
Tumbling down

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Pls choke my neck kaguya-chan

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>otterfags won
Oh nonononono

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Break next week

What the fuck?

Kaguya-chan is dead

I am not okay

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I can't believe it. You guys fucking told me iceguya was gone forever.


This manga really went downhill since the kiss.

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Don't worry. She still have insatiable craving for his____

>More fucking drama out of nowhere

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Jump on his dick.

Mate its been 3 chapters.

Okay, this one is actually otter material.


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Okay i will definitely fly over to Japan and shit on Aka's desk

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>Acting surprised when they are currently building up the Christmas arc

>5Toubun got healing this week
>Kaguya got despair instead

Where is the dialogue? Are those the gook scans?

Fuck you aka. If you don't know what to do with kaguyaxprez just focus on ishigami harem life now.

Of course the ice part of Kaguya is going to be furious seeing the sheer disgrace Kaguya-chan brought upon her image.

Isn't it going take comedy turn to the end of chapter?You such worrywarts

What the fuck Kaguya?

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Good riddance, I fucking hate the whole Kaguya-chan bullshit from the week before.

EndAlso Aka takes a break next chapter.

I knew it, Aka is timing it with the anime ending. Since next week is a break, expect them to actually become a couple in 3 chapters after this one.

It's falseflaggers once again.

Long story short, Iceguya is absolutely livid with how her baka counterpart has been conducting herself.

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oh i see. This page is end. And with break too. I don't wanna such cliffhanger

First page posted is last page of the chapter and she's clearly iceguya there. We in for some heavy drama boys. Or at least a slow route.

Fuck off, samefag.

i just hope comedy will not die from it. Romance can slow down, i feel.

Give a quick rundown of what happened
Did Iceguya took control?

Iceguya is the cutest of the Kaguyas when she's angry.

T-That‘s just a red herring, right? Iceguya takes over for just a bit but miyuki sees it through and mans the fuck up and tells her he loves her, because he said himself he‘s done with the bullshit
Otter-san can‘t win

I think we're getting the continuation of flashback chapter.

It‘s just like ditf‘s 02 being a monster but the healing from e15 will happen here too and I will cry just as much

It's reverse rape time.

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If anything, this is the best that could have happened. Iceguya is the closest of the personalities to Kaguya's self evaluation, the part of Kaguya that she does not want others to see. Her being forced out to interact with Shirogane means that if he can beat her, Kaguya will fall in every sense of the word.
Iceguya embodies the Shinomiya fucked up teachings. This had to happen before they went out for real, otherwise, Kaguya would break if faced with her father.


I don't like what I'm seeing but I'll give Aka the benefit of the doubt. Not like he had let us down before.

You can't deny that Iceguya is the most beautiful version of Kaguya.

Just woke up
Give me a quick rundown of what happened?
Did Iceguya took over?

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Why is Iino inside Kaguya's head?

Prez needs to melt the ice queen once and for all

With his penis

You mean his _____

Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to remove the text?

return the favor aka mouthrape her

I can't believe Kaguya-chan is fucking dead

What the fuck, that's not even Iceguya anymore. Despairguya?


>Not like he had let us down before.
I don't really share that feeling. Kaguya-sama has had its fair share of low points.

>thinking Iceguya will do something bad
Nigga, Iceguya can't control her juices near Pres just like the others.

Fucking this. Ribbon is cute and all but god that hair and that dead look on her eyes, you just know that you're not the one who's going to be on top.

Yay, the fang is back.


> Iceguya should have been dead and buried after the kiss
> Iceguya murders Kaguya-chan instead


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And here I thought I was the only one. I like Bakaguya as one of the crazy voices inside Kaguya's head, but turning Kaguya into a complete retard really would ruin her for me.

As expected, this is the last chapter of this volume and it comes out this month, Aka need a break for the bonus content.
What wasn't expected is this development though, what the fuck. But I guess it also means that the flashback arc will come soon. Between that and the Ishigami/Iino side plot, Christmas will be heavy.

But why?
Are we actually going to get dumb split personality shenanigans?

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Her ribbon was her power limiter?

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>Between that and the Ishigami/Iino side plot, Christmas will be heavy.

Meanwhile, Fujiwara is depressed at home during Xmas.

Yeah I'm thinking she's back

If any author tried anything like this Yea Forums would have unanimously trashed on this series and you know it

>An ancient evil awakens

It says a lot about how much trust people place in Aka. Only time will tell if it's been misplaced.


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I now realise Kaguya-chan is the defendant and not the attorney this time

I wanted to see a little more iceguya but not like this. AKA THAT WAS NOT THE DEAL! THAT WASN'T IN THE DEAL!

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inb4 all Iceguya does is stop being a spaz and properly ask Prez to go out with her

This is fucking nothing, I don't know why everyone is freaking out

NO! this can't happen Icekaguya was dead for 1000 years yet she still retains this much POWER!?
>Ice Kaguya
" It was not by my hand that I'm once again given flesh. I was called here by Bakas who wish to pay me tribute."

This. While its definitely Icekaguya, that is not the same 'you are beneath me' expression of before. Compare it to previous examples.

Remember how Kaguya-chan last week have SR rarity? This one is SSR.

Iceguya probably going to bring up complications with her going to Stanford and her family situation.
They're just thirsty for muh progress start dating and don't care about letting the story develop.

Oh shit we might be getting a flashback chapter,
Aka said he wanted to do more this would be a good time to do it I think.

>bottom right panel
What a slut.

Because what a number of people want from the manga right now is Shirogane and Shinomiya clearing up their relationship and kissing, not this autistic multiple personality disorder shit.


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Please, this is nothing. Yea Forums still worships Toradora despite two thirds of it being filled with nothing but el hermano tier twists.
This is a natural resolution to Kaguya issues, and we've known about Iceguya for ages.

>Prez wants to stick his dick in crazy
The absolute madman.

