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This series made me rage hard.
this anime sucks
best girl died halfway thru
The first time I watched this, I was following it monthly on releases. I absolutely loved it, the art style, the story, the characters. I was heartbroken when Togame died, and I loved the final episode to death. The second time I watched it, I was showing it to my brother and my opinion was largely the same. It was terrible knowing Togame would die, but the final episode was great, the journey was fantastic and knowing that she truly loved Shichika made it better.
The third and final time I've watched it, was just last year, so almost 8 years later.
I loved the journey, I loved watching them grow close together... And then as we got to the end, I couldn't get over how incredibly cheap it felt. Togame died for almost no reason (Oh Shichika's hand twitched and then Emonzaemon was randomly able to overhear them! Damn!) and her death felt like it made everything beforehand pointless, all the buildup, all their growth together, all they did and learned and overcame, all washed away because of a random death that felt completely perfunctory. It felt like a cruel twist of the dagger just for the sake of having a downer ending. I still enjoyed the final episode, but I went away realising I didn't like the series anymore, and I had no desire to watch it again.
Sad feelings.
Filed under "I'm sure it's well written and technically excellent, but I heard some spoilers about how it ends so I'm too depressed about it to give it a shot".
Katanagatari was serious shit that disguised itself well with whimsy and comedy.
That said, while it was depressing I much prefer how it upset dumb shipper faggots like who didn't understand the story.
There are plenty of anime with shitty meme bittersweet endings for the sake of having one. Katanagatari isn't one of them.
>If you didn't like it, you didn't get it!
I understood the story just fine. Fuck, they basically sit you down and explain the point at the end, yeah, it's a story of failure, everyone fails everyone's story either didn't matter or ended in disaster/defeat. I got it. That's why I was able to accept Togame's death the first two times I watched it, like I said, I was impressed with the series, I liked it, I thought it was good.
But watching it again years later and realising the whole time that you're watching something pointless and everything that's achieved or learned every single episode amounts to nothing wasn't satisfying at all the third time. And don't fucking complain about "hurr shipper faggots" when half the fucking scenes and the entirely undercurrent to Togame's arc is about her and Shichika clumsily falling for each other.
It is
Nisio is a hack why do you autists love him?
Because he's unique, sometimes funny and basically the last LN writer of his generation still writing (except for Narita). Monogatari First Season and Boukyaku Tantei are masterpieces.
you gotta lay back
Long fags on suicide watch
Time has made you into a boring man.
>but I went away realizing I didn't liek the series anymore
Had the exact same experience. I enjoyed the series immensely up until she died, at which point it really just felt like the author was saying "Fuck you".
It didn't result in anything other than me being less enthused about recommending this shit to other people.
Monogatari is one giant repetition of his better work Zaregoto.
>I don't enjoy this series where episode 12 makes episodes 1-11 pointless
>"That makes you boring"
>episode 12 makes episodes 1-11 pointless
literal brainlet
I immediately dropped Zaregoto when one of the characters was described having blue hair.
No novel that actually references anime colors could be good.
>No-one achieved anything
>Everyone died for nothing
>Any lessons learned were pointless and dismissed in the final episode
>Nothing changed
>The journey amounted to nothing
You know the traditional way to write an ending like that would be "It was all a dream."
Togame deserved it.
You didn't drop Monogatari over half of the shit Arararararagi says but blue hair bothers you?
>missing point of show this hard
Watch shonen.
Should I watch this before Bakemonogatari? Is it a prequel?
It's fine to be a contrarian but there has to come a point where you stop.
You can have Iichan and Aikawa being better than Araragi and Izuko/Yozuru but NisiO hit his stride for characters in Monogatari.
Don't forget Oremonogatari.
>No arguments
>Insults instead
I completely disagree. Outside of Kaiki his characters in Monogatari seemed to be a giant repetition/downgrades. BUT THEN AGAIN I'm straight so idk what to tell you friend. I also hated the anime but loved the music that came from it cause I'm straight. Right.
>people bitching that nothing was learned
Togame’s whole POINT was that she could learn everything in the world but her need for power/revenge was too strong for her to be happy.
By the end of the show Shichika is developed into an actual human with real insights and such.
>Monogatari seemed to be a giant repetition/downgrades
I think the issue with that is NisiO has a large variety of fetishes and themes he enjoys, Zaregoto was him giving meddling writing to a lot of them while Monogatari was him giving a lot of writing to (initially) a few of them.
The only thing Zaregoto has going for it is that Ii-chan is as legitimately edgy and autistic is he says he is to Araragi's self-proclaimed autism.
If I need to post arguments I will just post pasta from archives since you're not first person who missed point of show. Every Katanagatari thread since 2010
>who missed point of show
>Y-You only di-didn't like it because you don't understand it!
Pathetic cop out answer.
I understood the show. I understood it perfectly, as I outlined above. It's not possible to miss the point of the show, the last few minutes of the final episode literally explain it for anyone who wasn't paying attention.
Stop using such cowardly arguments and just accept that it's not universally liked, because a story where everyone fails at everything and nothing is achieved, learned or changed, is largely unsatisfying.
Liking monogatari more is the contrarian view. Zaregoto is the widely more popular in the fanbase. Gatari only really has the animeonlys.
>story where everyone fails at everything and nothing is achieved, learned or changed, is largely unsatisfying.
Typical Yea Forums story. But yeah you're right. Katanagatari is not story for retarded anime watchers.
I only know about 5 or 6 people who've read both so this is pretty anecdotal but not one of them preferred Zaregoto to Gatari
I'm don't know about irl, but I've never seen a Zaregoto thread on Yea Forums, while Monogatari has threads every week.
Monogatari is far more popular yes.
I'm talking about japan and the actual nisio fanbase, not EOP's.
also there was a lot of zaregoto talk on Yea Forums years ago, it was Yea Forums that first scanned and made pdf's of the english translations
someone here started the volume 3 translation too back in 2009 or 2010 (, website died though)
Not an EOP (Read up to the end of Psycho Logical and Musubi respectively) and I prefer Monogatari.
I think at best you could argue that opinion is divided.
I mean it wasn't completely pointless. shicika grew as a person instead of as a sword and I guess hime was freed from her family obligation(or soemthing)
Great anime up until the retarded ending.
No and Yoko taro is trash and got cucked by persona and nintendo lmao
>he likes Kaiki
Literally the character choice for plebs.
Honestly this. He's basically weeb Snape except Alan Rickman is actually based. Fucking JK rowling managed to write a better character than that autistic tryhard Nisio.
Don't be retarded you deluded faggot. Japan loves Bakemonogatari
Zaregoto wishes it was as loved as Bake
Mmmm, I should read this. How was the OVA?
ah yes here comes reddit with the pop culture references
patiently waiting for star wars now that we've had harry potter
your chinese cartoons have been ripping off western culture for decades. get over it
dropped it after episode 4. so retarded
I can't believe after such a long time time im still mad.
>The fucking month you had to wait between 2nd to last and last ep
That shit almost broke me
Except Snape was in love with the mother of a good guy so he's secretly a good guy double agent, Kaiki just acts on his own motivations consistently and isn't really a bad guy or a good guy overall.
>Harry Potter
I heard reddit has an anime subreddit, I guess you better fuck off of Yea Forums now.