that's not the only way. And Itsuki and Yotsuba show this.
They presented their part of the lamp in a completely different way and intention than the other three. Yotsuba wanted to give him cranes not because it was his specifically his birthday but because she to help him. Itsuki gave him an energy drink, not because of his birthday but because he's been working hard tirelessly for their sake. She wanted to help him. In short, their side of the lamp wasn't presented as a gift for his birthday.
Why do you think 123's side of the lamp was given on totally separate occasions from 4 and 5? Because 4 and 5 did not give Fuutarou his birthday present that day, instead they gave their side of the lamp to him.

Not this again...

only Miku would be autistic enough to go to image boards

1: CHA
2: DEX
3: WIS
4: STR
5: VIT
Fuu: INT

You skipped Yotsuba!!

Attached: 1327281511639.jpg (177x284, 10K)


Did he really though?

Wow. Big whoop. Like I even care.

What makes that any different from the others? You're literally trying to downplay theirs to fit your narrative. All five of them wanted to help him, hell, the name of the chapter implies this.
Nino, for example, literally says hers was to help soothe exhaustion.
Stop trying to distort things.

Attached: denialsmile.jpg (1194x1099, 359K)

>The insignificant part is a headcanon, yes. But the part about the presentation is not. Each side of the autism lamp doesn't have to be given in the form of a birthday present, you are taking that part way to literal.
>I believe Negi made Nino, Miku, and Ichika do it purposely in that way. They tried to represent their part of the lamp as a gift for his birthday. The point I am arguing against is that, that's not the only way. And Itsuki and Yotsuba show this.
>They presented their part of the lamp in a completely different way and intention than the other three. Yotsuba wanted to give him cranes not because it was his specifically his birthday but because she to help him. Itsuki gave him an energy drink, not because of his birthday but because he's been working hard tirelessly for their sake. She wanted to help him. In short, their side of the lamp wasn't presented as a gift for his birthday.
>Why do you think 123's side of the lamp was given on totally separate occasions from 4 and 5? Because 4 and 5 did not give Fuutarou his birthday present that day, instead they gave their side of the lamp to him.
(You) Stop shitposting already

Well, shit. All that hard work for nothing.

Attached: yotsuba_sad2.jpg (724x1024, 95K)

I feel so bad for her. So precious, but getting fucking shafted, and yet keeps a smiling face through it all. She deserves better Yotsubros.

>I have always loved you.. Ever since I fell asleep thanks to your $1.7 energy drink

>What makes that any different from the others?
I literally explained that. It's also the way Negi presents this in chapter 75 and the last page in 76.

Attached: 428ch72p18-19die.png (1145x1600, 2.36M)

The time it was given? 123 gave their autistic lamp counterparts after the exam while 45 gave theirs before the exam. The motivation is the same. The difference lies on when they are given in the narrative

Seems pretty obvious to me that volume 9 will end in some kind of nuclear fallout involving Miku and Ichika. If not we will at least get some kind of cliffhanger for the readers of the tankobon.
Also don't forget the quints have an upcoming birthday.

Attached: open_wide.png (1349x707, 575K)

Fuuts only needed top 10, thanks to the quints' intervention, not top 1.

>I literally explained that. It's also the way Negi presents this in chapter 75 and the last page in 76.

Attached: thé11.png (246x444, 107K)

That is not my question, my question is why does their help make anything different from the others?
It's just downplaying, while everything else is the same.

Nino saved his ass again

Attached: v20.png (1115x1600, 590K)

>The insignificant part is a headcanon, yes
Then why should it matter?
From Fuuts PoV, he's only getting presents from the oldest 3 anyway.


Attached: !!!!.png (589x347, 318K)

Yotsuba is strong enough and Itsuki is heavy enough to restrain him. Are Nino and Miku just taking advantage of the chaos to touch him all over?

Imagine being this retarded

Quint Isekai where they get sold to a brothel!

Attached: thé12.png (346x332, 94K)

>SEA monkey
I'm not surprised.

The dumbass fucking posted a korean page and even used the japanese hashtag.
Jesus Christ, this is the dumbest shit I've ever seen.
Congratulations you fucking faggot.

