This is Akane in her real life, say something nice

Attached: videoplayback.jpg (1280x720, 156K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Real life Akane >>>>>>> 2D Akane. She is fucking gorgeous ;;


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She was a good friend for Rikka.

>lol escapism is bad just b urself
unironically worse then Franxx TTGL ripoff then bullshit reincarnation ending


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Shut up Mewt, you're going back like it or not.

So just Rikka with a scarf?

Looks abit like Inoue Yuka dont you think?

Attached: Gridman 02.mkv_snapshot_10.15_[2018.07.09_02.32.32].png (1920x1080, 1.6M)

Fuck off Doned, get back in your wheelchair

Will we see IRL Yuta?

Attached: usoooo.webm (1280x720, 1.99M)


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What if she had been a fat ugly otaku, instead? I wonder how things would have played out.

You'll end up with WataTen instead

Attached: Shinjou_akane_and_hoshino_miyako.jpg (600x600, 74K)

Uglier Rikka

Well they are the same person, right?

Stop trying so fucking hard to "troll" with this nonsense.

Well, judging by the pics of "real" her, it's certainly possible.

No, it's not possible at all. Because it's already been officially stated they're not the same person. You just keep ignoring this because you want to shitpost and try to "trigger" people.


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Attached: [HorribleSubs] SSSS.Gridman - 07 [720p].mkv_snapshot_20.59_[2018.11.18_04.39.44].jpg (1280x720, 101K)

See? Thanks for making it obvious the only reason you are saying this is to shitpost.

Notice how you, yet again, refuse to acknowledge you have been proving wrong by straight up official citation.

Any cute Akarikka?

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now that's gay

God I hope not, don't want to get use to her disgusting 3d self.

I shouldn't of looked

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V-Cinema when?

Attached: akane irl.jpg (1136x640, 59K)

she looks nothing like Rikka

bro stop with your autism and ignore the shitposter. you called him on his shit already. your part of the problem too


That's right, she's a perfect fusion of both her avatar and her virtual friend.

This. /u/bros keep on shiping Akarikka

>just let some retard spam and shit up threads while trying to spread lies and misinformation for the sake of making threads bad and wanting no one to post in them

Are you actually retarded?

Like translation misinfo?

>feed the shitposter (You)s
it's like your not even trying to hide where you're from

She's actually pretty cute.

Glad they're getting some use out of that promotional suit.

Explain how telling you to stop attacking people and trying to "troll" by spreading misinformation to be "anti yuri" (while you're not really against yuri, you're just pretending to be for the sake of causing fights) is ruining threads? Why is it not you who's ruining threads?

Gridman threads should unironically be banned on Yea Forums, and be /m/ only.

Gridman threads are good for containing (((him)))

There is no "him". You are the problem here. Notice how you won't even pretend to address that you're the one always starting shit.

Aren't you always calling "him" out, though? What do you mean there's no "him"?

Yeah, exactly. Like you trying to pretend you know Japanese and then claiming that anything and everything other people say is wrong just because your goal is to be "anti yuri" and start fights in these threads, so you can pretend you made some "epic flame war". And of course, you never actually site actual rules and grammar of Japanese to prove things are wrong, you just spam as much as you can.

No one who's not a shitposter would say "(((him)))". Meaning it's obvious who this post belongs to.

What's wrong with coincidence brackets?

It's straight up Yea Forums shitposting.

No no, you're supposed to cite the /pol/ boogeyman.

Spamming brackets around shit is something from Yea Forums, not /pol/.

I can't believe how fucking new you are.
You DO know what it means, right?

Yes, it's obvious what Yea Forums shitposters mean when they say it. And the irony, again, is you trying to call people new when you say she like "(you)s" and spam brackets. Trying to pretend those are somehow marks of an "oldfag". And of course, how you refuse to use sage and bumping your shit thread.

Okay, so you don't actually know what ((())) means.

It means you're a shitposter from Yea Forums.
>still refusing to use sage
>still not address how new you are
Irony galore.

yuri or not, atleast it didn't ended on a possible het end and what's more is that miyamoto and hasegawa denied of it ever happens.

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>since OP is not saging his own thread, he's a newfag
Stop trying to fit in.

not every crossboard meme is from Yea Forums you newfag retard, furthermore ((())) isn’t limited to just /pol/ or /int/

Nah, since you're not using sage in a thread that's full of shitposting you're a newfag.
Stop being literally retarded and failing to understand everything said to you.

No, you still do not know what it means, you're just pretending so you don't like a fool.

Also, I don't feel like saging, and I've been here for 13 years.

Imagine being so subhuman you unironically use this word.
And yeah, obviously not all shitposting comes from Yea Forums. Just what you are doing right now.

>i've been here for 13 years but i still try to lie over the internet and give my word as proof
>im not a newfag!!!!!
And it's funny, because the more you get blown the fuck out, the more you shitpost, just look at how you started samefagging.

Clearly, you're the newfag here, needing Yea Forums culture explained to you.

>implying i come from Yea Forums
>implying ((())) comes from Yea Forums
funny considering how you’re the guy who claimed to be a global on csgo and some other shit on wow

You going out of your way to post with your phone and PC at the same time doesn't make you more than one person.
Everyone who tells you to stop shitposting and ruining threads is not the same person.
And no one needs anything explained to them, well, other than you. The sheer irony of you trying to lie and give your word as proof over Yea Forums then pretending you understand Yea Forums culture.

Stay ignorant, (((friend))).

>Everyone who tells you to stop shitposting and ruining threads is not the same person.
This is some fine projection.

You try to pretend you know Japanese and then claiming that anything and everything other people say is wrong. And of course, you never actually site actual rules and grammar of Japanese to prove things are wrong, you just spam as much as you can.

Stay extremely try-hard, retard. No one will ever listen to anything you say because you're just so stupid.

Do you really think people don't notice that you just say "projecting" in place of "no u". You couldn't actually explain what projecting means even if you tried.
And of course, it's still obvious that both of these posts are yours, and that you will never explain how it's anyone other than you ruining these threads. You will also never acknowledge the posts where you out right admit you're trying to ruin threads.

Okay, (((~Anonymous~))).

only Yea Forumsedditors who only post in Yea Forums would think that ((())) is from Yea Forums

Look at how you put so much effort into posting twice in the same minute because you want so desperately bad to think you look like more than one person. Look at how you literally refuse to accept that your assumptions are not reality.


It's also really obvious who you are because you literally refuse to stop replying just for the sake of replying. You are literally obsessed with having "the last word", you don't even pretend to address what people say to you. You just reply.

Okay, (((~Anonymous~))).

What's it like being so literally autistic you can't break your obvious behavior patterns even after people straight up spell them out for you?

What's it like samefagging yourself in that madoka thread and having to write out two threads worth of shitposts at once?

So what's happening

I like how you get so ass hurt when people call you out on samefagging. Then you turn around and try to call out everyone else on samefagging.

>break your obvious behavior patterns even after people straight up spell them out for you?
Also, why would I?

Why? So it's not so obvious you're samefagging, of course.

Just the usual Gridman discussion. Hence why it should be banished to /m/.

Because I don't want to lie, isn't that obvious?

So you're literally admitting to samefagging, how funny.
But you lie all the time either way.

No I don't, that's just my dissociative identity disorder.

Why do you care so much about shitposting and spamming like this? Why not do ANYTHING else with your life?