S2 premieres April 2nd. Preview of the new key visual has been released. Are people hype?

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I'm hyped. The artstyle, whilst different, still looks really nice. Wonder if Do-S will make an appearance.

Nah, looks shit.

I’m excited to see how S2 stacks up. Love the manga. It’s a bit worrying, however, that there’s less than a month till S2 premieres and we still haven’t gotten a proper trailer with some animation.

The art by Chikashi Kubota looks great, too bad this won’t be the actual quality of the show. It’s a shame that he isn’t the animation director anymore.

>Dead show
>Dead thread.

Looks absolutely based.

Really hope the season goes up to Elder Centipede battle. Finishing after the Tournament arc seems dull to me.

The EC fight WILL be the S2 finale.

>2 months to go,only 2 episodes done


I hope so, seems perfectly reasonable.


Those drawings are nice and they aren't copied from anything.
We can already see Garou's muscles flexing. It is the same pose he did when he attacked WDM.
I don't remember fubuki flying like that.

The drawing is original but she did against Saitama.

There isn't any proof except that yonko fag. And these retards still believe him even after knowing his recents flops and that he never made 1 correct one punch man guesses.

That remembers me the webcomic page where she left her group and followed Tatsumaki and Saitama.

How do you know?

This or next week, we will get one.

When did we get the animated trailer of Mob s2 compared to the first episode release?

>still no trailer
im scared

Chikashi Kubota stated this himself on Twitter a while ago.

It aired in july and they had already released a full length animated trailer on february.

No he didn't. This is a wide mis-information that was spread by shitty online "anime news" sites

Murata's filler and JC staff killed the hype.

That was just ONE that couldn't bear that his shitty shonen was less popular than a random manga he did because he had nothing to do. Also he has to divide his income with Murata, while if he slowly ruins the serie, he can just get that fat paycheck later on, if Murata drops it, or from Pyscho that dit tards will be sure to watch.

Isnt Suiryu black?


Shut up fag, next release of the manga and it will return. Most likely this friday.

2nd season should be even better than the last. I am erupting with giddiness.

>ONE that couldn't bear that his shitty shonen was less popular than a random manga he did because he had nothing to do.
Wouldn't surprise me.

>PPP filler chapter

That is probably the reality though.

I was being serious it wouldn't surprise me. You see it happen sometimes.

How does that look different when it's drawn by the same person as every S1 material?

That filler chapter is leading to Garou return.

>those 2 finished episodes are introduction of new characters
>rest are fillershit so J.C. Staff didn't give a shit

His angel style will bring popularity again to these threads full of fags.

Sounds pretty filler to me.

There's the same hype as most of the time after the anime ended though. You retards keep repeating this like it means something, but OPM is one of the most popular ongoing manga, with chapters like the EC fight and the Orochi fight getting a lot of attention.
You retards act like a manga can only be popular if it has resident shitposters that only think about that series and stay in the threads all day long.

Don't argue with fillerposters. Last chapter had literally the most of that responses in a while, and that chapter was 90% webcomic content, panel for panel.

This. The Amai Mask chapter threads for example.

>doesn't know how it works.
He wasn't the director/character designer in every episode of s1.

I know how it works. But this is promotional material, comparing it to the anime is retarded, so I assume he was comparing it to S1's material, which I specify in my post. Little behind the curve, aren't you?

Don't worry, they'll rush it alright.

>which I specify in my post
>it's drawn by the same person as every S1 material?

Congrats on your reading comprehension mate, I'll make things easier for you:
>S1 material

The promotional material also confirms the ED will be sung by Furukawa Makoto (Saitama's VA) and it's called "I'll come back, even without a map" (地図が無くても戻るから).

>S1 isn't included in S1 material

I guess they realised how bad the complete lack of promotion was looking.

Material refers to promotional material, user. Don't be stupid on purpose.

>Furukawa Makoto (Saitama's VA)
Why are they trying to buget this much?

But we've already seen the first PV, where the characters look nothing like Kubota's artstyle.

Do you people not follow other anime at all or something? This is nothing special, a lot of anime that's airing in the same season has received similar amounts of promotion. Some haven't even got PVs.

That's not how this works.
The scan shows who the art directors are, and neither of them is Kubota.

I won't admit I read it wrong.

He got it
I was referring to this part
>too bad this won’t be the actual quality of the show

>That's not how this works.
How does it works then?

Music and VA are different parts of anime. Whenever they use a VA that works in the same anime to sing one of the theme songs, it's because it's a lot easier to schedule, and sometimes it fits the sort of thing they are going for. They still have to pay him as they would any other singer, it isn't the same contract as the acting he does in the anime, and he gets royalties and shit from it.

That guy isn't a professional singer.

So? VAs always know how to sing, he's even worked as a male idol in Tsukipro. VAs aren't cheaper than outside musicians, they just let them use the songs as part of the anime.

You know nothing of what you are writing. How is using a VA and not a professional singer not reducing cost of the production? He can't ask the same price as a normal musician because he isn't professional, nor famous.
He was literally used to end the ovas song because the ovas didn't have any budget left due to the season.

Is this for real? The art looks too good to be true, especially Garou.

Attached: garou jcs.jpg (288x343, 43K)

A VA and a professional singer are the same for anime, since all that matters is how much they can sell. Have you ever watched live Japanese TV? The music ads are as much for "professional" singers as they are for VAs that also sing.

He can definitely ask for the same price, and if you are so adamant about that not being the case show some proof, since it's your claim and all. If you look at CD sales you'll find out that VA disks sell very well.

How come none of the jokes are funny in this?

They keep repeating the "haha I'm so far above you, I don't even care what you're doing" joke which just makes him look like a prick. Is that what appeals to redditards?

Can you translate some infos there?

It's referencing a manga page and the art is okayish.

Garou's pose looks wacky imo. Should've chosen something else. Also I hate how most anime make tight black clothes look like fucking plastic.

Attached: 14517309748328.png (568x847, 168K)

>i have no interest in the series therefore is dead
i love this meme

They can't resist drawing highlights on everything.

Yeah they should've drawn Garou standing with his back to us. I mean, hello.

Attached: DOKUDUtUQAEuK9j.jpg (1485x1551, 1.76M)


>one month until season airs
>still no anime visual of Garou's back

What the fuck are they doing

Fuck it took so long to get this out wtf

You realize that poster looking good doesn't say anything about the quality of the Anime right?

That looks good. Anyway of course im hype. I can't wait to see how shit the Anime is gonna look. At the very least the season will be fun for that alone

Well, it’s pretty obvious the overall quality of S2 won’t look anything like the art in the promotional material, which was made by Kubota. The few shots we got in the last pv confirmed that. It looked pretty bad art wise.

That’s because this is drawn by Kubota, the character designer. He’s drawn all the promotional material so far. The character drawings from the last pv were all drawn by J.C. Staff employees, hence the difference in art quality.

The art in the show will look worse than this as the person who drew this won’t be working on the actual animation on S2

>tried to copy Murata's style but fucked up Garou's shoulders and hair
>looks too good
I get it he's hard to draw, but come the fuck on.

Attached: 1533514372182.jpg (307x205, 83K)

How bad is this adaptation gonna be?

Contrary to the popular belief, not at all.

They're into spandex n shit. They definitely need to make the gray highlights of his shirt more light so we can admire the godly contours.

Attached: 5638654976.jpg (479x330, 60K)

Keeping all the back shots for the second PV.

Attached: 1533816039981.png (734x821, 287K)

Looking at the pv, it’s gonna have gradient shading, and that actually works better for his shirt.


>snorefest tournament arc

That one will take 3 episodes at most.

What if it is a 24 ep cour?

A "cour" can't be 24 episodes retard. And it won't be 2 cours, that wouldn't make sense.

I didn't specify any cour, fag. I just said 24 ep cour.

Did you miss the first part of my post? You are using terms without knowing what they mean. And you act cocky about it, talk about a newfag trying to fit in lol.

So, when are they going to show us the animation?

>trying to fit
Do you think this is some kind of vip board retard?
>a three-month unit of television broadcasting, a portion of a television program aired over the course of one such period

You guys do realize that japanese people can be naturally brown right.

Yeah, and a cour can't be 24 episodes. Are you retarded?

Hmmm, I wonder how many weeks there are in 3 months. Hmmmmmmmmm.

So you can't understand why 24 ep cour is correct?

You conveniently left out the more specific definition:
>A portion of a television program aired over the course of one such period, comprising 10 to 14 weekly episodes.
And in any case, OPM is weekly. You don't know what you are talking about and you are trying to damage control to save face.

you mean less than a month to go

Any retard can understand he meant two cour, faggot. Stop trying to get (You)'s with a shitty discussion like that

user, that just makes it worst. Just stop responding if you are too embarrassed.

