>Normalfags are going to watch JoJo now
It's over
Normalfags are going to watch JoJo now
Other urls found in this thread:
>implying jojo wasn't normie as shit already
>Yea Forums after 2013
>jojo threads after 2012
disgusting reddit tourists
saint patrons of this board
welcome to 2012
Normalfags are the only people who watch Jojo already.
is this were we post >now
Stfu dumb bitch this gay series wasn't even known until 4 years ago. All of you are normalfags
discord trannies do not count as Yea Forums
This is the jojo fanbase before the 2012 anime
Fucking awful.
I knew a lot of people who knew about Stardust Crusaders at the very least, and I knew an equal amount of people who played Heritage For The Future. JJBA isn't really that fucking underground my dude.
I love that video so much.
discord falseflag general
continued from
Will they fix the name changes
lmao no, that's never going away. Enjoy Zipper Man.
They look exactly how I imagine Yea Forums.
>are going to
>Turtle guy
I think he was making fun of the rest.
Jojo's already gone to the masses, so this will only allow more people to autistically jojo pose.
JoJo is a great series that deserves more recognition in the West.
Sadly this will make JoJo threads on Yea Forums beyond trash now though
>Implying Yea Forums was at some point not trash
Normalfags will only watch it for the memes.
Jojo was already in Hulu
Are you kidding? It's already popular with normalfags.
Jojo has been normalfag tier for years now what the fuck
Normalfags already watch Jojos???
>newfags ACTUALLY think this will change anything
The anime ruined the fanbase. The only time it was decent after the anime was on /vg/'s ASB threads. Ever since it relased and people forgot, there's been no place where it wasn't shit.
>implying anything relating to jojo can be shit.
I would assume JoJo would look too faggy even for normalfags to watch.
They'll only watch the first 3 seasons, then it'll get real faggy and they'll drop it. Don't worry, it won't ruin it for you, just don't bring it up because the bullying will only get worse if you do.
This picture does not apply to this board, Jojolion is the most recent product but it is not officially licensed by Viz at the moment, thus it cannot be affected by overseas input, especially given Araki's fame in Japan being far greater.
Regardless of how big the anime gets, the disconnect between Japan and the west in terms of actually reading the story is too large to be worth anything.
>t. wasn't part of the fun
jojo has had a huge female/fujo fanbase since the 90s, how new are you?