I wouldn't call Aka pulling a bait-and-switch on the defining chapter of the series "fucking nothing".
I still have some faith in Aka and I can think he's good enough to fix this in the future, but this effectively ruins the perfection of 135/136.
Imagine waiting three years for a perfect conclusion only to be ruined by the author essentially saying "Nope, not yet you fucking retard lmao" I love this series but I won't be a shill for shitty writing

You fags are gullible as always.
Iceguya is just mad that bakaguya shamed the "Shinomiya Kaguya"'s name. She appeared to "set things straight".

Don't bother, otter.

People jump through hoops to justify the bullshit of Toradora, fuck that show.

>If I don't like it it's shitty writing

>Split personality arc
Man, Aka is such a shoujofag.

Iceguya definitely wants Prez' cock. She's probably trying to clean up the mess Kaguya-chan caused (she did act like a retard, after all, see ). Whether or not she sabotages the current confession is up in the air, though.

Or shes trying to be the Kaguya who will take Prez's virginity away.

People are seething because based otterfags won in the end. Suck it, faggots haha.

>thinking this is a bait and switch
You're just an impatient faggot, it's obvious they're going to be a couple by christmas. Let them sort through all their shit, a lot happened especially for Kaguya that she needs to work through. Fuck off.

>people have a problem with this


So is she going to rape him?

well, fuck!

>Ice queen Kaguya will go full femdom and rape Prez
Thats hot

>kaguya sama is a schizo

Is prez's face on the bottom panel the face of a man who is afraid of this creature or is he fearing for his chastity?

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I bet Aka could introduce an el hermano NTR and you'd still be following Kaguya like blind sheep
Not saying he will by the way, but I don't you'll read this far

>no ishigami

>no Miko Lino

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I'd lose it if Ice Kaguya's anger was because things between her and shirogane weren't going fast enough so she assumes direct control

Why the fuck should I be patient when the author is clearly dragging this out? You faggots defend anything this series does

>everyone thinks iceguya being back means there’s going to be despair
>forgetting that she has an insatiable craving for his dick
She’s going to fucking rape Prez’s virginity.

Four pages, user

it certainly does look that way

I agree I can't believe they went back to the old "War of Love and Brains" motif for 5 chapters and none of the characters changed with their interactions, No new story line was foreshadowed and no new conflict or character development was hinted at.

Aka is a hack.

>miko's reaction when she looks in a mirror

What's with the explosion of doomposting here? Literally no one knows what's happening, or what this will lead to.

rude she might be gaining a little weight but she is the sexiest short stack in all manga.

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this panel is extremely lewd

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collective autism

Toradora works because we are familiar with the language of romance drama cliches.

sleep tight otter

What if Iceguya unintenionally
> "How cute!"s
Prez and he goes back to full PTSD, confirming his worst fears? It must have been Iceguya, after all, that gave him his trauma and paranoia.

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Oh fuck you for making me smile a bit

This is probably going to be similar to the time people thought kaguya was reacting to the prez dads eyes, which ended up being for a different reason

Because everything is properly explained and foreshadowed? I'll be the first to shitpost if we ever see Shirogane's half brother come out of nowhere and kidnap Kaguya or if Fujiwara kisses Shirogane out of nowhere, but so far Aka has worked hard in letting us give him the benefit of doubt.
Which isn't even needed here. Shit like going out immediately after the confession doesn't fly with Kaguya. We've known that the elephant in the room that was her being an awful person had to come out at some point.

Rewrite, I think?

>YFW it turns out he did get "how cute'd" in the past but it was just Iceguya being awkward and not knowing how to show affection.

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I bet you it'll be

>Until you properly state our relationship I won't be anything other than cold with you

They're either just trolling or fags with zero patience who basically think "if they haven't fucked yet it's not progress"

>No new story line was foreshadowed and no new conflict or character development was hinted at.
You can do all that without having to resort to backtracking what should have been a sealed deal with what those chapters accomplished.
I don't mind drama. I don't mind characters developing. Kaguya changing back to her cold self is very reasonable. It's the fact that this happened RIGHT FUCKING AFTER the climax that pisses me off. It's way too convenient for the author to suddenly have Kaguya revert back internally and not due to any external conflict, because that could have been applicable at any other time except it just had to be after they've both resolved to confess.

That's what I expect, just like Ishigami misinterpreted her actions in the past. And she did "How cute" Hayasaka after the kiss in a non-malignant way.

Dragging out would be getting another airplane moment or stretching this day out with Ishi and fujiwara shenanigans. This is tossing Prez in a cage match with Kaguya at her most honest and the girl he first fell for. You're an idiot if you think this isnt progress.

Will Ishigami meet Ice-Kaguya?

I fear for his life.

>don't care about letting the story develop.
But it's fucking stupid
>guy confesses
>girl says yes and kisses him
>but now her split personality is taking over and causes more BS DRAMA.
If it was her father/family disaproving of their relationship and that is why she just goes back to being the ice queen then that would be one thing, but this is just is fucking retarded.

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>tfw Shirogane will tame the Ice Princess
I'm expecting a heart-melting conclusion, Aka.

Hello, I want to remind you that you don't actually know what's happening here and are jumping to conclusions as if you haven't read this manga at all.

Who cares? Miko's just Ishigami's side-piece at this point. The only character more boring than her is Tsubame.

Especially due to the contrast he would experience between Kaguya-chan and Iceguya:

> Nicest person you will ever meet
> Twisted fucking psychopath

Also, why didn´t Aka bring up the problem with Iceguya a little earlier? We had plenty of time, this series has been going on for literally 3 years. Why now AFTER she already kissed him? I´m hoping for the TL to reveal this as just Iceguya taking control to make the relationship official.

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Didn't prez actually fell in love with Ice Kaguya at first?

>just Iceguya taking control to make the relationship official
That seems way, way more likely than Kaguya bringing out her internal El Hermano just to fuck with the readers. Aka likes despair, but I don't think he'd do it as lazily as this.

If I had to make a guess, it would be because the end of the festival was the first time Kaguya said openly that she'd leave her family.
Iceguya is the embodiment of Kaguya's conditioning. She would not stay silent after that.

She inspired him to develop his ridicolous discipline when she jumped into the pool to save someone but he probably still had to warm up to all the sides of her personality since he disliked Iceguya when he first met and talked to her.

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Fuck this overrated garbage.

