Reminder that Nonon Jakazure is gone. She'll never have another voiced line. She'll never have a cute spin off anime where she's living a slice of life in a music classroom. She'll never say Nani Sore ever again.
Nonon is gone. We'll never see anything new about her again.
Wait really? It's been 6 years already? God damn time flies. I remember browsing Yea Forums and there were no signs of KLK threads ending anytime soon.
Joshua Sanders
This show really went to absolute shit after the elite four fights. All that alien nonsense was so fucking retarded
Daniel Russell
It is a fighting game with a new alternate storyline with Satsuki as the main.
Kill la Kill was the first show I watched with Yea Forums Well actually it was watamote from earlier in the summer but I wasn't around from the beginning
Elijah Sanchez
kill la kill saved anime
Bentley Phillips
oh boy another budgety trash generic anime tie-in 3d brawler zzzz oh but this time it has MY favorite animes in it which makes it good