Do you even remember how the stupid discussion started? The original post called him out on his misuse of cour and in the next sentence talked about what he meant, but he doubled down. Just because this dumb newfag is too proud to admit he was wrong that doesn't mean anybody has to hold his hand through basic terminology.

>less than a month to go
>no animation shown
this is stressing me out just show something

Why would I be hyped for filler shit and fillersodes

April 2nd.

No one's asking you to do that. Why wouldn't you be hyped for more OPM canon content?

>calls other new fag
>is here from max one month
I am not double downing anything, retard. 24 episodes cour is a correct term, on the other hand, double downing, as you used, isn't.
>calls other newfag
>doesn't notice counter rising
>aired over the course of one such period, comprising 10 to 14 weekly episodes.
Read that I wrote '24 ep cour'.

Only King looked bad, the complain about Sonic looking too manly was dumb as hell.

10% canon content 90% filler is not a reasonable ratio to be hyped for user

If Murata doesnt release a chapter this month then its probably due to helping JCStaff besides doing Vol19 content.

This is just pathetic. Not giving (You)s is a new thing, and it didn't start until a couple of years ago tops. You are a very big idiot, and the fact that you use a month to signify being new shows that you are too new to even give a proper measure like a year at least.

>Read that I wrote '24 ep cour'.
Can't YOU read? That goes against the definition I gave you. Is OPM the only anime you watch or something?

I'll make a pause in calling out your bullshit and bite. How is a 24 episode cour possible in this case, when OPs picture specifically states that episodes air weekly on Tuesdays? And even if that wasn't the case, how would that change anything? Getting two weekly episodes would just mean they'd be shorter episodes, since they don't have more time just by doing that. And when has that ever happened for a big action anime?

It's clear you are a retard, didn't know what a term meant, tried to damage control by arguing on a technicallity and ignoring all other definitions, and can't let it go. I'm now starting to think you are an ESL too, since you don't even know what doubling down means, and you don't even know how to use a phrasal verb.

who are you quoting

How do you know there'll be any filler? So far everything they've shown is 100% canon, and there's enough content in the manga that they won't have to do any filler. You do know the manga is the canon version, and it's written by ONE, right? The webcomic is taking so long to come out because ONE is reworking his stories to include the new characters which didn't get their introductions in the webcomic.

>I'll come back

Attached: 1551632268598.png (572x911, 737K)

reminder to ignore fillerfags

Look at source material. It'll be shit, user.

The content adapted is all good though. Why are fillerfags so retarded? This season is unironically all better than all of S1.

Imo, only Fubuki looked weird. King looks more like the manga version than before. Madhouse made him seem more built than he actually is.

>OPM canon content
They adapt manga content, it's not canon.

The manga is the official version. How can something in the canon version, written by the official writer, not be canon? That's literally your headcanon.
Filler would be shit like the OVAs or anime original scenes.

>Why are fillerfags so retarded?
They keep going because you keep responding

Nah, just like other user said it'll be only 10% of good content and 90% of dog shit.

Hey at least the manga seems to be still selling strong, sales per volume seem to be a bit better than current Hero Academia.

>Getting two weekly episodes would just mean they'd be shorter episodes, since they don't have more time just by doing that.

Attached: 2fce3ecc7e823bcc261f85b10db4f708cb508c8287cb36e1694375735da1cbd8.png (722x768, 310K)


Manga filler IS OVA-tier shit.

King looked chubby in Season 1, in the OVA he looked exactly like the manga.

Yes I remember Madhouse gave him muscles.

No, that's the drama CDs.

We should be getting anime original scenes(Current MP100 is currently having it), I actually enjoyed the ones with Mumen Rider, Saitama/Genos antics, even Tatsumaki.

They literally show filler characters in the promotional images of the Season 2 Anime dumbfuck.

Yes the previous season was all 100% canon. But it won't be for this season I gaurantee you.

It won't be until Season 3 when we actually get back to canon shit. Season 2 will be all filler.

Reminder that you are not a "True OPM Fan" unless you gobble up all the that meaty filler and swallow

The anime is not an adaptation of the webcomic.

I think he meant a second PV. We have to see something before the first episode airs.

I'm being cheeky. On a more serious note, didn't something get announced for the 23rd of this month?

I don't know. Did it?

My side! It's hurt.

How can anyone fuck up this badly when the anime was greenlit in early 2017?

Some japanese manga anime festival but, if the anime is airing on 2nd april, it is basically useless to release a trailer 10 days earlier.

How exactly would he help JCStaff? The only thing that could help is getting a decent key animator and that sure as hell isn't Murata.

>a couple of years
>a new thing
>a month to signify being new shows
>That goes against the definition I gave you
first result google is always correct
>'you watch'
>you are an ESL
>Getting two weekly episodes would just mean they'd be shorter episodes, since they don't have more time just by doing that.
>doubling down (from urban):
>The term is increasingly used as a media euphemism when political figures tell bald-faced lies and when confronted with contradictory statements, the politician not only fails to retract their claims but instead expresses an increased certainty in their truth.

>filler characters in the promotional images of the Season 2
Like who?
>Yes the previous season was all 100% canon
Are you a speedwatcher? There were a couple of anime original scenes.
>It won't be until Season 3 when we actually get back to canon shit. Season 2 will be all filler.
Even with your wrong definitions that's wrong. S3 will cover the raid, which is just as faithful to the webcomic as the Garou fight at the end of S2. Considering this season has two full volumes of content that follows the webcomic to a tee, you are pretty dumb and can't even understand your own retarded logic.

The manga isn't filler, because it's all written by ONE. It's the official version, the webcomic is the unofficial obsolete version.

What filler?

Your post has no content. And even with what little you wrote, you prove yet again that you are a dumb ESL. Doubling down is a perfectly normal expression, are you really this dumb? It's like you heard somewhere that Yea Forums was full of angry edgelords and want to be part of that, truly pathetic. What's worse is that you post like this was Twitter.

That looks like someone photoshopped Garou's head onto some other guys body. Holy crap I do not have confidence in S2 at all.

Attached: 1545310522.png (597x331, 341K)

That was drawn by the person responsble for all of S1's promotional material, who was also part of the reason S1's animation ended up being so good. You are just joining the crowd at shitting on JC Staff without knowing a thing.

Looks fine to me

>ONE and Murata give us fantastic new content expanding on the best arc in the webcomic
>Metal Bat vs EC
>Metal Bat vs Garou
>Garou's expanded relationship with Tareo
>Suiryu vs Choze
>Gouketsu's arc
>Max and Sneck development
>WDM humiliating Garou
>expanded relationship between Saitama and King
>more development for Saitama
>The entirety of volumes 16 and 17
Why do you retards even like the webcomic but not the new content? It makes no sense, it's on par with it, and at worst it's literally the same as that part. It's like all you people cared about was getting to Saitama vs Garou as quickly as possible.

I think the trailer was just using bad frames. If you look closely sonic looks as girly as usual.

Attached: cuteboy.png (248x226, 118K)

>an artist can't make a bad thing because I said so
>JC Staff dindu nuffin

All shit, no wonder Madhouse dodged this absolute garbage.

most of them are just impatient and want to see awakened Garou already, this was the worst during the tournament wich came out so slow

That's not what I'm saying retard. I'm saying that it has nothing to do with S2's overall quality, and you are jumping the gun to be part of the outrage.

The ending of the tournament with Suiryu, Gouketsu and Bakuzan has the best writing of the redrawn OPM.

I feel like it got a bit worse now, since most of these retards had dropped the manga or something.

I find it really dumb when people complain about it when it's undoubtedly better than anything pre-DSK, and outside battles it's obviously better than the Boros arc too.

>promotional material has suspect things
>trailers have odd design choices
>production has been delayed without development for years
>JC staff is on the job after ruining two other series just before this
>Voice cast is only good decision so far
>expecting the season not to be a trainwreck
I guess if you want to set yourself up for disappointment. Be my guest.

>muh bald plot device saves the day

Are you having a stroke?

>I feel like it got a bit worse now, since most of these retards had dropped the manga or something.
Some webcomicfags were being patient and kept quiet until the raid started, but they became furious when the Phoenix man fight took 3,5 months. It seems they expected the manga to directly follow the webcomic during the raid.

Manga filler obviously.

It's reaching the point where one has to question why all those people even read OPM, when they're only in it for one fight scene.

That's moving goalposts.

>Your post has no content.

Attached: yourposthasnocontent.png (193x41, 2K)

Which was retarded. Everything pointed to it being just as expanded, and I remember telling a lot of retards that was the case. Were they really in denial for 3 whole years?

Like? It's all canon, haven't you seen the "Story: ONE" on every volume's cover? Or listened to Murata's streams?