>Retards who can't even read it throwing a shitfit
what a surprise

>Never ask for anything ever again

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How accurate this edit ends up being.

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Animefag spotted

It's classic shitty shoujo. Aka is a better writer than this


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This isnt Me, Myself and Irene. It's not an actual split personality. And to answer your question here she and the problems with the Shinomiya brainwashing have been brought up all throughout the manga as a comparison to her past self, especially the birthday chapter. Go back and reread it again.


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When you think about it, Aka's actually been pretty upfront with the whole Kaguya being a mental case. No sane person swings through one extreme to another like she does.

So she's officially suffering from bipolar personality shit?

What the fuck is happening?

Obviously. Not to mention Prez cant act traumatized forever. The question is if she's going to just argue with him or go full manipulator and imply he just wants to pump and dump her and actually tempts him.

edge kaguya is assuming direct control to get president's dick

so... that's it? no other spoilers?
This just reminds me of when we had spoilers of miko blushing in front of prez (she was just misunderstanding him) or during the sports festival when anons thought prez dad was about to cuck his own son (kaguya just flustered because of the conversation in chapter).
This, along with other instances of misunderstanding from spoilers, is just so fucking funny i dont know about you but watching anons sperg out on bare shit is really fucking hilarious

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>Femdom soon

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Is the DID really a thing? A plot point?

Kaguya is just damaged goods from her family. Shirogane should just settle for the better girl.

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For you.

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Like Hayasaka


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People being mad about previews with literally no actual text is the funniest part of spoiler days.

I am kind of upset about the break though, but it's the end of the volume so whatever.

Why though? It's obviously setting up a flashback for Iceguya and then the culmination of Shirogane defeating her once and for all, tying up the loose ends.
Seems like writing 101 to me.

>Bakaguya is fucking dead
Holy shit my sides, and we will get to see Iceguya interacting with Prez, nice.
I would lose it if we get loliguya after this

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Legal loliguya.

There's no way Aka is going to introduce her feeling to Prez and then just drop this plot point. Be ready for even more drama.

She's too busy thinking impure thoughts about Ishi

It's not really bipolar, she probably just reverted back to a state of mind that doesn't accept any bullshit, because she knows the situation she's in.

Don't look away, Shirogane. Don't move. Don't show any signs of weakness. Kaguya has engaged full RAPE mode.

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Fujiwara harem ending out of nowhere would be the best ending to ever grace a manga.

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It's gotten to the point where the cast can't ignore it anymore. Fujiwara outright said Kaguya's mental state has always been unstable last chapter, and she's been subjected to Kaguya's mood swings esp. in earlier chapters. Ishigami experienced himself the bipolarity of Kaguya like in the horoscope chapter, and Prez got a glimpse via the sick visit.

>reverse rape
rape is is rape, user. no such thing as reverse rape. same with racism. if a black man is racist against whites or browns, it's still racism, not reverse racism

When should the actual chapter drop?

If Ice Kaguya is back for good, I know a certain valet that is going to be real pissed.

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Fuji has been subjected to Kaguya´s mood swings since way earlier, they knew each other before entering HS.

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Based panel

Imagine all the SEETHING Kaguyafags.

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But user women don't have sexual urges because they can't orgasm.

No way Prez dick can handle the first Fujiwara




The Year of the Otter... Begins now.

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We'll probably get full korean scans either later today or tomorrow

>Iceguya going full yandere once again
She´d be super pissed especially because she thought the extra work load was finally over.

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the whole bloodline ist tainted

Yes, but Fujiwara is a shitty friend. She doesn't count.

Fuck off, otter. Your meme was never funny.

OTP right here

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have we finally started the fire?

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>Completely different personality
>Completely different behavior
>Even changes her looks
How the fuck is this not a bipolarity?

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because that's not what bipolar disorder looks like, you dunce

t. psychology teacher

It's to represent the shift. Normal Kaguya schemes, acts stupid and innocent, which is the personality of all the ones inside her mind. Ice is basically just her cold and scheming side boosted up to max.
She probably intends to talk to President seriously about the kiss and everything else, but since she's the more negative on the side of things, she is potentially going to warn him that they have to keep it a secret if they intend to date because of her family, or she doesn't want to risk being taken from each other if the house finds out and doesn't start dating.

Because it's 107F cock fever.

It's just the usual shitposting, it really is funny though, specially when it's completely different from what anons expected.

I think at this point it is clear that Kaguya is fucking insane and that Prez should just move on

>year of the otter
y-yes, why have I not been able to see for so long.

The only pathway to true satisfaction, is through complete submission to the strong. Aka has abandoned us. Submit to the Otter, it is the only way.

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>cock fever
Don't disease names usually contain the symptom, and not the cure?

So who should this man end with, then?

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>kaguya alter

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>It's to represent the shift.
Between her two personalities. Normal and Ice Kaguya. That's literally how bipolar characters are usually being portrayed in the anime world.


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Based and otterpilled.

as someone who's had his share of batshit crazy gfs, let me tell you, they fuck just as crazy.

let miyuki enjoy his youth and his heartbreak


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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated 2nd of my class in Shuchiin Academy, and I've been involved in numerous school festivals, and I have over 300 confirmed charities. I am trained in diplomatic warfare and I'm the top strategic officer in the entire JDSF. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the world and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my maid. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the Shinomiya Group and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

>Ice Kaguya appears
>It's Hayasaka's chance
>But at the same time picrelated

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What is the ? character I'm missing in the last left-most vertical line of the first bubble?

Shirogane is being voiced by Tada Banri.
But Kaguya is the actual TADA BANRI.

This could have used a picture of Ice Kaguya. Or Bakaguya. May her soul rest in eternal peace.


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Bad meme

She goes baka too, a LOT of times in fact.
Remember, she didn't grow up in a normal household, and is a little weird with her emotions but still wants to not be entirely cold as a person, so her emotions go to extremes real easy.
This time it's just her mind realizing her joyfulness is fucking everything up, and jumping steps and now wants to go full serious for once.

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Her chance, for what? Getting herself murdered as opposed to merely making Kaguya jealous?

