Hi Yea Forums-chan!! How have you been? I missed you sooooo much!! (≧◡≦)

Hi Yea Forums-chan!! How have you been? I missed you sooooo much!! (≧◡≦)

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I always thought Moetron was kinda cute

>tfw didnt find moetron moe

Some backstory, boys.

Attached: Moetron origins.png (1630x1107, 190K)

Awwww!! Thank you senpai! o(>ω

I find her cute but not moe, if that makes any sense. I want to treasure and protect her, and yet I also find her profoundly sad. I want to comfort her form the pain she seems to convey.

shut the fuck up, everybody knows who Moetron is

>I want to treasure and protect her, and yet I also find her profoundly sad. I want to comfort her form the pain she seems to convey.
That's moe, bro.

I just wanted to post images that are getting dusty in my drive, dummy.
I also a doubt that claim.

Attached: moetron.gif (344x135, 206K)

I don't find most moe pitiable though. Typical moe conveys a sense of innocence - eyes that I want to shield from the darker truths of the world. But moetron is different. Her eyes hold no purity. They are eyes that have seen too much.

you still want to protect her, right

Someone put her out of her misery

Yeah. I'm sure you're right and it's still moe by definition. I guess I was just trying to communicate that it felt slightly different. Somewhat distinct from conventional moe.

of course, there are many kinds of moe

>Her eyes hold no purity. They are eyes that have seen too much.

I... I want to protect.

Attached: Moetron4.jpg (400x427, 48K)

she's so happy
is she this way on purpose? does she have a choice? do any of us have a choice?

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This. She looks like she's in terrible pain.

Her happiness is merely artificial

Attached: 1543584979062.png (358x474, 303K)

but does that make it any less legitimate?

I love you too mika- moetron

The cute and funny is made of parts too?

This horror must be unmade

Mika loves you too, user

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I've always wondered about the context of this image.

Attached: Moetron Remembers.jpg (495x700, 47K)