If there's gonna be a second PV, it's this month or never. Let's all guess which day it'll be released.

this weekend

>>production has been delayed without development for years
Not true. We never had a release date till last august. Also
>trusting YonkouProductions

The guy who did those Key visuals wont be in charge of S2.

>Voice cast is only good decision so far
The music is by far the best decision though. The cast isn't perfect, since they had to cast all of the S class at once.

For once, Flash should be Akira Ishida. Toriumi isn't a good fit for him.

I can accept anything but defeding that retarded phoenix man vs child emperor that took 5 months is just... too much.

Who cares how long it took in real time? That's a very stupid argument, and it has nothing to do with the content itself. The fight could've been shorter, but it didn't drag. Every part made sense and it had good stakes for a fight this early on in the arc. If anything it made the fights that came afterwars feel a bit silly since the Demons could do nothing against the heroes, unlike PM.

The webcomic took fucking ages to complete the MA arc, and that was a lot less pages. Murata is being extremely fast and doing a quality job at the same time.

The show is a month away and we still haven't gotten a proper pv? This is gonna be a shitfest

They also kept the same script writer from S1, so if we get any anime original scenes they should be fine.

Im a bit indifferent toward the sound director, he is the same guy who worked in JoJo and Berserk, imagine if we get another CLANGfest.

We did get a PV though. There's anime that come out the same season with literally just a poster and some VAs announced.

I don't get the popularity of this show. the show focus more on side characters than the MC. He barely gets any character development in the manga. like why?

>but it didn't drag. Every part made sense and it had good stakes
Is ONE paying you to say these things? If not, it is worser.

>if we get any anime original scenes they should be fine.
There's no room for that though.
> he is the same guy who worked in JoJo and Berserk
He has worked in a fuckton of anime, there shouldn't be a problem.

The fight is good. What part dragged or didn't make sense? Sure, it dragged in the sense that it took too long in real time to release, but the fight itself, as in the fight without real world scheduling in that, was fast and engaging. You retards are just too dumb to separate the real time wait with the content itself. It's the same reason why people love 100 pages chapters, but they complain that 20 pages chapters are too slow.

S1 got three PVs.

I wish they did cover the Fan extra chapter, otherwise how can the casuals expect to care about Glasses?

Was Berserk low-budget or they wanted to experiment?

I said a "proper" pv, as in, one with actual animation.

Who are the key animators anyway? I can't find this info on the main site, it just lists Kubota as the character designer.

If my japanese is correct, OPM has sold 18,500,000 million of copies so far.

You clearly have no fucking clue what your talking about and are just basing your options on "intuition", so why are you fighting with someone who clearly knows what they're talking about?
Are you this fucking stupid that you thought if you said dumb shit about this thing you know nothing about people wouldn't correct you on a it?
not only did you say something retarded about something you dont know about, you decided it was a good idea to dig your heels into the ground and fight back
What the fuck id wrong with you?

Attached: 1545722023573.jpg (667x699, 42K)

We don't know and they aren't sharing that information. Not a good sign.

Elder should definitely be full CGI because he is hard to draw.

At least the manga is still selling well, probably due to Garou or normies finally reading the manga.

>basing your options on "intuition"
>He was literally used to end the ovas song because the ovas didn't have any budget left

I didnt know Suiryu seiyuu also voiced Mikami Teru from Death Note, so we already have an idea how his breakdown will be when he asks for help.

I actually had a weird idea that they might announce at the last second that the series' release date is being rescheduled due to (insert excuse here).
This might even be a good thing since they could use the time to hire some quality people on the project.
Screencap this post if this happens.

It would be good if they move it to the Fall so we have OPM vs Hero Academia Fan War.

>OPM vs Hero Academia Fan War
Fuck no? Comparing OPM to that gutter schlock is an insult, I'd rather they never be mentioned in the same sentence.

Production started in 2017, what more can they do in mere months if they already didn't in years?

Get to work for one. And we don't know if the actual production really started in 2017, just that it was taken up by JC Staff right? The work itself probably didn't start until this year.

You just made a claim, had the claim BTFO, and then processed to act as though your claim was proven right
Why to prove me right dipshit
Please post the staff member that said
>oh we ran out of budget so we had the main character's VA, one of the most expensive parts of our productions, sing ED for us
>It was pretty much a favor, he doesn't want royalty and didn't ask for payment when we called him in to record
You are so unfathomably dumb its kinda upsetting

No, Production started around late march while the studio change was revealed only in september 2017.

Like try to read the manga newfag-kun. Everything after Garou vs TTM is filler and shit.

Interview to Suzuki, go find it.

Is that good though?

"Production" as in the crew jerking off and drawing some pervy doodles here and there.

I don't know what's the big deal if this season sucks tho. The manga is excellent and the webcomic already gave us what happens during the Tournament Arc. S1 was excellent and nothing will ever top that but I don't think this season is gonna be awful like, let's say, Berserk 2017 or Overlord S2. And Overlord was made by the same Madhouse you fucks keep jerking off.

>What part dragged or didn't make sense?
Every part as both of the parties were asspulling until the gag scene happened.
>it dragged in the sense that it took too long in real time to release
And lets throw this aspect away right? Do you think it is normal that one scene drags for 5 months? No matter the in-time universe. And if we want to be pedantic, it will probably take a few years to complete a single day of MA but you don't see me complaining because each scenes aren't gonna take 5 months each. Think if something like this starts to happen.
There was already a huge drop in opm due to that fight, people will abandon it.

It will probably be EXACTLY like Overlord S3.

During the Monster Association arc, that's what I meant

I certainly hope that the people who don't like OPM will stop posting in threads about it.


Speaking of it, how long until Murata finishes the Monster Association arc? My guess is by the end of 2020.

I am not a fight fag that cares about child vs some stupid retard monster but if you are, don't call others
>"people who don't like OPM".

You people hate more than half of the manga at this point. There's no other solution but to stop reading.

Are they going to skip the filler and complete the monster association arc?

If not who gives a shit

I don't think you guys know what filler even mean

Actually its obvious OPMtards like you don't know the difference, and will swallow the load of any filler thats presented to you.

We are chapter 61 in the comic. MA finishes chapter 95. 95-61= 34 chapters. How long did it take to arrive chapter 34? Almost 2 years.
But this time is not including all the addition (Orochi's plot line, the two ninja brothers end game, Saitama wondering around, Nyan)

Do you mean anything that happens outside the webcomic is filler? Cause that's p stupid

>hates the worst possible scene in the manga, reason of a massive let down of opm's hype, that dragged out for entire months ruining the pace of the releases
>'you people hate more than half of the manga'

nice English faggot.
To bad that interview never said anything like
The fact you know that there was even an interview with Suzuki is proof that you arent just a newfag trying to act tough your a retatded trying to act smart

Oh shit son, does this mean we get METAL BAT vs Garou?

The webcomic starts to match the manga's pace by the end of the raid. Saitama vs Garou is a hundred fucking pages long.

>searching opm wiki for that interview
It is in the compus, lurk the wiki pages until you find the english scans.

Yes, as it compresses the tournament arc while Garou is fighting Metal Bat

>Being so lonely you shitpost this poorly on a Chinese basket weaving forum
I don't even know what the fuck your on about mate

>Being so lonely you shitpost this poorly on a Chinese basket weaving forum
projecting much? lol

People shat on ALL of the tournament which ran for something like five volumes. People actually complained that the Garou fight delayed the raid. People complained that the raid preparation chapters were too drawn out and boring. People called the 140 page chapter with the lower rank heroes pointless. People absolutely hated the Phoenix Man fight. How is that not at least half of the manga by now?

>I know you are but what am I

Attached: bait.png (600x601, 134K)

Nice. It's one of my favorite scenes in the manga.

>I am not a fight fag
Few and far between at this point.

Saying the webcomic is not the true canon is just as stupid. The entire tournament arc is filler shit, the is absolutely no debating or getting around this, try as you might.

what if it's enjoyable no matter what because it's still OPM?

That would be impossible and I doubt they would care.

filler shit.

It will be epic and enjoyable, that's a fact. It's OPM, even if ONE was animating it with his shit artstyle it would be peak performance because it's that good content wise.

Attached: Jc Staff key animation sheet.jpg (600x849, 120K)

Whiners don't even care about OPM as a whole, they are just here for power levels.

>The fight could've been shorter, but it didn't drag
I feel like this is a contradiction. If the fight could be shorter than you're admitting that the fight was longer than it might have "needed" to be. You can drag out a fight in a perfectly logical way and that's what happened. Child Emperor having to fight a demon who is now also suddenly able to achieve Dragon level, while also pulling a giant mech out of nowhere since never before now has he used such a gadget. Yeah, it reads like ONE wanted to fluff up the kid but the way he chose too dragged on.