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>Thinking trying anything while Kaguya is in ice state isn't the most dangerous thing ever
She takes no bullshit. If she tries anything to piss her off, she's going straight to Cambodia.

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Time to send angry tweets to aka again, huh

>Remember, she didn't grow up in a normal household, and is a little weird with her emotions
>Dissociative identity disorder usually occurs in people who experienced overwhelming stress or trauma during childhood.
>Children are not born with a sense of a unified identity; it develops from many sources and experiences. In overwhelmed children, many parts of what should have blended together remain separate. Chronic and severe abuse (physical, sexual, or emotional) and neglect during childhood are frequently reported by and documented in patients with dissociative identity disorder
>and neglect during childhood

What the FUCK is wrong with Aka? Jesus fucking christ.

Sometimes i forget how much of a crazy bitch Kaguya actually is

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Reminder that Pres is the guy that intentionally fucked up his own eyes to satisfy his crush's fetish. He's just as insane as she is.

every comment is cringe

Oh fuck

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The point is that we might get some Hayasaka focus now that Ice Kaguya is around, so it might be her time to shine, but at the same time getting closer to Shirogane right now is not safe at all.

This is just gonna be a comedic resource. Otterfags out.

Also the whole depression/mania cycle is shown all the time in her behaviour. Just last episode in the anime we had Kaguya going from cursing Fuji to being superhappy about being included in like 1 minute. I still think Kaguya has DID though.

We're getting chapters with Bakaguya and now Iceguya sorting out their emotions. And in the end, we'll have an unified Kaguya taking the reins. Screencap this.

>otterbros have had 2 consecutive victories these past 2 weeks.

Yeah, I'm thinkin we're back

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> Chronic and severe sexual neglect
Sounds like Kaguya

It would be hilarious if the chapter after this was the same as the one with the eyes, but in reverse. Prez clearly has a thing for Ice Kaguya in particular, as seen in

>forced drama
I expected better.

patience otter, We can not take it easy until the race is over.

3 times is the charm, if next chapter sucks as well. Then we can safely claim this series as Otter Turf.

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Getting close to Prez in this situation is suicide, Hayasaka should know this better than anyone else

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You don't know what "forced" drama is. Read Seo and fuck off.

Kaguya is a comedy series first and foremost. Also, there's a countdown to Christmas which Japanese couples use to date and fuck like rabbits.

She's not being crazy in this panel tho

Where were you when otters won?

100 miles in MSpaint

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Just why is hayasaka chance? She clearly stated that she haven't romantic interest towards shirogane (I don't think she lied because she had no reason to do so)

>a """different personality""" ruins the confession and tries to reset their relationship
>not forced drama
Kill yourself.

I am so triggered by aquatic mammals that I read this as "my otter self"

What is he listening?

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Wasn't the otter shit from Nisekoi threads basically them saying they keep reading the series despite disliking it? It doesn't even make sense the way people are trying to force it

If this really happens, I figure she'd rather do everything in her power to make them fuck already, before her own life becomes hell again.

How do you even know if she wants a relationship reset? The whole point is that she doesn't want anymore misunderstandings, and wants to talk to him completely serious.

the 40 seconds

Hayasaka probably knows Ice Kaguya the best together with Fujiwara, so if they meet maybe we can get something cool, since Haysaka became friends with Prez she might help him deal with her.

It is literally not forced drama, you retarded underage faggot. Not only are you jumping the conclusions just like the other retards here, you don't know what it means to create drama out of nothing.

How many mental issues does Kaguya has at this point?

Do you think he would end the chapter on that if she just wanted a serious talk? If that's all it is, then it wouldn't be much of a cliffhanger to end it on it. You'll see when the chapter comes out.

> It's a "relationship problem that can be trivially resolved if the two friendly parties sit down and talk it out episode"
> Instead the main characters hit the self destruct button and go insane
> Not forced drama
Hang yourselves otterfags

Attached: 1539055391450.png (1042x753, 632K)

There is literally no text in that panel user

IB has some real stand-out greats

Attached: x1.jpg (1125x1600, 895K)

The meme in here is forced as fuck, but the idea is that the "otters" are saying Kaguya is gonna go full MISUNDERSTANDINGS like in Nisekoi.

Attached: Wiener.jpg (543x404, 112K)

I think you've lost it. You don't even know who is who anymore.

Attached: shameless slut.png (296x546, 209K)

>Not the ones screaming doom
You don't even understand how the forced meme works, or are you jus pretending to not understand to get replies?
Also, Ice isn't some new personality, she knows what's going on, and is just a more cold an upfront side of her. It would be self destruct if she had no memory.

Getting close to pres with Iceguya is out is just a foolish move that only a real madman would make.
No sane person would ever dare to take such risks.

>crossboarders and newshits don't know how to use memes
You want a cookie for this discovery?

His shitposter mind has already filled in the blanks for him. There's no reasoning at this point.

Don't stick your dick in crazy
Prez should run

It doesn't really work the way they're using it but they mean Kaguya is shit now but we still keep reading it. Most of it is just shitposting anyway so I wouldn't think about it too hard.

>Jumping to conclusions when spoiler user purposely erased the text
>Last time some people assumed shit wrong before we got a proper TL as well
It's like you niggers can't learn to wait for proper context or some shit.

Attached: Bakaguya2.png (188x320, 36K)

how come only this page has text?

But he wants that crazy.

It's okay as long as you make them go crazy for your dick

Prez fell in love with her when she was IceKaguya though.

I figured it out... The reason we can't defeat the Otters.
Is because, we are the otters... Each and everyone of us is the Otter that we hate so much. Our doubts and hatred have manifested and become the Otterposters we see so much of. They're not even real, it's been us the whole time.

Attached: jahy1.png (1012x1178, 556K)

>ice queen MURDERS kaguya chan
>she is reborn in the last page
What is there to misunderstand?

But he wants it. Just like Kaguya loving his eyebags and his glare, Prez loves the ice.

During Christmas arcs a heavy shit always goes down.

God yes, now NOTHING stands between Iceguya is his D.

