This is your favorite picture of Illya

This is your favorite picture of Illya.
Post your favorite picture of Illya.

Attached: 1446360549246.jpg (584x749, 93K)

Other urls found in this thread:

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I remember this thread

But I'd get banned.

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Actually one of my favorites. God I love older fanart of Illya so much

Attached: __fujimura_taiga_and_illyasviel_von_einzbern_fate_stay_night_and_etc_drawn_by_tatekawa_mako_and_wnb_ (653x500, 114K)

Me too.

Reminder: last Illya thread got 404'd.

>Sat 14 Nov 2015
Jesus Christ

Attached: 1545469617393.jpg (680x578, 48K)

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based gil

Attached: Family Ties.jpg (749x1200, 82K)

Gosh I love Ilya.

The thread that hit the bump limit yesterday was just an image dump by the end and did fine, although that at least started with some anime discussion.

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Am I gay for not finding this particularly arousing? It's just cute.

>18 years old
Based Nasu

Imagine walking through a sunflower field and running into Illya like this. What would you do?

Grab the loli and leave.

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Oh boy

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Attached: SMASH!.png (800x600, 935K)

Attached: Illya_you're_here_forever.jpg (1920x1080, 926K)

Ah, I see Illya is well-versed in the F/GO Gacha grind.

That's not true. I uninstalled F/GO after 3 weeks and got over the withdrawal symptoms in a day or two.

Attached: illya_teehee.jpg (1920x1080, 821K)

Those lines she said were lewder than the actual lewd scenes.

I uninstalled it after one day because I remembered how much I hate gacha.

Attached: 7b3041fcfccf1060a73fe3e6f83c3d17.jpg (800x672, 196K)

>Not playing FGO when it has Illya, her mom, her dad, her sister, her BFF, and her brother in it.

This entire scene was both cute and funny

What's the actual gameplay like? Just tap the screen randomly and grind?

Gacha shit isn't healthy for mind

Yes and but that's not really the main appeal, more like an excuse to get a dopamine rush from this gambling simulator.

Attached: fgo_0.jpg (960x4015, 1.77M)

> implying I'll ever get them without shelling out real cash
> implying I'll ever get them after shelling out large amounts of cash
> implying I'll grind through the shitty gameplay and atrocious story to get them
You make a party out of 2 servants + extra from a different player. There are three types of attacks represented by cards and you create chains based on the types (same type = bonus) and character (same character = extra attack) and fight a bunch of trash mobs and the occasional servant. There are a couple of buffs the Master applies. I got through the first 3 singularities by relying on support and the occasional SQ (in game currency that you can also buy with real cash) to revive the party and refill NP gauge.
Awesome. I was looking for this image because I saw it in the F/Z thread we had recently.

Attached: Seiba_implying.jpg (587x539, 45K)

This is my favorite picture of Illya. Post my favorite picture of Illya.

Attached: 1446360549246.png (584x749, 442K)

That sounds absolutely terrible as an actual game. Is there just a dump of the images somewhere?

Attached: 1498264563029.jpg (960x538, 61K)

That's a massive misrepresentation, don't lie to the guy.

The actual gameplay is turn-based combat where you use three Servants at a time out of a party of six, where each Servant provides 5 attack cards in a 15 card deck. You draw 5 cards from that deck each turn and select 3 to use. You can make chains and such with the three types of cards, and if you use three cards from the same servant they get an extra attack. Each Servant also has three skills and a noble phantasm, it's a decently deep combat system for a phone game, with its own meta. You can beat the entire game using servants attainable without SQ, even though the game gives you plenty of it for rolls for 4* and above Servants, as long as you level them and their skills, and pay attention to team composition, type advantage and so on.

>Iri is free, you get her for participating in an event
>literally everyone else other than Illya is 4*
Get them on rateup with story SQ, you cowardly bitch. Also the story gets good Camelot onwards, with it becoming a proper Fate story in its own right.

Literally just give it a try and if the gameplay's not for you read the story online.

I don't have any examples. Look up a walk-through on YouTube if you'd like. I forgot to mention that there are noble phantasms and class counters that work like rock-paper-scissors with Archers being effective against Sabers, Sabers against lancers, and Lancers against archers, and the same goes for the cavalry classes except Berserker who does extra damage to everyone and is just as vulnerable. To be honest, the gameplay is not as awful as I made it sound. It's not mind-numbingly boring but it gets repetitive quickly, especially since you're going to have a very strong servant on your side that would make losing almost impossible, and when you do lose you're heavily incentivized to just get it over with by using an SQ instead of hoping for better RNG with the cards next time. Strategy doesn't play much of a role here. There are also passive buffs (the craft essense mentioned in that gacha collage) but in my experience they're not extremely useful and most are shit.

All that said, the main draw is definitely the girls. And that aspect is awful. So is the story, although some people say it gets better in two "singularities" (AKA chapters) but it's mostly retarded and memeworthy. There was an event where a Saberface based on the blue lightsabre dudes from Star Wars fighting another Saberface based on the red ones. They even replicated the sound effects.

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