> If anything it made the fights that came afterwars feel a bit silly since the Demons could do nothing against the heroes, unlike PM.
The whole point of S-Class is to be able to defeat Demon level monsters. So of course they should be able to do so with relative ease, it's literally their job description.

Attached: 12-13.jpg (1600x1138, 505K)

>I feel like this is a contradiction
It isn't. A fight dragging means that its length makes it worse than it could have been. In my opinion, the length didn't make it better or worse, it's just what it was, but it was interesting at every point. So it didn't drag, though that's fairly subjective.
>since never before now has he used such a gadget.
This isn't a real argument though. We barely know anything about how the S class heroes fight when they get seriously by this point. We know that he had gadgets, and it fit perfectly with that idea.

I'm not trying to dismiss your opinion, but have you tried reading it in one go? It flows very naturally and advances quickly. I feel that the initial impression from how long it took to release, and the chapters Murata scrapped (which added to how slow it all felt), gave a lot of people an impression that it was dragging from external factors. Kind of like the tournament longer ago.

>The whole point of S-Class is to be able to defeat Demon level monsters.
Not going to deny that, but what I said still stands. The webcomic was a kind of different case since that was literally the first time we saw most of those heroes fighting, but the manga's MA invasion arc showed almost all of them dealing with Demons. Zombieman hadn't gotten that fight yet, so it was a good addition, but I feel his fight should've come earlier than CE's to have a better progression.

It was still a fantastic fight, and I have no qualms about it in its own. But my point was more than CE's fight was very good and it diminished the impact of upcoming fights.

If they want to keep making more money, they should stay far away from the MA arc as possible.

>If the anime released more regularly it could've been the next big hit instead of MHA.
What a waste

The manga advances too slowly for that to work. There's a lot of focus on the action and that's why the adaptation did 7 volumes in a cour, now going for 10 in a cour for S2. BNHA does like 5 episodes per volume.

Official anime twitter posted the visual just now.

Meet Saitama, Garou and all these guys standing in the red as fuck background.

Attached: E3ACC341-8955-46AE-9475-5534C5335596.jpg (707x1000, 187K)

That's a pretty bad background, but at least it's better than the white one.

The first key visual with Garou, Saitama and Genos was cooler to be honest

That ones amazing.

Dang. What happened

Attached: 001-20150311-1.jpg (525x714, 129K)

Yeah it had better art and composition.

Attached: B819B4FC-C891-498B-B933-6DB26F1013FF.jpg (494x700, 86K)

This one is analogous to this one (this one is the best one)

Wher as pic related is analogous to this one

Attached: 1538636131452.jpg (967x1395, 625K)

S1’s second key visual showing S classes and other characters also looked generic as fuck. At least S2’s is not that cluttered.

The key visuals that have been released look good, but I'm just worried as to whether JC staff can match the quality or consistency of the first season.

Attached: 127462.jpg (206x238, 13K)

S1 wasn't consistent though. Some episodes had a lot better animation than others. It was all above average, but that's not consistent.

VIZ just tweeted it airs April 9th - “same day as Japan”.


They referred to April 2nd as some sort of special programming. I’m confused desu.

It wasn't perfectly consistent, sure, but what I'm saying is I don't know if S2 will be even worse than that.

No one does. Just don't be hyped, and be prepared for the worst.

I need to see Volume 19's cover already. The uncertainty is killing me.

Attached: One-Punch Man Season 2 PV1.mp4_snapshot_00.40_[2018.12.21_10.11.39].png (1920x1080, 1.67M)

They say Kubota is good but even he can’t draw Garou’s body - or face - properly. He looks stiff, his shoulders are off.

Murata set the standard real high I guess.

S1 only had good animation, music and production values, but the character design itself always felt off. The way they used colors, the way the handled comedy, the general directing, they always felt poor to me in comparison to the manga. Some new talent may end up being a good thing.

I don't know who got drunk during editing, but one should kill him for this background. Wtf and more importantly WHY!?
It takes 30 fucking seconds, literally, to create a simple gradient background of a brownish gray merging into light. Or space, of just sky, or whatever fuck. Add some photoshop flame effect and voila. You wasted 2 minutes of your life on making a proper background, wtf where these assholes doing?

waste of good key visuals dammit.

Attached: mfw.jpg (531x333, 48K)

Its me or Garou looks like Yamamuro style from DBS?

Now Garou looks like he is made of plastic, like Yamamuro DBS.

Murata did. He grasps the fluidity of Garou's movement perfectly on paper and draws the entire vast range of his expressions no problem. Plus he draws them massive shoulders without making them look burly.

Attached: DW2XWBoVAAAD4JV.jpg (2892x4096, 1.98M)

I wish Rover gets the cover, but it will probably be Orochi.

King still looks eh but Fubuki looks cute.

Attached: figures.jpg (1200x723, 107K)

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm starting to appreciate second season's choice of coloring style. The gradient makes the characters' clothes look better at least. I was never a fan of plastic highlights.

I hope it's Orochi with Gyoro Gyoro. Non-humanoids don't really fit this sort of cover in my opinion, and EC not getting that kind of proves Murata thought the same (Zombieman is in two pages of volume 17). Besides, Rover could still get the back cover, though I fear it'll be the Hotpot.

Garou looks like he could ram truck-kun head on with his shoulders and send it to isekai.

Attached: 1555873296825.jpg (512x632, 344K)

The comedy was very hit or miss, I still cant believe they screwed up the "pay for my ceiling" scene and the ending of Saitama vs Asura Kabuto.

It wasn't just the comedy. DSK's arc outside the final act was very underwhelming, which sucks since it's great, and the first time OPM takes itself kind of seriously.

He's beefy

Attached: why drink beer when you could be drinking water and cola.jpg (456x355, 156K)

Garou's head isn't small enough. Very far from Murata's midget heads.

According to the seiyuus, they seem very optimistic about S2.


VAs aren't just fans, they are hired by JC Staff. They can't bad mouth an anime before it airs, they'll say it's good regardless of its quality.
I'm not saying it's going to be bad or anything, just that this means nothing.

DSK arc shouldve been 3 episodes, the only good things the anime did in that arc was DSK vs Genos, Mumen Rider moment, the punch and aftermath

Why isn't Murata there? ONE is.
And who are all those women? I recognize the front row and ONE, but no one else.

Yeah, the introduction and PPP part of the fight was butchered. People barely talk about S1's faults because of its highs, so I feel that even if S2 ends up improving these aspects it's going to get shat on regardless.

Also, things are only getting worse in terms of rushing. S1 had 3 less volumes to adapt.

>mfw can already imagine all these Garou lines in his voice
I'm kind of glad they released the drama CD (instaud.io/2ndi) so early.

Why does King's va look so hilariously serious?

The biggest issue for some fans here was the slow pacing in the manga, they will probably cut a lot of the Superfight Arc.

S2 seiyuu cast.

Attached: seiyus.jpg (1200x962, 208K)


People don't have issues with the pacing in the manga itself, only with how slow it released. The tournament arc is very short overall, 2 volumes worth of content tops. It's just intertwined with the invasion and it came out slowly. I bet the same people that whined about the pacing then will now complain that it's too fast.

I cant wait to see the normies crying once they see Garou beating the shit out of Mumen Rider.

Normies will love Garou though. By the end of the season he'll have developed a lot, more than anyone else in OPM really.


Manga sold 18.5 million of copies



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Whoever drew Garou this huge should be executed
He specifically looks intimidating and strong because of how perfect his build is, he’s not just some body building meathead he has an apex perfectly sculpted body
Fuck JC

Dude, no one fucking cares. I'll tell you more, even western fujos ship them.

Attached: 1389507539025.jpg (1280x720, 47K)

That was drawn by Kubota, the person responsible for overseeing S1's animation, and the reason it was so good. Have you even seen S1's posters? ( )

What will be the final battle of season 2?

Never, the last trailer was really the final one before the episode releases

Fuck Kubota too
Fuck this gay earth give Garou the bod he deserves

To be fair Murata also draws Garou like a wall of muscle to accentuate his build very often. Kubota simply messed up the perspective on his right shoulder/arm.