>Wasn't the otter shit from Nisekoi threads basically them saying they keep reading the series despite disliking it?
Not literally. The otter meme is about people hating on its forced drama, MISUNDERSTANDINGS, retarded twists and all the other crap, but still reading it because they're already emotionally invested.

Oh I saw the original picture with text. Iceguya just told Shirogane that She won't go to America with him.

So yeah, otters definitely won this week

Attached: niggano.jpg (640x479, 17K)

Sure you did

My uncle is friends with Aka's editor, he just told me that page was fake.

>Oh I saw the original picture with text
Then post it, faggot

What the fuck dont fucking lit to me

Finally some development!
Reverse development!

google bipolar disorder nimrod

finally you understand
enlightenment is yours, otter

Attached: kaguyafaggots.jpg (725x800, 205K)

Attached: NOOOOOCHIKA.jpg (242x350, 46K)

That's great, now let's wait to see what she says and what she wants to do now that's she back yeah?

And the next chapter Prez is raped once again.

It's a き, and your 雀 is actually a 皆.

From where is this image?

Attached: IMG_20190304_150932.png (800x471, 76K)

There was a precure season where girls collected crystals for 24 episodes. Then they lost them and had to collect them again for other 20 episodes. Right now I felt something similar to those times when the search was reset. It is complicated feeling composed of rage and hopelessness

>I'm sorry to say this so late
>But going to Stanford with you...

>It can't happen.

Attached: amanlikeme.jpg (700x415, 62K)


People using the otter meme don't even remember what was it about. It was about people claiming they were dropping Nisekoi every week just to be answered with a tired "see you next week". Those who claim Kaguya is the next Nisekoi clearly have no recollections of how early in the story Nisekoi shat the bed and how it kept fucking up.

> She won't go to America with him
That's because she's annexing Prez's college in the name of the Japanese empire.

>spoilerfags literally removed the text to maximize reactions

Attached: 1532531246808.png (317x211, 76K)

This is what I get for having faith in a nip author

I cant fucking believe otter won

Is this the original page or have you made up the dialog?

I cant believe it took so long

>make them kiss
>have them do absolutely nothing for weeks after
Should've just fucking saved the kiss for Christmas then

Attached: 1506890565087.jpg (480x476, 153K)

>implying iceguya will bring drama
Pleasem Iceguya would push Prez down and ride him then and there.

reminds me of this youtube.com/watch?v=exzq9VRhKh0

Got one more, please translate

Attached: oWGIJij.jpg (580x922, 114K)

Please translate this is killing me

Attached: vQrOOY9.jpg (580x865, 121K)

nigga that's chinese

It says "i hate the chinese".

>I'm crashing this Kaguya, With no survivors!

And ching chong to you as well

Attached: b34MMCx.png (858x1300, 466K)

but in the end it didn't even matter


Here's one more chink page and fresh gookscans, came out this very minute mangashow.me/bbs/board.php?bo_table=msm_manga&wr_id=705132

Attached: vU4r8Gm.jpg (580x915, 138K)

>Tianamen square, winnie the pooh, tibet! I don't understand any of it! I don't even know which Kaguya I am!

>>I like Prez too!
>>I want to do the things lovers do too!
>>Why can't you admit it...
>>Even when everybody is thinking the same thing!

>>Ah, Shinomiya
>>You're awake
>>How are you feeling?
>>Don't be surprised by what I'm doing next
>>Got it? Prez

>amerika is in the dialogue


Attached: THISCANTBE.jpg (457x395, 54K)

I told you idiots the college thing wouldn't actually happen
Hope you like shitty "let's meet again in the future" endings!

Did people really expect them to just NOT acknowledge that suddenly agreeing to move to America completely out of nowhere was fucking retarded and pretend that everything was fine for the next dozen chapters? I think a lot of the people in this thread legitimately don't appreciate what a legitimately life-changing decision Kaguya just made at the drop of a hat.
Hell, it was already fucking expected that we'd be getting some Shinomiya drama anyway after Kaguya's dad finds out and tries to stop her. Literally the only difference in this scenario is that it's Kaguya herself talking rather than papa Shinomiya, which if anything is PREFERABLE since it gives Prez and Kaguya a chance to actually talk through their issues rather than some dumb "no I cannot let you marry my daughter" drama or whatever.

>we're getting the timeskip ending

this timeline... Kono timeline.... KONO TIMELINE YURUSANAI, YOUKOMO DA!

Attached: akDONTTESTME.jpg (250x173, 7K)

Oh shit of Fuck

>Don't be surprised by what I'm doing next
>Got it? Prez
K-kaguya, rape is bad, m'kay?

Attached: Slurp.png (272x259, 91K)

>all these different personalities taking over
We Tokyo Ghoul now?

that's fake translation


End page is Iceguya telling Prez she's not going to America with him. Sorry fellas.


Korean scans.
Ice Kaguya takes over in order to sex Prez.

Alert! Alert! Impact in 40 seconds.

Attached: maxresdefault (7).jpg (1280x720, 38K)

>post yfw next chapter is psuedo NTR.
>Kaguya kisses Ishigami on the cheek to say thanks for the food he bought
>Fujiwara comforts wounded prez
>Lino gets convinced to go some place with faceless old man

Attached: urarakajustice.jpg (918x747, 293K)

Is Kaguya mentally ill

Baka is cute.

Attached: Heart.jpg (975x659, 189K)

I'd do a quick TL of this too but ironically I can't into translating Chinese TL'ed Japanese names back into Japanese. The gist is that Iceguya really is pissed at how Bakaguya managed to screw up on advancing their relationship after that ADULT KISS, and wants to basically kidnap/knock out Prez and forcibly take him back to her home for sex

Bravo Aka.

alright the shitposting is getting a bit out of hand, can some koreanbro fuck over the shitposters now?

Kill yourself

>Ice Kaguya-chan
Now that's SSS+ Rare

God, I love Iceguya. I want her to coldly tell me how useless I am.

>It's a き
I caught on. ("This damn character looks so much like き. Let's see what Wikipedia has to say about possible variants".)
I mis-clicked I guess.

