Berserk Netflix

How do you think this will go? Will it be as shit as the 2016/17 animu? Or will it have the same quality as the movies?

I would love if it had the 97 anime quality

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>Will it be as shit as the 2016/17 animu?
Let's hope they've learnt with their own mistakes

>Will it be as shit as the 2016/17 animu?
Ι don't think that's possible

berserk has no place in today's MOEconomy

>I would love if it had the 97 anime quality
you wish

It's going to be yet again C G I G A R B A G E.
By the way talking about the 1997 anime Umakoshi came to a con at paris recently and I got my copy of the bluray signed by him, pretty happy about that.

From the article
>“Berserk needs to come back. If someone reputable gets me the rights I’ll bring it back in that 2D hand-drawn vibe and make is closer to the manga, because the hyper-detailed beauty of Kentaro Miura’s artwork in the manga is the true masterpiece,” he said.(Adi Shankar)

I mean it's a possibility

To yet again be*

>ywn live in a universe where berserk got a 160-episode adaption in the 90s
>ywn see berserk end

What does "someone reputable" even mean?

I just want to see Daiba animated

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Got any pics user?

Let's hope that Castlevania guy watched Caribou Coon's video if he's doing this and just relies on minimal animation via stills where only hair/water moves, repeated frames and just static stills.

>160 episodes

How the fuck do you stretch the golden age arc out that long?

>first berserk fans get comically awful jap adaptations back to back
>then they get a netflix sjw cartoon version
Haha holy shit, they never get a break do they?

They’ll just make a less shittier but still bad cg anime or worst a live action where griffin is black and casca is Jewish

Let it die like Miura did.

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Have you watched Devilman?

Woops sorry about the flip.

Surprised it took this long. I thought they'd do this when the Game of Thrones/dark fantasy fad was at their hype a couple of years ago.

Well,it's probably going to be Golden Age yet again. Still better than nothing I suppose and if it does well maybe they can adapt later arcs. Would love to see pic related adapted.

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It means him. He's quite full of himself.

Can't be worse than 2016 anime. Nothing can.

Baki had CGshit yet was still pretty watchable. I also completed the 16/17 series because any Berserk is still Berserk, I'd watch a fucking slideshow. So if Baki-tier quality, I'd be more than satisfied.

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>castlevania anime
theyre still pushing this meme huh


>I also completed the 16/17 series because any Berserk is still Berserk
And? Is it watchable at all?

Let's pretend this guy gets the rights and then wants to make a show just like Castlevania. Art isn't the only thing that makes Berserk a masterpiece, it needs good direction. The 97 anime with its limited but efficient budget and the entire third Golden Age movie is what needs to be reproduced here. This guys outright saying "the art is the true masterpiece" has got me worried already.


Hopefully this gets made before Netflix decides to stop literally pissing money away

If they're going to waste more money than makes sense in an attempt to bolster their library, something as cost-intensive as a GOOD Berserk anime would be good. It can even have CG, as long as it's not the terrible dogshit CG that the idiot who made fucking Teekyu was responsible for or that janky shit from the movies.

A new cast would be good too. Iwanaga isn't a voice actor by trade and it shows. I'm not asking that they bring Canna back, but a whole new Berserk anime with new production design and a new cast would help wash the bad taste of the bad CG entries out. Maybe start with adapting some Black Swordsman stuff to avoid the "This again?" syndrome that might occur otherwise.

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Isn't that what Netflix aims for? Visual appealing shows without any substance

Well, no, even Polygon shit like Ajin/Sidonia/Blame looked a lot better. The voice acting was decent and that's pretty much it. I treated it as a recap of the arc, the story is still Berserk.

I loved the golden age arc but lost interest after reading the conviction arc, does it ever get as comfy as the gaa later on?

How would that work, the current adaptation is still going onwards.

kill yourself newfag

>The N- swordsman.
What did they mean by this?

Funniest thing is that I disliked that con and only Umakoshi's presence would have been worth the trouble of going there early but I won a ticket for it for free literally a day before. Some Behelit shit I tell ya

The voice acting was underwhelming as fuck even though the same voice actors were there from the movies. Important lines are skipped, important scenes are butchered and CLANGS up the ass. It's not watchable because it is NOT Berserk.

Please just leave Berserk alone. STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!!

>It's going to be yet again C G I G A R B A G E.
Only Japanese cgi is garbage.
Imagine anime with Pixar's cgi, it would be glorious.

It's difficult to do worse than the 2016 adaptation. Having said that, I doubt they could refrain from injecting a political agenda into it, so it would probably wind up being shit nonetheless. I don't have any faith left in western productions.

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>Adi Shankar

I hope he doesnt add any extra social justice crap and follows it faithfully.

>160 episodes
Logh is 110 episodes minus a few films and later on 2 ova prequels but they had to trade quality for quantity. I don't think any mad man out there can keep up with berserks art style for longer than that.

Berserk deserves that though

and you Castlevania?

CGI is in general is pure cancer.

How many adaptions does this get? Hell we all know it will either be shit AGAIN or good/acceptable and end with the eclipse like the first series and movies and never get a sequel.

Well if it's like Castlevania's animation, it would be mostly 2d

If its too much edge and gloom for you right now, it does tone down that later in the story once Guts' new party comes together. Especially around when Schierke joins.

no one has the balls to touch the lost children arc

Every time I read a new chapter and scroll down to read the comments there are a bunch of people absolutely SEETHING about Griffith. I don't get it. What did he do wrong?

That's for the best. That means it can never be raped like the rest of Berserk has.

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>i won't bro, i swear.

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To the point that some feel that it's no longer berserk, and the edge is gone.
Those people are retards, but still.

It's not, good cgi is way better visually than 2d drawings, especially in animation fluidity. 2d animation is going to die, at best it's going to be emulated via shaders on a 3d models.
What you need for great cgi is a physical model for inverse kinematics or motion capture (ideally, a combination) + global illumination.
Alita is a good example
but even game engines are getting close

Once realistic models become widely available movies with actors are going to start to disappear too.