Attached: NUTTIN.jpg (2477x2463, 929K)

King vs EC

>though that's fairly subjective.
>This isn't a real argument though
Yes it is, Child Emperor has never shown this use of machinery as opposed to his mentor who is more of the autonomous drone kind of fighter. Even when he was serious in the webcomic or later in the manga during the assault on the cities, his gadgets were never of that size or caliber. It very much feels like something added for spectacle. His gadgets have always been smaller but deadly, this wasn't in line with that, it was just kiddy and that's not sufficient.
>but have you tried reading it in one go
Yes, in fact, I wasn't reading OPM during those few months so I came in after it was all over. The rescue was important but the mech battle and "this isn't even my final form" for PM was kind of lame especially given the resolution has nothing to do with the mech introduced but a gag device. And I like Pheonixman as a character.
>Not going to deny that, but what I said still stands
What still stands? If their job is to take down demon level threats why should they needlessly struggle? Not only that, but there was a cadence to the raid in the webcomic where the S-class own the demon level threats and then get countered by the dragons. I can let flash slide since he's up there in tiers and never got a dragon fight of his own. If anything CE getting an upgraded fight is the problem, not the timing of it. Because he's going to get his shit pushed in by ENW anyways which will deplete his arsenal so him getting two dragon fights is now more outstanding. And that isn't to say nothing came out of the fight, his confidence is shaken but things are still optimistic and the Hellfire brothers are revived. So stuff happened but the fight itself, despite being drawn by Murata, wasn't as captivating to me as it just felt like it was padded out with needless fanfare.

Yeah Kubota tries to imitate Murata - he even said so and he also said that it's extremely difficult for him. Even when he basically takes a manga page to ref it still appears off model with mistakes like that shoulder or Garou's hair.

I don't see Aoi Yuuki

>Child Emperor has never shown this use of machinery
And he's barely shown anything close to his real fire power before that point. He only played around and never faced a Dragon level threat, why would he use that before? The webcomic is a different thing, so why bring that into the picture? That's like arguing about Orochi from future webcomic stuff.
> given the resolution has nothing to do with the mech introduced but a gag device.
The resolution is just part of the conflict though. The mech was what put CE into his predicament at the bottom of the MA base, and it's also what revived the ninjas. It also makes CEs future encounters more tense since he's truly helpless, like PM wanted, and we know that for certain instead of that just meaning he doesn't have some small gadgets.
> why should they needlessly struggle
I didn't say that. They shouldn't, I'm saying that the fights don't fit after CE's precisely because of that. I'm not criticising the fights or how the went, I'm criticising the overall structure of the arc due to that, and how impressive CE's fight was in the big picture.

I don't really understand what you mean by needless fanfare though. What is "needed"? Was Zombieman killing monsters before facing Vampire needed? Not really, but was it a cool thing to add? Yeah. PM's fight had a lot happening, even connecting the fight to the Subterraneans, Elder Centipede and Flash's fight.

And I still don't get why people say it was so long either. It was barely any longer than Saitama vs Suiryu, a fight that was a lot more repetitive with a lot less happening overall.

Only the main 5 are there I think.

The anime site has the visual up in better quality. Kinda oversaturated though.

And it seems they use that bg on the site itself. As they say, graphics design is a passion.

Attached: visual_03.jpg (870x1010, 274K)

I kind of feel Bomb should be there too.

>why would he use that before?
Why would he have firepower at that level because that exceeds even taking down a demon level threat and he's not shown to be a weapons stockpiler like Bofoy.
>The webcomic is a different thing, so why bring that into the picture
The majority of examples of CE's weaponary come from the manga remember? He only has his backpack in the webcomic and the little drill dog thing he uses to find the base. Everything else from his robo dogs, battle octopus, frog mask, umbrella, etc. Are of a more believable size for his character. And yes, the cerberus mech is only about 1.5x the size of Machine God G4 and is a combiner, it's more the size I would expect from CE.
>It also makes CEs future encounters more tense since he's truly helpless
Artificial problem, you could say he ran out of [insert gadgets here] and the effect is the same. And he's going to lose his stuff anyways so how about Phoenixman says that and then dies, only for ENW to fullfill the prophecy? I don't not see what they are going for here but that doesn't justify the fight itself.
>I'm saying that the fights don't fit after CE's precisely because of that.
So how about his opponent not become the god of resurrections?
>I don't really understand what you mean by needless fanfare though.
Countdown sequence, pages long beam spam, a lot of posturing from a guy whose about to get chumped anyways. Stuff like that
>Was Zombieman killing monsters before facing Vampire needed?
And this goes back to subjectivity. Zombieman has had Zero chances to really shine in a fight, so a very condensed and short showing of his fighting style leading up to Vampire is more than fine. Some people disagree and that's going to come down to personal opinions.
>And I still don't get why people say it was so long either.
CE was somewhere in the ballpark of 90 pages excluding cover pages and asides to other people. That's a lot of time dedicated to a single fight in the middle of the raid

OPM no longer has to pretend it's super serious for mainstream appeal? Compare the first tank cover with pretty much every other one following that had chibi Saitama just hanging out somewhere.

>the way he chuckles, says Haa and Oi
His voice is so husky
Very nice

Current yamamuro or past yamamuro?

>Why would he have firepower at that level because that exceeds even taking down a demon level threat and he's not shown to be a weapons stockpiler like Bofoy.
Why wouldn't he? He's 5th on the S class's ranking, I don't see why it's hard to accept other than it not being in the webcomic. S classes can also fight Dragons, that was always a fact, and his mech isn't part of a bigger arsenal, it's literally his only one. It's not even comparable to MK's since he operates it from inside.
>Are of a more believable size for his character.
Why? There's no reason that should be the case, why would he just stick to smaller gadgets? That would literally just make him a weaker MK.
>Artificial problem, you could say he ran out of [insert gadgets here] and the effect is the same
That's not true at all, since if all his gadgets looked the same that wouldn't be conveyed to the audience. It'd feel forced since we have never known a real number of gadgets he has, or the variety. By stating what his ace in the hole is, and properly developing that, we now understand and feel how he's in danger. His gadgets had always been just fodder killer.
> that doesn't justify the fight itself.
I agree, it's only part of what does. Not that it needs justification.
>how about his opponent not become the god of resurrections
What are you trying to say here?
>Countdown sequence, pages long beam spam
The countdown didn't drag it though, if anything it made it shorter. How is the beam dragging the fight when it's just one attack? Are Saitama's serious punches dragging those fights too?
>Some people disagree and that's going to come down to personal opinions.
That's my point, arguing something didn't have to happen because it isn't needed isn't saying anything.
>That's a lot of time dedicated to a single fight in the middle of the raid
But it was a good fight. And people act like it went on for way longer. I recall people said Zombieman's was radically shorter, so people don't really know.

>That would literally just make him a weaker MK.
Fitting since CE has a far more logistical role in the HA, and is literally the former assistant to Bofoy. He even keeps trying to get Bofoy to help because he knows Bofoy is better equipped for this thing than he is.
>What are you trying to say here?
Having his opponent keep coming back even bigger and badder than before multiple times wore out it's welcome the first time. And after we had the hellfire upgrade as well.
> if anything it made it shorter.
I have an observation for countdowns, Once the writer says something is going to happen in x amount of time, they try and make it feel like far longer than it actually would be. I call it the Freeza effect. This fight has it as well. 5 minutes to fend off 1 dragon, two resurrected dragons, fire off his beam, fight the subterraneans, and maneuver through three locations changes and everything else lasted 3 or so chapters not including the redraw. To put that into perspective, the average OPM volume is 200 pages. So half of that is a 5 minute fight.
>isn't needed isn't saying anything.
It's saying that the reader wasn't satisfied with what happened for whatever reason
>But it was a good fight
That's your opinion and you're welcome to it user.
>I recall people said Zombieman's was radically shorter, so people don't really know.
My perception is that more posters seem to say it was just the right length and were relieved that it wasn't another drawn out fight with a surprise demon to dragon transformation. It adhered to the webcomic with a nice addition and didn't wear out it's welcome. If people thought it was too short they weren't as loud as the people saying the CE fight was too long.

I don't know what else to add to this. It's a fight that's more polarizing than it probably should be but not without reason.

Everything about this production has been rush looking.

>rushing a 3-year-old production

ONE just posted a bunch of new drawings. This truly is art.


Attached: D033Q-hU4AEii5d.jpg (1448x2048, 452K)

Is he getting ready for summer?

>Garou swimming with a fucking megalodon

Absolute mad lad

Attached: 1539586373962.png (328x620, 304K)

He's not swimming. Garou is hunting for dinner. That fat ass shark is barely enough to sate his hunger.

>gashunk intensifies

Can't wait for JC STAFF to ruin another franchise.

Murata was never involved in the anime production.

Is that ONE and why he looks like Donnie Yen?

That user is the only one who likes the fight and is trying to defend a shitty asspull for no reason.

I can’t change your mind in regards to the art quality in the pv. If you think it looked good, then good for you. It still doesn’t change the fact that the major of people felt they all looked off, and the art style is vastly different from the key visuals.

But that same guy, Kubota, is barely involved in S2.

The drawings in the trailer were drawn by J.C. Staff employees. All the promotional material is drawn by Kubota, hence the difference in quality.