Yes. Nino is studying his glutes

haha if he farted it would go right into their face wouldn't that be funny haha

I thought he died. Is this a different guy?

The 5 Lamias and the art of drugging people

The only thing Itsuki is going to "eat" is Futaro's lips.

Attached: 428ch51c.png (725x432, 346K)

It exists as a LN, not with quilts but it exists.

It's how the readers percieve it not Fuutarou

> tunnel digger just went full retard

Attached: 1549833677704.png (718x782, 418K)

There will be no despair
Miku sincere smile will save the day

Attached: IMG_20190218_204549.jpg (1003x1416, 152K)

based Takeda bro fight fair and square. wedding scene portraying Takeda as the best man when?

There are six billion humans in this world. It's bound to happen there are a GODDAMN FUCKING MORON like this still alive and breathing well.

Attached: yandere.png (186x221, 55K)

What are you talking about? It was supposed to be a gift, everyone was aware of it. Itsuki's being the last one, and the "energy" just make it obvious.

Attached: x16.png (1115x1600, 582K)

So thats why the speedscans were watermarked like CRAZY.

The readers mean jack shit for the narrative, when we already have the kiss plotline.

>I should totally like post this on twitter!

Attached: Baka Onee-san.png (1315x1387, 989K)

Not joking, it was exactly because of that.

>Each side of the autism lamp doesn't have to be given in the form of a birthday present, you are taking that part way to literal.
Yotsuba and Itsuki didn't do it this way.

Attached: Dxfi15zUwAE7VRK.jpg (1536x1633, 240K)

Why couldn't we stop Tamako-chan, lads?

Dude, I literally posted a page from the manga.

speaking of scans, where's WTN

2 and 3 confirmed sexual predators, Fuuts chastity is in danger.

I don't get it, what's the problem here?

He's probably lurking here right now. There's no way he could get the image otherwise.
Say something to him.

probably waiting for this thread to die

Attached: thé8.png (205x271, 44K)

You are not supposed to know about chapter 77.

fuck off

Oh, right. I forgot.

In any case, it's Futaro's win. He deserves the gifts

Imagine looking for cute fanart on twitter with the hashtag and all the sudden you see spoilers.

Much too early for that.
Doesn't make much sense that Negi builds up snake tension over two chapters just to immediately resolve it afterwards. Ichika redemption arc is more likely than Miku confessing next chapter. But Negi likes to subvert expectiations, so let's wait and see.

Attached: 1551448598219.jpg (945x1140, 296K)

Don't bother. He's just going to twist himself in a pretzel to push his narrative

In no way whatsoever.

Attached: 428-1whatareyousaying.png (363x566, 185K)

>first girl to appear in the manga (chapter 1 page 1)
>manga is about Fuutarou's bride and her sisters
How is she not?

Or you could try explaining it to that user instead of being a jackass.

>First girl
First quint that appears in the manga
>Main girl
Most important girl in the manga

All checks out

I want to kiss Ichicute

Attached: 1550747521493.jpg (2852x2048, 3.47M)

Attached: thé9.png (182x314, 55K)

But that's Tamako-chan


I was shipping thèuser with ninoanon, but now yotsubanon is making the competition hard.

Attached: 43_curious.jpg (279x394, 41K)

It's a ménage à trois

Attached: 428ch45p14c.png (502x415, 325K)

>Ichika redemption arc
Ichika doesn't needs a redemption arc, if anything, what she did will probably make Fuutarou ponder more about "why would Miku say such a thing".

But fatty looks cuter here..

Attached: 1551716866308.jpg (257x544, 53K)

Yotsubanon is a home wrecker!

Attached: Nino32.png (260x267, 73K)

I think he already knows about Miku's feelings since he suspected Miku was mad he didn't give her a white day gift so he was just making sure he was not talking to Miku.

Dumbass, what are you trying to preserve here by not explaining? The more people know about why it's wrong the better for everyone. This isn't at all similar to when an user asks for sauce when it's easily found by image search.

Attached: thé13.png (289x194, 49K)

Ichika Didn't even do anything that bad, sure she implies that Miku isn't interested in her, but doesn't outright say such. Honestly Miku will probably find out and spin it in a way that it was a roundabout self confession.