Second bubble:

Third bubble (Second panel, first bubble)

Second panel, second bubble

>embarrassed Iceguya
Too cute.

stop lying
accept that the otters won

The last line is literally "One cup of coffee please."
Prior to that she's going on about "It feels like I've been sleeping for a long time". "Hello, Shirogane-san".

Post coital council of Kaguyas leaked!

Attached: Congratulations_on_Becoming_Normal.jpg (700x821, 168K)

That Iceguya-chan:Baka version though.
If Kaguya-chan is S+ rare, Iceguya-chan é S+ EX Rare

Calling all gook anons

Attached: 1493608076293.jpg (600x400, 32K)


>akko was right
well, time to jump ship

ChinkTLfag here. I'm too lazy to actually type out the exact Chink translations used for people to verify with Google Translate, but either way the original Japanese raws will be out soon.

I'm in disbelief myself. I honestly half-thought the otterfags were right, and Aka pulled a DRAMA asspull on us. Iceguya simply assuming control for the dick is a bit too good to be true.

Oh, I don't like this.

>Retarded otterfag falseflagging this hard when we have the translation already
Seriously cut your balls already retard.

She just says she wants one cup of coffee. She does not deny him anything, it's basically a "Hello Shirogane, I want a drink".

>Don't be surprised by what I'm doing next
>Got it? Prez

Attached: 1548731241338.jpg (450x781, 100K)

>Even Ice Kaguya going full baka over the heart
If we've got Baka Iceguya now then how long until we get Ice Bakaguya and the collection is complete?

>ChinkTLfag here

Fuck off retard.

That one is fake, the real one is


dump eet

Attached: 1548792705671.png (195x269, 52K)

>Ottercucks completely assblasted that they need to falseflag translations
Today was a nice day

Attached: 1551314498465.jpg (736x736, 80K)

Now that Kaguya has officially fallen off the deep end.

Would you let me do my job now? Leave her to me.

Attached: NOTSOFAST.jpg (1419x1023, 296K)

Chapter 142 Kaguya wants to make Columbine look like a joke

Attached: 1551141005374.png (398x384, 168K)

Korean bro here
It's actually not as catatrosphic as people say
Although the court battle is about determining whether to sentence Kaguya chan to death for her crimes

I actually like this development.

> I don't need complete control
> All I need is fourty seconds
Kaguya's going to do it!

Attached: 1549205956200.jpg (1933x2833, 2.85M)

gook scans online

What the fuck is this thread?

>This... is a trial.
>A test to defeat my past.

Kaguya in Diavolo's outfit when?

It seems that chink tl I posted earlier might be fake. Only trust the full gook tl please.

Kaguya-chans only crime was being too high IQ for the other Kaguya's to comprehend.

Attached: 1550202778503.png (352x198, 36K)

A pile of falseflagging.

He should, for going full baka.

Leaks I presume, unless its already been a week since tge last chapter

I'm just happy we finally get to see icekaguya interact with prez.

I like how I wouldn't have felt the impact of this if it weren't for the anime. Jag always left out honorifics like a retard, so I didn't know that this was how Ice Kaguya used to call him.

That's Iceguya-chan:Baka version though.
If Kaguya-chan is S+ rare, Iceguya-chan is S+ EX Rare

I'm going to die, how is this fucking manga able to kill me even without the translation

She's the Kaguya that made him pop the biggest boner in his whole life, so I hope it's worth it.

>Ice admits to her feelings, and takes over
>First thing she does is assert dominance by requesting coffee

Attached: Good times.jpg (1280x720, 183K)

Any hints on what the next ch gonna be about?

dumb kaguya worst girl
chika a best

>Regarding Kaguya Shinomiya part 3

Isn't that how Iceguya call Pres?

The hint is that no chapter next week.

They will merge into a singular being.

Jesus, all the shitposters/trolls are out in full force.

Just wait for the Japanese raws.

The chapter is called Kaguya wants 40 seconds

What did she mean by this?

Mate, we don't even know what this chapter is about.

The next chapter tease happens in this part. I can't read though.

Attached: Next chapter.jpg (1080x118, 38K)

This multiple personality shit is going to get really retarded if it's used for anything other then one off jokes

Attached: 1548284692687.png (464x452, 187K)

ikr, this kind of mental instablity turns her from best girl to worst girl instantly

Of the century


Attached: 1547954948202.png (792x539, 80K)

Well, that was pretty much what I expected.
Otterfags were falseflagging as usual. Can't we just stop listening to those retards once and for all?

Why are we still here? Just to suffer?

Attached: 1550947214226.png (1500x1500, 560K)

looks like icekaguya is mad because bakaguya is the one who got to kiss him

I bet the tl;dr and the punchline will be that Iceguya is just jealous that she can't do couple things with Shirogane, while even Bakaguya did.

you know thats not whats fucking happening JACKASS




Attached: maygodsmitethisartist.jpg (616x401, 56K)

Sorry about the timing but... break next week. I think.


> Next council of Kaguyas
> Subject F shows up
> How did you get here, mortal?!

Attached: why are you here human.png (500x1211, 269K)

Lets try to predict next chap, i start.
>iceguya starts talking about their relationship but in a realistic perspective
>"my family, yada yada..."
>prez understands and stays silent while she speaks
>at the end of it all prez says something along the lines of "i will fight for you"
>iceguya goes doki doki
>Last panel is iceguya small internal monologue and a brilliant and warm smile while saying to prez "i love you, miyuki"

>people thinking this will play out for drama and not laughs
holy fuck when has there ever been drama on this series? the fireworks and Ishigami arc where the only ones that came close and even then they were not that big of drama.

>I'm assuming control

Attached: 1533649247424.jpg (1920x1080, 351K)



Attached: WAITWHAT.jpg (580x580, 196K)

that would be shit. This iceguya shit needs to go on for atleast 2 more chapters sadly to have anymore effect other than of filler.