They definitely won’t

The key animators this time are J.C. Staff nobodies

Oh shit yeah. I just realized now glass intro into the story will be just his fight against Garou. Fuck.

Yeah in sloppy J.C. Staff animation style (basically just still frames with dramatic background music)

Judging by the pv, they clearly can’t

Where are the key visuals.

OPM is not a shounen though. It's exactly making fun of shounen.

Me on the top right

What happened to best boy?

Attached: D033Q-gV4AEGH4l.jpg (848x1199, 197K)

Any news on when he's getting the webcomic back?

One-Punch Man Season 2, Episode 1 premieres April 9th - the same day as Japan! Details and availability regarding the April 2nd special programming in our territory are currently unavailable.


Some people assume we might be getting a recap Episode or a Special(extra chapter animated) on April 2.

>a recap Episode
Hopefully not.

someone tell him to comeback already

Please tell me Kubota will be CAD on at least one of the episodes!

One have parkinson?

We will get a full length movie of the bonus chapters of Volume 1-7.

Is it even possible to release a series without an actual trailer? Because that thing really doesn't count as one.

>t. western fujo
You're an actual faggot.
I'll tell you more, a lot of people both online and in real life I met, asked if Mumen Rider will also get his ass kicked by this new villain. When they got a positive reply they stared celebrating.

Attached: highlight of the show.jpg (851x736, 234K)

I hope they animate the Demon Fan chapter, that could explain why the production is a bit behnd, they spent good animation on the special?

Dude I’m the the farthest person from a fujo or a shipper, too fucking old for that. Just saying it how it is, no one cares to CRY about that. Even western fujos rather ship them instead.

Italian, so yes, black.

>responding to a 9 hour post

Probably in charge of the "special programming" if they animate the extra chapters. They could cover both Dojo destroyer and Demon Fan chapter.

>no one cares to CRY
Well there's this one faggot who's been crying about it for 2 years on these threads. He claims something about "Garou ruined peoples lives" or something by giving them a pounding and starts a shitposting war every major release date. Go to desuarchive you'll see what I mean, every time it's the exact same shit.

Only because morons are willing to respond to said same shitposts every single time for those 2 years.

Oh well, that guy is gonna get an aneurysm because of his own futile shitposting then. Normalfags absolutely adore Garou.

>t-that face
Why is he so cute?

Attached: 1551767850222 (1).jpg (211x265, 18K)

>One Punch Man S2
>Trash studio

Have you seen JC staff recently? All their shit has been fucking terrible, and can only sell due to die hard autistic fans
see index, DAL, they can't even fucking animate some of the scenes and resorted to the famed Toei tactic of sizing down an anime character so it looks like they're falling

>All the murata bootlicker shills in this thread
I knew nu-Yea Forums was fucking garbage but holy shit, imagine defending garbage filler arcs
Underaged newfags: the whole lot of you

Since we don't know jack shit about the details of the project, we can desperately daydream they might hire student animators like last time or any form of compensation tactic that might save the show.

Yes, but it would be extremely unusual. S1 had three PVs, and OPM being a big hit outside of Japan puts it in the same category as shows like BnH and SnK, and both of those got PVs.

Apparently Garou's VA also voices Zora and you can hear him in the lastest BC episode.

Even his cheeky laugh is spot on. He's gonna be a great Garou.

Attached: 1509295720825.png (331x473, 195K)

Just listened
He's a fucking perfect cast

Midokawa's Zora cackle kinda reminds me of Hiruma's laugh from Eyeshield.

If S2 has QUALITY like Index and Soma, then SNK is going to stomp them so badly.

His voice for Garou is considerably deeper/raspier but the kekeke will most likely sound exactly the same. Very pleased with the casting.

Yes. Legit got flashbacks the moment I heard him laugh.

>mfw the chuckle
casting team actual gods

>JC Staff

Attached: DfRcFCjVMAAQWbW.jpg (1150x720, 150K)

Speaking of BC, would Asta voice fit someone like Tareo?

why don't "fuck Bones" when they do the same?

But people do just that?

S2 might do like the latest seasons of Gintama and Attack on Titan and bring around 10 key animators to save the series. Murata can help only in making sure the designs are good.

>has an ASMR velvety smooth regular voice
>can growl like a madman
>can teehee like Hiruma himself

I'm glad Garou got this guy, his range is very impressive.

No. They're different cases.

>J.C. Staff

Very iffy so I've set my standards really low. Hope they do Genos vs Sonic some justice, and try to maintain degree of sexy with Fubuki.

What do we know about the staff aside from the studio?
I thought last season even though it was at madhouse, most of the animators were from Bones or something. Could that be the same this season?

>not knowing Midorikawa already
>watching BC
Holy shit what a newfag.

It is extremely unlikely that the animation crew will be even half as impressive as in S1. The new director is a literal who.

You're wrong on both accounts you giant faggot. I've been following his work far longer than you have. Midorikawa just doesn't get many roles where he needs to do the specific Hiruma laugh, and I wanted to hear what it sounds like now. I couldn't give less of a shit about BC otherwise.

Attached: 1378923843975.jpg (550x400, 31K)

>the specific Hiruma laugh
Stop embarassing yourself, faggot. Hiruma isn't Midorikawa, if you know so much about him why not use an actual role of his for an example?

>The new director is a literal who.
Is he a newbie director or someone who's directed a lot of crap? The former could be a lot more promising than the latter.
And yes, but there's a lot of range between disaster and not quite as good as s1.

His most notable thing I keep hearing he worked on was Shippuden and some of its movies. He did also do some of Shigeki no Soma episodes from the list of stuff he did or was working with.

You're fucking retarded. Everyone knows Hiruma was voiced by another guy, who is not even technically a professional seiyuu. But Hiruma's kekeke is infamous and the point is Garou has essentially the same bouts of laughter.

Midorikawa rarely if ever gets cast as characters who need to laugh like that on the regular. But he can still pull it off really damn well.

>Everyone knows Hiruma was voiced by another guy
Apparently you just found out.
>Garou has essentially the same bouts of laughter
He barely laughs, retard. You are just associating them for how they look.
> if ever gets cast as characters who need to laugh like that on the regular.
But he has before, and there are other examples than a character he doesn't voice.

>points out MC is a hyperactive closeted homo
>challenges people on the street and makes fun of their faggotry
>repeatedly expresses his disgust for incompetent fake frauds
>occasionally dresses like Hisoka
Am I tripping acid or is there something very Garouish about this Zora character? Hmm, can't put my finger on it. I don't watch BC btw but bothered to look this character up now.
So I guess we can conclude now that Midokawa is an elite VA reserved only for based chad hunter characters.

Attached: Zora_Garou.jpg (1512x1782, 1.43M)

The production isn't behind. Viz secured all the rights they could from Europe and America and they wouldn't risk this much if the production was delayed.

I've always known that you illiterate faggot. You however don't know what you're talking about. How is that you failed to understand why Hiruma is brought up? It's not because Midorikawa voiced him LITERALLY, you giant fucking retard. The point is he's so good his chuckle sounds uncanny similar and Garou is supposed to laugh like that. Learn to read.

Midorikawa is typecast as the calm handsome man 99% of the time, especially now that he's grown older. Roles like Vida, Nash, didn't really show off his ability to do the signature sinister chuckle.

>He barely laughs
Speedread less, nigger. Garou kekekes quite a lot and it's gonna be Midorikawa's biggest new role in that range.

Attached: kekeke.jpg (112x167, 24K)

>Garou kekekes quite a lot
Post 5 times. And I mean actual laughs, not just his face openly smiling. Otherwise you are just full of shit, because he barely laughs.

You seem flustered, are you really that insecure that you have to lie this much and actually investigate the topic? At least you've learned a bit about Midorikawa due to this.

>Sonic barely can catch a fish.
>Meanwhile Garou swims down by himself to hunt down a Megalodon.

I think the winner here is obvious.

>Sonic is bullied even by the author

I think we knew that for sure ever since he had him step into dogshit in the webcomic.

Retard, read the manga or learn to moon. He's not "smiling" just because.

He does the kekeke plenty of times. Since his intro, up to now. I'm not gonna spoonfeed every instance to you, you are hopelessly bloody retarded. And don't pretend you know shit about either Midorikawa or Garou's character. You flopped face first the moment you tried to shitpost with "wew you watch BC" when I do not.

Attached: READ.jpg (538x441, 221K)

>Wonder if Do-S will make an appearance.
She has a big fight with fubuki during the tournament

>read the manga or learn to moon
I have 7 volumes of OPM in Japanese, so thanks for nothing. I checked, and Garou rarely laughs, 5 seems like a very small number for somene that laughs "a lot".
>He does the kekeke plenty of times
Which is funny, because you posted a regular laugh, not a "kekeke". If you want to argue that he laughs all the time, you need proof. That's not called spoonfeeding, it's called arguing.