> Ichika doesn't needs a redemption arc
Oh yeah, I forgot. Cute sleepy onee-san is dead.
More reptilian repulsiveness to come.

Attached: hiss.png (401x279, 98K)

Attached: 428ch75p13whitev3.png (682x559, 433K)

Almost done, just adding watermarks.

>I think he already knows about Miku's feelings
Are we reading the same manga.

>common sense needs to be explained

>I think he already knows about Miku's feelings.

Really? He is wondering why Yotsuba bring up Miku in chapter 74 implied he still dense about it.

He was pretty clueless when 428 hinted at Miku.

Attached: Onee-san x18.png (508x720, 755K)

Who are you.
I like you.

Attached: M4.png (158x208, 24K)

Why don't you dump each page as you finish it?

Thè user approached Yotsubanon first.

>common sense is the same for everyone

Attached: thé14.png (223x513, 101K)

Voting this for credits page

Attached: Uesugi Fuutarou Good Job.png (1426x1272, 495K)

> common sense needs to be explained
Sadly we live in a time where this might be true.
People are not on the same level. If you want to cure stupidity or lack of decency you have to spoonfeed sometimes.

Although I have to admit that it takes a special kind of stupidity not to realise that posting a picture on twitter of a chapter that hasn't been released yet is wrong.

Attached: 428_pout.jpg (485x900, 110K)

Attached: HISS.png (752x1080, 913K)

Attached: eep428color.png (322x395, 139K)

>he wants to eat Miku's stinky ass while nino farts on his dick

To be honest I would flay all of you alive and feed you to the vultures for a chance to see Nino' pussy.

Miku probably has the highest poison resistance.

Attached: 1526943595145.png (285x255, 70K)

Attached: Onee-san x14 E2.png (1063x500, 749K)

I'm deeply dissapointed in the Thèuser if that's the case.
Don't worry Ninoanon, I'm at your side. You need to cut them from your life. They're not worthy of you.

Attached: whyyou.png (284x325, 96K)

Attached: 1551460771170.jpg (322x365, 24K)

Which quint is the most cunning? Yotsuba?

Who are you quoting?

That's what bros are for.

Attached: ニヤリ.png (504x611, 270K)

Attached: thé15.png (453x488, 246K)

Stop bullying Yotsuba

Attached: 428+2-wtf.png (865x559, 537K)

Lazy pooper


I'm sorry Tanaka, you might be a faggit but you are an alright faggot

Quints don't poop btw


Only one shall survive!

Attached: Masked Rider SNEK.jpg (530x831, 153K)


Except Yotsuba.

Yeah but does she posses the Mangekyo Sharingan yet?

>tutored 5 retards
>diarrhea during exam date
>still 3rd rank nationally
the fuck, this guy is literally the best student in Japan. I thought he was only king of scrubs.

Attached: 1526889970392.jpg (161x231, 17K)

Maruo here, I can confirm this

Attached: yandere2.png (256x286, 86K)

Whatever his name was

Fuutarou already knows who will win his heart

Attached: Dxus8TyUYAACgIh.jpg (2000x1899, 625K)

Honestly that would just make me live Ichika more

You're never home, how could you know?

Attached: 1549989815327.png (162x218, 75K)

>doubting Nino's hubby

Attached: wildanddreamy.png (419x779, 272K)

So...why did fatty think she can get the best grade again?

Not to mention working part-time at a restaurant too

Wonder how he would've ranked if the quints weren't on the line

Attached: Modern Warfare.png (672x372, 316K)

All those burgers turned her brain into patty

Food poisoning?

She wanted to prove that Fuuts is so great of a tutor that she could get top scores due to being taught by him.

Check the flushed toilet contents with a ultra high speed camera of course.

Low level of blood sugar.

Attached: 1549833500077.jpg (166x354, 30K)

Attached: fuutarou.png (900x176, 139K)

Attached: Fuu-kun.jpg (463x582, 61K)

>2 garbage chapters in a row after something actually happens

Attached: 4d.png (56x178, 19K)

Low level of brain activity
High level of bowel movement

I meant suspicion rather than knowledge, he was probably playing dumb when Yotsuba mentioned it. He is dense but I don't think he is THAT dense.