I don't understand how they think this will backtrack when even Iceguya is making this face

You know what would be cool
If Prez just says fuck it and takes on whatever Iceguya might throw at him like a hot blooded man
It would redeem how retarded he was at 139 too

>Everyone ignoring Korean scans to falseflag results

Attached: That's gay.jpg (768x768, 190K)


We will probably get a flashback chapter
With Ice queen Kaguya and Prez in the student council

Attached: 19a.png (793x1200, 341K)

to clear things up. Iceguya is literally furious for bakaguya's actions since oddly she's the one that wants love the most.
tl;dr she wants progress instead of foolishness

Finally, some Japanese
>Next chapter, the first kiss hasn't ended

It's rape, then.

isn't asking for coffee the same as asking for sex
or is it that only applies when a girl invites you coffee inside her house?

In two weeks.

This. She's mad that she isn't the one who got to kiss him as well.

All of the signs point towards rape

Trolls pissed me off enough to type the chink verbatim. Run it through Google Translate.

>>要我说 直接把会长弄晕 然后绑到家里就行了
>>[检察官 Iceguya] (this part wasn't translated to chink)
>>[维护人 Shinomiya Kaguya] (this part wasn't translated to chink)
>>那可是大人的吻! 柏木同学也说了的吧
>>而且! 还做出了那种羞耻的事!

I cannot exclude the possibility that the chink pages were Chinese trolls in the first place, but it is remote.

Get fucked otterfags and trolls.

Hot Coffee?

Otterfag was right all along.

leave the autist, otterfags and newfags to argue among themselves. they dont deserve this

Attached: 1544282689896.png (724x709, 375K)


I think she complains that she's the one who first fell in love with him, and yet she's the side who hasn't done anything and the others just fuck things up.

>implying we won't be getting dom kaguya
>when aka foreshadowed it already

> Iceguya tells him her family would take her away if they got wind of their relationship
> Prez paraphrases his moongazing speech that he would never let go of Kaguya
> waterfall.jpg

It's fake. These are real

Holy shit is Ice Kaguya ACTUALLY gonna rape Prez?

The Korean scans also say the same thing. Icekaguya loves Shirogane just as much as any other Kaguya.

Not until Prez-Kaguya's relationship is resolved they won't stop falseflagging so let's wait it out

Attached: kaguyapeekded.png (101x100, 12K)

oh god I wish it was rape

Chinks just put random shit into the empty bubbles for shit and giggles. Korean scans are the normal ones.

This, they pushed Iceguya's button one too many times when all other kaguyas accused Iceguya that she is only rational because she don't love prez, when in reality she was the one who fell for prez first among all the personalities and the one who is thinking about the situation the most
She started going completely ballistic, killed Kaguya chan,and assumed direct control
I expect Prez to get a good dicking next chapter by Iceguya


Amazing, a whole thread of intense shot posting, and then in the end it turns out she just really wants to fuck him.

it implies that she had enough of bakaguya
she wants to take control and do it herself

Ahh you're right. They're troll pages.
Hilariously, if you're right, they're also pretty close to what's actually happening.

we all want to fuck him desu.

>IceKaguya so annoyed at the others making a mess out of things, while she sits there being sidelined despite being the one who first fell for Prez
>Comes back full force and blocks off any potential bullshit
>She actually went baka for a moment as well when admitting to loving him just as much
Ice is literally best girl.

Attached: Death.png (352x649, 216K)

> In the end
It was in the beginning since chapter 1, user.

>she just really wants to fuck him.
Don't we all?

Another good 'ol leak thread

Pneumaguya fucking when?

yeah. she pretty much just fucks up the kaguya council, tells them she wants progress and then takes control.

Attached: I'm_Gonna_Like_It.jpg (448x488, 51K)

40 seconds route UNLOCKED

Another detail is that Kaguya-chan and vanilla Kaguya is on the side of kissing the man, while Iceguya is on the side of BEING kissed by the man

The moral here is that even split personalities have their own kinks


She's dead.

Attached: How cute Hayasaka.png (250x388, 44K)

I can't read gook. I'm at the mercy of self-proclaimed gook readers.

Iceguya is right, bakaguya fucked up everything and deserves death.

Where are the otterfags now, huh?

Good riddance. Iceguya is going to make actual progress now.

Iceguya-chan is better.

That's a leak thread for you, I wonder how many times this exact same thing has to happen before people stop immediately assuming the worst about these developments.

Isn't that just Ice wanting Prez to take the initiative because it'd be her loss otherwise? Or is she actually saying how she prefers it if it the man initiates?

iceguya is a romantic
bakaguya is lewd basically

Next chapter:
> Kaguya forces herself on Prez
> He's confused and scared
> She commands him to kiss her, baka.
> She knocks him on the desk
> He gets his head and gets KO'd.
> Rapeguya is too lost in passion to notice
> Next day
> Prez remembers nothing

>I-it'll just be bait
>>Prez fully confesses to Kaguya
>Well, Kaguya will backtrack out of it in the next chapter!
>>Kaguya kisses Prez
>But it was covered by the heart we don't know if they actually kissed!
>>Next chapter shows the kiss uncensored
>Well, it's not like they used tongue or anything!
>>We get a full chapter of Hayasaka calling Kaguya a slut for suddenly shoving her tongue down Prez's throat
>W-well Ice Kaguya is gonna back out of it now, say goodbye to progress!
>>Ice Kaguya is literally just taking control because she wants to fuck Pres and is pissed that the others keep fucking it up.
How will Aka BTFO otterposters next week?

I can't believe Kaguya chan is fucking dead!

It's time for Ice kaguya to fix this mess

Attached: Ice queen.jpg (395x580, 77K)

Ice Kaguya is a pure maiden!

Waiting until tomorrow to falseflag again with the retards who missed this thread.

My time has come. I have spent 19 years learning Chinese for this one purpose.
>Box: Kaguya(Ice)
>Let's just knock Prez out and bring him back home, and that'll be it.
>Isn't that illegal?
>Box: Shinomiya Kaguya (Strongman? I can't make out the middle one)
>If it's possible, I'd like to be romantic too...
>Isn't this the right thing to do?
>That's for adults! Kashiwagi said so as well!
>Why is it that we must pay?give?concede?
>But then fucking nothing happened!
>Furthermore, we did such embarrassing things!
I realise my translation is not the best, but I'm just happy to be able to translate chink.