Are you still that butthurt about being called out on how new you are? If you'd been here a while you should have learned to let that go instead of whining incessantly. The harder you deny it, the more it looks like you are just denying the truth. It's sad.

I'm droping it right after Fubuki and King's arc and until S3 and monster hideout raid.

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Knowing JCstaff they will make her boobs and ass bigger.

Then you'll miss the best parts the anime will cover so far. Even if you dislike the tournament, most fillerfags agree that the EC arc at the end is pretty great.

Garou kukus and kekes and oya oyas aka CHUCKLES way more than "5 times". You're literally braindead and did not "check" shit. Don't lie.

I did not argue about him ROARING in laughter all the time, which is what you're autistically clinging to for no reason whatsoever. The point is he chuckles and laughs in a sinister way quite a lot and Midorikawa absolutely needed to nail that aspect of his character as well.

The only great part between the Fubuki/King and the Raid is Watchdogman being a badass. Everything else is pretty pointless.

They should animate the WDM vs Garou fight, even if its just 1 min long.

>way more than "5 times"
You vehemently defend this and don't provide anything more than 1 time it happened. Garou appears heavily in the manga, if you were serious about this it'd be pretty easy to check them and tell me 5 measly times.
>You're literally braindead and did not "check" shit.
I did though. I checked a lot of his text on volumes 8 and 9, and since I didn't find any at a glance I couldn't be bothered to do your job for you. The burden on proof is on you.

Also, an "oya oya" isn't a chuckle retard, what the fuck.
>which is what you're autistically clinging to for no reason whatsoever
I'm not clinging to that though. That laugh you posted counts, but if you say he chuckles a lot, 5 times is barely any amount and should be easily found. I'm saying that he doesn't laugh that much, because he doesn't. Sure, he laughs, but not to the point where I'd say he laughs a lot like you are saying. Hell, you used that as part of what defines his character for his VA to nail.
> quite a lot
5 times should be easy to find then?

You are retarded, at that point you are even dumber than webcomic purists and fillerfags. Neck yourself.

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They're definitely animating SOMETHING with Watchdog Man because he's featured in the promo material.

Of course, they'll animate the short fight in volume 15. Nothing more, since there's no room. He's in the promo material because he's still one of Garou's big opponents.

Right, when they advertised Fubuki for S1, she got anime original scenes and an OVA, they are definitely giving WDM something.

Much triggered? The whole filler thing makes Garou from a semi-bland but necessary part of the story into a such of fucking waste of my time. I'm so happy he's finaly out of the picture for a while. I get that he's a rock star among bullied teenagers, but for everyone else he's just an annoying angsty idiot with too much power on his hands.

>Much triggered?
Wow, I feel like I travelled back in time to 2013 9gag. Yikes.
Not bothering to respond to your opinion, it isn't worth it. Why even read OPM if you don't like it?

Thhe good boy bulldozed over Garou. To call someone an opponent you should at least have a chance at beating them.

Not really. Do you not know English?

I can't wait to see Garou get Knotted in 1080p

>thread bumped by shitposting war about keking
Can't wait to see what's next.

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You're not "not bothering to respond", you just got nothing of substance to say because deep inside you know everything I've said is true.

I like OPM, I don't like Murata x One overbloated re-edited version that turns a good story into a fucking drag. I'm staying for the girls and occasional WDM or Zombieman scens.

I'm competent enough with it to tell how fucking one sided that fight was.

You aren't a psychologist retard. You think your opinion is so superior and aren't here to talk about it, only to shit on everyone else. Guess what: OPM is the manga now. The webcomic hasn't updated in two years, and ONE has everything but dropped it. The manga is the main version, and no amount of whining will change that.

The fact that you referred to Garou as a "semi-bland but necessary part" of the webcomic proves that you missed the whole point of the story, and just like powerlevels or something.

After the clothing saga, I'll believe anything will trigger these autistic arguments.

Yeah, it was completely one sided and Garou managed to do nothing to his opponent. See how that works?

It doesn't matter what I am or how angry you are. It does matter that I'm right and this story is draging for way too long for no good reason.

Why should I waste time on spoonfeeding you every chuckle/laughter kana when you're literally just pulling shit out of your ass and arguing for the sake of arguing? The point is really not hard to understand, Garou is not stoic, he chuckles and laughs mockingly quite often. Midorikawa HAD to nail those as well, and it's great to hear even now he can essentially imitate Hiruma's cackle.

You did not check shit, nigger, and Garou's screentime spans way past those volumes. Even Garou's oya oya is indeed a laughing tone. Open your eyes and look at his face instead of dismissing his expressions like the utterly insufferable autist you are. He chuckles/laughs/whatever way more than 5 times, you've got to be literally braindead if you need anyone to spoonfeed you that.

Attached: WHAT IS THAT.jpg (424x172, 55K)

>Why should I waste time on spoonfeeding you every
When you state your argument about how a character does something "a lot", that doesn't mean anything without support. It's not spoonfeeding, it's providing a source for your argument, making it mean something. YOU maed a claim and the burden on proof is on YOU. I can't prove he doesn't do it because I'd have to literally check every single panel to make sure he doesn't do it a lot, whereas proving he does it a lot is as simple as pointing out 5 times.
>pulling shit out of your ass
Where did I do this? I called your bullshit and ever since you've been extremely aggressive for no reason, like you read somewhere that you had to be a constant dick on "le 4chinz".
>laughs mockingly quite often
Do I still have to repeat myself? You've pointed out 2.
>You did not check shit,
I did.
> Garou's screentime spans way past those volumes
Sure, but I won't check every single panel in what amounts to 11 volumes. Refer to the first part of this post.
> oya oya is indeed a laughing tone
Are you seriously arguing that "oya oya" is laughter? Because that's just moving goalposts.
>Open your eyes and look at his face
The dialogue is all that matters. A smile isn't a chuckle, why wouldn't it be on the dialogue otherwise? The whole point was his VAs chuckling voice, and if he doesn't actually chuckle who cares that he's smiling?
>He chuckles/laughs/whatever way more than 5 times
So you have the proof? If you don't, you are just saying that from memory, instead of facts. That's very dumb, and means nothing. Let's stop this spectacle, if you want to continue, post 5 laughs. If you don't, just don't bother, this is an inane argument about something very small, all because you still don't want to admit that you watch BC, lest the 4chinz senpai laugh at you.

Is this ending with the Elder fight or with the Infinite Combo?

Elder fight sadly. They'll have to rush through everything, but I guess reaching that point matters more than actually adapting the content properly.


I remember this one time two anons argued about shoes

Rushing through it is the best thing they could do.

At least not as bad as those two that argued on morality with Amai mask and the mercenaries. That last multiple threads.

>haha I don't like the content but I'll watch the anime regardless
>I hope they butcher it, brofist!

I like the content, I don't like the filler

>tripfag complains about shitposting
Kind of ironic. Fuck off already.

Good thing there's barely any room for filler, since there's a lot of canon content in the manga.

Its the same thing with Mob Psycho but the difference is that their great animation can overshadow it.


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So the 2 completed episodes are probably:
1. King
2. Garou+Fubuki?

I think that wasn't only the usual two. That was straight out shitposting by multiple anons, most posts seemed to be just for fun.

I was thinking scarves since the shoe thing only happened the one time I know of.

Stop believing YP. He's the same nigger that said that we'd get the first episode screened in August, and that the anime was coming out in 2020.

>I like the content, I don't like the content

I can see Garou vs Team Gatling being an entire episode long, and after that, for the finale Garou vs Genos,Bang,Bomb and then the Elder fight.

Not really the same. Bones has been skipping some stuff and going fast, but it's the same as S1 and the manga. They did a little less than 6 volumes in S1, and now S2 will do a little more, but with one extra episode, so the same pacing as S1. OPM's S2 will do 10 whole volumes, 3 more than S1.

Scarves, clothes and dickleting already happened, I was wondering what will be new.
My guess is whatever stupid shit catches the eye in the anime.

this is a really good ooc pic

>another wall of irrelevant greentext
You are a literal autist. Yes, you've been pulling shit out of your ass ever since you tried to spout junk about BC and Midorikawa and can't let go because you love listening to your own unrelated drivel.

You are the one moving goalposts every time you post, clinging to narrow "definitions" of laughter and whatnot that have no place in this discussion whatsoever. Garou chuckles and laughs and YES says shit like oya oya in a laughing tone - clearly - on panel, quite often. Way more than 5 times, in way more than 2 volumes, and I'm not gonna spoonfeed you every instance when you refuse to look at his expressions in the first place. If you can't find them yourself you're frankly retarded, holy shit. That sinister chuckling side is an essential part of Garou's character that Midorikawa also needed to grasp and voice well, and he can, we have a very fresh example, and that's great, the end. You are simply retarded if you don't undertsand basic shit like this too and want to argue about nothing.