Attached: 1549364106176.png (309x257, 79K)

without the quints i don't think he would be motivated to reach such a high rank

She's main girl.

Hold on, quintcucks! I will claim my orbiter back!

Attached: netoribayashi_soon.jpg (517x1605, 254K)


Attached: 1522827088692.png (184x233, 14K)

Attached: 428ch72p18-19howcute.png (1145x1600, 2.33M)

>implying Fuuts still care about this slut

You know that she will eventually

>tfw 1st and 2nd rank is Joker and his waifu

Attached: 1526346818753.gif (500x439, 560K)

Attached: Onee-san pout x39.png (581x600, 716K)

Itsuki has lard for brain, that's nothing new.
Oh, dear...

He is

Sorry, but he is that dense and consistently so.
Everytime there is only the slightest hint from anyone he's immediately like "but that could never be the reason".

Attached: finish_him_fatality.jpg (473x514, 63K)

Attached: thé16.png (180x577, 103K)

R-Real winners aim high no matter what.

Attached: How should I put it.png (351x487, 206K)

You're giving too much credit to Fuutarou.

Yotsuba chapter is the one where nothing happened though

>implying Fuuts is not into yamato nadeshikos with modest chest

Attached: 1525114814915.png (493x399, 160K)

Attached: ..png (25x15, 4K)

Ichika a best

Because she wants to prove Fuutarou is the best tutor for the quints

Attached: ninosip.png (378x558, 224K)

Attached: thé5.jpg (147x201, 11K)

Attached: 1551672704099.jpg (720x720, 92K)

How's the chapter?

Attached: 1547489449718.png (352x493, 167K)

Yotsuba selfdestructed her ship. That's hardly nothing.

Attached: image3 (3).png (332x312, 79K)

How long until Itsuki reveals that she's the kisser and the reason she did it was because fuutarou had crumbs on his face?

Attached: peek.png (128x83, 9K)

We all know what mental state you're in.


Attached: 1549992297037.jpg (2048x1448, 282K)

There are more than one théanons and more than one ninosip anons. Both impostors are me.


I don't know, the kiss will probably not be mentioned for a while or even play much of a role until at end. It would suck if the kiss is a big factor in Fuutarou's choice if you ask me.

Attached: 1524930307865.png (542x397, 176K)

Attached: 0Hello I am Nono.png (301x161, 80K)

Almost done, 4 pages left. Not much free time this couple of weeks, been assigned alot of OT

Attached: 1550734805380.jpg (1199x996, 259K)

>F will choose
Haha, you seriously think he won't be railroaded by them to make a decision

Attached: thé17.png (159x171, 19K)

Wait, does Nino have a twin sister?

I hope he won't.

Ichika, Nino and Yotsuba got chapters accompained by Negi's tweets each, only the first two got Fuutarou to check their lips recalling the bell kiss.
What awaits 3 and 5 for the next volume?

No but she has a sister that admires her enough to start copying her

be careful

Attached: 428vol8colorstorevKillBill.png (838x1024, 765K)

There are no brakes aboard the quints train.

Attached: 1550790079953.jpg (1280x720, 270K)

Attached: 1524930307864.png (222x397, 73K)

Attached: 1549295360697.png (223x218, 44K)

Does Yotsuba dye her pubes blonde too?

Attached: thé18.png (533x556, 307K)

This thread is gay

I also pretended to be a Ninonumberingfag once.

Nino shlicks with her pinky extended. You can't buy class.

Attached: Nino91.png (584x1088, 428K)

Attached: thé19.png (198x591, 113K)

Attached: Nino119.png (348x417, 109K)

But does she smell flowers while doing it?

No u

Attached: miku wet dream.jpg (320x808, 113K)

Still better than the usual ESL and SEAmonkey faggotry

> class
You remember what happens with upper class?

Attached: 1549328065944.png (1240x1754, 1.61M)

As gay as Takeda for Fuutarou

Attached: Wrong Timeline.jpg (1356x837, 286K)

Attached: 1530374587411.png (440x206, 72K)

Which quint can take in the most amount of cum? No Itsuki absorption memes please

I'd love to spend an afternoon with you

Attached: 1550134185265.png (226x216, 72K)

> wrong timeline
Are you sure?