I know his is a romcom manga but somehow Kaguya's Multiple personality disorder strikes me in the my fear nerves
like an intern in the insane asylum

Attached: 1514923850687.jpg (550x550, 47K)

We just went through this.

I have to agree, especially the "ribbon is an on/off switch". It's just way too stupid

Chika best girl


I know what do you mean. I have been in deep depresion for 2 days. The author got it too fucking close to home. Literally cant read this chapter.

Is Iceguya an otter?

well fuck me
Will I never get to be useful as a chink speaker

I told you nerds Ice Kaguya was best Kaguya.

We'll see who's laughing after Ice Kaguya rapes Pres and he's so traumatised that it completely destroys their relationship, right otterbros?

Everyone has known that since the birthday chapter.

Oh, how the tables have turned.


Attached: imaginenotkissingaboyyet.png (334x455, 85K)

not really. she's basically 'fuck that shit and stop doing stupid things already and let me handle this then we can get kissed" kind of girl

Stop otterposting. Even falseflagging is bad because it makes them think they have support here.

someone post the endangered otters picture I'm at work and don't have my shitposting folder

>Kaguya is literally this gay shit in pic related

Attached: 3C51BEB2-A280-427B-8668-F1E3B6206609.png (500x522, 99K)

ffs someone dump the full thing and gookanons get on it

No, she wants to get to the proper dicking as fast as possible.

>facebook-tier 'meme'
fuck off normalfag


Otterfags otterly BTFO

will kaguya be getting her 4 pages after the break?
will iino join in?
will maki ever be happy?

Now we can troll anime fags that Kaguya fucking dies from Ilness

You know the drill.
Laugh at otterfags.

Attached: 1551419390960.png (201x560, 46K)

Otterfags status: humiliated again.

I'll laugh when I see a proper translation.

>will maki ever be happy?
Maki will probably die alone in a empty office, thinking of what could have been.

>will maki ever be happy?

What are Otterfags ? somebody help im new.

Lurk moar

I hope she wouldn't go away so soon. I need to see her and others interact besides Shirogane.

And Miko will either be murdered by her abusive husband, surrounded by six to ten malnourished and beaten kids.

Attached: 1551067333763.png (447x543, 272K)

Fujiwara will likely do some ritual to exorcise her.

Ishigami wouldn't do that.

The actual literallyme character.

Dont celebrate way too early, otternigger.

oh my...

Do you really want to traumatize Ishigami?

Some fags that appropriated an old Nisekoi thread meme once it was clear they were gonna get together around chapter 136. Purely shitposting

I'm curious to see Ishigami's reaction

Where the fuck are my gook TLs?

Wakey wakey

>Ishigami is also Icekaguyas second favorite

Sorry I'm at work. What people have been saying is more or less correct.

JB assassinated gookanon

Attached: 052 (1).jpg (1200x900, 144K)

Yeah sure. Everybody is saying different things

That's way beyond creepy.


Attached: hey.gif (477x512, 3.3M)

That's how it is
To become someone who could be loved
She abandoned her original self
But that self still wants to be loved

Attached: 1546355738676.jpg (1280x720, 41K)

> Hot side: Wants to fuck
> Ice side: Wants to be fucked
There's literally nothing creepy about cute girls wanting dick.

I like it more when the different Kaguyas just represented her different thoughts and perspectives on things, not actual different personalities. She legit comes off like she has some sad mental disease that needs to be addressed or something.

> incoming shipperwars between Bakaguyafags and Iceguyafags

That's some next level shit right there.

Hopefully Iceguya goes on to Homucifer rant about how much she loves Prez the next chapter.

They are all her, this is a reason vs emotions kind of deal, even if they all want to fuck. The girl she was vs the girl she is and her retarded sister.


>I like it more when the different Kaguyas just represented her different thoughts and perspectives on things
That's exactly that.

Ice had always been open about her craving for his ____

It is said that she is mentally unstable, but this is a whole new level.

A fucking (((chika))) thread. You'll regret it, (You).

having the need to shatter your own conscience into pieces for some boi's dick is creepy user

Attached: Wait.jpg (721x719, 55K)

Ice Kaguya is just a cartoony way of representing how Kaguya represses/compartmentalises her emotions. Kaguya has spent the past couple chapters completely overwhelmed by her emotions, and now she's completely "shutting them off" or whatever so she can actually just sort her shit out with Prez once and for all.

Based otterposter.

Actually she used to be way more mentally unstable/ yandere in earlier chapters

Kaguya just wants to imagine what it's like to have 9 more copies of herself running around and frolicking in the grass.

Attached: 1551142795180.jpg (736x920, 156K)

go away animefag

This. Aka's a fucking lazy hack. First the Ishimiko cliché bullshit, now this crap. I hope this crap gets axed soon.

9 kids from 1 girl alone is hard.
Divide it by 3 (3 from Ice, 3 from baka, 3 from Kaguya), it gets easier.
Pure logic.

>She legit comes off like she has some sad mental disease that needs to be addressed or something.
The doctor did diagnose her with being lovestruck.

>the doomposting was for nothing AGAIN
How many times are we going to have this shit? Where does all this pessimism and anxiety even come from? Definitely not anything that's in Kaguya

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>Where does all this pessimism and anxiety even come from?
From anyone who has read any other japanese romcom

I want to be look down upon by iceguy.

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From people who don't read the series and just try to stir up shit.

This desu. If the mental strain of being in an unrequited love doesn't shatter your psyche into fragments then it's not love.

Impatient children who just want Kaguya and Prez to fuck already, probably.

>Impatient children who just want Kaguya and Prez to fuck already, probably.
So, Iceguya samefagging?

F forty seconds to what?

Aka has shown an awareness when it comes to shitty romcom cliches, but ultimately Kaguya-sama is still cut from the same cloth as most romcoms and also has its own moments of shittiness. It could easily turn to shit.

The real Kaguya is back... in black

¡Man of no faith!
Trust in our god and savior Aka, for he will bring upon a new age to romcon, and banish the filthy cliches that keep the reader in an unending loop with no develop for YEARS, only to kill our hopes with a shitty ending.

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otterbros got incinerated by based aka, lmao

what the fuck