Stop wasting people's brain cells, autist. I assure you, no one wants to listen to your drivel.

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Cute of you to think the threads will be anything but shitposting from animeonlys once it's airing. Prepare for powerlevelfags complaining that Saitama isn't fighting Boros tier enemies, people who read the webcomic ages ago but never followed the manga complaining about the new content like this was 2015, normies that barely watch anime raiding threads and shitting them up, people whining about the animation regardless of its quality because they heard it'll be bad, etc. Things probably won't calm down until next year unless the anime is a huge turd.

user, stop replying to him. He’s the resident autist, yes. So don’t feed him.

Well going off this, the next stupid thing is going to be nitpicking raws,

Anime is going to be Round 2 for all the old arguments with a vengeance because secondaries are now going to be involved.

Fujo spam is going to be annoying like Season 1.

Cant wait to see this animated.

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I hope they do animate it. It's one of those parts that could easily be cut.

I'm just flabbergasted by this faggot's autistic fixation. He'd shitpost and argue incessantly about literally anything, starting shit out of the fucking blue, and Garou seems to trigger him especially so.

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Some of the comedy relief material for S2 is fun and maybe better than Season 1.

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It kind of is. It's more varied and does't rely so much on one punches.

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I see.

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>I'm staying
Come on, stop crying. You can leave and take your shit taste with you.

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>Sonic uses a pleb normalfag fishing rod to catch one puny fish
Yep, gay.
>Garou hunts monster shark barehanded for royal dinner

to think he knew better with letting bat do this but would make the same mistake himself

>even ONE acknowledges Genos is a massive jobber

Attached: kheh.png (654x702, 415K)

>can eat an entire restaurant and a megalodon for dinner
>ultra fit
I wish we humans could have Garou's metabolism

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Congratulations, you got the whole joke about his character. It's Murata that wants Genos to be cool, ONE considers him the king of jobbers. Initially when fighting EC, it would cut Genos in half and the battle would end with that, but Murata convinced him of adding the rest of the fight.

>Murata that wants Genos to be cool, ONE considers him the king of jobbers
The contrast makes Genos a good character though

He can slice that shark into flawless sashimi barehanded too. Very convenient desu.

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One of the cases where having a second opinion really paid out. If i remember it right Murata even took ideas from the stream how to make Genos shine a bit more.

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>phoenix man scene is rip off of this scene

So hold up, is the air date April 2nd or 9th? Did the JP Twitter clarify anything about a special ep on 2nd?

Murata always makes characters shine more. The storyboards he showed for the Orochi fight wre a lot simpler, and Orochi always kept his humanoid form.

No clarification. JP sources don't talk about a special episode as far as I can tell.

J.C. Staff are known for using their own bad animators instead of outsourcing to better talent, unfortunately

Orochi really should have stayed in his base form vs Garou. I know he absolutely stomped Garou but the fact that he 'powered up' at all made him -look- weaker than he really is.

I wonder if VIZ got confused or JP Twitter actually held back info about the first ep’s content. Weird.

Maybe but chapter 90 is so great I'm not even mad.
And sperm will probably be the strongest monster anyways.

That doesn’t mean we’ll get more than what we got of him in the manga.

Why do you think he "powered up"? All he did was fight him, there's no indication that his monster form is stronger, especially since he went back to his human form to copy his abilities.

For BS I just hope that Murata really goes nuts in terms of displaying the amount of clones he has after the AS fight.

>That one chick surrounded by 5 guys

WDM will have less screentime than Sonic and TTM lel.

I want a double spread of just faces

It's airing on Hulu

So a billion dollar company has taken this anime. They have seen the product, and have confidence to PREMIERE it solely on their platform.
(which is an alpha move by itself, since all the OPM fans are on Netflix.)

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That goes without saying. WDM will actually have less screentime than Sourface and some other tournament only randos.

>caring about official streaming
Dude, just pirate it.

That is a dude

>Attention hores
I think I might have read that wrong.
>sees vid on the top
I guess not.

The original outline said Genos was supposed to job the moment he got split in 2 by Elder.

They probably haven't seen it and bought the rights blind cause they figured season 1 was a huge hit so season 2 must be as well. These companies are run by stupid and ignorant people.

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Murata's wife

Didn't you read the comment chain bud? That's part of the conversation, and I said it here

Fumihiko Tachiki should voice Gouketsu, he is the perfect voice for the character.

Except the VA for Saitama and ONE himself, I don't know any of them.

S1 anime team did the same thing by extending Genos vs DSK and even giving him a new move(Raikogan).

Front row are Garou-Fubuki-Saitama-Genos-King.

I knew this guy voiced Sloth before I even googled him.

Which fucked the arc up, since almost everything before that fight in the arc was rushed and done poorly.


But Sourface, Zakos, LinLin will spend more time giving us commentary and overreacting

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I see King's VA is in character already.

Thanks user, and the others?

I feel he fits Bakuzan better.
If I knew I would've listed them. Outside those I only recognize ONE.

>those pecs

When was that special OPM stage play event taking place? Maybe they’ll drop the next pv during that.

Why is nobody happy there?

didn't that already happen?

Murata and ONE are the ultimate team. ONE is the idea guy but Murata has shown that he can be quite the innovator. Originally in the EC fight, Bang and Bomb's combination attack wasn't even gonna be able do shit to EC but Murata suggested to ONE to change it since doing that would make them look underwhelming, so that led to the change wherein their combo attacks do a shit ton of damage and cracks it's exoskeleton armor, but EC manages to still survive after molting and regeneration.

Wait, where is ONE in there?

Because they’ve witnessed the state of S2 firsthand

I assume he's the stonefaced guy wearing a hat on the right.

real talk

Attached: wtft.jpg (1200x962, 360K)

Bottom left.

Ah, he seems so skinny.

That's Midorikawa, dude.

That's front left, retard.

you always tell right-left from the viewer point, not from the foto's perspective.

Then you must mean BACK row, ESL retard. The guy in the pink sweater? Face looks kinda different.

Looking at the different answers I got I wonder if ONE is even there.

Can anyone who knows moon tell me who's listed under [MAIN STAFF]?

As long as they do justice with this, its fine.

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I did a goof, I'm sorry. But yeah, pink sweater guy, should've read what I said before posting.

They'll barely show that shit in a couple of stills. It's irrelevant.

That's not ONE, and that's not Aoi Yuuki.

Both are correct.

> it's only relevant when Garou is winning

This guy voiced Charanko.

Attached: Charanko.jpg (800x1200, 160K)

He does have the same hairstyle as Charanko.

The front row is definitely the right seiyuu. Others? Not sure.

I think the two on the left in mid row are Hatano and Matsukaze.

How far is the anime supposed to go?

Attached: ONE.png (531x658, 467K)

People don't know that he got in shape.

It's relevant when the event noticeably affects the characters involved or plot. That shit was irrelevant. Garou could've been fighting any other randos to keep busy.

In the end Garou just added another move into the myriad he already knows and had to run into King/Saitama on the street to actually KO him.

Yeah, looks like him, but damn he looks even skinnier in the group photo. Don't overwork yourself, ONE.

I don't speak moon but it takes a minute to download the google translator app for your phone.
This is what it says:
Director: Sakurai Goodako
Series composition:Suzuki Tomoaki
Character design: Kubota Oz (Oz?)
Art director: Shigemi Ikeda, Maruyama Yukiko
Color design: Shosohashi Mayumi
Director of photography: Yoshio Okochi
Editing: Masahiro Goto (REAL-T)
Sound director: Miwa Iwami
Music: Makoto Myazaki
Opening theme song: JAM Project "Apostol of Silence"
Ending theme song: Furukawa Shin "Even if there is no map" (kek)
Animation production: JCSTAFF

Fubuki's VA needs to get outta there. Look at the guys' pose symmetry.

So Bateman is ONE? Damn he's cuter than I remember from that shitposting photo.
Can I marry him?

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Dude you can't be serious. Google Translate didn't get any of their names right.

>still assblasted over WDM and trying to forget it happened
You can't make this up folks

Not my problem
The art directors names seem right.

>still trying to exaggerate utterly irrelevant shit for the sake of your cancerous shitposting
Well, I suppose that's all you shitposters know to do.

>Art director: Shigemi Ikeda
This guy's portfolio ain't bad. Where is the chief animation director though?

>noting characterfags want to downplay and deny a loss is bad
You couldn't even resist could you?

>obsessing and shitposting over shit characters themselves literally don't care about
The absolute state of shitposters. Like I said, Garou could've kept himself busy fighting any other irrelevant rando. It's that irrelevant.