Attached: 1549297436435.jpg (1445x1131, 327K)

The answer for everything lewd is Yotsuba


Attached: thé20.png (257x335, 89K)

>almost died from food poisoning
>almost died from falling of a cliff
>almost died from drowning
>almost died from drowning AGAIN
>almost died from japanese cold
>almost died from exhaustion
Pretty damn sure.

Attached: 12315563156.png (398x478, 194K)

Attached: 4_burger.png (395x331, 39K)

>That's hardly nothing.
Yotsuba is nothing.

So how do you think will rejections happen?
4 quints losing at the very end?
I can't imagine a quint getting rejected and the story just continuing while she is irrelevant

>almost died from overeating

Attached: Fuuts_as_Kirby.jpg (496x498, 56K)

Then I will give her my everything

So I take it that none of the quints actually like Fuutarou for real and that Maruo was right?


Yes only Takeda loves him the 5 whores only love themselves

>Futaro ranks 3rd in the nationals
Get a load of this fag

>almost died from falling of a cliff
Saved by Nino
>almost died from drowning
Saved by Nino
Nino is Fuu-kun's heroine

Attached: 1551706143226.jpg (1534x2048, 266K)


> I can't imagine a quint getting rejected and the story just continuing
That's because it won't happen. One out of five until the very end.

Attached: 1549447757343.jpg (799x770, 275K)

I wish Yotsuba would win.

Attached: 1551062627817.jpg (836x758, 80K)

Your everything amounts to nothing.

Attached: thé3.png (232x286, 34K)

More than one person can love Nino you fuck


Not true, I'm the only one who loves her.


Denied. Only I have permission to love her.

> Yotsuba puffs up her chest with DESPAIR

Attached: 1549338315438.png (643x969, 309K)

Attached: 1546900083654.jpg (638x960, 76K)

you think the quints would rather Fuu date someone outside the family or their own sister?

Roofied by Nino, basically, made his job in the beginning impossible.


Attached: yotsuba_nolewd.jpg (384x202, 28K)

God I wish that were me

That's a shitty harem mechanic. It would be unnatural

Attached: 1549078744992.png (122x203, 7K)

It was impossible at the start because only Yotsuba would cooperate.

God I wish that were me
Also Nino saved his fucking job in chapter 20

All me, btw

Attached: 1551609796168.png (1536x1652, 878K)

>replying to a tripfaggot

I wish Yotsuba would be relevant.

>almost died from falling of a cliff -> because of Nino
> almost died from drowning -> because Nino was useless.
I hope she stops trying to save him, or she will kill him eventually.

Attached: Fuuts_pout.jpg (124x86, 3K)

Cute pout for ants.

In fact, would like to present a statement that it's because of Nino drugging Fuutarou that we are where we are today.
It's the single, most important event that set the whole manga in motion.
We should thank her for it.

Attached: 1545138866131.jpg (913x1200, 1.21M)

Did you start reading the manga today?
Guessing who it is, was always the main gimmick. Killing it before the very last chapter makes no sense.

Attached: 1551375236113.jpg (1302x442, 200K)

Attached: 1550874155360.png (476x341, 111K)

Please describe each toubun's anus smell.

Better yet, which quint has the puffiest vagina.

I know. It's still bad and I don't like it.

>tfw 5toubun is too grounded to have a harem ending

Attached: snake_smile.png (282x487, 149K)

Uesugi x Takeda was the real end game

Attached: thé6.jpg (640x821, 147K)

> hating on the quints game
Are you not entertained? Is this not why you're here?

Attached: eeeeh.jpg (596x849, 220K)

Don't worry. Nino will always save her hubby and Fuu-kun will always save her.
That's the beauty of their relationship.

Attached: DyyvIgNUUAUz6pG.jpg orig.jpg (1377x2039, 516K)

>manga set in modern day japan
>wants harem ending

Attached: Still Processing.gif (1350x1384, 743K)

>Nino worried his hubby condition
That was Miku though.

Sounds more like torture than beauty to me.
How about not putting him in danger?

Attached: 1550817559757.png (1056x912, 572K)